Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongFor the last two weeks I addressed Paul’s comments on God choosing us
And I knew it was (pre)destined to be controversial
But the focus on that word also caused us to step away from the big picture of Paul’s teaching in Chapter 1
So today, we’re going to set that subject matter aside for a time
Because we need to consider other, equally important concepts that Paul raises next
So let’s remember where we’ve been going in this chapter
Paul is explaining how God has prepared a glorious future for believers
He has blessed us with spiritual blessings in heavenly places
These blessings are far greater than those to be found here in this life
Furthermore, the Lord has obtained them for us
We don’t earn them, we don’t secure them, we simply receive them
Then I said Paul goes forward to explain how each member of the Godhead works to assure us of these blessings
Over the past two weeks, we’ve been studying the role of the Father specifically
And in summary, Paul taught that the Father’s role in assuring us a place in the Son’s inheritance was by choosing us
The Father chose to adopt us, predestining us to our place in the family of God
Obviously, the Father’s role was pretty significant
Because without His decision in our favor, nothing else in the plan could work for us
So our assurance of heavenly glory, heavenly blessings, heavenly inheritance began with the Father’s choice
But it didn’t end there…
Paul begins v.7 with “in Him”
Since we’re dropping into the middle of this passage, we have to glance back up the page to determine who the “Him” is in this case
Notice the final word at the end of v.6 is “the Beloved,” which clearly refers to the Son
The Son is the One beloved by the Father, therefore, “in Him" is a reference to Christ
That tells us that Paul is now moving on to explain Jesus’ role in securing our eternal future
Of course, any discussion of Christ’s work on our behalf must begin with His work in dying in our place on the cross to cleanse us from our sins
And that’s exactly where Paul starts
Paul says in Christ we have redemption through His blood
The Greek word Paul uses translated redemption is apolytrosis, which means to buy back a slave and set him free
We were slaves, but Jesus paid the ransom to set us free
Redemption, or to be ransomed, is a common way the New Testament describes our salvation
Because in truth, we each began our life as slaves, in bondage to a master
Hebrews tells us every human being enters life a slave to sin and to sin’s penalty, eternal death
We live with that sentence hanging over our head because Adam chose to sin
Adam was humanity’s representative, and when he fell he cast humanity’s lot in with Satan’s
Spiritually-speaking, he traded innocence for slavery
Hebrews says the devil became our master, controlling us through a fear of death
Imagine you were in a gang of thieves and murderers
You were guilty of many crimes and you knew that if you sought mercy from the police, you would be condemned for your crimes
The only friend you have is the gang leader
But he’s no friend at all
He seeks only to cause more death, destruction and chaos
So he controls you through fear, knowing you can’t escape your circumstances since you’re a criminal just like him
You’re stuck…you’re a slave to the gang leader, living in fear of the law and without hope of a rescue
Into those circumstances Christ stepped, and paid your ransom and set you free from the fear of death that allowed the enemy to enslave you
Paul says in v.7 that the price Christ paid for you was His blood
Since your crimes (i.e., your sin) deserved death, the only payment that Christ could make was a death
He couldn’t bargain the price lower, for the Father set the price in the Garden
He had to spill His lifeblood to pay the price for your sin
That payment bought you out of slavery permitting the Father to be just, as He forgave your sins on the cross
We know the Father chose us to be adopted as a child, but that decision by itself would have been unjust without a payment for sin
If you and your gang were arrested and taken to court for judgment of your crimes, a righteous judge couldn’t let you go free without just cause
The judge would need just cause for acquitting you
Similarly, the Father needs just cause to acquit you and bring you into the family of God
Paul says that in Christ was the One Who gave the Father just cause to forgive us of our crimes, our transgressions
Jesus’ ransom payment was an acceptable substitute for your debt
Paul compares Christ’s act on the cross to Adam’s act in the Garden
Adam’s decision plunged many into sin and judgment
But Christ’s poured out His life as a gift, so by that gift of grace many can be ransomed
So now we extend our understanding of the word grace in scripture
Last week we said that grace is not an offer of salvation but is the decision of the Father to include us in His plan of adoption
Grace is the finished work of God to save us while we were yet sinners and enemies of God
Before we knew we needed a Savior He had already chosen us for salvation
But now Paul says God’s grace (i.e., His unmerited favor toward us) goes even farther
God’s favor is evident in that He would put His own Son on the cross
It’s one thing to say God’s grace chose to grant us mercy and rescue us from our predicament
But it’s another thing to say that God’s choosing us required His Son die for us
God’s grace is the Father choosing us, and God’s grace is the Son dying for us
But the grace of God in the Son doesn’t end there even
Paul says the grace of God in the Son is lavished upon us in yet another way
Remember, vs.3-14 is a single sentence in the Greek language, so we have to cut it into digestible pieces
Let’s cut the next piece from the middle of v.8 through to the middle of v.10
That section reads…
Here we have the second way in which we receive grace in Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ is our source for all wisdom and insight
As you can probably tell, Paul is referring to Jesus Christ as the revealed word of God
God’s grace goes a step further in providing all spiritual wisdom to the believer through the Word
And the Lord’s grace brings us all spiritual insight, which is different than wisdom
The wisdom God grants us through His word is spiritual truth, spiritual realities of who God is, Who we are and what the future holds
It’s knowledge we can know only if God chooses to reveal it to us
We’re talking about spiritual truth that lies outside the ability of human beings to discover on their own
No amount of searching, philosophizing, study or observation could ever discover God truly much less understand all that He has planned for Creation
Notice in v.9 Paul says Christ makes known to us the mystery of His will
Truly, God’s will is a mystery to fallen mankind
As Paul says in 1 Corinthians
Since mankind can’t find spiritual wisdom, God must reveal Himself to us
Only by the kind intention, which the Father purposed to achieve in Christ, can we understand God
By His grace extended to believers, He gives us His word in His Son
Jesus Christ taught the disciples who then taught us
But even before that, Christ was speaking to men through the prophets
He is the Word, Who gives us an understanding of the Father
Notice also this understanding is only for the believer, as a matter of God’s grace
Those who aren’t chosen to receive grace do not receive the wisdom of God either
In fact, the ability to understand and appreciate the word of God is a sign of a person’s salvation
Paul says the word of God is utter foolishness to the unbeliever
It’s literally impossible for the unbeliever to grasp what the Bible says in spiritual terms
Certainly, an unbeliever can read the words and pick up a degree of understanding
They can understand the story of Noah or Abraham or even Jesus to a degree, in a human sense
In the same way they can read Moby Dick or Tom Sawyer
But the spiritual meaning of the text lies beyond their grasp
They can’t see it for themselves no matter how long they search
And even if someone were to explain it to them, they will still reject it
This is exactly what happened when the Word Himself spoke scripture to the Pharisees who were not believing
Only those who are being saved by God can recognize the word of God as the power of God in our lives
And we hear it because the Son has given us the grace to do so
In the Bible, believers are often called the sheep of God
And Christ is our Good Shepherd
Using this analogy, Jesus explained why the Pharisees couldn’t grasp the meaning of His words
So understanding the word of God is something uniquely available for God’s sheep, those chosen of the Father for salvation
Which makes it all the more surprising how few believers take advantage of this grace made available in Christ
So many believers today and over the centuries have turned a blind eye to the scriptures
Consider that these words we hold in our hands are the manifestation of the unmerited favor of a Holy God to His children
How much attention do these words deserve in our daily life?
Peter says:
Peter says that everything that pertains to our life on earth and to our godliness is found in the true knowledge of Him Who called us
Certainly, there are other sources of human knowledge, that is knowledge of the world we’ve constructed, of our history, science and the like
Peter isn’t denying those sources
He’s speaking of spiritual truths about life and pleasing God
For the believer, the word of God is sufficient to bring us to where God wants us to be
And yet so few Christians are placing the proper priority on the pursuit of that wisdom
Even those who give some time to Bible study do so sporadically
And only when that pursuit is convenient
I’m a firm believer you can’t spend too much time in the word of God
So I challenge you to up your game in this area of your life
God has extended His grace to you in the form of His word
Drink it in, take as much of it as you can get
As much as you value His grace in choosing you and in dying for you, then appreciate His grace in teaching you
Knowing that learning the word of God brings its own rewards
Secondly, Paul says we have the grace of all insight from Christ
Insight refers to our appreciation of God’s will for our life
It refers to knowing what Christ is calling us to do, how He wants us to live to please Him
Insight builds on wisdom, of course
As we come to understand spiritual truth we will be in a better position to understand Christ’s will for us
When He asks us to sacrifice some pleasure in our life, the word of God explains why
When He calls us to endure persecution or trial, the word of God explain why it’s important to persevere
If you don’t study scripture, you can still hear from the Lord for that is grace by itself
But without the counsel of His word, you may not understand why you should listen and obey
And just like spiritual wisdom, spiritual insight is a foreign notion to an unbeliever
Have you ever told a person you knew was an unbeliever that Jesus told you something or is leading you to do something?
Doesn’t that person give you the RCA Victor dog look? (Head tilted, eyebrow raised)
They wonder if you’re making it up, or maybe you’re a little too zealous about your religion
That’s another example of how the Lord distinguishes His children by His grace
He speaks to us by Christ and we hear Him
His voice won’t be audible necessarily, and we won’t always obey what we hear
But we do know what He says, as Jesus says
That’s insight, and it’s another outpouring of God’s grace
In vs.8-9 Paul adds that having wisdom and insight are evidence that the Lord has lavished even more grace upon us
These things didn’t have to be a part of God’s plan in saving us
It’s easy to take them for granted, as if they were inevitable
But Paul says our opportunity to understand spiritual truth and to know God’s will in our life is grace upon grace
He could have just sent His Son and paid our ransom and left it at that
Eventually, we would have gone home to be with Christ
And in that moment we would have been given full spiritual wisdom and insight in a moment
But God’s grace to us is greater than that, it overflows, it abounds, it is lavished upon us
He wants to teach us about Himself by His word to help us understand His ways
Because the Lord knows the more we know Him, the more we will want to be like Him
So that as we live according to His word, he will lead us into godliness
And godliness will yield the peaceful fruit of righteousness
Finally, Paul say in v.10 that this grace is intended to be an administration suitable until the fullness of the times
The Greek word translated administration means under management
That is to say the grace of God in His word and in the revelation of His will are His appointed tools to manage us for a time
For as long as we live in these earthly bodies and await the riches of our inheritance, we live under management of God’s word
This administration will continue until the fullness or fulfillment of these times or until this age is closed
So God has extended grace upon grace to His adopted children
Even after He chose us and after His Son died for us, He gave us His word and the counsel of His will to manage our lives for this time
We’re managed until we receive new bodies and our heavenly inheritance
And Paul says the wisdom and insight of Christ are suitable until the age concludes
The word suitable doesn’t appear in the original Greek
A better way to phrase Paul’s meaning would be “for the purpose of managing until the age’s fulfillment”
Today we studied two ways in which Jesus extends His grace to the believer
His death paid a ransom to free you from your slavery to sin and granted you forgiveness for your sins
And His word gives you a knowledge of the God Who saved you
His grace allows you to know God’s will for your life so that you may walk in a manner that pleases Him
There are yet two more ways in which God has poured out His grace to us in His Son
We’ll study those next week
Followed by the grace of God given in the word of the Third Person of the Godhead, the Spirit of God
As we said, it’s grace upon grace from God
One Bible scholar took time to count the many ways in which the Lord bestows His grace upon His children
He stopped counting at 33 ways
Certainly, 33 ways is a lot, but I don’t know if his count was accurate or complete
It wouldn’t surprise me if that count is actually infinite
And we’ve only begun to scratch the surface in knowing what God has done for us
Are you taking advantage of all the grace God has extended to you?
Have you received Christ as Savior?
If so, have you taken His word to heart?
Do read it daily, study it intently, meditate on it earnestly and obey faithfully?
And do you consult His will prayerfully?
Do you seek His counsel? Do you slow down enough to give Him time to direct your steps? Are you sensitive to His leading?
Let’s make our goal be soaking in all the grace God has offered to His children, not wishing to miss any of it