Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongGabriel’s prophecy continues from the end of Chapter 11, directly into Chapter 12 and still set in the same moment of the future
It’s important to note how Chapter 12 begins: with a time reference tied to Chapter 11
The events of this chapter are “at that time”
The time is the time of Tribulation, as the antichrist rises to power and then is defeated
We could say, “in those days”
It is then that Michael, a great prince or angel, will arise
Interestingly, he’s identified as the angel assigned to guard the people of Israel
As a great prince, Michael seems to be the highest angel
And therefore, it’s noteworthy that the Lord has assigned his highest angel to protect the people of Israel
The arising of Michael implies he moves to accomplish something God has planned
He arises to bring the Age of the Gentiles to an end, so that Israel may be returned to her place of glory
And the first order of business for the angel is to battle against the antichrist and his forces
But v.1 isn’t strictly speaking of a single battle, but rather, it’s describing the entire period of Tribulation
This period is a time of destruction and distress unparalleled in human history
This fact alone proves that the period described in Chapter 11 has yet to happen
For were it describing events of the past, we could say that worse things have come since (e.g., WWII, etc.)
But Gabriel says that Michael’s rise for Israel happens in an unprecedented period of distress for the nation
But we also know from Daniel 9 that this seven-year period was decreed against Israel for six reasons that are all to Israel’s benefit
It leads to glory for the people of Israel, since it brings Israel back into the bond of the Covenant
And this permits God to grant the people His promises of the Kingdom
Therefore, the end of v.1 says that many of Daniel’s people will be rescued
To be rescued could mean many things, but v.1 makes clear the context of rescue
Those who are rescued are those who are found “written in the book”
This book here is the Book of Life, the book in which are inscribed the names of all who will inherit eternal life
The book is mentioned in various places in the Bible, particularly in Revelation
The Book of Life holds the names of all those who are saints and destined for eternal life in the Kingdom
But those whose names are not found in this book are the unbelieving, the damned
Obviously, the book holds the names of both Jew and Gentile
In this case, we’re talking about Daniel’s “people”, which refers to Israel
So Gabriel says those who are found in this book are being rescued in these difficult days
Therefore, to be rescued would mean to be saved eternally
It’s an indication of a person coming to salvation during these difficult days
Revelation tells us about the evangelistic power of Tribulation
An army of 144,000 Jewish men are brought to faith in Tribulation by God’s grace
And they then become His servants to bring the Gospel to an uncountable number of Jew and Gentile
Furthermore, at the end of these days, the Lord will save the remaining Jews on earth, all those in the book of life
At Christ’s Second Coming, all remaining Jews on earth are saved
The covenant that promises all Israel salvation is the Old Covenant
The final act of Tribulation will be to bring Israel back into the bond of that Covenant, so they may receive the Kingdom
Gabriel is speaking of this group when he describes the great rescue at the end of Tribulation
Then after they are spiritually saved, the Lord takes the final step of bringing these saints new bodies
In v.2, we’re told that many of Israel who “sleep” in the dust of the ground will awaken
To sleep means to die, to be without a body
At death, the body of a saint enters the grave, while the spirit continues to exist in full consciousness
That spirit awaits a new body in a day to come, at the time of the resurrection
So Gabriel describes the moment of Israel’s resurrection as an awakening of those in the dust of the ground to everlasting life
The Church saints were resurrected before Tribulation began, at a moment commonly called the Rapture
But the saints who died prior to Pentecost are not the Church...they are Old Testament saints
So Gabriel says the OT saints receive their new bodies at the end of Tribulation
Gabriel says “many” awaken to everlasting life, while others awaken to everlasting contempt
Within Israel, there are those who believed and those who didn’t
Just as today, we have those who are saved by faith and those who aren’t
But all people are resurrected in the end
Notice that those in the Book of Life have everlasting life, while those who are not have everlasting contempt
Both groups have an everlasting existence
The only question is where we live eternally: Heaven or the Lake of Fire
Revelation 20 says that the resurrection of the righteous throughout history takes place prior to the Kingdom
The Church is resurrected before Tribulation, while the OT saints are resurrected after Tribulation
Both groups are resurrected before the Kingdom
This allows all the righteous to live there together for the full 1,000 years
Notice in v.3, Gabriel says that those who have insight will shine brightly
Having insight means to have the faith in Christ that God grants by His grace
Those who have that insight will likewise have God’s glory in their resurrected state
This reference to shining could be metaphor or it could be literal
If it’s literal, it means that the new bodies glow in a fashion similar to the way Jesus appeared to Daniel and John
Meanwhile, the resurrection for those not in the book will take place at the end of the Kingdom, according to Revelation 20
Their resurrection waits until then so that all unbelieving humanity, including those who come out of the Kingdom, can be judged together
And it leads to all being sent to live forever in the Lake of Fire
Now we are getting close to that promised surprise ending, which connects the Book of Daniel to Revelation
After Gabriel tells Daniel about the resurrection of the Old Testament saints, he instructs Daniel to conceal these words
Specifically, Daniel is to seal up the book until the end of time
At first, we may think Daniel is sealing up the words we’re reading now, the prophecies of his book, or at least these chapters
But that doesn’t make sense, because we’re reading them now
The Book of Daniel was never sealed, as far as we know
He must be talking about another book about the end times
This other book must contain more details than we have revealed in Daniel alone
What might we find in this other book?
And why did the angel ask Daniel to write it and yet not allow anyone to see it?
Our answers come later in this chapter
In v.4, the angel says that many will go back and forth
“The many” here continues to refer to Israel, and so it’s a summary of Israel’s future during the Age of the Gentiles
They will go “back and forth” in the sense of coming in and out of the land, in and out of persecution
Israel must endure its ups and downs over the centuries as God directs, in keeping with the Age of the Gentiles
But none of these ups and downs will fundamentally alter their situation during this age
They will remain under Gentile oppression
And even if they gain a measure of security in their land, as they have today, it’s fleeting, incomplete and ultimately, temporary
Only the Messiah’s return will correct the situation
Furthermore, knowledge will increase
This likely refers to the increase of spiritual knowledge, resulting from more revelation from God
We know that more books of the Old Testament were written after Daniel’s day
And the entire New Testament was yet to be written
To say nothing of the Messiah’s arrival
Nevertheless, this increase of spiritual knowledge will not – by itself – change Israel’s plight
Certainly, the Messiah’s arrival will rescue many from within Israel over the centuries
But the nation as a whole will still encounter ups and downs, despite this increase
Then Daniel takes over the narrative from Gabriel to tell us what he sees
He sees the man in linen, who we know as Christ, above the waters of the Tigris river
And on either bank, two others standing
We can presume these others include Gabriel, who has been speaking to Daniel
And perhaps the other is the other great prince mentioned in this chapter, Michael
Daniel then hears one of the angels asking how long until the end of these wonders?
What wonders is the angel talking about?
Is he talking about everything Gabriel described in Chapters 10-12?
Or some portion of it only? Or the things written in the sealed book?
Christ’s answer to the question gives us an important clue
Jesus swore by the One Who lives forever that these wonders will last a time, times and half of time
That phrase is another important link to the book of Revelation
In Revelation, that same phrase appears in Chapter 12
From the context of Revelation, it’s understood to mean 3.5 years
And then Jesus adds that at the conclusion of this time, the holy people (Israel) will be shattered and all the events will be completed
Jesus’ words give us an anchor for the 3.5 years
At its end, the holy people will be shattered, that is, broken
And all the purposes in these events will have been met
If all the events of Tribulation have come to completion, then by definition, Tribulation must have come to an end
Furthermore, the Jewish people aren’t broken, that is, brought to faith in Messiah, until the end of Tribulation
Therefore, the 3.5 years Jesus mentions must be the final three and a half years of the seven-year Tribulation
So we know that Daniel was troubled by terrifying visions, and Gabriel came to give him additional insight
Some of that insight was recorded for our benefit in Chapters 10-12
These things covered kings of Persia, kings of the Greek Empire
And it even looked ahead to the antichrist of Tribulation
But then he was told to record wonders of the end times that must be sealed up and not be revealed by Daniel
Collectively, these things last 3.5 years, the final 3.5 years of Tribulation
The things Daniel wrote are in addition to the details he gave us in Chapters 10-11
Daniel himself was confused about these wonders and why he must know them, but not write them
In v.8, he asked the Lord what will be the outcome of these events?
He means explain what the events mean, what’s their purpose and how does the story end?
But the Lord tells Daniel to drop it, go your way, because the meaning of these things won’t be revealed until the end time
Those who live in the end time will be allowed to know what these things mean
In the meantime, Jesus gives Daniel a summary of life until that time
Speaking of the Jews, He says many will be purged and refined
The trials and persecutions Israel endures over the centuries of the Age of the Gentiles will produce a crop of many believing Jews
Secondly, the wicked will continue to act wickedly and they will not understand the truth
Circumstances, and even persecution, do not by themselves produce faith
The unbelieving heart cannot know the truth until God reveals it to them
But He will grant insight to some along the way, and this remnant of Israel will understand the Word of God and be saved
So now this begs the question, what happened to Daniel’s book?
If he sealed it and never shared it with the world, then how do those of the end times come to know what’s in it?
The answer is found in Revelation 10
Do you see the similarities between this moment and the one we’ve been studying in Daniel?
John sees a strong angel descending from Heaven
This is the angel Michael arising, as promised in Daniel 12
And as he returns, he carries with him a little book
Why is it “little?”
Probably because it’s a man-sized scroll, while the angel is much larger in appearance
As this angel arrives, he swears upon Him Who lives forever that there be no delay any longer
Earlier, Jesus swore in a similar manner when giving the length of these wonders
But at that time, the word was given to seal up the writing because it described things yet to come and not to be revealed
Now, the angel is saying the time has come for the 3.5 years to transpire
Furthermore, he directs John to take the book and eat it
Once he eats it, his mouth will find it sweet, but his stomach finds it bitter
This is a classic description of prophecy of Tribulation
We find prophecy attractive, in that it’s exciting to learn the future
But once we know what it says, we find the truth troubling and disturbing
This was to be John’s experience
As you can probably tell, the book John received was the one Daniel wrote
Daniel was given a detailed explanation of the events of the final half of Tribulation, including the bowl judgments
But of course, Daniel didn’t understand them well and what he saw greatly disturbed him
When he asked for clarification, he received what we have in Daniel 10-12
But obviously, Gabriel’s explanation didn’t shed much light on what Daniel saw in his visions
But the Lord saw fit to give Daniel this preview so that he could write it for John
Then John received it and was commissioned to write it for us
So the events recorded in Revelation 11-19 are what Daniel wrote in the little book and sealed up
John then received them and was permitted to give them to us
Even then, the understanding of Revelation has alluded believers for centuries since John wrote it
But in the past century or so, the Spirit has permitted the Church to come to a proper understanding
So, if we now have an understanding of things reserved for the end times, what does that tell you about your day?
Moreover, why did the Lord bother with having Daniel write the little book?
The best answer is that this helped tie both books together and authentic John’s writing
We can see that these two books are working closely together so that we can trust the prophecy in both
To accept Daniel is to accept Revelation
Finally, the Book of Daniel ends with one last tantalizing prophecy about what follows the end of Tribulation
The Lord gives Daniel another date range
He says begin counting from the midpoint of Tribulation, when the regular sacrifice is abolished and the abomination of desolation is set up
This is the point when the antichrist breaks his covenant with Israel, in the midpoint of the “seven”, as we read in Daniel 9
This begins the 3.5 years that Daniel recorded in his little book
Counting from that point, Jesus says there will be 1,290 days
The Jews count 360 days to a year
So there are 1,260 days in 3.5 years
Therefore, Jesus is asking us to count a period of time that last a full month after the antichrist dies and the Lord returns
Why count 30 days longer? What are we counting toward?
And even more confusing, Jesus goes on to say that those who attain or last until day 1,335 will be blessed
1,335 days adds another 45 days to the 30 given earlier
So something important happens at day 30 following the end of Tribulation
And then something blessed happens 75 days after the end of Tribulation
We call this period between after the Tribulation the “75-day Interval”
The first period of 30 days counts until the restoration of the temple, based on Jesus’ description in v.11
He specifically mentions the abomination of desolation in v.11
That suggests that the 30 days has something to do with correcting that abomination by cleansing the temple
Then, we have an additional 45 days before the Kingdom is ready to start
In that sense, a person is blessed to be able to reach the end of the 75 days
This statement suggests a choosing process takes place during the interval
Perhaps Jesus was describing this process in Matthew 25, when He described a separation of sheep and goats following His Second Coming?
Besides that process, there is likely to be a huge effort to repair the damage done during the judgments of Tribulation
Remember, the Kingdom takes place on the same earth that hosted mankind for the past 6,000 years
And the if the world is to return to a paradise, there must be some time given to that cleanup effort
Obviously, it will be accomplished supernaturally
Whatever happens in that time, 45 days pass before the Kingdom begins
Finally, Daniel is dismissed from prophetic service
Daniel is told to go his way
He will die and enter into his eternal rest
Then he will be resurrected, as will all saints (you will one day meet Daniel!)
And like all saints, he will receive a portion in the Kingdom as his reward
Daniel was being assured that he would not experience the tribulations he foresaw, and we too share that promise
We don’t see the Tribulation
We will enter rest and await these things to finish in due time
But be assured, they will all come to pass…and very soon