Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongWe’re approaching the climactic moment in our story of Ruth and Boaz at the end of Chapter 3
Ruth followed Naomi’s instructions on the night of the harvest
She approached Boaz respectfully to invite a marriage proposal
And she was rewarded with Boaz’s promise to redeem her one way or another
Ruth spent the evening with Boaz without anyone being the wiser, so that Boaz’s reputation would not be compromised
But Boaz also told Ruth that there was a legal hurdle preventing him from redeeming Ruth
We’ll rejoin the conversation in Ruth 3
As Boaz explains, he is prohibited from acting to redeem her, because another man in the family was a closer relative
The Hebrew word translated “closer relative” is the word for kinsman redeemer
So Boaz is essentially saying that he can’t redeem Ruth because he is not legally the closest relative
He is not the kinsman redeemer
The other man is technically the one who must act to redeem Ruth
But Boaz adds that if this man is not able to redeem her for any reason, then Boaz is prepared to step in and assume that responsibility
As I’ve said before, Boaz was not obligated to act in this way
He was volunteering to assume this role in case Ruth is found without a redeemer
Meanwhile, Boaz protects Ruth through the night
He would have been within his right to ask Ruth to return home
If someone had seen her lying at his feet, it would have brought shame to him
Nevertheless, he puts her safety above his own reputation
A young girl walking alone at night was a recipe for disaster
Boaz protects her at risk to himself
In keeping the visit secret, Boaz is also protecting Ruth
He’s protecting her reputation as well
In v.14 we see Boaz giving direction to his servants not to report she had been with him
Boaz wasn’t asking them to lie, since no one was going to ask them about something that wasn’t publicly known
He’s asking them for discretion to prevent gossip and lying
Furthermore, Boaz continued caring for Ruth and Naomi’s needs
In the past they were allowed to glean in the fields
But the harvest has come to an end, so the gleaning is over
Therefore, Boaz gave Ruth a generous portion of his grain to take to Naomi, once again caring for Naomi through Ruth
The text says six measures of barley
A measure was probably two hand scoops or so
The result would have been enough to keep her and Naomi fed for several more days
The fact that he sent her with enough grain for a few days is itself an indication of how quickly Boaz planned to move on this matter
He wasn’t expecting these women to be alone much longer
And Naomi picks up on this sign when Ruth returns
When Ruth reports what happened to Naomi and shows Naomi the six measures of barley, Naomi immediately understands the meaning
She says wait my daughter
Let’s see how this turns out
He won’t rest until this is settled today
Or said another way, Boaz can only rest after he has redeemed Ruth
We can safely assume Boaz’s speed is an indication of his desire for Ruth as a potential bride
And sure enough, Boaz acts quickly
The next morning, Boaz goes to the gate of the city
Why is everyone meeting at a gate, you might ask?
It was a consequence of how cities protected themselves in this day
Cities in ancient times were surrounded by high walls for protection
But of course, there must be a way in and out of the city, so there were gates in the walls
Adding a gate to a fortified wall instantly made it the most vulnerable part of the wall and the weakest link in your security
If you opened the gate to let the city’s residents go in and out, then you were also likely to let in the bad guys
And they didn’t open the gate if someone just knocked
Knock knock, who’s there? Nebuchadnezzar...
So gates were actually fortified chambers of rooms inside the walls – like a courtyard literally inside the wall itself
A visitor entered through an outer door and had to pass through the chamber to reach the inner door leading into the city
Inside the chamber were guards, positioned high above on the top of the city walls that encompassed the gate chamber
So if an army breeched the outer wall, it would encounter a second door barring their entry into the city
And archers shooting from above could pick them off in the chamber
Nevertheless, a city was a place of commerce
Many people from the surrounding areas traveled into the city to conduct business daily
People came in to sell and buy in the city
Others lived in the city but left to work the fields during the day
And if a person needed to conduct official business, he would travel to the city to meet with city officials
With all this traffic in and out of a city, how did the city ensure the security of those who lived inside?
A practice developed to conduct as much business as possible in the chambered gates of the city
These chambers felt like bazaars where merchants lined up to sell and trade
And the chambers also became City Hall
Judges held court in gates of the city during the day
And the elders of the city might convene in this space to hear from witnesses in some important matter
In this way, many people who did not live in the city could still gain access in a secure way
So when we hear that Boaz went up to the gate of the city of Bethlehem in v.1, we should understand Boaz has gone to City Hall to meet with officials of the city
Boaz also has a second purpose in going to the gate
Since this was the primary way in and out, Boaz goes to the gate expecting to see his closer relative
He has arrived early precisely so that he can catch this man as he leaves for the day to work the field perhaps
As he encounters the man, Boaz asks him to “turn aside” and to sit down in the gate
Boaz and this man are related, so the man must have recognized Boaz and stopped in response to his greeting
Boaz’s invitation to sit would have been friendly, but the setting would have suggested something more serious
The next thing the guys realizes, Boaz has assembled ten men from among the elders of the city
Boaz must have had these guys prepared for a meeting
So Boaz has orchestrated the situation to place his relative on the spot, in an official proceeding concerning Naomi’s and Ruth’s situation
Boaz seems to have wanted the man to be caught a little off guard so that the situation might play to his advantage
With Boaz, his relative and these ten men assembled in the gate, an official inquiry is now underway
These men are witnesses to the conversation that will take place between Boaz and the relative
So whatever they decide together will become settled in law
No man will be able to go back on his word or claim this meeting never happened
Boaz wants this matter settled justly and permanently
When the conversation is over, the matter will be finished
Boaz begins the conversation announcing to this relative that Naomi has come back from the land of Moab to her property
Since Elimilech is dead, Naomi would have inherited the family property that once belonged to her husband
There was no requirement that she sell her property
But the land is unproductive after ten years abandoned
And a woman without a son would not possess the ability to work the land
So under the current circumstances, she probably had no choice but to sell it to provide for herself
The Law of Moses addressed this very situation in Leviticus
Naomi needed to sell her property just to survive
And under those circumstances, the Law required that the nearest relative buy it
This law ensured that a person in desperate circumstances could find a sympathetic buyer
Selling to a member of the family ensured the land remained within the tribe
And it increased the chance that the selling price would be fair assuming family ties encouraged honesty
So Boaz turns to this relative and invites him to redeem the property, that is to buy it from Naomi
If the man wouldn’t buy it, Boaz says he is prepared to assume that responsibility
Boaz will buy Naomi’s property if the relative declines
Boaz is betting that the opportunity to purchase the land will be too good for the relative to pass up
He will naturally jump at the chance to enrich himself through a distress purchase and without a bidding war
Finally, notice that Boaz says Elimelech was a brother to these men
We can’t be sure he means a literal sibling
But regardless, we know these men share a blood relationship
Immediately, the man says he will redeem the land, which is exactly what Boaz knew he would say
Boaz has played this situation well
He has drawn this man out into the open
Remember, the Law placed no timetable on the act of redemption
This relative had the right of first refusal as kinsman redeemer
But legally, he could have waited forever to decide if he was going to act
In that time, Boaz couldn’t have acted since he was not the closest relative
By offering the land first, Boaz brought this man out of his indecisiveness and off the fence and forced him to commit
The relative has made a decision to purchase the land
By committing to buy the land, the relative has also officially assume the role of kinsman redeemer for Naomi’s family
Boaz’s tactic was brilliant
Boaz gave the man an incentive to act
And he used the opportunity to purchase the land as the bait
To help you understand Boaz’s strategy, I need to draw a parallel to our day today
Suppose my brother has found a great used car for sale
The car belonged to an older man who barely drove it
It has only 10,000 miles on it and his widow is trying to sell it cheap
This car is a steal and I really want to buy it
But my brother-in-law saw it first, so he gets first chance
But he’s hesitating and he won’t make a decision
Meanwhile, I’m worried that someone else will buy the car while I’m waiting on my brother-in-law to decide
So I tell him that I’m ready to buy it if he doesn’t want, and in effect I force him to commit one way or the other to the deal
If he wants it, then buy it by the end of the day
Otherwise I will go to the widow tomorrow and make the purchase
That’s what Boaz has done here in forcing the relative to either act or get out of the way
Now there are some differences between my analogy and Boaz’s situation
First, Boaz is engaged in a legal question
In my analogy, there is no law that says someone has to buy the widow’s used car
But in Boaz’s day, the Law did require a kinsman redeemer to act once he has been identified
So when this relative commits to the purchase, he has assumed the legal identify of kinsman redeemer for Naomi’s family
Once that legal identity attaches, it can’t be revoked
To become the kinsman redeemer means assuming all the legal obligations that accompany the role
In fact, the presence of the elders at this meeting is a result of the fact that there was a Law at work here
Remember this is the time of judges, so Law was adjudicated through judges and elders
And the Law required the kinsman redeemer to redeem the land should Naomi sell it
And in the presence of these elders, excited by the prospect of acquiring more land, the brother enthusiastically responds, I will redeem it!
That brings me to the second difference between my analogy of the used car and the story of Ruth
Boaz’s offer came with a catch
Boaz reminds the relative if he’s going to assume responsibility as kinsman redeemer for Naomi, then he must be prepared to fulfill the role in all respects
Not only must he redeem the land
But he must also be prepared to redeem the widow in Naomi’s house, speaking of Ruth
This would like me telling my brother-in-law that I forgot to mention that there’s a catch:
If you buy the widow’s used car, then you will also need to marry the widow
I’m sure that would diminish his interest in the deal significantly
And that’s what Boaz was expecting as well
As you may remember, the levirate marriage law required that a redeemer marry the widow and raise the first son as the child of the deceased
In such a case, the child born to that union was considered the legal offspring of the deceased, not of the new husband
That’s how the name of the family continued
And that child also received the inheritance rights of all the property that had previously belonged to the deceased man
In this way Boaz has compelled his relative into making a decision regarding his levirate marriage responsibilities
With the opportunity to buy land dangling in front of him, the relative jumped too quickly into becoming the redeemer
Now he was also legally responsible to act as the redeemer for Naomi’s family as well
He probably knew that redeeming Naomi was included in the deal, but he also knew she was past childbearing years
So he probably had no fear of taking on a levirate marriage in her case
But evidently he hadn’t heard about Ruth, or perhaps considered her situation as a widow
So he didn’t anticipate having to marry her
Had he suspected what was coming, he might deferred on his decision, claiming he needed time to decide
Then he could have waited years or even decades until Ruth was past childbearing years
At that point, he could agree to be redeemer but decline to marry Ruth on the basis that she couldn’t be redeemed (i.e., she couldn’t bear children)
Now the relative is trapped by his own words
If this man is to be the redeemer, he must commit to taking Ruth as wife and raising up a child to be the deceased’s son
He can’t say he will wait and think about because he’s already committed to acting as kinsman redeemer
And he can’t take the land without also taking Ruth
Boaz has played this so well
He put forth the opportunity to purchase the land first to gain the man’s commitment
Then he introduced Ruth into the deal knowing it will likely end the man’s interest
The prospect of a cheap bargain on land is one thing
But entering into a marriage you didn’t see coming was another
Predictably, the man declines the opportunity
The man changes his mind and says he cannot be the kinsman redeemer after all
He says he cannot redeem the land because it would jeopardize his own inheritance
If this man uses some of his wealth to purchase the land from Naomi and then later he father’s a child for Naomi’s family, that child would receive Naomi’s property back as his inheritance
The relative who purchased the land from Naomi would lose it without payment since it now belonged to the son
The redeemer’s own wealth would have gone into purchasing the property and would never be returned to his family
In that sense, the man was jeopardizing his family’s inheritance by, in effect, transferring his wealth to Naomi’s family
The man’s love for his own wealth exceeded his love for Naomi’s family, and so he relinquishes the right to be kinsman redeemer
The man simply could not redeem the land nor could he redeem the family of Naomi
Many of you can probably see new parallels emerging for our “second story” of Christ and the Church and Israel
Next time we meet we will consider those parallels and move forward to see how the story ends
Already we can see a picture of Christ acting to redeem His Bride
Acting without requirement but out of love
Acting according to the Law
And making a payment that another could not make
As we examine that question, we must also consider who is this closer relative who could not redeem Ruth?
This closer relative is also represented in our second story
And next week we will unveil this identity