Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongToday we’re finishing our study of Ruth, by returning to our “first” story: Boaz pursuing rest for Ruth and Naomi
Last week we studied Boaz’s brilliant strategy to compel the kinsman redeemer-in-waiting to either commit or relinquish his role
This man stood between Boaz and Naomi’s family
This man was a closer relative, so he had to decline to redeem Naomi before Boaz was permitted to step into the gap
Boaz knew that it wouldn’t be easy to get this guy on record
The relative had good reasons to delay a decision as we learned last week
But Boaz had a plan to gain a decision one way or another, just as he promised Ruth
He dangled the prospect of receiving Naomi’s land in front of the man
This man was allowed first right to purchase this land should Naomi need to sell
Obtaining land was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity in that day
All the land of Israel had been divided up and assigned to tribes and families
There was literally no land available in Israel, and the Law set limits on how long land could be possessed outside the family
Land sold outside the family had to be returned to the family within 50 years or less
The opportunity to acquire land permanently seemed too good to be true to this relative, so he jumped at the opportunity
He said he would gladly redeem the land
The man assumed Naomi’s family was on the verge of disappearing
Therefore he assumed the land would remain in his hands forever and become part of his own inheritance
But it was too good to be true
After the relative said he would redeem the land, Boaz added that Naomi had a daughter-in-law who required redeeming also
Suddenly, the man’s hopes faded as did his commitment
He was willing to pay the price of redemption so long as it profited him
But when there was a real, personal cost involved, well then he was no longer able to pay such a steep price
So he said I cannot redeem Naomi’s land, or Ruth, lest he risk his inheritance
The relative spoke his words in front of ten witnesses, who Boaz assembled to ensure the matter was official
These elders stood by silently, but their impact was felt
Their watchful eyes ensured what was done was binding on all concerned, so now the matter was finished
So from there, let’s proceed forward in the story
As Samuel explains, there was a custom in the days of the judges for how matters of this kind were officially concluded
Since there was no king nor judge on every corner, local tribal leaders generally enforced the rule of law in their towns
In this day the people adopted a custom for how a man refused his right as redeemer
The custom was for a man to remove a sandal and give it to the one who would act as redeemer in his place
This custom finds its origins in the Law
The Law required that the woman who wasn’t redeemed should be the one to pull off the sandal
Furthermore, she spit in the man’s face for refusing to redeem her
Spitting at another was a sign of disgust
And having a woman take these actions was particularly humiliating for a man in that day
So the Law intended that the one who wouldn’t keep the law of redemption would be publicly shamed
But Samuel says in this day, a time when people did what was right in their own eyes, the custom was practiced differently than the law expected
Instead of the woman shaming the man, the tradition had become that the discredited redeemer simply removed his own sandal and gave it up to the new redeemer
By giving up just one sandal, the discredited redeemer would have been unable to walk properly as he left the proceedings
His lopsided stride would have drawn attention to his missing sandal and would communicate his shameful refusal to redeem
Moreover, the new redeemer possessed physical proof that he had gained the redemption right from the other man
Giving up his footwear to the new redeemer created two powerful symbolic messages
First, standing on land was a way of expressing ownership over it
We remember how God told Abraham to walk throughout Canaan to survey the land that the Lord had given to him
Therefore, removing a sandal was a symbolic way of relinquishing the right to land
And in this case, that’s what’s happened – the relative gave up his claim to redeem Naomi’s land as he says in v.6
Even more powerfully, taking possession of another’s sandal symbolized “walking in the footsteps” of the other
Boaz was taking the place of the other man, walking the path that the other relative should have walked had he been able to keep the Law
Since the relative couldn’t meet the terms of the Law, he gave up his footwear to Boaz who would keep the law in his place
So Boaz stepped into the man’s place, as if wearing his shoes, to marry Ruth
Next, Boaz declares to the witnesses that he has rightfully assumed the place of the other
The elders and the crowd gathered for this meeting formed the witnesses
If called upon, they could truthfully testify that the matter was settled according to Law
They could report that the closer relative was disqualified from redeeming and failed to meet the Law
And they could attest that Boaz met all qualifications to assume the redeemer role, having performed the Law in the relative’s place
These witnesses respond with much more than merely an affirmation
They heap praise upon Boaz for his actions
First, the people declare they are witnesses, and then they ask that the Lord would bless this woman like Rachel and Leah
Rachel and Leah were Jacob’s wives, and each wife produced many children, including a total of 12 sons
These twelve sons eventually gave rise to the tribes of Israel
And in like manner, the people ask the Lord to bless Boaz with a host of descendants
Boaz was obligated to raise up the first born son as if it belonged to Naomi’s family
So what if this were the only son Boaz and Ruth ever produced?
It could mean that Boaz would be without an heir.
So the people ask the Lord to bless Boaz well beyond this first son by giving him many sons
Furthermore, they ask that Boaz might possess great wealth for having placed his personal inheritance at risk in this way
They say “in Ephrathah,” which is just another name for Bethlehem
Like the closer relative, Boaz will have to pay a price to obtain the land and the woman, and that wealth will leave his estate and may not return
So the people ask the Lord to compensate Boaz for his mercy and kindness
Finally, they ask that Boaz’s name would be made great for this sacrifice
Specifically, they declare may he be a famous son of Bethlehem
Throughout future generations, people will associate Boaz’s name with the town of Bethlehem
They declare that the name of their son will be “famous”
The Hebrew word in v.11 is qara which means called upon or declared
So the name “Boaz” will be declared in Bethlehem
Then the crowd proclaims in v.12 that Boaz’s offspring for Ruth should be like Perez, who Tamar bore to Judah
The crowd must have recognized the many parallels between this story and the story in Genesis 38:
Ruth and Tamar were both Gentiles who married into Israel
Both were widows without children and both were redeemed
Both married considerably older husbands
But both had to resort to creative methods to obtain what they rightfully deserved under law
Tamar eventually bore a son, Perez, who inherited the seed line of Judah
Perez became the leading family within the tribe of Judah
And so now the crowd requests may the son of Boaz and Ruth have the blessing of continuing the seed promise line also
This suggests that the crowd knew that Boaz carried the seed promise in his family line having descended from Perez
What we’re learning is that the first born son to Boaz is destined to carry the seed promise, that is, be in the family line to Messiah
He would legally be Naomi’s son and inherit the wealth of Elimelech, Naomi’s husband
But the seed promise came through Boaz and would remain on his first born regardless of how the law viewed custody
So Naomi will be the mother of a child that came by one father but raised as if from another father
And ultimately, that son will lead to a Savior for her nation
Then as promised, Boaz takes Ruth as a wife and soon by the grace of God the couple bears a son
Naomi’s dreams have come true
She has come through a dark time, a time of hopelessness
And she returned to her land broken and bitter
Yet the prospect of a redeemer gave her hope
Now today her hope has been realized as she receives a son
After the child’s birth, Naomi becomes the child’s caretaker (not a wet nurse)
Why does Ruth give this child to Naomi?
Remember, under the Law the redeemer was responsible for providing an heir to the family who was missing an heir
Elimelech and his sons died, so his family needs the heir
Now that Ruth has married Boaz, she has become a part of Boaz’s family
That leaves Naomi as the last living member of Elimelech’s family
So when Boaz, who is Naomi’s redeemer, brings a son into the world, that son is raised as if he were the son of Elimelech
Therefore, Naomi receives the son as if he is her son
She will raise him as a son of Elimelech
But as I said, this son still receives the seed promise from Boaz
He may be legally part of Naomi’s family but he carries the line of Messiah from Boaz
The women of the town rejoice wth Naomi
They declare that the name of this son will be “famous”
Again, this is the Hebrew word is qara meaning declared or called upon
So this son will be declared and called upon in Bethlehem
And they say this child will be a restorer of life and a sustainer for Naomi
Ironically, because of Naomi, Ruth came to know her Jewish redeemer and husband
And now the tables are turned, as Ruth becomes the one to make possible for Naomi to receive her own deliverer
Interestingly, the parents do not name their child. Instead, a neighbor woman gave the child a name, Obed
His name means servant or one who serves
The neighbor gave the child this name to recognize Naomi’s caring for Ruth’s child
But of course we see a greater parallel
In fact, I’m guessing you’ve been seeing many parallels throughout today’s lesson
Going back into last week, we have a lot of unpacking to do in explaining the second story of Chapter 4
And in this chapter, the second story isn’t one of End Times as much
It’s a story of history
Let’s start back with Boaz in the gate with his closest relative, at the beginning of the chapter
The easiest piece of this puzzle is Boaz himself
Everyone knows this man is a picture of Jesus Christ acting as our Redeemer
And we are like Ruth, the Gentile Bride of Christ, in need of redemption
In Ruth’s case, she needed redemption from widowhood, while we needed redemption from something far more serious and devastating
As sinners we incurred a life-threatening debt before God
The Bible says that all people come into the world as sinners
And our sin nature causes us to then live in ways that are contrary to God’s law
Our contrary nature, and the behavior it produces, is called sin and sin is a debt before God
Because we have this debt before God, we need to pay that debt
But this isn’t an easy debt to pay
The payment must be equal to the debt
And the debt we owe is our life
So we need someone to bail us out of our debt, to redeem us, to pay a ransom to free us from our sentence of eternal death
Boaz pictures Christ, our Redeemer, Who willingly paid the price for our sin debt before God
Like Boaz going before the elders and the people in the gate, Christ entered into a legal transaction
He made a payment for our debt, which the Bible calls propitiation
By our redeemer’s payment, we were justified, which means we were acquitted of our guilt and obtained peace with God
Christ stepped into the gap to assume the Redeemer role in place of another who couldn’t, just as Boaz did
Like Boaz, Christ first assembled ten witnesses
In Boaz’s day, these men represented the authority of the people, who could testify concerning right and wrong
Notice the 10 elders didn’t force anyone to do anything
They just stood by silently giving witness to what ought to happen in this situation
Where do we find ten witnesses concerning right and wrong in our story with Christ?
We find them in the Law
Because before Jesus could redeem us, He had to meet the terms of the Law
And specifically, he had to satisfy the scrutiny of the Ten Commandments
The Law can’t compel anyone to do good, as Paul says
Rather, it stands witness, silently condemning us as we fail to live according to its requirements
Boaz withstood the scrutiny of his ten witnesses, having satisfied all that the law required concerning Naomi’s family
Just as Christ also met all the requirements of the Law by living a perfect, sinless life
The Ten Commandments testified to Christ’s righteousness, as scripture says
Like Boaz, Christ was a man who fulfilled the Law
But there was another man present who couldn’t fulfill the law’s requirements
This other man was a close relative of Boaz
But he was unable to redeem Naomi’s family
He couldn’t pay the price
And so under the scrutiny of the ten elders, he was forced to hand his shoe to Jesus
Thus Boaz could walk in his place, doing what he couldn’t do
Who does this close relative picture?
He pictures Adam, and ultimately everyone who comes from Adam
In effect, that closer relative is you and me
We are related to Christ at least in blood, because Jesus took on flesh to be our representative
Though Jesus was God, He took on flesh so He could walk in our shoes, taking our place on the cross
Boaz and his relative pictures Christ and mankind
But like that relative, we’re more closely related than Christ
We share the sin nature of those Christ redeems, which makes us a closer relative
So somehow we must move out of the way so Christ can redeem
We have to give Christ our shoe, so He can step into our place and walk where we can’t go
He must redeem us since we can’t redeem ourselves
He could pay the price for our sins, a price we couldn’t pay
The price was too great
We don’t have the perfect life that the Law requires
Those ten witnesses, the Ten Commandments, stand by silently condemning us, testifying against us, exposing our sins
We have to give our shoe to Christ by faith, so He can walk in our place, paying our price
As Boaz paid that debt, the man who couldn’t pay was shamed as one unable to meet the law
And in a sense, that’s what Christ did for us
He took our place, paying our price, and in the process relieved us of the debt which shamed us
He took our shame on the cross, scripture says
Lastly, we remember that Boaz redeemed not only Ruth but also Naomi’s land
Just as Christ is Redeemer of both mankind, and all Creation
Next, we see that once Boaz became the redeemer, he received great adoration and he inherited all that belonged to Elimelech, according to v.9
Remember that the name Elimelech means “God is King” and his character in the story represents God the Father
Scripture calls God the Father “Husband” to Israel, just as Elimelech is the husband of Naomi
And now Boaz has received everything that was Elimelech’s
So here again we see a picture of Christ, as scripture teaches
And Hebrews says that Jesus was the heir of all things
Jesus received the Father’s inheritance as a result of His service of redemption
And He is prepared to share His inheritance with His Bride
And Boaz’s act of mercy led to many descendants and a great name in Bethlehem
Just as Jesus’ work on the cross has resulted in many sons and daughters of faith in the family of God
Furthermore, the name of Jesus is likewise synonymous with Bethlehem itself
Why did Boaz do all this? To give Ruth and Naomi rest, to give them the permanent security and peace they longed for…a Sabbath rest
For Ruth, the rest came in the form of a marriage
Just as our Sabbath rest is found in faith in Jesus Christ
We are the Bride Who has found our Groom in Christ
Never again will we work for our righteousness
For we have obtained it in a Redeemer Who covered us in His robe of righteousness
But Naomi, Israel, still needs a redeemer
Ironically, Israel is the one that brought us, the Gentile Church, to our Redeemer through the covenants and the scriptures
Israel brought the Messiah into the world
Yet today Israel stands in widowhood
But in a day to come, the nation will receive that same child they rejected so long ago
The same Israel who made possible our opportunity to know the Messiah, will one day receive that same Messiah
Just as Naomi led Ruth to Boaz, and then one day Ruth gave Naomi the deliverer she needed
Likewise, we have Christ because of Israel
Scripture says in a future day the nation of Israel will receive the same child they rejected earlier
Naomi’s receiving a child to redeem her is a picture of how Israel comes to understand that the Christ child was their Messiah
They will weep over this firstborn son upon recognizing the error of their forefathers
They will understand they pierced their Messiah on the cross but by that recognition, they come to find restRom. 11:12 Now if their transgression is riches for the world and their failure is riches for the Gentiles, how much more will their fulfillment be!
The story ends with a brief genealogy
Samuel connects the descendant of Judah and Tamar to David
Remember, this was written by Samuel as the monarchy of Saul was fading and David was in waiting for the throne
So the genealogy stands to testify to the line of the seed promise and of the monarchy
David, not Saul, was in the line of Judah, the tribe of kings
And the Messiah would come through David’s line by way of Boaz and Ruth
In that way Samuel makes a scriptural case for the House of David having priority over the House of Saul
Clearly, this was God’s plan
But there is another reason we have this genealogy, one that testifies to God’s grace to the Gentiles
Perez was the son of Judah and Tamar
Tamar was Judah’s daughter-in-law, and she tricked him into impregnating her by posing as a prostitute on the side of the road
Though Tamar had right to be redeemed as a widow, Judah refused to let her wed his final son
So Tamar felt forced to take this step
The product of that union was Perez, who was a child of illegitimate birth (a “bastard” son)
There is a law regarding such children
The law says that such a person cannot enter the assembly nor can the next nine generations of descendants
To not enter the assembly means to be barred from the religious life of Israel
They cannot enter the temple nor participate in the feasts
That is the curse of the Law
We’re not sure if this law was followed in the case of Perez’s family
But we can be sure that the Lord didn’t lose track
He would have counted out the ten generations
Interestingly, the very next verse in Deuteronomy 23 is one we read at the beginning of our study
The Law placed the same restriction on a Moabite who joined to the people of Israel
That person was also barred from participating in the assembling of Israel for ten generations
Ruth was a Moabite, so she would have fallen under this restriction
Addendum: An alternative perspective of this verse, based in Rabbinical teachings (William Davidson Talmud, Yevamot 77b), interprets this law to apply only to Ammonite or Moabite males as unable to enter the assembly. Thus this clause would not apply to Ruth or Boaz.
But as our story ends, we find a list of exactly ten names ending in David
Ten being the number of testimony
And the curse of Perez’s line ending with David, another picture of Christ
So we have Boaz, the man who pictures Christ on the cross, paying the price, taking the curse of a Moabite upon himself
And we see David, a picture of Christ risen and ruling, removing the curse
In one we see the first coming of Christ
In the other, we see the second coming of Christ
I hope this study has opened your eyes to the power of the God we serve
Truly he has authored history, including the lives of those in our story
And every move He makes communicates His love for us in His word
When you see the puzzle coming together, you recognize this was written by God
And you come to understand the lengths He has gone to redeem us