Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongAfter nearly ten years spent outside her land, Naomi returns to Bethlehem
She comes back a widow, bitter, fragile and desperate
Her family plot of land has been abandoned for nearly a decade
It’s probably overrun with weeds
It no longer produces an income or even enough to feed a widow
In contrast to her bitterness, the land is enjoying a renewed strength
In v.22 of chapter 1 we learned that it was the beginning of the barley harvest
The barley harvest begins in April, so it’s springtime
After a period of drought and famine, once again the land is producing and life is good
Except for Naomi and Ruth, who must find a way to survive without a provider
Despite being poor widows together, Naomi and Ruth are actually quite different
Naomi is mourning the loss of what she once had
And she has no prospect of recovery or so it would seem
While Ruth is excited by knowing the Jewish God and the Jewish people
She had nothing by comparison in Moab, but now she has access to something far greater than earthly riches
As we enter chapter 2, let’s see how these two women respond to their life in the land
Chapter 2 opens by introducing us to the next major character in the story, Boaz
Boaz is a kinsman, a relative of the family of Naomi and a man of great wealth
Apparently, Naomi has traveled back to the general area of her family inheritance, probably intentionally
Though she is destitute and has no prospect of finding a husband, she is hoping that her family will take pity on her
As the saying goes, charity begins at home
The name Boaz means “swift strength” or “quickness” which describes his readiness to serve
He is called a kinsman, which is a technical term
It doesn’t just mean he is a relative of Elimelech’s
The term kinsman describes someone who is eligible according to the Law to perpetuate Elimelech’s family line (more on kinsman later)
Finally, he’s wealthy, which means he’s the ideal candidate to assist two poor widows
So these two women enter the land of Elimelech’s family, and as they do they are focused on basic needs
Like Maslow’s hierarchy predicts, the women must attend to food and protection before all else
The need for food is obvious
They have no source of income and they cannot produce their own food over night
So they must find a way to eat to survive
But secondly, they must find a source of protection
Just as today, two women living on the streets or in the fields were very vulnerable
Can you imagine how terrified they must have felt in the middle of a dark night as they heard men moving to and fro?
So Ruth being the younger, takes the initiative
In keeping with her promise to Naomi, she seeks to find a way to provide for both of them
And under their circumstances, the only choice they had was to beg
So Ruth asks Naomi’s permission to glean from the fields
The Lord in His mercy had made a provision for widows and the poor under the Law
The Lord told Israel to harvest their fields in a particular fashion so as to ensure the needy were able to find provision in an honorable way
Harvesting grain is a multistep process
First, men took long sharp blades attached to long poles and swung them through the stalks of grain to cut them to the ground
Then others collected the stalks into bundles
Then the bundles were carried to a threshing floor where the fruit was separated from the husks usually by treading of oxen
Finally the grain was winnowed to separate it from the chaff
In Leviticus, the Lord directed that those collecting the grain from the field should be intentionally sloppy
As the men cut down the stalks, they typically swung the sickle in a circular fashion, cutting arcs of grain with each pass
As they reached the corner of the land, their swing would typically leave behind a triangular patch of uncut standing grain
The Law told Israel to leave those triangles behind in the field
The point was to leave something for the stranger or the needy
The stranger referred to anyone sojourning in the land of Israel who did not have ownership in the land
Someone like Ruth
And the needy referred to anyone in Israel who was in need due to unfortunate circumstances like widowhood
Someone like Naomi
It’s interesting that the Lord commanded the people to leave the grain standing
He didn’t say harvest everything but then give a donation to the needy
Instead, He commanded that the needy be given opportunity to harvest for themselves
The point was to make sure the needy and the stranger didn’t suffer the humiliation of taking a handout
Instead, they were permitted to harvest for themselves
They had the dignity of working for what they received
Even as they harvested from someone else’s field
In a sense, they were hired workers for the day and they were receiving the fruit of their own labor
This is exactly what Ruth is hoping to do, and she appears to know this custom in Israel, probably because Naomi has explained it to her
We can safely assume that Naomi discussed her plans with Ruth during their journey back to Israel
She would have told Ruth that they might be able to survive if they can find a land owner willing to obey Leviticus 19
This is no small step of faith, because remember this is the time of Judges
It was possible, and maybe even likely, that the Jews in that day would have ignored the law and denied Naomi and Ruth their provision in the Harvest
Because everyone did what was right in their own eyes anyway
Back in v.2 Ruth asks Naomi if she can begin the gleaning and Naomi gives her agreement
She probably asked permission because she was taking a risk
Ruth is taking a risk in going out into the fields by herself
And Naomi is taking a risk by letting her go and to remain alone in the fields
But they have to separate if they are going to survive
So Ruth sets about following the reapers in the field
As a Moabitess, Ruth obviously knows no one in Israel other than Naomi
So as she goes from field to field, she has no idea where she is headed
She gleans for a while in one location and moves on when she runs out of opportunity
This is hard work, all day in the fields, exposed to the sun and without water
But by the providence of the Lord, Ruth finds her way to the field of Boaz
From Ruth’s point of view, this is just another field
The writer says in v.3 that she happened into Boaz’s field
But the writer doesn’t mean it’s an accident or that it wasn’t according to God’s purpose
On the contrary, the writer means Ruth herself didn’t know what she was doing
But God certainly knew
As she sets about working in the field, the master of the field comes on the scene
Boaz comes to his field from Bethlehem
As he enters his estate, he immediately takes notice of the young woman gleaning in his land
The timing of Boaz’s arrival further testifies to the Lord’s hand in all these circumstances
On the very day that Ruth happens into Boaz’s field, Boaz happens to arrive back from Bethlehem
Every detail of the story is pointing us to the Lord at work
As Boaz returns home he greets his servants by saying “May the Lord be with you”
To which they reply the same
What do we make of this simple exchange?
You may not even take notice of it, but don’t overlook it!
Remember, this story is set in the time of Judges
In this day and age, the people of Israel were not thinking of the Lord, generally speaking
We saw that clearly when we studies the book of Judges
So to have a man during this time greeting even his servants in this way tells us something about his character
Boaz is a godly man whose mind is directed toward the Lord and His will
This detail by itself is a striking contrast with everything else we’ve seen in the time of Judges
The hypocrite will display his piety only before men of privilege or wealth or power
Because in doing so, they seek to make an impression and curry favor to some advantage
The rest of the time, they revert to their true nature, lording over the poor and taking advantage of the weak
But a truly godly man or woman will practice their godliness before even the lowest of the culture
As James tells us:
James says that true religion...true worship of God...is seen in serving the underprivileged
Like widows and orphans who have nothing to give us in return for our investment in them...groups that convey no status upon us
Why take time to invest in their lives? Because you love God
So when Boaz turns his attention to Ruth, a poor Moabite widow gleaning in his field, we see him practicing true, undefiled religion
And this detail, together with his greeting, tells us Boaz is a truly godly man
He is godly before his servants
And he takes opportunities to serve the less fortunate around him
This is just the sort of man Naomi and Ruth need
Boaz’s servant goes on to explain that Ruth was the Moabite related to Naomi and she had asked to glean in the field
Moreover the servant explains that this woman has been working in the day
She arrived early and she worked hard through the hottest part of the day
And only now she has taken refuge for a time in the house
The servant’s report of Ruth tells us something about Ruth’s character
Ruth was a woman of high character
Though she was destitute and seeking the generosity of strangers, nevertheless she maintained a desire to bless others
She worked hard for her support
She didn’t expect her assistance to simply fall into her lap as if she was entitled
She recognized that the law made provision for her but only if she worked
Ruth’s character is the perfect compliment to Boaz
Boaz is an example of someone who displays godliness in times of plenty
He was blessed with much and yet he approached the needs of others with compassion as a service to God
And on the flip side Ruth was in need yet she sought for assistance with an attitude of industriousness and faithful service
Her godliness was evident in her desire to bless others in return for their charity, as Paul said to the Thessalonians:
So Ruth’s disciplined, hardworking attitude is evidence of her godly character
And this is an attractive quality for Boaz
But Boaz’s interest in Ruth goes beyond her attractiveness
He would have also been intrigued by her origins
You may remember Boaz’s mother, Rahab
She was also a Gentile woman who found refuge in the God of Israel
Rahab gave assistance to the spies of Israel as they entered the land under Joshua
So they spared her life and welcomed her into the people of God
We can say that Rahab, like Ruth, was attached to Israel by God’s grace, and in that way she came to know God
In fact, Rahab is in the line to the Messiah
And so Boaz is a Jewish man prospering among the people of God because someone granted a Gentile woman mercy
And so as he looks upon another Gentile woman, one with admirable qualities, he must have been thinking about his own family
So Boaz gives his servant particular instructions
Boaz approaches Ruth as she sits in the house and calls her my daughter
The term is a tender way to address the young widow
She is vulnerable and probably concerned that someone might take advantage of her
But now the master of the house comes to her and calls her “daughter”
In this context, the term means a maidservant, a woman employed as a servant
So Boaz is placing Ruth under his protection in his house
He tells her she is to remain in his house, following his gleaners as they work his fields
She need not look elsewhere for a provision, because Boaz will endure that she finds all she needs in his home
It’s a promise of provision
Secondly, he assures Ruth that no one will touch her, that is no one will harm her
This is the first anti-sexual harassment policy and it’s found in the Bible
Boaz probably wasn’t expecting his servants to attack Ruth in the field, though that did happen to women like Ruth
It’s unlikely that a godly man like Boaz would have employed such men in the first place
But just in case anyone were inclined to take advantage of Ruth’s vulnerability, Boaz has put everyone on notice not to even think about it
The main point of his comment was to reassure Ruth
It’s a promise of protection
Finally, Boaz says Ruth is to draw water with the servants
Access to water in the hot, dry lands of Judah was of particular importance
Someone like Ruth would have been forced to find water in open pools, or perhaps a stream if one were available
Such water was likely to be dirty and water-borne sickness was an ever-present concern for the poor
Or if she could access a well, she would have to do the difficult work of drawing up water for herself
But Boaz sets those concerns aside by assuring Ruth may drink the clean well water in the jars filled by Boaz’s servants
Not only will she have ready access to water, but she will have it without the backbreaking works usually required
More importantly, she has fresh living water that won’t run out and won’t make her sick
It’s a promise of privilege
Boaz has stepped into the desperate life of a Gentile widow with promises of provision, protection and privilege, and it stuns Ruth
She bows in respect to Boaz and asks how could this happen to me?
Specifically, she asks why she has found favor in Boaz’s eyes
The Hebrew word for favor is chen, which can also be translated grace
Ruth asks why did you show me such underserved kindness?
Boaz answers her by explaining what he has heard
Ruth’s testimony has preceded her
He says I know what you did for Naomi and her family
He knows she has sacrificed her family and way of life to help her mother-in-law, Naomi, who was a relative of Boaz’s family
This act of sacrifice alone would have been worthy of some recompense
But Boaz was even more impressed by Ruth’s commitment to join herself to a people and a God she didn’t know
He points to Ruth’s choice to seek refuge under the wings of the God of Israel
And Boaz says may the Lord reward her for her faith
In other words, Boaz is acting on behalf of the Lord to bring the rewards that belong to any child of God by faith
Finally, Ruth comes to understand that Boaz was serious
She acknowledges that she has received grace and is amazed to have it
She has been comforted by these acts of kindness
And she embraces her new position as a maidservant in the home
Nevertheless, Ruth is conscious that she isn’t like the other maidservants
She’s mindful that she is an outsider who has been brought into the home
Her recognition is humility
And by her humility she magnifies the master’s mercy and kindness
Boaz’s choice to favor Ruth with the privileges of a maidservant was all the more remarkable when we remember that Ruth was a stranger
The Lord has united a godly Jewish master with a godly Gentile woman in the midst of an ungodly culture and done it by means of grace
It doesn’t take much effort for us to see ourselves in this story
As we drive deeper in to this story, we’ll come to understand that Boaz pictures Christ in many ways
But already we can recognize that Boaz’s favor bestowed upon Ruth is a beautiful representation of Christ’s grace given to us
We were strangers to God, working in the field of the world, just getting by
We weren’t looking for the Lord
But then one day the Lord took notice of us
He came to us, introduced by His servant
The unnamed servant in this story is a picture of the Holy Spirit
In fact, when a servant remains unnamed in scripture, it’s often intended to picture the Holy Spirit working behind the scenes
In this case, the servant brought Boaz and Ruth together
But notice the spirit brought Christ to Ruth, not the other way around
And then as Christ comes to us by way of His Spirit, He brings us His grace
Where before we were strangers, Christ now joins us to the house of God, making us His servants
He promises provision now and in the kingdom
He promises us protection from the penalty of our sin and the power of death
And He grants us privilege as adopted sons and daughters
He gives us living water
He does all these things for us before we even opened our mouth to acknowledge Him
Before we bowed before Him, before we called Him Lord
He was lifting us up and grants us His favor
And we see all this represented beautifully in the story of Boaz and Ruth
But what of Naomi? And how do these events fit into our second story of Israel and the Church? We’ll explore that next week