Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongWe’re turning back to the hidden story of End Times found in the book of Ruth
Last time we studied vs.1-13 in chapter 2...let’s reread them
Naomi and Ruth returned to the land in a time of harvest
This will be a time of testimony in contrast to the prior years of judgment
After they arrived, Ruth began to seek support for herself and Naomi by working in a field collecting leftover grain
She happens to land in the field of Boaz, a kinsman of Naomi
After spending all day gathering the leftover grain for herself and Naomi, Ruth meets Boaz
He extends her great kindnesses
And commits himself to protecting Ruth as she gathers
We’ve already studied how Ruth pictures the Gentiles attracted to the God of Israel as God promised would happen
And last lesson we saw how Ruth’s time gathering in the field reflects the time we were once without hope in this world
In fact, in Matt 13:38 Jesus refers to the world metaphorically as a field
We sought our provision working in that world but it was work without hope
And by our own hands, we accomplished a certain degree of success
Just as Ruth is working hard in chapter 2
But it can’t give her what she truly seeks: security
Then Boaz appears in verse 4, and with him the opportunity for true rest
The next major detail is Boaz, and the relationship that develops between Boaz and Ruth
This detail offers us an opportunity to draw a new parallel to God’s plan for Israel and the Church
As you probably know, Boaz, the kinsman redeemer in this story, is a type or picture of our Lord, Jesus Christ
If this is a new thought for you, don’t worry
We will allow that picture to develop as we proceed through the rest of the story
But for now it’s enough to recognize that Boaz is the hero, the one who rescues both Naomi and Ruth from their circumstances
And through this relationship, we will learn something about the way God prepares a Bride for His Son
We already noted that Ruth, the Gentile, has been drawn to Boaz’s field, as though by chance
Yet we know that chance had nothing to do with it
This was the field God intended Ruth to work
And then we notice that relationship between Ruth and Boaz begins not because Ruth took note of Boaz
Ruth had no idea whose field she was in
But rather, Boaz takes notice of Ruth
And Boaz turns to his servant seeking an introduction to Ruth
That servant pictured the Holy Spirit, Who introduces us to Christ by causing us to be born again through faith
So at this point in our second story, we have Christ, pictured by Boaz, having introduced himself to his future Bride, the Gentile Church, pictured by Ruth
And even before Ruth was aware of Boaz, Boaz had already made plans for Ruth
Boaz began his first conversation to Ruth by calling her my daughter
He welcomed her into his household
Secondly, he gives her access to his field indefinitely, without condition
Third, he makes her one of his maids
A maid was the female equivalent of a servant under his household
And fourth, Boaz tells her to work with His other servants who will protect her and care for her needs
When we looked at this last time, we noted these were all grants of Boaz’s grace
And they clearly picture the grace the church receives once we enter into the New Covenant by faith
The Church enters into a relationship with our Redeemer on a moment and in a manner He determines
Before we know it, we’re given provision, protection and privilege
But it also comes with an expectation of service
Notice that Boaz made Ruth a servant in his house
He didn’t award her a bundle of money so she wouldn’t have to work anymore
He didn’t tell her to just enjoy the afternoon on the couch in the house playing X-Box and eating a box of Oreos
He still expected her to work everyday as a servant in his field
This is the call of every disciple of Christ...we work to serve the Master who has come to us and given us protection, provision and privilege
Serving Him is easy compared to the work we knew before
Just as Ruth worked harder for less, before she knew Boaz
As John said:
The central error of the prosperity gospel heresy is overlooking that God has purposely left us in a state of need, so that we are motivated to serve
Christ assures us that our service will be rewarding, both now and in eternity
That work comes with promises and it will provide us rest
We will have rest from the worries of eternity, of sin and judgment, of the endless rat race of seeking to please men
But we must work nonetheless
Furthermore, when Boaz responded to Ruth’s questions, he told her in v.11 that he had observed her actions
Boaz mentioned three things about Ruth that have parallels to Christ and the Church
First, he notes Ruth’s association with Naomi
Naomi we know pictures Israel in this story: widowed, under judgment, seeking rest in her land
Every believer enters into a relationship with Christ because of Israel
We could say Jesus comes to us because of His relationship to Israel
Because of Jewish scriptures, the Jewish covenant and the Jewish Messiah
Secondly, Boaz mentions Ruth’s willingness to leave her family
Just as it would have been impossible for Ruth to know Boaz without first leaving behind Moab, so it is for every disciple of Jesus
Our opportunity to know and follow Jesus begins with a call to repent and leave behind the world and it’s values and priorities
Sometimes that will mean distancing ourselves from unbelieving family members if they force us to make that choice
More often, it means leaving behind earthly accomplishments, earthly pursuits, earthly identities so that we may live to please Christ
The Apostle Paul had much to lose by becoming a disciple of Jesus
Yet here’s what he said about his loss
Ruth traded everything she knew to gain something she had never seen
So it must be for disciples today...let go of this world so you can take hold of what God has waiting over the horizon
Finally, Boaz commends Ruth for attaching herself to a people she didn’t know
Ruth threw her lot in with a despised people, the Israelites
She did so because she wanted to know Yahweh
Here she pictures the Church again
Every Christian has been grafted into the promises made to Israel
In a sense, we’ve thrown our lot in with Israel
We reject the false gods of other cultures
We acknowledge the one true God is the One Who revealed Himself to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
As we leave the world behind, we find new rewards to replace what we once valued
Notice in v11 Boaz told Ruth that ultimately the Lord would reward Ruth for her kindness
Boaz’s kindness was merely a downpayment on that future reward
Here again we find a parallel between Christ and the Church
The promises Christ made to us are merely a downpayment on a heavenly reward
We will have a measure of reward now, including gifts of the Spirit, provision in one way or another, and the privilege of serving Christ
As Jesus said, our full reward awaits eternal living in Heaven, where the Lord will recompense us for the deeds done in the body, good or bad
We never want to lose that perspective
What we have now is merely a foretaste of things to come
Don’t try to make it more than it is, otherwise you’re likely to trade something earthly for something heavenly
And that’s always a bad trade
We left off in chapter 2 at v13, so let’s go forward a little further today
The next verse adds one more important parallel we need to consider
Boaz ends their conversation with a meal
Meals had greater significance in ancient eastern cultures than our meals usually do today
It was a high honor to host someone for a meal in your home
And meals were commonly used to seal solemn agreements or covenants
Meals in our culture are increasingly informal
Families used to dress up for the evening meal, and not just on Sundays
Today we consider a meal to be formal if the food isn’t served on a stick
Families barely sit down together much less attach significance to a meal
I knew dinner had lost its importance in our culture when a friend told me about a practice of eating dinner at Sam’s Club or Cosco
He said he often had a seven course meal at these clubs
I told him I didn’t remember seeing a fine dining restaurant inside the club
He said it’s not a restaurant...he visits all the food samplers working the aisles in the clubs
He starts in the appetizer aisle then moves to the soups and seafood, followed by BBQ and pizza
He finishes off with the dessert aisle and sports drinks
He says if you arrive at the right time in the afternoon, you can be there for the shift change and take another lap for “seconds”
Meals just don’t mean what they once did
But meals were important events in this day
A meal was often an integral part of establishing covenants or new relationships
We can see that something important is happening in this meal when we look at the details
Notice something interesting in verse 14?
At the end of v14, we see that the evening meal was roasted grain
The meal was actually the roasted grain
Ruth ate this grain and was satisfied
Yet earlier it says she was given bread to dip in vinegar
The Hebrew word for vinegar here is a word that means sour wine
So before the meal actually began, Boaz instructs Ruth to take bread and dip it in wine and eat
This wasn’t an appetizer
It was a ceremonial act before meal itself
This ceremonial moment sealed the promises Boaz has made to Ruth
Boaz has entered into a covenant with Ruth
A covenant is a lifelong binding obligation
It ended only with the death of those who make it
Some covenants place obligations on both parties, while others only place requirements on one party
In this case it’s clear that only Boaz has obligated himself in this covenant
Ruth had nothing to offer Boaz in any case
And all the promises have been made from Boaz to Ruth
So Boaz is voluntarily entering into a lifelong binding promise to protect Ruth
Clearly, Boaz is thinking well beyond this harvest season
He has determined he will be there for Ruth for the rest of her life
When the harvest ended and the opportunity to glean in the field ended for a season, Boaz would still be there taking care of Ruth
That’s why we say Ruth has truly found rest!
Once again, in all these details God has placed markers to draw our attention to His plan for the Gentile Church
As Christ found us, he granted us protection, provision and privilege and He sealed these promises in a one-way covenant in His blood
The covenant places burdens on Christ but grants us His grace
It comes with no conditions
The certainty of our covenant with Christ is based entirely on His faithfulness
And He who has promised is faithful
Which is why Paul expressed such confidence in our future in Christ
Understanding that our covenant with Christ is based on His work and His faithfulness explains why we have eternal security in our salvation
We aren’t eternally secure because we have the strength
Or even because we are forgiven of sin
It’s simply because our covenant with Christ is entirely a one-way agreement
Just as Ruth could rest knowing Boaz has made his promises, so can we rest knowing Jesus has promised to return and take us home
This is our source of rest while we wait
Finally, as we enter into this covenant, we commemorate it through a ceremonial meal just as Boaz did with Ruth
Boaz took Ruth aside and instructed her to eat of bread and wine to signify their new relationship, a relationship Boaz extended to Ruth
This moment pictures the Church participating in the Last Supper meal
Just as Boaz instructed Ruth, Jesus has instructed us
And just as their partaking of bread and wine was ritual rather than a full meal
So is our communion meal a ritual
We eat bread and wine (or grape juice) to remember the covenant in Christ’s body and blood
That covenant brought us into a new relationship as it did Ruth
And it formed a new relationship
In our case, the communion meal is a reenactment of the meal Jesus shared with His disciples
Jesus couldn’t put the entire Church around that one table, since most had yet to be born
So He instructed the church to repeat the meal regularly until He returns
But there is yet one more detail that connects these characters and our story with Christ
Boaz’s relationship with Ruth and this covenant meal take place during the barley harvest, as we learned at the start of this chapter
The barley harvest happens in the spring, in the months around the Jewish Passover
And of course, Jesus’ death on the cross happened on Passover, since He was the Passover Lamb
Therefore, on God’s prophetic time clock, we can say that this moment between Ruth and Boaz is a picture of the start of the Church age
The Messiah, pictured by Boaz, has entered into a relationship with a Gentile woman, who pictures the Church
It begins soon after Passover
And it begins with the Last Supper meal, when the Church first dipped bread into wine, with Christ
That detail explains why Ruth is here alone without Naomi
The Jewish woman pictures the nation as a whole
Naomi isn’t in the scene at this point, because the Jewish people largely aren’t a part of the Church
They are still back in the field, the world, without Boaz and without Ruth
They are still desperate and hungry
Meanwhile, Ruth is secure and in a covenant relationship with the master of the house
And this master happens to be a kinsman of Naomi
Just as our Lord is a Jewish Messiah, a Kinsman to all Israel
This one-sided relationship will continue for a while, just as the age of the Church lasts for a time
But eventually the time for the church will give way to a time for Israel
And that’s where our story is going too
Next time we finish chapter 2 and enter into chapter 3
Where we see how the age begins to come to its end in preparation for Naomi to find her rest too