Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongIn our study of Hebrews, we’ve come to the end of the writer’s first argument in favor of accepting Christ as superior to all former revelations
And the writer’s first argument was Christ is a greater messenger than any that came before
And therefore, Christ’s message is a greater message
And Christ’s superiority is undiminished by His appearing in the form of a man
The writer explained last week how Jesus came in a lowly form at the command of the Father and as a pioneer of our salvation
In order to grant us a salvation from death and slavery to the devil, Jesus had to take on flesh and blood as well
It was the only way to stand in our place and take the death that we deserved
Then, having died in our place, he took the enemy’s only weapon out of his hand
When we place our faith in Jesus Christ, we see our sins washed away, leaving us without condemnation from God
So now, though our bodies may die, we have nothing to fear – for what follows is glorious
Therefore, the enemy is no longer able to control us through a fear of dying and judgment
We can ignore his schemes and live for Christ
We ended last week in Chapter 2, with the writer making that very conclusion
Having brought the point to conclusion, the writer conclusively proves that Jesus’ arrival as man did not lessen His power
It reflected His obedience and self-sacrificial love for man
The Father has created mankind as a special part of Creation, above all else in Creation
Did you know that? You are even more special in Creation than the Heavenly creatures God made?
You are more special than even angels
So not only is Christ greater than an angel, so are we more precious than angels
Consider what the writer says at the end of Chapter 2
Assuredly, Christ did not give help to angels
What kind of help do angels need?
Well, the angels are very much like mankind, at least in a couple of ways
Like us, they are beings created for the purpose of serving God
Secondly, they have experienced sin and rebellion within their ranks
Just as mankind rejected God’s authority in the Garden and sinned, so did a part of the angelic realm
Satan, the chief cherub, started the process, of course
We can read about his fall in Ezekiel 28
At the time of his fall, we learn in Revelation 12:4, Satan took one-third of the angelic realm with him in rebellion against God
The third of the angels who rebelled and sinned against God are the angels who need help
Like man, they are lost and without hope, unless the Lord made a way for redemption
They, like us, cannot return to glory and erase the sin that separates us from God, unless the Lord gives us help
But the writer of Hebrews says Christ has never authored a plan of redemption for the fallen angels, called demons
Christ never took the form of an angel so He could experience judgment in their place
Consequently, all demons stand condemned for their sin
And one day, they will all be judged and punished in the Lake of Fire
In Ezekiel, the Lord declares that Satan will one day cease to exist
And then, in Revelation, we learn that all the angels who followed him will likewise be cast down from Heaven
The point in all this is clear –
While angels are valued servants to Christ, and to us as well, they are not greater than Christ
In fact, they are not even as valued as mankind
The Father made no allowance for redemption of fallen angels
He has considered every fallen angel lost forever
On the other hand, the Lord has made a path of redemption available for men
He gladly helps Abraham’s descendant, the writer says
A descendant of Abraham in this context means someone who is of the faith of Abraham, whether Jew or Gentile
As Paul explains elsewhere
The Lord has made a way to help us out of our sin, one that required His death in our place
Only mankind has been given this blessing
In fact, Peter tells us that angels long to see and understand God’s plan of redemption for men
Angels have long desired to see how the Lord was going to fulfill His promise to Abraham
And yet, it’s we who have the privilege to know the fullness of the Gospel
This detail in the writer’s argument is a profound truth, and it becomes all the more powerful the more we consider it
The Lord didn’t have to save anyone, whether angel or man
He chose not to save a single angel, for His own reasons
That fact reminds us that the Lord didn’t owe us salvation either
If the Lord can decide to reject 100% of the fallen angels, then He could have certainly rejected 100% of mankind
But He didn’t
Spend some time contemplating how precious His children are to the Lord
That’s why He came as a man, to be like us, and to sympathize with us
In the Law given to Israel, the Lord established a priesthood, led by a man called the High Priest
Now we’ll talk more about priests and the priesthood later in this letter
But for this moment, the writer is focused on the need for a High Priest to be like those he represents
A High Priest was an important man in Israel
He was the only guy who could walk into the holiest place in Israel and perform an act that resulted in the nation’s receiving forgiveness for their sins
He could only take this action once per year
And no one else was allowed to make this intercession for the people of Israel
So everyone treated the High Priest with great respect and honor
High Priests serve as the representative of the people before God
And so he must, by necessity, be like those he represents
He was bearing the sins of Israel on his shoulders, quite literally, in the form of the ephod
And he knew what it was like to fall to temptation
That qualified him to be the perfect one to stand before God and seek mercy for the people of Israel
The writer says that’s another reason why Jesus had to become like us to author salvation
If Jesus was to be our high priest, then He had to understand what it’s like to be human
He couldn’t be our representative before the Father without first being like us
Jesus is a merciful and faithful High Priest for us in His role to intercede for us before the Father
And He understands how best to intercede, because he understands how temptation works in the life of a man or woman
Because He experienced it Himself
The writer says Jesus was tempted when He suffered
The suffering is a reference to suffering several times in Jesus’ earthly life
At the very least, it refers to the 40 days of fasting in the wilderness
When the devil temped Jesus to disobey the Lord
Jesus felt every desire you or I would feel
Yet, He resisted to remain sinless
Secondly, the suffering refers to the passion of Christ
The Gospels teach us that Jesus had the power to stop the beatings and the crucifixion with a word from His mouth
He could have commanded a legion of angels to stop everything
Imagine the temptation to stop the pain
But Jesus also knew the Father had determined He should die for our sins
So Jesus resisted the temptation to disobey
So now the Lord is ready and able to assist us with temptation
As our High Priest, seated at the right hand of the Father, Christ intercedes for us with power to change hearts and circumstances to address our needs
But He also has the experience of living as a man, which means He has infinite mercy and sympathy for our weaknesses and failures
If you are tempted – and really, who isn’t? – then you have no excuse for not putting that before the Lord in prayer
You can’t say Christ can’t help you with your temptations to sin
He’s been there, and He succeeded where you and I fail
So He can solve your temptations, if you give Him that chance
The secret is, you have to put that need before Him
As you pray, confess your sinful temptations
Confess your failures to resist
And ask Him to take the temptation away
And then, when the enemy brings those temptations back again, turn to prayer in the moment
Watch the Lord work
Give Him that chance
Don’t just wait to turn to Him in guilt after you’ve made the mistake and fallen to temptation
Turn to Him in the moment of temptation
That’s the power of a High Priest Who knows what it’s like to be human in a fallen world
We can seek His intercession as we walk
Not just after we stumble
And with that, the writer is ready to move away from the topic of angels and into the next discussion
As we transition into Chapter 3, let’s remember the writer’s purpose in writing this letter
He has a concern that some in the Jewish Church are not appreciating the person and work of Jesus properly
It’s likely he has this concern from things he’s heard going on in the early Church
Jews returning to living under the Law
Sacrificing in the temple
Holding the Old Covenant in higher regard than the New Covenant
Living as if the Messiah had never even appeared
In the first two chapters, the writer highlighted their greater reverence for angels and the mistaken thinking it reflects
And he issued a warning that they should give greater attention to Jesus as Messiah
And they should also understand the penalties they were risking for continuing disobedience to the New Covenant
And now in Chapter 3 and into Chapter 4, the writer comes back to that thought, asking his audience again to consider Jesus as the Apostle and High Priest
The first verse opens with a call to the holy brethren, the partakers of a holy calling
This sounds like a reference to believers
And since this letter went out to many churches in the Diaspora, we can be sure he had believers in mind as he wrote these words
But this terminology is equally applicable to Jewish brothers, regardless of whether they knew Jesus as Lord
All Jews could be called holy brethren
All Jews are partakers of a Heavenly calling
So we can’t assume that the writer views all his readers to be believers as this point
He asks them to consider Jesus
The word “consider” in Greek, is katanoeo, which means “to look very closely”
This word is used in Acts, when Stephen is retelling the history of Israel and speaks of Moses seeing the burning fire in the bush
Have you ever glanced at something casually, and you thought you saw it correctly?
But then if you take a second, closer look, you realize you didn’t see it properly
That’s what the writer is asking here...telling his readers that maybe they didn’t get the full picture the first time
As they look more closely at Jesus, the writer asks them to consider a new comparison: Moses
Jesus was faithful to the Father, in the same way that Moses was faithful to the Father in serving in the Lord’s house
This is a very specific phrase in Greek that means “a house servant”
Moses was a slave of the house owner, and the owner was the Lord
The reference to “house” is a euphemism then
It refers to the family of God, the people of Israel that Moses was commanded to lead and represent before God
Moses was an intercessor for the people, and the one who brought the Word of God to the people
And Moses was faithful in all these things
And then in v.3, the writer says that Jesus was counted worthy of even more glory than Moses
If you want to get a Jew’s attention in any discussion, tell him that you found someone worthy of more glory than Moses
For most Jews, Moses is the preeminent man of God
The man who delivered Israel from slavery, guided them through the desert and gave them their precious Covenant and Law
Moses is traditionally an even more imposing figure in Judaism than father Abraham
But the writer says Jesus was worthy of greater honor
And then in v.3, the writer says that Jesus is greater than Moses
Because Jesus is the builder of the house, not merely the servant
This is a provocative statement
And it sets up the next two chapters
In a few simple words, the writer just said that Jesus is God
Look at the logical progression the writer has used to bring his readers to this conclusion
He said Moses was a servant to God
And of course, God is the one who called Israel and formed them into a nation and placed Moses over that nation
And Moses served God by caring for that house of God, which God built, so to speak
But now the writer says Jesus is worthy of more honor than Moses, because Jesus was that builder whom Moses served
Jesus is the God that called Israel and led them in the desert
Jesus is the God who appointed Moses to serve over Israel
Jesus is the One who gave Moses the Law through angels
Take a closer look at this Messiah you think you know
He is not just a messenger or a prophet or a ruler
He is God in the flesh
And as God, He is worthy of oh-so much more honor than any of His servants – even Moses
Do you get the feeling that the writer is preparing to preach the Gospel to his readers?
Does it sound like he wants to introduce them to Jesus in a new and better way?
This is our first indication that the writer isn’t speaking exclusively to an audience of believing Jews
He seems concerned that some of his Jewish readers didn’t see Christ in the right way the first time
While every house has someone who caused it to be built, the cause of everything is God
God commonly works through men to accomplish His purposes
So in that sense, God is the builder of every house
The writer is simply saying that the work Moses did was under God’s direction
And likewise, the work Christ did was also in service to the Father and according to the Father’s purposes
But as we compare Moses and Jesus, we find a lessor-to-greater relationship
Moses is a picture of Jesus in lessor form
Moses’ life was orchestrated by God to illustrate the life and work of the coming Messiah
Notice in vs.5-6, the writer says that Moses’ faithfulness in serving God in the house God constructed, was to be a testimony of what would come later
We can say it was simply meant to be a picture of Christ
Just as the writer says in v.6, that Jesus fulfilled that picture when He came to be a faithful Son over God’s house
If the people of Israel wandering in the desert was the “house” that God gave Moses to watch over, then what house is Jesus watching over?
The writer says that house is the children of God
The saints are the house that Jesus guards faithfully
All those who have trusted in God’s promise to bring a deliverer, a Messiah, have become part of that house
The writer says we are that house
But then, the writer introduces that preposition we never like to see: “if”
The writer says we are in this house, the body of believers, the saints of the New Covenant, if...
If we hold fast our confidence and the boast of our hope firm until the end
What does it mean to hold fast our confidence and the boast of our hope?
And what is the end?
First, the confidence a Christian holds on to is the confidence that our sins have been paid for in full by the blood of Christ
Our confidence in the sufficiency of Christ’s work is what leads us to cast off all other means of salvation
We turn from works and superstitions and myths and humanism
And we turn to Christ, knowing that nothing else works and nothing else is needed
And then, the hope we boast about to the world is the hope of resurrection
When we die, we know that the Lord promised we will experience the resurrection that He also experienced
Death is not the end of us, so we boast to the world of that hope that one day we will live again without fear of death
Before we skip past these words, let’s take a closer look at the word “hope”
We typically use the word “hope” when some degree of uncertainty exists
We hope it rains today
We hope we win the lottery
We hope our children do their chores (which would be like hitting the lottery in my case)
The Bible uses the word differently
The Bible uses the word like we use the word “expect”
In Greek, the word is elpis, which means “expectation”
So the Bible’s word for hope is like saying, “I expect to win the lottery”, “I expect it to rain today”
And for the Christian, “I expect to be resurrected”
It is not wishful thinking, but absolute confidence in a future event, based on the promises of God
But because it remains unseen for now, it is properly called a “hope”
A “hope” is the expectation of something that hasn’t happened yet
This writer says that we can count ourselves as a part of the family of God, if we are confident that Jesus’ death was a sufficient payment for our sin and we expect to be resurrected
These beliefs are the beliefs that define saving faith – as Paul writes in Rom. 10
Faith is confessing with your mouth that Jesus is Lord (the promise of His death paying for your sins) and
Believing in your heart that the Father raised Him from the dead – that’s your hope of resurrection
Do you believe He paid the price, do you believe He’ll live again? If you believe these things, you’re in the house of God
Then, he adds that interesting piece – holding fast that belief until the end
If you have been convinced by the Spirit that Jesus is Lord and that you will be resurrected, you will never become unconvinced
Because the conviction of the truth of those things does not come by flesh and blood, according to Scripture
Remember when Jesus asked Peter, “But who do you say that I am?” and Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”
And Jesus replied that Peter was blessed because that truth was not revealed to Peter by flesh and blood, but by the Father in Heaven (Matt. 16)
You cannot come to those convictions by flesh and blood – no one gets there because in their head, they decided they like it – they get there because the Spirit persuaded them
If you say you believe these things, but then in a future day, you decide you need something else besides Jesus to make yourself righteous
Or if you suddenly no longer expect to be resurrected someday and begin to fear death again
Then, the writer says, you’re showing evidence you never really understood with the truth in the first place
Saving faith will understand these truths such that we hold on to them to the end
If you have become convinced by the Spirit that Jesus is Lord, you will never be unconvinced
And if you have an expectation, a hope of resurrection made certain by the Spirit, then you will never lose that hope to seek it elsewhere
But the recipients of this letter – at least some of them – were doing those very things, as we’ll see in the rest of Chapters 3 & 4