Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongAt the beginning of Chapter 3, the writer introduced three ideas, or concepts, he intends to use over the next two chapters in making a larger point
First, he introduced the concept of the wilderness wanderings of Israel
Specifically, the writer references Moses, whom he calls a servant in God’s house
We know Moses led God’s chosen people out of Egypt
Moses gave them God’s Covenant of Law
And though Moses was supposed to lead them into the promised land
Instead, he wandered with them in a wilderness for 40 years
Secondly, the writer introduces the concept of Christ’s superiority to Moses
Just as Christ is superior to angels, so is Christ a superior leader of God’s people
As the writer explains in later chapters, Christ delivers a greater Covenant
And He brings a greater salvation
Lastly, the writer introduces the concept of perseverance, or steadfastness, as a test of our confession of faith
The writer uses a picture of a house to describe the collection of God’s people
He says that we are qualified to be part of God’s house if we have held fast our confession until the end
The word “end” refers to the end of our lives
Last time, we noted that this holding fast is not the means to salvation
It’s not to say that salvation comes from the work of holding on
Rather, the writer is giving us the definition of salvation
True believers are those who hold fast their confession until the end
So why is the writer raising these subjects of Israel and Moses in the desert, and of perseverance in our confession?
To understand, we need to read the next part of Chapter 3
The writer quotes from Psalms 95:7-11
In that psalm, we find a retelling of the story of Numbers 13 & 14
The writer is invoking a powerful reminder for his readers
He’s referring to the rebellion of Israel in the desert, a sad point in Israel’s history
As the psalmist recounts, the generation of Israel tested the Lord a total of ten times during their travels in the desert
Israel tested the Lord’s patience by repeatedly questioning the Lord’s faithfulness and goodness
They accused Him of leading them into the desert only to kill them with thirst or hunger
They complained about the manna
They worshipped a golden calf
They rebelled against Moses’ leadership
Repeatedly, they tested the Lord’s patience, almost daring Him to act against them
At the end of those ten times of testing, the Lord’s patience came to an end
The final act of testing came when the Lord brought Israel to the brink of entering the promised land in Canaan
Rather than believing the good reports of Joshua and Caleb, the people chose to believe the lies of the other spies
They didn’t believe God’s promise that the land would be a blessing, a place of milk and honey
Instead, they chose to believe the lies spoken through the disobedient spies
In a real sense, they sided with the father of lies rather than the Father of lights
That was the moment when the last straw broke the camel’s back
Clearly, the Lord was disgusted with Israel’s mistrust and disobedience
This is the moment the psalmist was speaking about in Psalm 95
And this is the moment the writer in Hebrews is thinking about as he brings a warning to the Church of his day
We can see the what concerned the writer, as we look at the details of Psalm 95
First, the psalmist says, “If you hear the Lord’s voice today, then respond in the right way - don’t harden your hearts to God”
The psalmist was speaking about what happened to the generation who wandered in the desert
Collectively, they heard the Lord’s voice
They saw His wonders and miraculous works
They heard his voice as the sound of thunder
They saw the smoke and cloud
And nevertheless, most of them rebelled repeatedly
They heard the Lord in a physical sense, but they didn’t hear in a spiritual sense
Their hearts remained hardened and unreceptive to the Word of God
They didn’t not accept the promises of God
Time and time again, most of that generation demonstrated a lack of faith
Notice in v.10, he says they went astray in their heart
As the psalmist points out, that generation saw incredible things, and they shared incredible experiences, but these displays were unable to turn their hearts
Back in Psalm 95, the word “astray” is translated “erred”
In Hebrew the word is ta`ah, which means “deceived” or “seduced”
They were deceived in their heart and seduced by the enemy’s lies
And then, the Lord says they do not know My ways
To not know God’s ways means to lack a saving knowledge of God
To not know Him truly
Finally, God says in v.10 that He was angry with that generation, but in the psalm, the word is even stronger
It says the Lord loathed that generation
To loath is an intense feeling of disgust and rejection
God never expresses loathing for His children; He only loathes those who deny Him
We see confirmation in Numbers 14:11, when God asked how long will this generation not believe in me?
From all the facts in Psalm 95 and Numbers, we’re forced to conclude that generation of Israel were men and women who did not place their faith and trust in the Lord Who rescued them
They knew him in a fleshly sense, for they witnessed great displays
But they lacked a true heart
They couldn’t act in faith in response to His promises
They could only follow Him in a superficial, fleshly sense
Which is not truly following Him at all
That generation followed Moses to gain something they wanted
Whether freedom from slavery, or rescue from the Egyptian army or to seek a pleasant home in a prosperous land
Whatever it was they sought, they weren’t attracted to the spiritual blessings that come by faith alone
And so they acted disobediently in moments that required a faith in God’s promises, in things unseen
So the psalmist and the writer of Hebrews point to their bad example as a call to Christians not to repeat that mistake
Why did the writer think the Church was in jeopardy of following after the example of Israel in the desert?
The writer must have had reason to believe that some in the Church were following Christ in the same way that the Israelites followed Moses
The Israelites saw Moses merely as an earthly deliverer
A man who granted them escape from Egypt
A man who promised them an easy life on earth
But Moses was much more
He was the intercessor God provided
He delivered a covenant that bound the nation to the Lord
And the blessings he offered were first and foremost spiritual
And they depended upon faith
He was a forerunner of Christ, in that respect
The writer is worried that some in the Church were following Christ in a similar, superficial manner
If the Church was following Christ merely because they hoped He would give them earthly benefits, then it meant they didn’t know Him truly
And like their forefathers, they risked being condemned in the end
The writer has already emphasized that Christ is the builder of the house, while Moses was merely a caretaker
And therefore, Christ is worthy of much more honor than was Moses
So if Israel was condemned for a failure to show faith in following Moses, what awaits a person who will not demonstrate faith in Christ?
Now we see the reason the writer has raised these issues
He’s concerned that some in the early Church had joined themselves to the body of Christ in an illegitimate way
They were like those of whom Christ spoke when he said that we must enter only by the door
Only by trusting in the Word of the Lord may we be saved
But some in the Church were a part of the group by affiliation, but not by a personal relationship with Christ
They had no relationship with the Lord, and in the future, they were susceptible to falling away from Christ
At the first hint of persecution or trial or storms, they give up hope and fall away
Just as the Israelites who began grumbling at Moses and the Lord at the first hint of difficulty, there will be some in our congregations who step back from their faith at the first sign of trouble
They show they are not Christ’s, because they fail to hold fast their assurance firm until the end
Many false teachers and their megachurches preaching happiness and prosperity will empty quickly once persecution breaks out against the Church, which the Bible says will happen one day
Under trying circumstances, there will be little reason for these posers to continue affiliating with the Church if affiliation only brings negative attention
The sad and ever-present reality is that not all who participate with us in our congregations truly know the Lord
Not all have eyes to see and ears to hear
And in these last days, the Bible says the problem of false confessors will reach epidemic proportions
We will experience a great apostasy in the last days of the Church, Paul says
Back in Chapter 2, the writer issued his first warning about those who drift away after hearing the truth
They heard, but they didn’t believe it and they didn’t stick around
Like a boat untethered to the shore, they slowly drift out of sight
Because they did not accept the truth, they never built their house on the rock of Jesus Christ
They are like the seed in Luke 8, thrown on hard-packed soil
It sits there for a time, but soon the enemy comes to take it away and it never penetrates the soil
So often, we see this in our families and our friends and among the occasional person who hangs around the church, but soon disappears
So the first warning was to not to pass by the truth, but pay closer attention to it
Now the writer’s second warning is reaching past mere attention to the message, and is asking for a heartfelt acceptance of its truth
He’s speaking to the one who has stuck around without embracing the truth of Christianity
They have joined themselves to the congregation for the wrong reasons, without the faith God requires
They want something from their Christian affiliation, like the Israelites who wanted escape from slavery and a chance to prosper
They perceive an earthly benefit in Christianity, but have no appreciation for the spiritual significance of Christ
To this group, the writer issues his second warning
The writer addresses his audience as brethren, which causes some to ask, could he be speaking to believers in this warning?
If so, then we would have to interpret everything he says in this chapter and the next from the perspective of a believer falling way
Certainly, there is a form of unbelief that is possible for the Christian
It would be unbelief in that sense of living in disobedience to our faith in Christ
Acting like an unbeliever, though we know the truth
So how do I know that the writer isn’t speaking to believers in this case?
Chiefly, because the writer’s consequences for unbelief are not consistent with the promises given to believers
The consequences for a disobedient believer are vastly different than for an unbeliever
And when we get into Chapter 4, we’ll see clearly that the writer is concerned about a consequence only an unbeliever can experience
So we enter this discussion with an understanding that the writer is concerned about unbelievers among the faithful
Nevertheless, we can find a message for the believer in this warning
While we cannot fall away from our salvation, we can fall away in obedience
And sin has a hardening effect on our hearts, even as believers
If we live in sin without repenting, we may find ourselves sucked into a life of sin that brings shame to Christ
The writer will address that concern later in the letter
But for now, this second warning is focused on the false confessor
In v.12, the writer tells his readers that an evil, unbelieving heart will fall away from the living God
Eventually, those with unbelieving hearts will reveal themselves
They will fall away from their affiliation with Christ
Just as those who had unbelieving hearts in Israel eventually made themselves known through their disobedience in the desert
The truth is usually revealed in times of testing, in moments when faith is required to take the next step forward
In the desert, it happened when food or water was scarce, when enemies approached or the promise of a beautiful land seemed too good to believe
So it will be for the unbelievers in our midst
As persecution begins, or personal trials ensue, their faith is tested anew
That’s when they discover that Christianity doesn’t bring them their best life now, so they lose heart and hope
When a heart isn’t true, those moments of testing will reveal a person’s unbelief
This is the second condition in Parable of the Sower, where the seed falls on rocky soil and doesn’t have the depth to produce a root, so that as soon as the sun comes out, it withers and dies
Notice the unique construction of this particular warning
This warning is unique among the five in this letter
It concerns the unbeliever in the group, but the call to action is directed at the believers
The writer asks the believers to take care that there would be no posers among them
He doesn’t call upon the unbeliever to fix his own heart
For this isn’t possible
No one raises himself to new life
He calls on the believers to help the one who is incomplete
Christ is the Author and Perfecter of our faith, but the Lord has chosen to deliver salvation through the efforts of men who preach the Gospel
Which is why the writer places the call of action in the lap of the believers in the Church
They are called to solve this problem
So how does the Church respond to the writer’s instructions?
In v.14, he says the Church must encourage one another, day after day
We get a better sense of what kind of encouragement he means when he repeats the psalmist’s call to do so “as long as it is still called today”
In the psalm, the word “today” refers to the window of opportunity in each person’s life, in which we can respond to the call of the Lord
The psalmist called for his readers to hear the voice of the Lord and respond in obedience “today”
In other words, believe in the Lord without delay
So the encouragement the writer wants repeated in the Church is the call to know the Lord before time runs out
We are to preach the Gospel in the Church consistently, knowing that some among us may not have embraced the truth yet
So we call upon them to believe, while an opportunity remains
We can encourage each other to know the Lord without necessarily offering an altar call or other special moment in the service
Encouraging each other means preaching the Word consistently
It means ensuring that the Gospel is always front and center in our understanding of what it means to be Christian
Reiterating that salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone
Never substituting some other message like prosperity, healing, social justice, environmental justice, community, or whatever becomes vogue in a future day
In the end, faithful preaching of the Word of Christ will bring ears to hear and hearts to change
For faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of Christ
And at the very least, it will help strengthen believers in the faith
Reminding us that we’ve been saved by God’s grace to perform good works that glorify the Father
So that we may know we are counted a child of God
And how do we know those who are children of God?
The writer repeats his earlier definition in v.14
Those who have truly become partakers of Christ are those who hold fast their assurance firm until the end
The assurance he mentions is a confidence in the sufficiency of Christ’s promises
It’s the opposite of what the Israelites demonstrated in the desert, questioning the Lord’s promises and faithfulness
The smallest inconvenience led them to say that God was no longer good, that Moses was incompetent, the plan no longer sound
True Christians hold their assurance to the end, for as long as today is called today
In other words, we hold fast in these days as we wait for the fulfillment of God’s promises
We hold fast until we see Him face to face
These are the days we’re called to live by faith
Trusting in the promises of God – just like Abraham
And a Christian lives in that assurance until they reach the end of their days
When you encourage someone to persevere in their faith, you’re reminding them of the goodness of God and His faithfulness to His promises and the eternity of His timetable
And by that encouragement, you are reinforcing their witness and their opportunity to please the Lord
Along the way, you may run into someone who doesn’t seem to respond in the same way to your encouragement
Your friend in the Church, your Christian neighbor
To that person, your encouragement may be the day of salvation
Preaching the Gospel isn’t about special moments that you select, based on a person you’re talking to whom you’ve deemed to need the Gospel
Those moments do certainly happen, but those moments are fleeting
Instead, see it as a continual conversation all day long
Speak the Gospel to everyone all the time, and along the way you’ll inevitably share it with an unbeliever
Whether in the Church or in line at the supermarket
Encourage one another as long as it’s called “today” – while there’s still time