
Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongRobinson’s experience is a good example of how a Christian falls away
If we concede to disappointment or discouragement, or if submit to the desires of our flesh, we can slip back into a life ruled by our flesh
Our faith is still intact, in that our knowledge of Christ as Lord and Savior never leaves
But in our behavior, we depart from the commands of Christ
We are departing from the life of obedience to Christ, though we can never be separated from the love of Christ
This was Robinson’s experience
But it is the kindness of God that brings us to repentance, and God was certainly good to give Robinson the opportunity to repent and return
The Lord never left Robinson, even though Robinson tried to run from God
That’s the security we have in Christ, that even when we are faithless, yet He remains faithful
For the unbeliever, however, there is no such rescue promised
When an unbeliever is exposed to the truth, considers it for a time, and then falls away during a time of testing, there is no tether holding them to the Lord
They have no relationship with the Lord
Perhaps they will eventually come to embrace the truth, as the Lord permits
But unless and until they come to understand the truth of the Gospel, their temporary interest in Christ or Christianity buys them nothing
This is why the writer says in v.14, that becoming a partaker (metochos - companion) of Christ will lead to a holding fast our confidence until the end
This is the central concern for this writer in his second warning
That among us in the Church may be those who have not truly embraced Christ as Lord
And yet, they continue to congregate with us
For their sake, the writer asks us to encourage one another, seeking to build everyone up, and ultimately to lead everyone to a saving knowledge of Christ
But the sin of unbelief has a hardening effect on a heart
Time is running out
And that’s why the writer continues to emphasize hearing the Lord’s voice today
And if someone fails to hear the Lord’s voice, there is a certain outcome awaiting them for their unbelief
And that leads us to the consequence of the warning at the end of Chapter 3 and into Chapter 4
The writer wanted to offer the Church an example of their nation’s past to illustrate both the possibility and the seriousness of some within the group failing to believe
So he returns to the experiences of the Israelites in the desert
He asks a series of questions to cause his audience to consider the consequences of unbelief in our midst
His questions are all focused on the “who” of that time in the desert
First, he asks, “Who provoked God when they had heard?”
Those who heard are the Israelites, who heard the Lord’s call, through Moses, to leave Egypt
They saw God’s miraculous powers in the desert
They received the Covenant, and heard the Word of the Lord
But who was God angry with 40 years? Again, with those same people
They angered God in their sin, disobeying the Word of the Lord time and again and demonstrating a lack of faith
And so the Lord declared they would all die in the desert
Finally, the writer asks “Who was denied entrance into the promised land?”
That very same generation of Israel never entered the Lord’s rest, that is, the land of Canaan
His point is that those who began the journey with Moses didn’t make it to the destination
A start doesn’t guarantee a finish, if that start begins in the wrong way
In the case of the Israelites, from the beginning, they provoked the Lord
And in the end, they were denied entry into the land that the Lord promised to Abraham’s descendants
But how could the Lord deny something He promised?
Paul explains how in Romans
The promises of God are obtained through faith
We must believe in those promises before God assigns them to us
In the case of that generation of Israel, their unbelief in God’s promise of a good and prosperous land disqualified them from receiving that promise
The writer says their nation was not able to enter the land because of unbelief
Just attaching themselves to Moses wasn’t enough
Just hearing the Word proclaimed wasn’t enough
Being witness to wondrous displays of God wasn’t enough to grant entrance into God’s promises
The test of entrance was faith – belief in those promises
Things haven’t changed for the Church, as the writer points out in Chapter 4:1
We should tremble at the thought that there might some among us who possess the same kind of evil, unbelieving heart
We aren’t merely trembling for their sake, though certainly we have concern for their eternal future
But remember, the consequences impacted all of Israel – Moses, Joshua and Caleb all wandered in the wilderness for 40 years as well
When the unbelieving element in the group disobeyed God, the Lord placed the entire nation under judgment
So we should be concerned if our congregations are long-term refuges for unbelievers
We certainly want them to visit, to inquire, to listen to the Word and to consider what they hear
But if our gathering can be a comfortable place for the unbeliever to hang out indefinitely, then we should fear, the Bible says
The Word of God is intended to create a response in the hearts of those who hear it preached properly
And that response will either be to fall upon our knees in repentance, seeking His forgiveness and mercy
Or it will lead us to run away in disobedience, stubbornness and pride
But the one thing we cannot permit, is for unbelievers to remain unchanged in our midst
To do so is to risk angering the Lord
It means departing from the mission of the Church, our very purpose for being – we are to be light, salt and truth to the world
And it also suggests we’re not presenting the Word of God in a true and forthright manner
We’ve created an environment where the world can feel comfortable in the Church
Some churches have made this mistake today, labeling their approach to the gathering as “seeker-friendly”
And though they do what they do with the best of intentions, nevertheless, they are paving a road to destruction
They have designed an experience that appeals to unbelievers, in the hope that bringing them into the gathering will have a positive impact
But rubbing elbows with believers does not – by itself – bring about saving faith
If hanging around the people of God or even God Himself was a means to saving faith, then how do we explain Israel in the desert?
Christianity doesn’t “rub off”
It doesn’t enter a heart like air entering lungs
You don’t absorb it or learn it through a socializing process
Perhaps in the early stages of someone’s interest in the faith, a socializing period can be useful to building bridges
But sooner or later, if we hope to see someone come to faith in Christ, we must present the message of the Gospel from the testimony of the Bible
And that message is always the same: Starting with sin, then moving to Christ, and ending with the need for confession
That’s been this writer’s point throughout this example of Israel in the desert
In v.2, the writer says those who provoked God were denied rest
They rubbed elbows with Moses and the rest of the Israelites
They walked the same walk, they heard the same Word
But it didn’t profit them, because it was not united with faith
The Greek word for “united” can mean “mixed together”
They weren’t experiencing what they encountered through a lens of faith
They only experienced it in a fleshly sense, which did them no good
That has to be our concern as well, should we afford safe harbor to someone who lacks true saving faith?
It might feel good to us in some sense, but it’s doing no one any good
No one is profiting
They don’t profit, because without faith, it’s impossible to please God
And we don’t profit, because we haven’t served the purpose of the Church
We haven’t pleased our Lord
We’re potentially forfeiting reward
The writer has been emphasizing that the stakes for those who provoke the Lord in disobedience to the Gospel are very, very high
He’s described the penalty for unbelief to be not entering the rest of God
We know that for those in the desert, the penalty was not entering the Promised Land
But the writer also indicated that this is a penalty still being experienced by those who reject Christ today
Notice in v.1, the writer says the promise of entering the Lord’s rest still remains today
How can the penalty for failing to believe be the same today as it was in the time of Moses?
After all, the Israelites eventually did enter the Promised Land under Joshua
So what exactly does the writer mean when he says those who remain disobedient in their unbelief are in jeopardy of not entering His rest?
The writer goes forward to explain
In v.3, the writer defines what he means by “entering rest”
Using the Israelites as a negative example, the writer demonstrates that those who have believed in God’s promises enter into His rest
Once again, he quotes from Psalms 95, where the Lord Himself equated Israel’s disobedience with forfeiting entering rest
But now, the writer wants us to understand that God wasn’t speaking about entering Canaan, at least that wasn’t His only meaning
So with a series of comments from the Old Testament, the writer explains what it means to be denied God’s rest
First, in v.4, the writer refers to the Creation account
As we all remember, the Lord took a day at the end of Creation to rest
The Lord rested in the sense that He ceased the Creation process
And in that sense, the Lord’s rest has never ended
Even now, the Lord is “at rest” from Creation, because the Creation process ended on Day 6 and has never restarted
But thousands of years later, the Lord declared that disobedient Israel wouldn’t enter into His rest
The rest of the Lord has already begun and is everlasting at this point
So the only way someone can never enter into God’s rest, is if they never enter into His presence
And that’s exactly the meaning of the Lord’s threat
Those who were disobedient and unbelieving in the desert were being denied entrance into the Lord’s presence in Heaven, where He is at rest
Therefore, the writer says an opportunity remains for “some” to enter into the Lord’s rest
Not all enter into His rest, His presence
By faith, some will enter into the Lord’s rest
Some are like those in the desert
They had good news preached to them, but still they failed to enter because they disobeyed what they heard
And the Lord wasn’t just talking about denying them entrance into Canaan, the physical Promised Land
The writer proves in vs.7-9 that the rest God was describing was a euphemism for entering into His presence, into salvation
First, the writer quotes from the Psalms again, when David called Israel to enter into the Lord’s rest “today”
But, by the time David wrote that psalm, the nation of Israel had already been living in Canaan for many generations
So if entering rest merely referred to the physical land, then David wouldn’t have still been calling Israel to enter the Lord’s rest
The nation had already entered long before
Notice, the writer makes that conclusion in v.8
He says that if entering rest merely meant entering Canaan under Joshua, then we wouldn’t have had David repeating the call to enter centuries later
So the writer concludes in v.9, that there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God
The concept the writer is expressing here is deep and incredibly meaningful for all believers
The writer is explaining that the word “rest” in the Bible is a word God uses to describe entering into salvation by faith, which leads to our glory in God’s presence
That rest is God’s rest
It’s a rest He makes available
It’s not a rest we earn
It’s a rest He earned by His work, and He invites us to join Him by faith
When we have faith in His promises, we enter into His rest
This is a Sabbath rest
And since that rest is the Lord’s rest, it lasts perpetually
Just as the Lord rests perpetually because He will never return to the work of Creation, likewise, we will enjoy a perpetual rest by our faith
We do not work our way to salvation; we rest in the work God did on our behalf through Christ
The land in Canaan was merely a picture of that eternal rest
When the nation of Israel disobeyed in the desert, they were demonstrating their lack of saving faith in the promises of God
So the Lord denied them entrance into the physical Promised Land to demonstrate His displeasure with them
But in the process, He was also creating a picture of where unbelief leads
It prevents us from entering God’s rest, His presence, His salvation
We will be left with our own work, which will never produce lasting eternal rest
That’s why David said so many years after Joshua that Israel should still be seeking to enter God’s rest
Everyone should be seeking to enter the Lord’s presence
For as long as today is called “Today”
For as long as the Lord continues to hold back His judgment and allow us the opportunity to know Christ and be saved
We should seize that opportunity to enter His rest
As the writer says in v.10, that the one who has entered the Lord’s rest is the one who has rested from his works, just as God rested from His works
The day you receive Christ as your savior, you cease from your works
You enter into the Lord’s Sabbath rest
The rest that the Lord commemorated by giving Israel a day to rest in each week
That weekly rest that Israel enjoyed under the Law was a memorial of the Lord’s rest
You and I enter into the Lord’s rest, the perpetual rest, when we accept Christ as Savior
That’s why we can say now that we are not required to observe a weekly rest on one day of the week
Because we have obtained something far greater by our faith in Christ
We have entered into God’s perpetual rest, a rest that lasts every day of every week
A rest we enter by faith alone, and not by our own works
That’s the rest the writer wants all his readers to enter
As he says in v. 11
The Greek word for “diligent” means “to make every effort”
We should make every effort to bring everyone with us into the rest of the Lord
And this refers to us a collective group, working together to bring all of us as a community into His rest
Or simply put, we should be working as hard as we can to make sure everyone in our church truly knows the Lord
As the writer said earlier, let’s encourage everyone to remember the Lord’s kindness and mercy in the face of Christ
Continue speaking the Gospel and expecting a response
Solicit testimonies, encourage believers to be baptized
Don’t let anyone fall through the cracks
And at the same time, let’s be realistic in our expectations
Not everyone may be willing to make the trip with us
Some will remain disobedient, unrepentant and unbelieving
What are we to do with those?
The one thing we can’t do is find a way to make them feel comfortable in their unbelief
We can’t soften the Gospel or make excuses for their lack of repentance
We can’t make unity a higher priority than truth
We can’t make their participation in the congregation a higher goal than their partaking in Christ
Let’s not allow anyone to follow the example of the Israelites in the desert
A people who saw miraculous things around them and heard the marvelous revelation of God
And yet they turned away and followed their flesh…