
Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongWe’ve reached the end of the second warning in our study of Hebrews
Let’s summarize the second warning briefly if we can
The writer began with a simple definition of being a Christian
We are a part of Christ’s house (i.e., we are the Church) if we hold fast our confession of Christ firmly until the end
Those who do not hold fast are those who have not yet entered into the Lord’s rest
That is, resting from works and entering into salvation by faith alone
And the writer reminded us that many in Israel’s history were barred from entering a physical form of rest for unbelief
And they suffered this fate, even in the face of amazing signs and wonders that demonstrated God’s power
They knew He existed, obviously
But they failed to trust in His Word
Like the writer will say later:
Faith isn’t merely an acknowledgement that God exists; it requires we trust in God’s promises
The Israelites were promised reward in Canaan
But they did not believe those promises
So the writer asks us, the Church, to be diligent in encouraging one another to know and follow the Lord as long as it is called “Today”
So that no one among us will fall through the cracks
As he ends his second warning, the writer adds a final word of exhortation to heed his warning
The writer makes a statement many in the Church have learned by heart, or at least heard quoted many times, I’m sure
It’s a statement about the power of God’s Word in the hearts of mankind
This truth lies at the heart of the Gospel and of our experience following Christ
And it reveals the nature of our judgment and that of all Creation before Christ in a coming day
First, notice how v.12 begins: the Word of God
This is a statement about the power of the Scriptures (the Bible)
Ultimately, of course, it’s a statement about the power of God Himself, for all power extends from Him
But specifically, the Lord’s Word has a power derived from God
As Isaiah says so powerfully
In Isaiah, we’re told that once the Lord issues His Word, it moves out into Creation with a certain and unchanging power
It’s described as if it were an agent with a will of its own
The Word of God isn’t merely a description of reality
It is the agent of cause
The proof of that is Gen. 1 – God spoke and something happened
All of Creation will act in unison to accomplish what the Word of God proclaims
Understand the breadth of this statement: ALL Creation bows to the Word of God – not just the animate, but the inanimate
You may remember the moment when Jesus entered Jerusalem on the Sunday before He was crucified, Palm Sunday
As he rides in on a donkey, the crowds begin to sing Psalm 118, saying:
The crowd was singing from Psalm 118, which is a Messianic psalm
Here’s a quote from that part of the psalm
As you can see, this is a psalm that describes the Messiah
The psalm announces the arrival of the Messiah to establish His Kingdom
The people along the road believed Jesus to be that Messiah, so they complied with Scripture’s demands and announced His arrival by singing Psalm 118
The Pharisees were visibly upset to hear this psalm being sung for Jesus, since they did not accept Jesus as Messiah for themselves
Here is the scene, as recorded in Luke:
Notice Jesus’ response to the Pharisees
Jesus simply says that if this crowd didn’t sing this song, the rocks would sing it for them
Jesus isn’t speaking in hyperbole; I believe He meant what He said, literally
If the people had remained silent, in disobedience to God’s Word, then the very rocks themselves would have made a joyful noise to comply with God’s Word
The Word of God declared that upon the Messiah’s arrival, this psalm would be sung
And whatever the Word of God says, must come to pass
The Creation itself operates according to that Word
As Isaiah says, the Word WILL accomplish what the Lord desires
And in this context, the writer wants us to understand that the Word of God will expose those who live in unbelief
Unbelief will not go undetected
The Lord will one day call all to account
How does the Word of God expose the hearts of men? In five ways, the writer says
First, the writer says the Word of God is living
It is living, in the sense that it has the power to grant men spiritual life
In fact, the Word of God is the only thing that brings spiritual life
And so, only those who have truly heard the Word of God will be made alive by it
Secondly, the Word of God is active
The Greek word is energes, from which we get “energy”
The word means, “it accomplishes work within us”
It’s active in the way God’s Word speaks to us on unique issues in our spiritual lives
A group may study the same passage of Scripture together, and yet each is convicted in a different way
One person comes to repentance and is brought to faith
Another is convicted of a persistent sin and the need to walk in holiness
A third senses the Spirit confirming it’s time to move out in a new ministry
A fourth may experience encouragement and hope in seeing God’s patience and wisdom reflected in the text
And it’s not just active in the sense of how it informs us
The Word of God has power to compel the Creation to respond and comply with the will of God
So it is in each of us
Learning and submitting to the Word of God has a supernatural power to transform us into the will of Christ
As Paul said in Romans 12
Thirdly, the Word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword
The word for “sword” used in the Greek means a small, sharp paring knife, commonly used to debone fish
In ancient Rome, this type of knife was the symbol used for Roman judges and magistrates
Like we have a blind Lady Justice holding scales to symbolize unprejudiced judgment
The two-edged knife represented the judges’ responsibility to “cut both ways” in getting to the bottom of a matter
Here, the writer is using that symbol to reflect how the Word of God carves us up in judging the thoughts and intentions of our heart
The Lord’s Word will be the instrument by which the Lord will perform a postmortem examination of every person’s life, whether at the Judgment Seat of Christ (for the believer) or the Great White Throne of Judgment (for the unbeliever)
We will be judged by the Word of God, according to what it demands
For the unbeliever, the Great White Throne of Judgment will reveal their deeds to be sinful and not in keeping with the Word of God
But even for believers, the Judgment Seat of Christ will be a moment when our lives are laid bare for judgment
The result of our judgment is for the determination of eternal reward
Nevertheless, the outcome of that judgment will be based on our conformance to the Word of God
Our obedience to the Word in our walk with Christ
Fourthly, the Word of God is piercing, such that it separates spirit from flesh
The writer actually uses four descriptions of soul and body, but each pair are synonyms
He says soul and spirit vs. joints and marrow
Soul and spirit describe the immaterial nature of our being
While joints and marrow describe the flesh of our existence
So there aren’t four parts to our existence, or even three
We are only two: spirit and flesh
The writer’s speaking of the Word’s power to discern between the motives of our flesh and the motives of our spirit
The same action we take can at sometimes be sinful, and other at other times, be a result of walking in faith
We could make a donation to our church with the intent to support the work of the Lord as an act of faith
Or we could make a donation, hoping to gain the favor of leaders in the church
You and I are not perceptive enough to know the difference sometimes
But the Word of God is perceptive enough to discern when an action was driven by the flesh or when it was a response of faith in our spirit
Once again, the Word of God will judge us, and we will only gain God’s pleasure for acts of faith
Finally, the writer says the Word is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of hearts
The Word is powerful at revealing truth, that it will bring to light those good and sinful thoughts we harbored in our hearts
Even those thoughts we never took action on will still be subject to judgment
Remember, Jesus Himself explained the potential for our thoughts to convict us before God
Notice, it judges both our thoughts and our intentions
God’s Word is such a perfect judge, it will reveal not only what we thought, but also our intentions in having that thought
Think about that the next time a sinful thought moves through your head
While we’ve been forgiven from the penalty of those sinful thoughts (and all sin), they’re not going to remain hidden forever
And to finish his comments on the second warning, the writer says there is no creature – no demon nor angel, no unbeliever nor believer – who will hide from His judgment
Everything about our lives will be open and laid bare to the judgment of Christ
Naturally, the writer expects his readers to respond to this truth in the appropriate way
If everything we think, want, do and don’t do, is going to be subject to judgment on a day to come, then we should strive to live now in keeping with that prospect
And we should want to encourage all those around us to do the same
And with that, the writer moves forward, with an introduction to his next section of teaching, on Christ as our High Priest
These verses serve as an introduction to his next section, which really gets going in Chapter 5
This next section addresses a major pillar of Judaism, the priesthood of the Levites
Like the earlier issue of angels, this issue centers on a comparison of the value and purpose of older things with the new and better things available in Christ
The writer introduces this section with v.14, with a statement that sounds very much like way he detoured into his second warning
That detour began in Chapter 3:7
In fact, take a moment with me to look at the verse immediately preceding 3:7
This was the statement that launched the writer into the second warning
Notice, he used the preposition “if” to pique his readers’ interest in where he was going next
By using “if”, he was suggesting that not all of his readers were a part of God’s house
Not all were truly believers in Christ
But now, look again at v.14, where the writer ends his warning to this group
We can see the writer getting back on point now
He’s back to talking about that house, the one that Christ built, that is, the Church
And he’s still comparing it to the house that Moses served in, that is, the people of God who were under the Covenant of Law
Both “houses” have high priests serving the needs of the people
But we have a High Priest far superior to the one that served in the earlier day
And in this introduction, the writer mentions numerous ways that Christ is superior to the men who served as high priest in Israel
First, our High Priest has passed through the Heavens
The writer is speaking of the proximity, or position, of Christ to the Father
Christ isn’t merely a man bound to the earth, far from the presence of the Father
Such was the condition of earthly priests that served under the Law
They might have been elevated to the position of High Priest by the people
And in their duties, they got as close to God as any man could under the Law
They entered the Holy of Holies to administer the blood of the sacrifice on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement
But that was nothing compared to what our High Priest has done in the New Covenant
Jesus ascended to the right hand of the Father
There is no flesh closer to the Father than the Incarnate Christ
And Christ is in that position 24/7 on our behalf
The high priest of Israel only entered the Holy of Holies in the tabernacle on one day of the year
Only once each year did Israel send a representative before the mercy seat to seek the Lord’s mercy and intercession
But our High Priest is continually serving His people
And the high priest of Israel wasn’t just in a lesser position to serve God’s people, but he also had an infinitely poorer perspective by which to serve as an intercessor
The high priest of Israel was only a man, and he was relatively isolated from the people
He couldn’t meet every member of the nation of Israel to receive their prayer requests
He wasn’t like Santa; he didn’t make appearances at the Mall of Jerusalem so Israelites could sit on his lap and tell him their needs
And even if he could visit every Jew in advance of Yom Kippur, he couldn’t have remembered all their needs
And his function in the temple didn’t allow him to bring those needs before the throne
He simply performed the duties prescribed in Leviticus
And he called it a day
But our High Priest hears every prayer we raise up in His Name
Despite the fact that hundreds of millions of Christians can pray to Christ simultaneously, He can hear every single one
And he represents them to the Father with great wisdom and insight
And the Son’s perfection and oneness with the Father ensure our prayers are received by the Father
Moreover, in v.15, the writer says that when our High Priest hears, He does so with great sympathy and understanding
He isn’t a dispassionate messenger relaying data
His humanity has equipped Him with an understanding from personal experience that informs His perspective
He was tempted in all things of life, the very same temptations you and I have experienced in our lives
He knows that moment when we are drawn away by sin, though He himself was never drawn away by temptation
The writer’s point is, we have to seek for His guidance and power and intervention while we are encountering the temptation, not afterward
If you and I wait until after we have sinned, we missed a great opportunity to gain the blessing of such a great High Priest
Certainly, we still should approach Him after we have fallen, coming in repentance and seeking forgiveness
And He is faithful and righteous to forgive us of our sins
But if we stop as we face temptation and raise that moment up in prayer, we have confidence that the Lord can intercede for us in that moment to grant us victory over the temptation
Because He has faced the same temptation and won
And because He has full access to the power of the Spirit in us, He is capable of equipping us to victory over those moments
But we need to turn to Him as a High Priest before we fall to temptation, not just as our atoning sacrifice after we fall
That’s how the writer concludes in v.16
He says we should draw near to the throne of grace with a confidence that the Lord will hear and respond and equip us to receive a better judgment
Isn’t that the point after all?
We know this judgment is coming. The writer just explained in it vivid detail
And as we contemplate it, we struggle to consider how to be ready
How can we face such a stern judgment, when we recognize how far we have to go in living a life that pleases the Lord?
Now the writer gives us a boost of confidence
He says the Lord is prepared to grant us the mercy and grace necessary to persevere in times of need
“Times of need” refers to a moment when we’re experiencing temptation to sin, and we feel the weakness in our flesh, and we know where this is headed
We’ve been here before perhaps
And we know we should take a different course this time
But we feel powerless to make a better choice
The writer says Jesus knows how you feel
And He is prepared to equip you supernaturally by the Spirit to succeed where before you have failed
He is our intercessor with the power to change our walk of life
But we must draw close to Him in that moment of need
So the next time you face temptation to sin, take a moment and pause in your tracks
Close your eyes, perhaps, and lift a prayer up to the Father, in the name of Christ
Ask Him to stop the temptation, to grant you victory over it
Ask Christ to give you the spiritual power to win the battle the way He did when He walked the earth
And watch the Lord respond to ensure you receive a better judgment