Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongChapter 2 of Hebrews is all about the need to be dead to get to Heaven
Specifically, this chapter is the writer’s explanation for why the Lord of all Creation had to take a form less than angels and die as a man
As we have already learned, the stumbling block for the early Jewish Church was their inability to grasp how Jesus could be greater than an angel, yet He appeared in a form lesser than angels
The superiority of Christ and His message was a tough pill to swallow, given that his frail, human body was crucified by their Roman enemies
This storyline of Jesus contradicted their expectation of a conquering, all-powerful Messiah Who would come to rule a Kingdom on earth
So, as we discussed last week, some Jews in the early Church still thought angels were more majestic and more important than Christ
And therefore, they saw the Law of Moses as a more important message than the message delivered by Christ
In short, some Jews in the early Church were still relying on their Jewish heritage for salvation, rather than on the grace of the New Covenant
They had not yet embraced Christ as Lord; they were unbelievers
This concerned the writer, prompting him to issue that warning at the beginning of Chapter 2
Having warned them to pay closer attention to the message of Christ, he now proceeds to explain why it was that Jesus came to earth in such a lowly form, as a man determined to die
And like before, the writer returns to the Old Testament Scriptures to prove his point
Before we look at his argument, let’s take a moment to appreciate the writer’s methodology
The writer always works from the Bible (the OT) to make his case
He backs up his argument by finding the Scriptures that say what he is saying
Equally importantly, the writer uses the Scriptures in context, in the way they were intended to be understood
He doesn’t take them out of context
Simply put, the writer’s point is the Scriptures’ point as well
This is the way all of us should approach apologetics
Apologetics simply means the process of making reasoned arguments in justification of religious doctrine or viewpoints
Proving that what you believe is true
The Bible is to be our proof
Not our experiences
Not our feelings
Not our heritage or family history
Our testimonies are a source of edification for the believer – not proof to persuade the unbeliever
Those things might add a personal touch to our arguments, but they do not prove anything
If you want to be able to defend your faith before others, then you must become a student of the Bible
You can’t just read it, you have to remember it and understand it
Notice the writer of this letter is quick to grab quote after quote of the OT to support his teaching of Christian doctrine
And almost certainly, he didn’t have scrolls of the OT next to him to consult
More than likely, he had memorized most or all of the OT, which was customary among rabbis in Jesus’ day
Today, we have access to tools and technology that make it easier to locate Scripture without memorizing the entire Bible, but that doesn’t substitute for an intimate knowledge of what’s in the Bible
Have you ever watched two Christians arguing over Scripture or doctrine, yet neither really understands the Bible?
I’ve seen this too often, and to borrow an old saying, it’s a battle of wits between unarmed men
We can’t expect to fulfill our role as an ambassador for Christ if we aren’t willing to learn the job properly
And the training manual for representing Christ is the Bible
You can’t rely on what I say or any other teacher says
Hopefully, you learn something from teachers, and ideally, their teaching will help guide you in your own studies
But listening to me or anyone else isn’t a substitute for regular personal study of the Bible
As Peter tells us:
This writer was obviously ready, and so now, he begins to explain the necessity of Christ becoming lower than angels for our sake
The writer introduces a quote from Psalms 8, by saying that angels are never appointed to rule over the Kingdom to come
Instead, the psalmist says it will be ruled by the Son of Man
The Son of Man is a Messianic term found in Dan 7:13-14
By drawing our attention to the Messianic term “Son of Man”, the writer proves that the Messiah was to be a man, born of a woman
And yet, this same Messiah would rule over the very Creation He had become a partaker of
In this psalm, the psalmist raises exactly the same question that the writer’s skeptical audience was asking
How could God give such regard to a mere man, to Christ in human form?
If the Son is to be so powerful, and His message so important, then why did he appear in such a lowly way?
This is exactly the problem that these Jews in the early Church were struggling to answer
Their answer to this dilemma was to conclude that Jesus wasn’t as important as an angel
But the psalmist answers the question very differently
He declares in v.7 that the Father made Christ to be a little lower than the angels, but only for a little while
The “short time” is the time Christ spent as a man walking the earth
During that time, Jesus was no less God, yet He willingly took the lesser form of man to please the Father
But then, the psalmist concludes that Jesus’ time living lower than angels will give way to an eternity of glory and honor
He will rule over the Creation
And all things will be in subjection to Christ
Even the angels
Just to be sure we get the point, the writer adds in v.8, that when the Father says all things are going to be subject to Christ, He means everything
There is nothing in Creation that isn’t, or won’t someday be, subject to the Lord
As Paul says elsewhere in Scripture, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess Christ one day
Every unbeliever, every demon, even the antichrist and Satan himself will one day bow in subjection to Christ, according to Scripture
Those bows will not come as a matter of faith, but as a result of Christ’s authority and power
All of this will come true, despite Christ’s choice to assume a place lower than the angels for a time
This is an example of the problem of our perspective
Men can’t properly assess God’s plans from our vantage point
The Pharisees of Jesus’ day couldn’t accurately assess His importance by what they saw during His brief time on earth
And neither can we appreciate the coming glory of the Kingdom and the peace it brings on earth by observing the world around us today
In fact, you can’t know what God is willing to do for you tomorrow based on what He has done today
Our perspective is too narrow
We are bound by time and limited understanding
So instead, we must rely on the Word of God and on faith in what it says, rather than relying on our sight or our own understanding
If we rest on what the Bible says, then we can see the world and appreciate history with eyes for eternity
Just as the writer says, we do not yet see Jesus ruling the world, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t coming
But just because we don’t see it, doesn’t mean it isn’t to happen
It’s just as sure now as it will be on the day we see it come to pass
Our perspective isn’t adequate to appreciate that truth
Fortunately, we don’t have to rely on perspective
Instead, we rely on the Word of God
So what was to be gained by sending Jesus in this lowly form? The writer explains
So in answer to the question, why did Jesus need to become lower than angels, the writer begins with this explanation
First, in v.9, we see Him (Jesus) who was made for a while lower than the angles and by the grace of God He might taste death for everyone
This involves (requires) death
Then, in v.10, the writer says it was fitting for Him to perfect the Author of their salvation through suffering
This is a potentially confusing statement
So let’s define some terms at this point
The “Him” is the Father
The Father is the One Who drove the plan of redemption
The writer says it is fitting for the Father to do what He did
The word for “fitting” in Greek means “to be clearly seen”
In other words, as we understand what happened in the light of OT Scripture, we can clearly appreciate why the Father did what He did
That leads us to the next Person mentioned: the Author
The Greek word the writer uses for “author” is a compound word, made up of two different Greek words
Originator + leader (or pioneer)
This is a reference to Jesus, of course
Jesus is the originator of our salvation and the pioneer of salvation
He was the first man to die and resurrect to glory
He made a way available for all who would follow by faith
So He is the originator and pioneer
How was Jesus the author of salvation?
The writer says Jesus became the Author by being perfected through suffering
The word “suffering” refers to Jesus’ tortuous death
Not just the suffering that preceded the cross
Also His physical death as well
This was Jesus’ suffering
So then, what does the writer mean when he says Jesus was perfected by suffering?
“Perfected” is the Greek word teleioo, which means “being brought to an end” or “accomplished”
So Jesus’ suffering brought something to an end
It didn’t make Jesus perfect – He was already perfect
It accomplished something that could only be accomplished through His death (v.9)
Finally, the salvation Jesus obtained was intended for a certain group (“their” salvation in v.10)
This group is the brethren of Christ, the children of God
Those men and women who are saved by faith in Jesus
The rest of the answer comes in the following verses
Jesus took on the same form as those He was called to save
He called them brethren, that is, Jesus could truly call men and women His brothers and sisters
From Psalm 22, the writer shows proof that the Son was expected to come in the form of mankind
He would be the Father’s representative among men and women
And He calls these brethren His children, whom the Father has given to the Son
So now we’re getting to the heart of the answer of why Jesus was made lower than angels
First, He came as a man in obedience to the Father
It was the Father who made Jesus lower than angels
It wasn’t a reflection of Jesus having less honor
It was a purposeful and fitting choice of the Father
Secondly, Jesus was made lower so He could experience suffering
Jesus needed to enter into a sinful Creation in the form of man so He could experience the suffering common to all men
Including experiencing death itself
These are things Jesus never could have experienced had He remained as He was in Heaven
Thirdly, He humbled Himself in this way to author a salvation for you and me
He came for His brethren, His brothers and sisters
Which required that He lives as they do
Finally, He authored our salvation by perfecting, by bringing to an end to, something that stood in the way of our salvation
What did Jesus bring to an end through His suffering?
What was accomplished?
Now we get to the key issue, the heart of why Jesus had to become human
It’s a matter of flesh and blood and death and the devil
All the children of God share in flesh and blood
The Greek word for “share” means “to participate in”
The human experience is an experience of flesh and blood
We’re not angelic beings; we’re made in a different way
And so Jesus took the same form as His brethren, so that He could solve a problem that is unique to flesh and blood
And that problem is the problem of death
And death itself is the result of sin
Flesh and blood experiences physical death because all flesh lives under the curse made necessary because of sin
And the author of sin is the devil himself
All who sin share in the same fate as the devil
That common destiny leads to fear of death, and that fear produces a kind of slavery
All mankind lives in fear of death and what follows, and that fear is so great, it’s all consuming
Whenever we’re driven by our fears, we become a slave of the one who produces the fear
We no longer make our decisions or set our priorities based on reason, much less according to the Spirit
Instead, we go wherever we can, do whatever we must, to avoid the thing we fear
If we fear financial ruin, we become fixated on money
If we fear rejection, we avoid relationships
If we fear insects, we never go camping
If we fear sharks, we stay away from the beach
But if we live in fear of death, there’s no easy solution
Because we are all born sinful, our conscience is forever aware of our jeopardy before a just and holy God
That awareness leads to fear of dying and judgment
And this leaves us at the mercy of the enemy, who is masterful at manipulating our fears
The unbeliever is forever at the enemy’s disposal, as he leads them further astray by manipulating their fear of death
He lies to the unbeliever, saying death is the end of everything, so there is no God and no judgment to fear
Humanism, evolution and atheism are the result
And rampant hedonism is the natural response
He lies by saying death is too horrible to consider, so it shouldn’t be discussed
Leading unbelievers to never confront death head-on
Pretending that if they ignore their dying bodies, they can think they will live forever
He lies that death means we should get everything we can while we can
The best comes now, so make the most of now
Greed and selfishness is the result
Most of all, the enemy lies, saying that everyone goes to Heaven, so death is not a problem to solve
It’s just a mystery
So don’t give your life and your sin a second thought
You’re good enough as you are
Jesus came to suffer as a man so that He could take our place in death
He brought to an end our fear of death so that we would no longer be susceptible to the manipulation of an enemy who himself is subject to that same penalty
As Paul writes in Philippians
When His suffering was done, He rose from the grave, promising His brethren we would be sanctified in the same way
If you have placed your trust in Jesus Christ, then the devil has been rendered powerless over you
You do not share his fate and punishment
That punishment fell on Christ instead
That’s why Jesus was made lower than angels...so that He could die in your place
So now, you are free to live for Christ without fear of death and with no regard for the enemy’s lies
You can live-out the rest of your days, knowing that death simply ushers you into glory as it did Christ
So what’s there to be afraid of?
Do you fear death? Why? Of what harm is death to you, Christian?
Why do you give back to the devil the victory that the Lord won for you?
Why do you live as though death brings a penalty? A penalty that Christ already took upon Himself?
The devil knows you won’t suffer a penalty, but if you still live in fear, he’s happy to use it to neutralize you on the spiritual battlefield
Christians who live in fear of dying, or who are preoccupied with matters of death, will become so distracted they can’t serve God
They will waste days and brain cycles focused on the wrong things
Let’s not live that way. Let’s live with eyes for eternity
Consider what follows death and live every day to make the most of that future
Your Lord humbled Himself to grant you that victory