Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongGod’s sovereignty is absolute
No part of life lies outside His divine will
He knows all knowledge, controls all events, determines all outcomes
Spurgeon stated:
The most amazing thing about God’s sovereignty is the way His control masquerades as everyday life
It’s as if God is hiding in plain view
A chance meeting of friends on the street, a unexpected check in the mail, a random thought in our minds
Or as Spurgeon put it, the march of an insect and the falling of leaves
God is especially active in the lives of His people, prompting events and circumstances to encourage spiritual development
In our story of Jacob, we’ve reached one of those moments when God shows Himself in the details of a passing encounter
And through the experience, God shows Himself to be a patient, teaching Father who loves His children and keeps His word
We left Jacob and his family in the hill country of Gilead
He has fled Laban, but Laban followed and confronted Jacob
He accuses Jacob of leaving without notice, which was true
But God has appeared to Laban to prevent him from acting against Jacob
Last week we noted Laban’s example of how God works through unbelievers just as He does those who fear Him
In fact, we marveled a bit at the way Laban can acknowledge God’s existence
And experience fear and respect for His power
And even obey His instructions…
Yet Laban never has a testimony of saving faith
He is merely like the demons: a man who experienced the reality of God but never obtained a relationship by faith
Today we continue to watch the confrontation evolve and the lessons continue
Laban discovered the absence of the household idols
In the haste to pack up supplies and other necessities, Laban noticed that the idols were missing from his home
These idols usually held a prominent place in the home, often at a sacred setting or altar
So it would have been easy for Laban to notice they were gone
This was a high crime in the culture
Last week we learned that these idols are more than merely religious icons
They were the symbols of authority within the family tribe
The one who possesses the family idols can lay claim to the patriarchal authority and the inheritance
Laban is threatened by the prospect that Jacob could return at any time with the idols and displace Laban’s sons
Laban expects to use this crime as an opportunity to compel Jacob to return to working for him
If Jacob refused, Laban would have the right to call for Jacob’s death as penalty for his crime
So Laban pursues Jacob, catches him, complains about the departure, and then drops the bomb
You stole my idols
Jacob’s response is exactly as we might expect from someone in his situation
In v.31 Jacob gives a truthful, if a bit pathetic, excuse for his surreptitious departure
He was afraid that Laban wouldn’t allow Jacob to leave with Laban’s daughters
Perhaps this is true, and Laban was certainly capable of such things
Nevertheless, Jacob is confessing his own lack of faith in God’s power to solve these problems
It stands to reason that if God appears to Jacob and directs him to leave Laban, then God has a plan for how to get the family out safely
God didn’t need Jacob’s help, especially help that came in the form of another deception
This is an ends-justifies-the-means logic
“Since God told me to do something, I am free to do whatever is necessary to bring this about…”
That is not a faith-based walk
At its worst, this kind of thinking leads men to do very ungodly things in the name of following God
Crusades, Inquisition, Saul and the Pharisees persecuting Christians, and many contemporary examples abound
Jacob’s actions are less severe than my examples, but his approach is fundamentally the same
He lies to further the cause of obedience
Instead, he should have done the right thing at each step and watched as God cleared his path of obstacles
When we act in this way, the experience builds our faith better than anything else I know
Then in v.32, Jacob responds to Laban’s second accusation
Jacob is insulted by the accusation that he or anyone in his house stole Laban’s idols
Remember, in this culture saving face and preserving honor was all important
Laban made a strong accusation that threatens Jacob’s very honor
So Jacob responds in an equally forceful way declaring his innocence, offering to allow Jacob to conduct a search, and promising a severe penalty for anyone who may be guilty of the act
Jacob’s statement is the right thing to say, because the act would deserve such a penalty
But of course he has no idea he is placing one of his own wives under a death sentence
He doesn’t know Rachel took the idols, so he’s confident that he will be vindicated in the end
Laban proceeds to search the camp of Jacob
Laban searches each tent in Jacob’s caravan and finds nothing
Finally, he enters Rachel’s tent
Now we know that Rachel has the idols, so the suspense peaks at this point
How will God protect Jacob and Rachel?
There is still another child to come from Rachel
How will God keep Rachel from suffering the penalty that Jacob pronounced?
As Laban enters Rachel’s tent, he finds her sitting on a saddle in her tent
Saddles were made of leather and blankets, and when the caravan is encamped, they served as lounges in the tents
Rachel is sitting on the idols, and normally she was required to stand in the presence of a man entering her tent as a show of respect
But women who were experiencing menstruation were not required to stand
Remembering this is an age of rudimentary sanitation, women typically refrained from much standing or walking during this time
First, they were considered unclean because of blood flow (even before the giving of the law)
And they didn’t want that flow to be exposed
So Laban must respect her decision to remain seated
Was Rebecca lying about her condition? Perhaps, but perhaps not
It may have been a convenient time for Laban’s arrival
Or she may have concocted the story to protect herself
Either way, it served the purpose of protecting her guilt
The idols are never found
Like Laban used custom to trick Jacob into marrying two women, now Rachel uses a custom to fool Laban
As Laban comes up empty handed, the shame moves from Jacob back to Laban
Laban is now ashamed for appearing to have made a false accusation
What’s interesting about this situation is Jacob still doesn’t know about Rachel’s guilt
He suffered the humiliation of watching Laban methodically search the camp, but all the time Jacob was confident no gods would show up
Now Jacob assumes he’s been proven right, but in reality Jacob himself is being deceived just like Laban
Here we see God’s sovereignty in full display
Over the course of these relationships, Laban deceived Jacob, Jacob deceived Laban, and now Rachel has deceived both of them
With each step of sin, God turned it to produce a godly outcome He intended
As all the deception comes to a climactic end, God’s purpose in grooming and growing Jacob begins to come to the surface
Jacob has endured 20 years of misery at the hands of Laban, and just as he thought he had escaped the man, he suffers one more indignity, or so he thinks
God permitted each of these indignities to address some character flaw in Jacob and to strengthen his faith
And now all those lessons produce a boiling point as Jacob lets Laban have it
This is a passionate and angry Jacob, a man who has a lot to be angry about
He begins by asking rhetorically, “What is my sin that you should pursue me so hotly and embarrass me in this way?”
You searched everything in my camp, so show me what you found?
Jacob is done with pretense or saving face or preserving Laban’s honor
He’s talking plainly and honestly with Laban
And in his recounting of his life in Haran, we hear Jacob’s testimony of God
Jacob begins by reminding Laban of his faithfulness in service to him
He served twenty years, which was in keeping with their agreements
Secondly, he did his job well, ensuring that the goats and sheep didn’t miscarry, demonstrating Jacob’s care and skill in the work
Despite Jacob’s efforts, Laban treated him wrongly throughout their time together
Jacob reminds Laban that when a wild beast killed a goat or sheep in the field, Jacob bore those loses himself
Under the custom of the day, a shepherd wasn’t expected to absorb the cost of animals lost to thieves or wild animal attacks
He could bring back the carcass of the dead animal to prove it was the result of an animal
Jacob never bothered to produce such proof when animals were killed
Laban required that Jacob bear those losses himself, meaning it was Jacob’s responsibility to repay Laban for those animals
Furthermore, Jacob worked under difficult and harsh conditions living in the fields caring for the flocks
Hot days, cold evenings, and sleepless nights in protecting the flock
While Jacob worked for 20 years in keeping with his agreements, Laban changed the wages ten times trying to minimize Jacob’s wealth and maximize his own
In summary, Jacob worked hard doing everything in honor and according to his word, while Laban did everything in dishonor and in an attempt to win an advantage
So what does Jacob conclude in reflecting on how the past twenty years have transpired?
In v.42 he says that if the God of Abraham and Isaac had not also been for Jacob, Jacob would have had nothing to show for his 20 years
We can fairly assume that no man had every out-smarted Laban before
He was a true scoundrel who took every advantage, yet he hadn’t found a way to best Jacob
And when Jacob finally had enough and left Laban, Laban was intent on following Jacob, and destroying him with any excuse he could find
Jacob declares that God has seen his affliction and his hard work and has rendered judgment in favor of Jacob
At the end of v.42, Jacob adds that God has rendered judgment against you last night
Literally in Hebrew, Jacob says God rebuked you yesterday
Jacob is referring to the dream God gave Laban telling him not to speak good or bad to Jacob
Jacob is interpreting that dream to be a sign that God is working for Jacob to protect him
Notice though that Jacob has made a fundamental mistake in understanding why God did what He did
Jacob believes that he is prevailing in this struggle with Laban because he was worked hard and done the right things
And since Laban has done bad things, God is passing judgment against Laban
Is this how God’s favor works?
Is God favoring Jacob because Jacob is a man who does the right things?
And has God chosen to leave Laban at a disadvantage because he is a dishonest man?
Well, if you’re confused about how to answer remember how we got here
Jacob deceived Laban when he left and Rachel is hiding stolen idols
Ironically, this is probably the first time in their relationship that Jacob is entirely in the wrong and Laban is entirely right, at least about the immediate circumstances
If God were going to reward the person in the right, it would be Laban receiving a reward and Jacob and Rachel receiving the rebuke
Instead, God has protected Jacob, just as Jacob has stated
The basis for that favor was not Jacob’s performance, but God’s grace
Jacob has taken an important step forward in his understanding of the God he worships
He knows that God is working to bring good outcomes in Jacob’s life
But Jacob still has a false view understanding of his own righteousness while overlooking God’s grace
Jacob the man is also a picture of Israel the nation, and this thinking permeates the nation of Israel over all of its existence
Works above faith, law above grace
External vs. internal, appearance before reality
Jacob is simply the first in a family that reflects this thinking even as God works to show them the truth
In Chapter 32, the Lord takes the extraordinary step of appearing to Jacob in a theophany, a physical form to impress upon Jacob that his view of God’s mercy needs to change
But for now, let’s finish Chapter 31 watching God in His wisdom turning man’s sin to good to protect Jacob
In response to Jacob’s protest, Laban demands a covenant
Remember, covenants were powerful agreements that bound each party to mutual obedience under penalty of death
In this case, the agreement Laban seeks is actually an agreement of protection
He demands that Jacob never cross this line again, and likewise Laban will never cross into Jacob’s territory
Furthermore, Jacob can never take additional wives
Why does Laban insist on these rules in the covenant?
Superficially, Laban claims that since these two men are at odds with one another now, they must remain separated for protection
In reality, Laban has other reasons for this agreement
Remember the household idols?
Though Laban couldn’t find them, he knows that Jacob has them
So he fears that Jacob will return sometime with the idols and lay claim to Laban’s property
So the line in the sand protects Laban from Jacob’s claims
Secondly, Jacob is prohibited from taking other wives so that his family won’t extend into other families or clans which then might inherit Laban’s idols and cross the line looking for his inheritance
These are Laban’s intentions, to protect himself and prevent Jacob from ever harming him in the future
But God is using this agreement to protect Jacob and the nation of Israel
By agreeing to never take an additional wife, Jacob is prevented from taking a wife from among the Canaanites, like Esau did
God is at work in Laban’s terms to ensure that Jacob remains apart from the Canaanite people
Next week we’ll see Jacob prepare to face his latest and greatest adversary, only to discover he’s been fighting in the wrong way from the start