Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongMoses has experienced his first confrontation with Pharaoh, and the result was greater misery and hardship for Israel
God’s purpose in the encounter was to steel Moses and Aaron for what follows
This won’t be easy, it will be complicated, but it will come to pass as God has promised
Meanwhile, it also caused the Israelites to grumble against Moses and his leadership
That too was training for Moses, because there is a lot more of that grumbling coming
Now we see God roll up His sleeves and begin the work of freeing Israel
But first, God wants Moses to understand the privilege it is for Moses to see God working in this way
The Lord announces to Moses that He will cause Moses to set Israel free from the land
In fact, Pharaoh will actually drive Israel out of the land
He will do so out of compulsion
The Lord will create the motivation for Pharaoh to do this
But as we noted last week, the Lord will ensure that Pharaoh hesitates until the last judgment is finished
It’s as if Pharaoh is a rubber band the Lord wants to stretch to the furthest extent possible before releasing the tension
And with that release, Israel is launched out of the land
In vs.6-8 comes an important set of verses theologically
In v.2 God repeats His name to Moses
He says I am Who I am (hayah)
Or as we have it translated, Lord or Jehovah
God gives Moses His personal name, which God chose to associate with His work to free Israel
When God appeared to Moses to announce the plan to free Israel, God told Moses to declare that the God, I AM, has come to keep His promise to Israel
Forevermore, the God Jehovah will be known as a covenant keeping God
God wants His personal name to identify God as a covenant keeper
But God tells Moses that He did not make Himself known to the patriarchs in the same way that He is now prepared to reveal Himself to Moses and Israel
When God says He didn’t make Himself known to the patriarchs as Jehovah, He doesn’t mean that the patriarchs didn’t know that name
On the contrary, they did know His personal name
We can find times in Genesis where the patriarchs use the name Jehovah as they speak to God
God meant that the patriarchs didn’t experience the Lord in the same way Moses and Israel will now know Him
In the time of the patriarchs, God was known as a covenant-making God, El Shaddai, God Almighty
That name implied God was capable of doing what He promised
In v.4 the Lord reminds Moses that He also established His covenant with the patriarchs, just as God has made promises to Moses
Those promises stipulated that God would bring Israel into the land of Canaan after a period of slavery
But the patriarchs never saw these promises fulfilled
They knew God as a promise making God, but they never had the opportunity to know Him as a promise-keeping God
They knew God in a limited way in the sense that they couldn’t see the promises kept
Ultimately, the patriarchs will all experience God’s faithfulness fully in the Kingdom, when all God’s promises are fully met
Then God brings Moses the fullest understanding of God’s plan for His people
In vs.6-8 God delivers seven “I will’s” to Moses
Taken together, these seven statements declare God’s full program for Israel in the Exodus
First, God will redeem Israel out of Egypt and out of bondage with great judgments
Second, God will make Israel a people for Himself
Third, God will bring them into the land He promised them
These statements are the fulfillment of God’s promises and a demonstration of His covenant keeping character
But these statements have much greater, farther reaching consequences than merely the Exodus story
They are prophetic of a later period of promise keeping
Each of these I WILLs are lessor examples of a much greater redemption God will work for the sake of Israel in a future day
First, God will redeem Israel out of Egypt
Egypt in scripture is a common symbol for the Gentile world
Then God will remove Israel from bondage
Physical bondage is commonly a picture in Scripture for spiritual bondage
Paul says we are either a slave to sin or a slave to Christ
Israel’s physical bondage in Egypt becomes a picture, therefore, of Israel’s spiritual bondage to sin
Third, God will deliver Israel into the land He promised them
This land will be the inheritance God gave Israel
But the writer of Hebrews tells us that the rest Israel entered under Joshua wasn’t the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promised rest
So there remains a future day when Israel’s rest will be fully realized in a greater sense and a greater place
Finally, all of this will happen in concert with great judgments
Taken together these statements are speaking of the day God brings a glorified Israel into the Kingdom
Ezekiel describes that day
First, God will regather Israel out of the nations of the world
And He will bring them into the Land
Once there, God will give the nation of Israel a new heart, sprinkled clean by the Spirit
And by this new heart, the nation will become fully obedient to the Law of God…glorified, in other words
Clearly, these events are in our future, and they represent a much greater fulfillment of the things God is doing here in Exodus
In fact, the Exodus story was orchestrated by God precisely for the purpose of creating this foreshadowing
Notice the similarity in the language between the promise to redeem Israel in Exodus and the promise to perform a greater redemption in the future?
We are watching the picture God created in the lives of Moses and Israel to foreshadow an even greater delivery still to come
And the great judgments of the Exodus are foreshadows of the judgments of Tribulation
In both cases, the judgments precede the release of Israel from bondage and their worship of God at a mountain
In the case of Exodus, the mountain is Horeb and they worship in the context of Law
In the second, greater example, the mountain is Zion in the Kingdom and the worship will be in the context of grace
In v.7 God finishes the I WILLs declaring that Israel will be His people and the whole nation will know Him
This too is a prophetic reference to a future deliverance
In these opening verses of Chapter 6, God is telling Moses that you are about to see something your ancestors never experienced
You will know a God of power and faithfulness delivering on His promises
But even then, Moses is only seeing a part of that faithfulness
There will be an even greater display of God’s faithfulness to Israel in the future made known in Christ
As church saints, we have already received that greater revelation of God’s faithfulness
By our own faith and the indwelling of the Spirit, we have proof in our own life of God as a promises-keeping God
Yet we too have even more to see in a future day when Christ comes for us
This is why the writer of Hebrews can say:
We have gained far more than Moses ever knew, even having seen the miracles
The Bible tells us that our present experience is a greater revelation than anything God gave those who came before us
If offered the chance, the Old Testament saints would have traded what they received for the chance to know the Messiah in the way we do
Finally, Moses tells all this to Israel, in v.9
But naturally, they don’t listen to him
They are so despondent as a result of their circumstances, they can’t consider these important issues
Who could blame them at this point
Now God repeats His previous instructions to Moses
Moses once again starts to doubt his abilities to accomplish the task facing him
He is back to assuming the success of this mission depends on him
Moses complains that if the Israelites haven’t listened to him, how would he expect to influence Pharaoh
In v.12 Moses uses a graphic description to explain his weakness
My English version says “I am unskilled in speech”
But in Hebrew it literally says I am a man of uncircumcised lips
He literally means he speaks as if he has a layer of skin enclosed over his mouth
I watched the movie pretty closely, and I’m pretty sure Charlton Heston’s make-up artist overlooked that detail
From the sound of it, Moses is simply incapable of performing this task
But God will still succeed, because God has chosen to work through Moses and Aaron
And this leads Moses to provide his own genealogy
The timing of the genealogy is important
At the point where God is preparing to begin His work of judgment in Egypt, Moses establishes he and Aaron are men called by God
We can make a few observations concerning this genealogy, beginning with the final verse
Moses says his purpose in giving this record was to establish conclusively for Israel that Aaron and Moses had authority and standing to act as God’s representative
They were Jews who descended from the families that came to Egypt with Jacob
As such, they were eligible to share in the promises of God
And in centuries to come, the names Moses and Aaron would be uniquely associated with this event and this call
Though Israel wouldn’t listen to Moses in his own day, nevertheless Scripture properly records that Moses and Aaron were the legitimate representatives chosen by God
Moses begins the genealogy where his last genealogy of Genesis ended, the line of Jacob’s sons
Among the sons of Jacob, Moses traces the first four only
He is connecting the dots to Levi, and once he reaches Levi, he stops
Now Moses moves down the family tree toward himself
Now in Chapter 7, God answers Moses’ concerns once again
As He has said before, God reminds Moses that Moses does not need to speak (at least not much)
God will deliver instructions to Moses, but not to Aaron
Then as Moses retransmits those instructions to Aaron, Moses acts in the place of God for Aaron
That’s the meaning of the phrase “I make you as if God”
Then Aaron will act as Moses’ (and God’s) prophet to Pharaoh
In this way, Moses says everything God says, and Aaron says everything that Moses says
This little arrangement saves Moses from having to speak, since this is a weakness for Moses
We’ve heard this plan before, but each time it’s repeated, it’s still fascinating
Wouldn’t it have been simpler to work through Aaron alone?
Why the two-step process of representation?
I believe God is establishing a pattern for Israel that begins here and continues throughout their existence
God will raise up leaders in Israel and prophets
Leaders will be elders, judges and kings
But these men will be distinct from prophets, who come bearing the words of God
Until this point, God had never established either role
This marks a transition from patriarchal rule (or the dispensation of patriarchs) to the dispensation of Law
In the new period of God’s economy, men will receive God’s word as instructions for living and serving Him
And other men will rule over Israel according to that word
Here we see the beginnings of that pattern
God also reminds Moses that Pharaoh’s heart will be hardened against his words
Notice again the source of the hardening: God Himself
In the early stages of the confrontation, Pharaoh won’t need God’s hardening, because Pharaoh himself is predisposed to reject Moses’ request
But when the plagues begin to wear down Pharaoh’s resolve (at about plague 5), God steps in to harden Pharaoh’s heart further
This will ensure Pharaoh continues to say no to Moses until the very end of the plagues
The effect of God’s plan is to magnify His glory in the end
In v.5 God declares that in this way, all Egypt will know the living God
They will know this truth not only because Israel is set free but also because of the judgments themselves
It’s important to note that Egypt is not going to believe in the word of the Lord so as to be saved
God is simply saying that they will recognize the truth of God but without saving faith as a result
Similar to the way James says that demons can know about God
The Egyptians will be forced to acknowledge that the God of Israel is the true God
But this acknowledgement is not the same thing as saving faith
God’s intent is that every tongue will confess and every knee shall bow at the name of Jesus
But that moment doesn’t produce universal salvation
Only those who make that acknowledgement on the basis of faith in this life will receive His mercy
This section provides yet another shadow of the end times deliverance of Israel
If you have studied through our Revelation study, then this connection will be easy to see
Once again, Egypt represents the world that experiences God’s wrath in Tribulation
And in the last day of Tribulation, as God brings the judgments of Tribulation to conclusion, the world will acknowledge God
But they will fail to believe so as to be saved
Lastly, we’re given the ages of Moses and Aaron at the time the plagues begin
Moses was 80 and Aaron was his older brother at 83
Scripture gives ages to help us track the passage of events accurately
And it notes significant moments in a person’s life, as when a child is born
Now it’s time for Moses to confront Pharaoh and display one of the miracles God gave to Moses, the miracle of the staff becoming a snake
God tells Moses that Pharaoh will ask him to work a miracle
When this happens, Moses is to use the serpent miracle God gave him
It was common in the ancient world for men to demand proof of an oracle’s legitimacy in the form of miracles
We see this same pattern even in the time of Jesus
The people expect Jesus to perform miracles to validate His claims as Messiah
Often times Jesus obliged to prove His claims
God tells Moses to expect the same request and to honor it with the miracle God gave him for this purpose
God knows what Pharaoh will say, and so God has already given Moses the tools to respond
This is further proof of God’s equipping power
Based on this clear example from Exodus, two things are abundantly clear
First, men spend way too much time worrying about our abilities to get the job done for God
That worry just gets in the way of our obedience
Secondly, all that worry is unnecessary because God is always going to equip us for the work He gives us
God has even prepared Moses with a miracle specially suited to meet the request of Pharaoh
As Moses and Aaron came to Pharaoh, they perform the miracle as directed
Moses’ staff miraculously becomes a snake
Rather than become flustered, Pharaoh simply calls for his wise men and sorcerers and magicians
These men practice the occult, the dark arts
These men are similar to those who served in Nebuchadnezzar’s court in Babylon
The text says in v.11 that these men performed “the same” as Moses using their secret arts
Based on the text, there is no hint that these events are parlor tricks or gimmicks
In both cases, the appearance of the serpent is a real event, a real miracle
The magicians’ snakes are no less real than Moses’
Verse 11 tells us they were the same
This moment proves that miraculous signs and wonders are not unique to God
Satan has supernatural power as well, and he displays it here through the work of these magicians
Obviously, all power extends from God, so Satan’s power to perform these miracles is a power God gave Satan
Furthermore, God is permitting Satan to work in this way for the time being
The very fact that Satan can counterfeit God’s work through signs and miracles is proof to us that we cannot form our understanding of truth on the basis of such things
Powers and miracles are not conclusive evidence of truth unless the message they support is in agreement with Scripture
The testimony of a prophet must comport with the overall testimony of Scripture, otherwise they are to be dismissed
At the core of this issue is the difference between experiential truth and expositional truth
Experiential truth is any experience that teaches a spiritual truth
The moment of Pentecost was experiential truth for those who experienced it
Expositional truth is the truth revealed by the word of God
God’s word is truth to all who learn it
The Bible itself teaches that expositional truth always trumps experiential truth
If our experiences (e.g., feelings, thoughts, things we hear or events we witness) conflict with the word of God, then those experiences are not valid truth
For example, if we had witnessed this scene in Pharaoh’s court, and if we relied entirely on experiential truth, we might conclude that God and Satan have equal power
But by the word of God, we know this is not true
Satan is not equal to God and cannot prevail
We can have confidence that God will preserve His word in an accurate way because it is the pre-eminent source of truth in Creation
In fact, this scene gives us additional proof of the trustworthiness of Scripture, as handed down through the centuries within the Jewish nation
Moses never names the magicians who performed these miracles in Pharaoh’s court
But as this story was told and retold in Jewish families through the centuries after Moses, the names of these men were preserved
Such that thousands of years later, Paul knew these names and recorded them in New Testament scripture
Notice that Paul names the magicians who performed in Pharaoh’s court
They were Jannes and Jambres, men who opposed Moses
These names were preserved in Jewish tradition and validated when Paul included them in scripture under the inspiration of the Spirit
The point being that these two names were preserved accurately in Jewish tradition for centuries though Moses never recorded them
Therefore, it’s all the more certain that God’s word in written form was preserved accurately by the scribes of Israel
This word is God’s word
Here again we have a picture of the last days and the deliverance of the Jews during Tribulation
In that future time, Paul tells us that Satan will deceive the entire world with signs and wonders, seemingly equal to God
Also, note Paul’s purpose in mentioning these two men to Timothy
Paul uses them as examples of how the enemy can use deception and wonders to gain a foothold among weak Christians
They are men of depraved mind and without faith (rejected by God)
Paul says these deceivers will not win in the end, but they will fool some people
They prey on the weak
And they deceive people who are weighed down by sin and seek for some greater experience beyond the word of God
Like those Hebrews mentions
At this point, God gives a demonstration of the superiority of His power by making his snake swallow the snakes of the magicians
The whole scene must have been a bit bizarre, but it made the point to Pharaoh and the court
Nevertheless, Pharaoh felt no reason to comply with Moses’ directive
Even had he been willing to acknowledge that Moses had power greater than his magicians, it didn’t force Pharaoh to comply
So this miracle sets the stage for the coming plagues
So now we’re ready to begin studying the famous plagues of Egypt
Tonight, we’ll start with an introduction to the plagues
First, these events are most properly called judgments, not plagues
Each of the ten events is a specific judgment delivered by God
Secondly, these judgments are targeted at achieving three outcomes
To free Israel
To punish Egypt
To condemn Egyptian idolatry
The first two reasons are clear enough from what we’ve already read
God has said repeatedly that He is acting to free Israel and punish Pharaoh for his stubbornness
The third reason takes some additional study to discover
When God prepares the tenth judgment, He says this to Moses
Notice God says He is working to judge the gods of Egypt
Later in Numbers, Moses records this:
As Israel leaves Egypt, Moses notes that these judgments were executed upon Egypt’s gods
So these judgments are crafted in such a way that they expose the true nature of Egypt’s gods – that they are not real gods after all
Each judgment takes a specific form that is designed to assault a set of Egyptian gods associated with that judgment
As we go through the judgments, we will connect each judgment to a god or gods of Egypt
The Egyptians themselves would have no choice but to take note of this connection
They will see each plague cutting to the heart of something they worshipped, thereby displaying that thing to be powerless in the face of God’s power
The next thing to note about the judgments is their orderliness
God is a God of order
Every detail about these events is crafted like pieces in a puzzle
In that way, God’s wisdom and power and purposes are made evident
The judgments follow multiple patterns
The judgments themselves can been grouped into three groups of three
With the tenth plague standing by itself at the end
The number 9 is the number for judgment in Scripture
While the number ten is the number of testimony
They use natural phenomenon that have been intensified to an extreme degree
None of the plagues themselves are unprecedented by their nature
But in their intensity, they are unprecedented
The Egyptians worshipped gods that represented the creation, so God uses the creation to harm Egypt
They come by the hand of different actors
The first three come by Aaron
The second three come by God acting alone
The final three come by Moses
Some of the judgment include advanced warning
The warnings come in a specific pattern as well
The first two judgments of each group have warnings
The first warning of every group always comes in the morning, signaling a new series is starting
The first two plagues are mimicked by the Egyptian magicians
As a result, they impact everyone, including the Jews
God’s judgments are not impacting the Jews, but when the sorcerers get into the act, their work impacts the Jews
This reminds us that though God is not bringing judgment against His people, the enemy’s response will produce collateral damage
We see a similar pattern in Tribulation, where the Lord brings judgments against the world and then Satan responds by persecuting the believers
After the first two plagues, the magicians cease copying God, and then the remaining plagues only impact Egypt
This is an example of the principle Peter teaches:
The next pattern to note is that these plagues increase in severity by group
The first three are called loathsome by scripture
This means detestable or revolting
The Egyptians were greatly disturbed by them, but they themselves weren’t impacted directly
After they end, all returns to normal
The second group are painful
They inflict discomfort against the Egyptian people
A more serious outcome
Finally, the last three are grievous and intensely destructive
They exceed anything before
They leave a lasting impact
Altogether, these judgments require 6 months of time to play out, so this is not a quick experience
Next time we will begin to examine the plagues in groups