Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongJacob is leaving home, headed for Haran
It’s time for Jacob to grow up spiritually, since he will become the father of a nation of God’s people
If we knew Jacob personally and we were to list Jacob’s shortcomings, we could probably find many faults
Scripture records at least a few of Jacob’s shortcomings clearly
He relies on himself and his intellect rather than relying on God
He turns to God only after his schemes have brought him trouble
Like his father, he fails at times to assume the leadership role in his family
Generally, he tends to fight against God rather than work with God
As we’ll see through the course of our study, Jacob’s personal traits foreshadow the traits of the nation that comes from him and takes his name
Meanwhile, God begins to instruct Jacob
One of the most amazing things about our relationship with the living God is the way He works in our lives to grow us spiritually
It’s been said that God saves us as we are, but He loves us too much to leave us that way
And so it is with Jacob
And Jacob’s journey to Haran and back is a 20 year boot camp in learning to trust and follow the Lord
Jacob’s journey begins with a promise
And it ends with a test
Today we see the promise
Jacob leaves his family’s traditional home in the land and heads northeast to Haran
His route took him along a mountain range running north-south along the east side of the Jordan river
He would have passed through Hebron, Bethlehem, Jerusalem
And after about 50 miles, he reached a place called Luz
Luz is near the border of the land of Canaan
Jacob is within a day of crossing the Jordan river and walking out of the promised land
His father had never left this land
Yet here was Jacob preparing to leave it behind, perhaps never to return
Night is upon him, so he lies down on the ground to sleep
We’re told he took a stone and placed it “under his head”
There are two things about that description that tell us to take a closer look at the description
First, the mere fact that Moses mentions Jacob’s placement of this stone should catch our attention
Why would he include such a meaningless detail unless it was, in fact, meaningful?
Secondly, who sleeps with a rock as their pillow?
That would have been no more comfortable in Jacob’s day than it would be for us today
Simply put, it doesn’t make sense, so the description must mean something else
And in fact, the description does mean something else
The phrase in Hebrew literally says “at his head” not under his head
I don’t know why many English translations, including the NASB, missed this translation, but there are numerous English versions that got the verse correct
The New English, Holman Christian and New King James versions all translate this verse correctly
So Jacob places a stone at his head before he falls asleep
This explains why Moses recorded the incident
The rock is a weapon in case Jacob should need to defend himself
Much like Saul slept with his spear at his head while he was pursuing David
This also explains why Moses recorded this detail in the first place
The detail of the rock shows us that Jacob was in fear for his safety and felt vulnerable and alone during his travels
Consider his situation:
His father has sent him away
His brother is seeking to kill him
He is wandering through strange land by himself
Headed to a place and people he has never met
And he can’t be sure what will come of him there
His fear and uncertainty is completely understandable
But Jacob is forgetting something very important
He is in a covenant with the living God
Jacob may not have the support and protection of his family or an army of men, but he has something much more important
He has the Lord of Heaven and Earth committed by His own word to protect and bless Jacob
And even though that promise was focused on an inheritance of a certain plot of land, God’s promises and blessings weren’t limited to that place alone
As the Psalmist wrote
This is the most important earthly consequence of our relationship with the Lord through our faith in the New Covenant
We have the Lord on our side wherever we are and no matter what comes
We never again experience life alone
We are completely in His care
We are only as vulnerable as He allows us to be
We are only as afflicted as He chooses to permit
We only carry those burdens He permits us to carry
Therefore, our trials (whether the result of our sin or the sin of others) come according to the will of the Lord and for our benefit
When reflecting on the trials and tribulations of life, Paul asks:
This is the lesson God wants to bring to Jacob as he prepares to depart the land
Though Jacob is leaving behind his family and the land, he isn’t leaving behind God and His promises
So as Jacob sleeps, God brings him a vision in a dream
This is the first recorded vision given to the family of Abraham through a dream
Jacob sees a stairway set upon the ground but reaching into heaven
My translation use the term “ladder” to describe the structure, which is where we get the term Jacob’s ladder
But the word in Hebrew (sullam) literally means stairwell
On this staircase Jacob sees angels moving, ascending and descending
Jacob sees angels leaving the heavenly realm and walking down the stairs to earth, while others are leaving earth and walking up the stairs to heaven
Then above the staircase, Jacob recognizes the Lord from where He speaks to Jacob in the dream
Before we look at the Lord’s words, let’s consider the symbolism in the scene itself
First, a stairway into Heaven makes a clear statement by itself that there is a pathway open to reach God
In fact, the genesis behind the Tower of Babel, which probably resembled a large pyramid with stairs along each side, was to “reach Heaven”
God is communicating that He is accessible to Jacob
And that accessibility was made possible by God’s covenant promises to Jacob by His word
Secondly, the angels ascending and descending the staircase communicate that an exchange is taking place between Heaven and earth
The word angel in Hebrew is the word messenger, so for Jacob these angels were messengers between Heaven and Earth
The writer to the Hebrews in the New Testament taught the specific function of angels:
Angels minister to (or serve) the people of God, and Jacob is seeing a visible reminder that God is working through His angels to bridge the gap between heaven and earth
It’s also important to note two other details in the description of the angels
First, this is one of only two times that the angelic realm is mentioned in Genesis
The second time occurs in Genesis 32 when Jacob is returning to the land after a 20 year absence
Secondly, it’s noteworthy that the angels are described first as ascending and then descending
It suggests that the angels are carrying news to Heaven followed by Heaven responding to meet the needs on Earth
Finally, we see the Lord at the top of this vision
Clearly, the messengers are seen providing intercession between Jacob on earth and the Lord in Heaven
Putting the vision together, Jacob sees a powerful statement in the symbology of the dream
Jacob is not alone
He has the Lord ministering to Him by the agency of angels
And the angels are constantly moving between earth and Heaven, bringing the Lord word of the needs of Jacob
And returning to minister with the grace and wisdom and protection and provision of the Lord
And if the vision itself were not clear enough, the Lord standing at the top of the staircase speaks reassuring words to Jacob
He begins with a restatement of the covenant first given to Abraham and later Isaac
Now it is spoken by God to Jacob for the first time
Jacob will have the land and descendants and they will become a source of blessing for the Gentiles
Reminding Jacob of the covenant is of utmost importance, because the covenant is Jacob’s best reason for confidence that he can trust in God
God can’t do better than to give us His word
We remember that God gave Abraham an oath that the Lord bore by Himself so that Abraham would have confidence and hope
Remember what the writer of Hebrews told us:
But then in Genesis 28:15 the Lord turns from the promises of the covenant to make a specific application for Jacob’s benefit
The Lord says I am with you everywhere you go, I will bring you back to this land, and I will accomplish everything I have promised to do for you
If the imagery of the dream weren’t enough and the reiteration of God’s covenant with Jacob didn’t suffice, the Lord goes the extra step of personally guaranteeing Jacob’s safety as he prepares to leave the land
The promises of God are not focused on the land, they are focused on the person of Jacob and his descendants
And Jacob will never be out of God’s reach or away from God’s protection and faithfulness no matter where God takes him
What a reassuring message, especially in light of Jacob’s state of mind
Naturally we should expect that Jacob hears and understands this message fully
And by that understanding, Jacob rests in God’s promises and begins to trust in God instead of in other things
Unfortunately, spiritual growth and maturity doesn’t come that easily, not for Jacob or for us
Hearing God clearly, understanding Him plainly and following Him obediently requires practice, diligence and experience
Jacob has none of those qualities at this point, so instead of understanding God’s word properly, Jacob runs off to make the wrong conclusion
Upon awakening, Jacob’s first conclusion is, “The Lord is in this place.”
Jacob concludes that the Lord has marked this particular spot as important
God can be found in Luz
He says this is an awesome place, the house of God, the gate to Heaven
The place was special because God had appeared to him here
Jacob makes an age old mistake that men are still making today: we confuse the spiritual with the physical, and in so doing we limit God
Jacob completely misses the main point of God’s message, that God is not limited to the land but will be with Jacob anywhere he goes
In its place, Jacob declares that this is the place to find God
In fact, Jacob memorializes the place in God’s honor
He changes the name to Bethel, which means the house of God
Bethel does become an important place in the history of Israel
Only Jerusalem is mentioned more in the Old Testament than Bethel
Then Jacob makes a vow as a result of what he has seen
He begins his vow with “if”
If God will be with me while I’m outside the land, then when I return the Lord will be my God
And the stone I intended to use in my own defense, I dedicate this stone to God today in this place
And should I return, I will give you a tenth
There is a hint of a Jacob bargaining with God
But God has already promised that He will remain with Jacob
Jacob doesn’t need to bargain or wonder if God will remain with him
Jacob has become excited and encouraged over God’s revelation, yet he is leaving half cocked and uninformed about the nature of that revelation
It reminds me of the story of the young boy who encounters God for the first time, but doesn’t understand what he’s seen
Like that boy, sometimes we see God’s signs clearly, but we completely misunderstand the meaning
This kind of mistake is a mark of immaturity in our faith and in our walk
We get a piece of the message but we miss the main point
Jacob thought God was sanctifying the place, but the message was actually the opposite
God wanted Jacob to know it wasn’t about a place, but a relationship
Today Christians commonly think that God meets them in a place on Sunday rather than remembering that He lives in us everywhere we go
Or like the person who wrote to our ministry asking about the Rapture
They wanted to know what happens if a Christian donates an organ before dying, will that Christian’s organ be taken out of the recipient’s body at the Rapture
Clearly, they are missing some pieces of understanding in their theology
These moments are not moments of shame for us, but they do highlight our immaturity and our need to continue growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ
Jacob is our example of an immature man spiritually, but despite his immaturity, God remained faithful
Not only is God faithful to keep His promises, but God is faithful to grow us up in our understanding of Him and His word
Praise be to our Lord!