Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongThroughout our study of Isaac, Rebekah, Esau and Jacob, I’ve remarked on the way God has maintained His sovereign control over all events
But at the same time, each person has made sinful choices that rest entirely on their own shoulders
Since sin has consequences, and God will bring those consequences to each person
As Chapter 27 ends and we move into Chapter 28, we’re watching how those consequences play out
But God’s sovereignty never ends, so that even in the way the consequences of sin play out, God is still bringing events to an appointed outcome
We must remember Jacob has not become the holder of the covenant with God
He holds the promises of God and the patriarchal authority
How does God remain faithful to His promises even while He holds Jacob accountable for his deception?
Chapter 28 gives us those answers
More importantly, we begin a new phase in Jacob’s life
Jacob is a man who has learned to deceive and scheme to get his way
He has a lot of spiritual growth ahead of him, a lot to learn about the God of his fathers
God is going to use Jacob’s sin and the sin of others to mold him into a man who trusts God beyond even his own schemes
First, we end Chapter 27 witnessing the consequences of Jacob’s deception
Following the deception of Isaac in the tent, Esau bore a grudge against his brother
The Hebrew word for grudge is a curious one
It provides yet another fulfillment of God’s eternal decrees
The word literally means hostility against someone or to persecute someone
Remember we said that Esau is a picture of the unbeliever throughout history
He represents the natural, sinful man who is born of the seed of the serpent, ungodly and worldly
He is excluded from the blessings and promises of God, because he despises the word of God
He experiences worldly sorrow, but never knows the repentance that comes from God only
And he will persecute the children of God, because there will always be enmity between the seed of woman and the seed of the serpent
So here we see that enmity and persecution taking hold just as God promised
Esau says to himself that he will kill Jacob once his father Isaac has died
Esau knew better than to kill his brother while Isaac was still alive
If he committed murder while Isaac was still the patriarch, he would have been put to death by Isaac’s command
But if he waited until Isaac had died, then with Jacob dead as well, Esau would become the family patriarch
And as the male head of the clan, Esau could avoid death
Remember we mentioned a few lessons back that Isaac isn’t as close to death as everyone is assuming
Isaac himself set that expectation as an excuse to award the birthright secretively
But we know that Isaac lives another 43 years after these events, so his death is not imminent at all
Esau has a very long time to wait, but neither he nor anyone else is thinking that way at this point
Rebekah learns of Esau’s plan somehow, perhaps through a servant, and once again she jumps into action to protect Jacob
Isn’t it interesting how Rebekah consistently finds herself privy to helpful information on Jacob’s behalf?
It sure seems that God is speaking to Rebekah in order to keep Jacob one step ahead of his enemies
I think I recognize a pattern here that I’ve seen in my own life and in the lives of other men
When the man in the family isn’t listening to God, He speaks to the woman who does hear Him
And the woman will find herself in the uncomfortable position of knowing what should be done while living with a man who won’t do it or ignores it
And she then bears the burden of making things right according to God’s revelation while contending with a disobedient husband
Here we see Rebekah standing in Isaac’s place time and time again
She received God’s revelation concerning the twins
Then she was given the knowledge of Isaac’s secret plans
Now she learns of Esau’s conspiracy
God gives Rebekah these moments of insight because the same revelation in Isaac’s hands has lead nowhere, apparently
Throughout scripture, we will find this pattern repeated
It started in the Garden, when Adam failed in the garden while woman did her best to defend God’s word
It repeats many times in Israel’s history, including with Naomi in the story of Ruth, with Deborah in the time of Judges and others
In every case, the need for women to take the lead in pursuing righteousness in place of the men is portrayed as shameful and a failure of headship
Not that woman can’t lead or aren’t permitted to pursue righteousness apart from men
Obviously women can lead at times and women stand as equals with men in pursuing the righteousness through Christ
But when a man and woman of faith are united in marriage, the role for leading spiritually falls to the husband
And if the man stumbles in that role, the woman is there to help pick him up and encourage him forward
But in times when the man abdicates his leadership role or neglects it, he leaves God no choice sometimes but to speak through his wife
The man is still accountable to God, but the Lord may use the wife to reveal the man’s sin
I’ve seen this pattern in my own life, and often my wife will hear the Lord’s voice clearly when I’ve stopped listening
And the Lord will use my wife to break through my stubbornness
Earlier in my marriage, when God would prepare us to move to new places, I often wouldn’t be listening
So He told my wife to start packing…
Now when I see boxes, I start listening more closely
Rebekah goes to Jacob and warns him of Esau’s plans
She says that Esau is consoling himself by planning to kill you
Esau can’t act yet, but he feels better contemplating killing Jacob
And Rebekah doesn’t want to take the chance that Esau will get tired of waiting for Isaac to die and attack Jacob
Her plan is to send Jacob away temporarily
But where can she send him?
She must send him to a family member, otherwise Jacob would be at risk as a wanderer
The nearest relatives are 450 miles away in Haran
Rebekah has a brother Laban living in Haran, so she tells Jacob this is far enough away to ensure safety
Rebekah tells Jacob that the separation will only be a few days, but we need to understand times references from their cultural perspective
It would take several weeks just to travel to Haran and then several weeks to return
Plus, she couldn’t have expected Esau’s desire to kill Jacob to disappear in a week or two
So when she says Jacob will go there for a “few days,” she means months
She says she will call for him when Esau’s anger blows over
Rebekah’s expectations were decidedly optimistic
First, notice how she avoids any reference to her own culpability in this situation
She paints the entire episode as Jacob’s fault, Jacob’s deception
And then she suggests that the hole she dug by her scheming can be easily filled in with a little time and distance
In reality, Rebekah’s suggestion is exactly what God desires for reasons of His own
But the plan will also serve to chastise Rebekah for her part in this family tragedy
Notice in v.45 Rebekah asks why should she be bereaved of both her sons in a day?
She is referring to her fear that Esau would kill Jacob and then Isaac would have Esau put to death for the murder
So in her mind, she is saving both boys
Then notice in v.46 she plants the idea in Isaac to send Jacob to Laban’s to find a wife
She expects Isaac to agree and solve her problem
As it turns out, there is great irony in these statements
Rebekah expected her plan would ensure she kept Jacob by her side
But by her plan, she loses her favored son, Jacob
He won’t be in Haran for a few days…he’ll be there for 20 years
And Rebekah will die while he’s gone
And Rebekah’s excuse to send Jacob away actually becomes the real reason God sent Jacob to Haran
God uses Jacob’s time in Haran to give him a family
But God also uses Rebekah’s excuse as the mechanism to discipline her for her sin
Jacob’s pursuit of a wife becomes the reason Jacob can’t return in time to see Rebekah again
His commitment to his future wife prevents him from leaving
Rebekah’s suggestion to Isaac worked as expected, and he commands Jacob to go to Haran
Isaac sends Jacob away with a command
Like Isaac’s father Abraham did before him, Isaac charges Jacob with not taking a wife from among the Canaanites
This stipulation comes from God’s own command to Abraham originally not to intermarry with the people in the land
Abraham and the people under God’s covenant were to remain separate from the people of the land
And if they intermarried, God said it would result in the corruption of Abraham’s people
So Jacob is sent back to his mother’s family to find a wife
And Jacob receives another blessing as well
In keeping with the Abrahamic covenant, Isaac blesses Jacob with the fruitfulness that God promised to Abraham and Isaac
But now the blessing has changed
Jacob was to become a company of peoples
Abraham and Isaac never receive such a promise
They were promised to have many descendants
But they themselves had small families with only one son to carry the promise
Now Isaac declares that Jacob is blessed to have a large family of his own
Furthermore, Isaac confirms that Jacob carries the promises of God to inherit this land
Not only would Jacob inherit the land personally, but so would his descendants
Those who are included in the promise of God will share in these blessings
Let’s reflect a little on Jacob’s life for a moment
He was appointed by God before his birth to be the child of the promise, the holder of the birthright that contained God’s covenant
Like Abraham and Isaac before him, Jacob alone would carry this special set of promises from God
Jacob would have the blessing of God’s protection and promises of eternal inheritance and earthly blessing
Through a twisted set of circumstances, the birthright came to Jacob, and now here he stands ready to leave home under difficult circumstances to seek a wife
We have no record of Jacob ever encountering God personally
We know he has a faithful testimony, but we have to wonder what did Jacob really understand about this special set of promises?
In fact, he might conclude that up to this point, they have been nothing but trouble though he had faith in them
Jacob is about to start down a path of spiritual maturity, one in which he learns what it means to be in covenant with the living God
Yet Jacob will forever be a sinful man with many flaws and weaknesses
Before we move into that journey of spiritual growth, Moses gives us another glimpse of Esau and his heart
Now that Jacob has been sent away, Esau sees another opportunity to gain Dad’s favor
Esau watched as Isaac gave Jacob yet another blessing as Jacob departed for Haran
We remember that Esau’s anger at his brother was a result of his frustration over not having an inheritance of his father’s blessing
Esau witnesses this moment when Isaac blesses Jacob again, and the wheels start to turn in Esau’s head
Esau knows that mom and dad have never been pleased by his decision to take wives from among the Canaanites
And he assumes that Isaac must be blessing Jacob here because Jacob obeyed Isaac’s request to seek a wife from Rebekah’s family
So Esau concludes that if he were to do the same thing, he could impress his father and gain some measure of blessing as well
Since Esau didn’t want to travel 450 miles to Haran (and Jacob was already working that opportunity anyway), Esau does the next best thing
He goes to the only other family he has: Ishmael’s relatives
At this time, Ishmael lived south of Isaac’s family in the Sinai peninsula
So Esau travels south and returns with his cousin, Ishmael’s daughter
The text doesn’t tell us what Isaac and Rebekah thought of this tactic, but we can certainly make a safe assumption
Esau’s misguided plan only amplified the family’s misery
A relative of Ishmael was no better than a daughter of the Canaanites for all the same reasons
These were people forsaken by the Lord and outside His blessings
We learn something very important from watching Esau striving to obtain the impossible
The unbelieving world is forever counterfeiting the relationships that come only by the grace of God
Jacob was a man chosen by God, ordained to receive the blessings of God through faith in the promises of God
God brought this about by working through a father, Isaac, to deliver those promises to the chosen son
And God continued working throughout both their lives to fulfill His promises, including ensuring they obtained the right wives from the right families at the right time
The basis for all their blessings was a relationship with God through a covenant received in faith
All that followed in Isaac and Jacob’s lives was built on that foundation of faith and relationship
Under the sovereign control of God’s hand
Now Esau envied these blessings and desired them for himself
But Esau lacked the foundation, the faith in God and His promises
Like all unbelievers, Esau had no ability to understand spiritual truths so he could only make sense of his life circumstances from a fleshly, worldly perspective
So Esau studied the behaviors of Jacob and the words of Isaac and assumed he could gain the same benefits by mimicking those words and actions
But it doesn’t work that way
The works in Jacob’s life and the blessings that followed were the result of a relationship with God formed by and through God’s word
Jacob’s works didn’t create the relationship, the relationship created the works
Likewise, the works that Esau is now pursuing can’t substitute for a relationship with God
And they can’t produce the blessings that only relationship can produce
This is the pattern of every unbeliever who seeks for what God offers to His children
They mimic words and actions, striving in vain to produce by their works something that only comes by faith in God’s promises
To be saved is to rest in the promises of God
And to have a relationship with the loving God by our faith
To hear Him and to follow Him and to see Him working in our lives
But unbelievers always assume that we do what we do in order to bring God into our lives
And some may try to mimic our relationship like Esau did in the text here
When we sense that dynamic at work, we need to interrupt their mimicry and in love explain the Gospel to them