Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongThe story of Jacob in the book of Genesis is fundamentally a story of God’s sovereignty working in and through the flawed lives of men
Standing at the the head of the line is Jacob himself
God intended to give Jacob the blessing, but he took it for himself through dishonest means
God intended for Jacob to take a wife from Abraham’s relatives in Haran, but Jacob’s deception required him to flee there under threat of death
God intended to give Jacob one fertile wife, but Jacob chose to take three more in lust
Each of these decisions will cause him grief in one way or another
Jacob’s life is a tug-o-war between trusting God and relying on himself
Increasingly God has revealed Himself to Jacob as the One in authority and control of Jacob’s life
But Jacob is a slow learner, so he’s struggling to trust and rest in God’s authority and control
Today Jacob takes another step in that direction even as his family lags behind
Jacob’s family becomes an increasingly bigger focus in this story
Such that we’ll see the true consequences of Jacob’s sin play out in the lives of his family whom he has influenced by his sin
Jacob works for six years under these new terms, building a large and impressive inheritance for himself (v.38)
In that time, Laban’s son have taken note that their inheritance has withered away to nearly nothing
The part of the herd that belongs to them is weak and getting weaker even as Jacob’s flock is growing
And Jacob gets word that Laban’s sons are beginning to accuse Jacob of theft
They conclude that Jacob’s strength is coming at their expense
But they go a step too far to assume that Jacob has done something unfair in the process
We know from last week that Jacob’s actions were in keeping with the agreement he made with Laban
Jacob acted entirely in his own self-interest, resulting in large strong herds of spotted, speckled, and black lambs and goats
The inevitable outcome of this breeding was to leave only weak animals in Laban’s herd
So Jacob wasn’t stealing from Laban, as the sons suggest
He was fulfilling his end of the bargain in the most advantageous way he could
Jacob took note of these accusations and then observed that Laban was not friendly as he was before
The Hebrew literally states that Laban’s face was not toward Jacob as before
Laban’s entire attitude toward Jacob has done an about face
Before, Laban was inclined toward keeping Jacob and favoring Jacob so long as Jacob worked for him
The reason for that favoritism was simple: Jacob was increasing Laban’s wealth
Now that Jacob was hurting Laban’s wealth, everything was different
This is the world’s form of friendship
The world is friendly toward those who give us what we want
Whether money, power, fame, compliments, sex, whatever
If the thing we want disappears, then the reason for the friendship or relationship goes with it
This is conditional love, the world’s kind of love, the only kind of love sinful flesh has the capacity to experience
The love of God is entirely different
It is agape love, self-sacrificial brotherly love that is unconditional
It doesn’t seek relationship for what it can get out of it, but what it can give to it
This is a type of relationship that the world cannot know apart from the love of God in their lives
With that recognition, Jacob hears from the Lord
This is the first time Jacob has heard from God in twenty years since leaving the land
Now the Lord is directing Jacob to leave Haran and return to his own land
The fact that the Lord is speaking now tells us that the Lord has wanted Jacob to remain here for the previous twenty years
Those years served a purpose in Jacob’s life, but now the time has come to go home
Jacob apparently hears this while in the field shepherding the flock, so he calls to his two wives to meet him there
Away from Laban and Laban’s sons, Jacob explains his situation
After six years of working for Laban, Laban’s daughters would have naturally assumed this would be their life forever
They had no reason to suspect that Jacob would ever return to his father’s land
Essentially, Jacob has been working as an adopted son of Laban
And this work has obviously benefited Jacob’s family
So Jacob must make a strong case for these women to follow him
Though they have a legal obligation to follow him, Jacob is working to win them over to the plan
He knows he will have a fight on his hands with Laban, so the last thing he needs is divided allegiance among his wives
Jacob begins by noting that his relationship with Laban has changed in recent years
Laban is no longer Jacob’s ally and friend
Yet Jacob is blameless in their work relationship
Jacob has always served Laban in good faith
And yet Laban has been nothing but dishonest
In fact we learn here that Laban has changed Jacob’s wages ten times
In v.8 Jacob says that after Laban saw Jacob’s flock growing, Laban unilaterally changed the rules
He would declare that only the speckled sheep and goats were to be Jacob’s rather than speckled and spotted and black
But then the herds would produce speckled only
Then Laban would respond by declaring that only the striped would be Jacob’s
And then the flocks began producing primarily striped
This was particularly unfair, since a striped animal was very unusual
This switcheroo happened no less than ten times in the course of the six years
Clearly Laban was making every effort to cheat Jacob
He wasn’t interested in a fair deal; he was only interested in manipulating Jacob into remaining in his employment
But now after six years of watching his wealth disappear, Laban is no longer friendly toward Jacob
In v.9 Jacob tells his wives that the Lord has been behind this surprising increase of the flocks
We know from Chapter 30 how Jacob accomplished the process of mating the herds and interbreeding the animals
He used his knowledge of animal husbandry and careful breeding to select for the kind of animals he wanted
But as Laban changed the rules ten times, how did Jacob’s breeding process respond so quickly?
The nature of the breeding process would have made turning on a dime very difficult
Once Jacob had isolated the desired types of animals, he would have found it nearly impossible to begin selecting for different characteristics
Yet somehow he managed to continue collecting the kind of the animals he wanted
Now Jacob knows that the real secret behind his success has been God all along
As Jacob worked to respond to each of Laban’s unreasonable demands, he successfully produced exactly the right kind of animals
Jacob says this was proof that the Lord was at work enriching Jacob at Laban’s expense
We can understand why the Lord may be blessing Jacob, because God has promised by His word to bless Jacob
But why does the Lord choose to bless Jacob at Laban’s expense?
This is also a result of the Lord’s promises
The Lord said that He would bless those who blessed Jacob and curse those who cursed Jacob
Laban is a perfect example of this promise played out
For the years where Laban was blessing Jacob, the Lord ensured that the relationship resulted in a reciprocal blessing for Laban
Laban gave Jacob a home and wives, so Laban saw his flocks increase under Jacob’s care
But now that Laban has turned against Jacob and continued to cheat him, the Lord has brought these sins back against Laban
Meanwhile, the Lord continues to bless Jacob
How did Jacob come to the recognition that the Lord was behind these blessings? He tells his wives…
Jacob received a dream from the Lord
The dream was simple: everywhere Jacob looked in the flock, all he saw was striped, speckled and mottled male goats mating
Remember, Jacob is caring for both Laban’s flock and his own flock
So in real life, the male goats and sheep would have also included the white and solid colored
But in the dream, the entire herd was speckled, striped, etc.
The message of the dream was that regardless of what the animals looked like God would produce the kind of offspring Jacob needed
The entire flock had the DNA necessary to ensure Jacob’s success
This was God’s work behind the scenes
So what do we conclude? Did Jacob’s efforts at interbreeding lead to his success or was it God’s grace to bring Jacob success?
The answer is yes
Jacob’s work led to the outcome and God’s work made it possible
It doesn’t diminish the Lord’s sovereignty to acknowledge that the Lord works through the plans and actions of men
In the end, we must recognize that all good things come from the Father of lights, as James says
It’s another encouraging sign that Jacob received the dream in the proper perspective and recognizes the Lord’s role in His success
And this is his argument to his wives as well
The Lord has been the one protecting them in the face of Laban’s tricks, and this same God is now telling Jacob to leave Laban
The Lord will protect and care for them so they can trust His direction and leave this good situation
This is a challenging call for these women, and perhaps even for Jacob himself
Essentially, Jacob has called a family meeting with his wives, and he has has announced that the Lord says I must quit my job and move away from our home
This life is all the wives have ever known
And the work has made Jacob’s family rich
But now Jacob is expecting the women to simply pull up stakes and move to a great unknown future
Similar to the way the Lord called Abraham in the first place: leave everything and follow me to a new place
Don’t you think this would have been a difficult request for the women to accept?
And look at how Jacob tries to gain their confidence…he says their provision is from the Lord and not from Laban
This is the essence of following the Lord successfully, especially in the area of our material life and material needs
God is in control, including of your finances and your wealth
Some men are wealthier than others and this will always be the case
God made Solomon the richest man in the world and yet it was Jesus Himself who said we will always have the poor in the world
God isn’t unconcerned with our physical needs, but the word says clearly in many places that His first concern for us is our obedience, not our net worth
Like Jacob, we can and should contribute to our own needs, but what comes of our efforts is directed by the Lord and His grace
Therefore, we are to exhibit contentment in whatever He gives us
Otherwise, our pursuits for greater wealth will become an impediment to our spiritual development
Jacob finishes his testimony to his wives by recounting the word he received from God
In v.13 Jacob says the Lord spoke and reminded him of the pillar of stone Jacob anointed in Bethel before he left the land
Jacob’s anointing of the pillar was something he did in connection with a vow Jacob made
Do you remember that vow?
The Lord has done all the things that Jacob expected
Now the Lord says it’s time to keep that vow, to return to the land and worship
So Jacob has presented his case to these women, and though Jacob isn’t exactly the best model of a godly husband, there is something husbands can learn from this moment
Jacob had a difficult decision to make, one that impacted his entire family
And as he went about making that decision, he involved his wives in a very sensitive, caring and God-centered way
First, Jacob entered into a private discussion with his wives in a place and time and manner that was clearly intended to show he valued their opinions and respected their views
His patient efforts to include them in this decision and to seek their support communicated that their opinions mattered to Jacob
Obviously, Jacob couldn’t leave Haran successfully without their support and agreement
Secondly, Jacob presented a case, built on facts and intended to show that his thinking is grounded in concern for them and the family
He doesn’t declare the plan in a “Because I said so…” manner
He explains his thinking and works to win them over
Thirdly, and most importantly, He places God’s actions and desires in the center of decision-making and conversation
His explanation to the wives is centered on what he has learned from God
And when it comes time to support his decision, he rests on the word of God
In this case that word was a statement God delivered in a dream
Jacob is the head of the household and the husband, and by culture, law and according to God’s plan for the family, Jacob could make this decision without his wives’ consent
But that wouldn’t have been the loving or smart thing to do
A loving husband values his wife’s opinion and values his wife’s insight
A loving husband gives time for deliberation and exploring options
A loving husband demonstrates his own willingness to listen to the Lord and follow His word
And a loving husband is willing to do all these things as he leads his family in obeying the voice of the Lord
As husbands, we could do much worse than following Jacob’s example here
Jacob is showing great progress in his character and his faith
And these twenty years have become an important part of how the Lord is working to grow him
But Jacob’s wives lag behind him, in part because of his own weaknesses as a husband
And that becomes very evident as the family makes its escape from Laban in the second part of Chapter 31