Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongThe story of Jacob and Jacob’s family is a story of human weaknesses set upon one another, while God’s grace and mercy abounds
Jacob is a man of weaknesses, and his weaknesses propagate among his wives and children
He has stubbornly continued to seek after things God has not prepared for him
Thereby bringing consequences upon himself and his family
He is also a man who does not foresee the consequences of his actions, especially in the way they will mold his family
Jacob’s choice to marry two women instantly leads to jealousy among the two women
Jacob pours fuel on this fire by showing favoritism to Rachel over Leah, and as sisters we can only imagine how desperately each wanted to have Jacob’s attention
It has once been said that jealousy is bred in doubts
And when those doubts change into certainties, then the passion either ceases or turns into absolute madness
Clearly Leah had doubts concerning Jacob’s love, and so she sought something to give her an upper hand in the marriage
So as God honored the unloved Leah, He gives her four sons before giving Rachel any children
But Jacob continued to ignore Leah despite the boys, leading Leah toward madness
Ironically, Leah lacked Jacob’s love, but she could give Jacob children
While Rachel had Jacob’s love, but couldn’t give him children
God seems to be emphasizing that Jacob’s unfair treatment of his wife Leah is not in keeping with God’s intentions for bringing forth the tribes of Israel
Meanwhile, Rachel’s jealousy grows, as does her frustration at not giving her husband children
It’s also been said that jealousy is the art of injuring ourselves more than others, and Rachel proves that statement by her actions
This chapter sets up several important issues that come through later in the story of Jacob
For today, we’re going to focus on the actions and consequences of each actor
Presumably, Jacob has been showing his affection to Rachel at least as much as Leah, and probably more since Jacob is attracted to Rachel more
Yet God is preventing Rachel from bearing children
As Rachel watches Leah bear son after son, her jealousy grows
We can assume that Leah has been having roughly one son every year, so it’s been four years since the marriages
And still Rachel has nothing for her husband
It would be bad enough for a woman to fail in having children
But in this contest between wives, the shame is made worse by the jealousy
Once more the sin of multiple wives is clearly evident in this family situation
There is nothing natural or good about this family situation
And now it’s spilled over into discord between Rachel and Jacob
Rachel demands that Jacob give her children or she will die
This statement is notable for two reasons
First, Rachel is speaking with great disrespect to her husband, according to the culture of the day
She can’t accuse him of infidelity, since he has clearly fathered children with Leah
So she accuses him of somehow withholding his seed from her
It’s a statement rooted in frustration and hatred for her sister, but it’s directed at her husband
The second notable thing about her statement is its irony
Rachel says she will die if she doesn’t have children, but in reality the opposite is true
Rachel will ultimately die trying to give birth
We’ll consider that implication later
Meanwhile, Jacob responds to Rachel’s insensitive accusations
He is angry with her
The text indicates an intense form of anger
Her jealousy is driving a wedge between her and her husband
Jacob corrects his wife by reminding her that God alone controls the outcome of these things
His point to her is that God is responsible for her infertility
And we know from the text of Genesis that this is literally the truth
God has a reason for withholding Rachel’s womb
There is also irony in Jacob’s statement
He recognizes that God is at work in these outcomes, but he never stops to consider why God has done this
Jacob doesn’t stop to ask himself whether God has favored Leah for a reason, and thereby learn a lesson
So now we see Jacob’s sin begin to propagate within his family
Jacob’s rejection of his wife Leah led to jealousy between the women
And this has led to a competition over children
And that has led Rachel to grow desperate and now to seek the wrong solution
Like Sarah before her, Rachel resorts to a cultural practice, one that was not in keeping with God’s desires
Rachel gives her maiden to Jacob, meaning Jacob will take a third wife
Any child from this woman would be considered Rachel’s child
That’s the meaning of bearing “on my knees”
It refers to the way Rachel would act as midwife and deliver Bilhah’s child and claim it for herself
Giving a maid as wife was a sin for Sarah, and it’s a sin for Rachel
And Jacob’s willingness to entertain this request is also sin, as it was for Abraham
Isaac and Rebekah didn’t resort to this mistake, and Jacob didn’t have to either
But having already taken a second wife, Jacob assumes what’s the harm in a third?
And of course the harm is the multiplication of the jealousy and sin in the family
And the multiplication of the consequences
With Bilhah, Jacob now produces two sons, Dan and Nephtali
The name Dan means judge, because Rachel says God has vindicated her
The word judge refers to God having declared Rachel innocent like a judge in court
The name is a message for Leah
Rachel is telling Leah that the Lord is on her side now
This is a name soaked in jealousy and bitterness
The second name Naphtali means I have wrestled, which is also a dig at Leah
Rachel is saying she wrestled or fought with Leah and won, in that she is now bearing sons for her husband through Bilhah
Is this truly what is happening?
We know the Lord is allowing the children to be born, of course, and He has a good purpose in doing so
But His purpose is not the one Rachel has presumed
Rachel’s attitude is typical of those who are living far from the Lord and outside His will
They may presume to tell others what God is doing and why
And they always find a way to justify their circumstances as something God approves
They assume that the mere fact they are getting what they want is proof that it is also what God wants
Let’s not be confused on this point today
We often get what we want, but it isn’t what God wants
It’s called sin, and it happens everyday
Every day billions of people do what they want and get what they want, but this says nothing about what God wants
Except that God is capable of using all that sin to accomplish some greater purpose
But that never equals God’s approval
God used Satan to lead Judas in betraying Jesus, but that doesn’t mean God approves of Satan
Clearly, Rachel is engaged in a sinful war of hate and spite with Leah, a woman who is the victim in this situation
She is presuming that the Lord is on her side and wants her to win this fight, but that’s a lie she tells herself
Be careful in assuming that God always sees things the way you do
We don’t need to rely on our circumstances to discern God’s desires
We can see for ourselves what God says He desires
God states in His word what He desires in men
And His desires bend to no man’s desires
In this case, God is speaking clearly about His wishes
He blessed Jacob with a woman, Leah, capable of bearing him sons
God brought her sons that will ultimately become priests and kings for the future nation
But Jacob ignored that wife, and instead chose other women
One woman God has kept barren for some reason, and now God has allowed the maid to bear two children, but no more
The number two in scripture is the number of division
Just as Ishmael and Isaac were divided and Esau and Jacob were divided, so is God highlighting the division in the family of Jacob
The woman are divided, Jacob’s attention is divided, and eventually the sons will be divided
Those divisions run deep
Eventually the nation itself will split into two divisions, one named after a son of Leah and one after a son of Rachel
The jealousy and division doesn’t end here…there is more
We’re told that Leah noticed she had stopped bearing, but there is no indication that God has stopped her from having children
The cause is more likely the lack of Jacob’s affection
So far Jacob has four sons with Leah and two more with Bilhah
We know he prefers Rachel and probably spent his nights with Leah strictly because she was bearing children
But once Bilhah started bearing, Jacob focused his attention and energy there
Plus he was still showing affection to Rachel, though it had not produced any children
So Leah has noticed that she isn’t getting much of Jacob’s time
Perhaps Jacob has tired of her company, plus he has two other wives to attend to
So she hatches a plan to compete with Rachel
Leah offers Jacob her maid
The attraction for Jacob at this point is purely lust
He has no need for another wife and he has already seen six sons come along, which was plenty for a family in that day
Still he agrees to take the maid, so the only reason we can assume is because he is following his flesh
More importantly, Jacob has clearly abdicated any leadership among these women and within his growing family
We’ll see that weakness time and time again in later chapters of Genesis, as his sons begin to rule the household
Leah’s maid Zilpah bears two sons, Gad and Asher
Gad comes from the Hebrew word for fortunate, while Asher means happy
Like Rachel, Leah is naming these sons in a way to insult her sister
No longer is she praising the Lord for these blessings, now she is seeking to injure and discourage another in her family
If this keeps up, one of them is bound to name a son “Nah nah na na nah” to mock the other
Once again God delivers only two children to the fourth wife, yet another coded message of division
But the story of the children isn’t over yet
Jacob’s oldest son is probably about five or six years old at this point
And he is out in the field during the harvest when he finds a flower, called a mandrake
A mandrake is a rare wild plant that has blueish flowers in winter and yellowish plum size fruit in summer
Prized as an aphrodisiac and inducer of fertility
It’s name is duday from dud which means beloved
Called the love-apple in the Middle east
This is obviously why both women desired it
Reuben probably brought it to his mother, Leah, as a simple gift like any son might bring a flower to his mother
But when Rachel sees it, she immediately recognizes it as the plant that might solve her infertility problem
Remember, of Jacob’s four wives, only Rachel has failed to bring Jacob a son
So she asks Leah for some of the mandrakes
Leah is bitter and jealous of Jacob’s love for Rachel, so she asks Rachel why she wants the mandrakes since she already has Jacob to herself
The implication is that Rachel receives Jacob’s company regularly, so why should she need the mandrake
We can gather that this is why Leah hasn’t had a chance to conceive more sons
Rachel was able to wrestle Jacob away from Leah
Apart from the two children to Zilpah, Rachel has prevented Jacob from giving Leah any more children since the original four
So Leah decides to negotiate with Rachel
Rachel wants children, while Leah wants Jacob’s affection again
So Rachel says she will sell her husband to Leah for one night in exchange for the mandrakes
Leah tells Jacob about the arrangement, and he complies
Was Jacob obligated by this deal? Absolutely not
He could have refused, since he was not a party to the arrangement
Yet he agreed, once again we presume he was willing to play along either because he wasn’t prone to leading within the family
Or perhaps he was enamored by their competition for his affection
Either way, Jacob is feeding the flames of a dangerous fire
In describing their time together that night, the scripture says in v.16 that Jacob lay with Leah
The word for lay or lie is a special word in Hebrew only used in the context of illicit sexual activity
It was used for Lot and his daughters
And it will be used to describe Potiphar’s wife’s offer to Joseph
By the choice of word, Moses is indicating that this is not a sanctifying act in the marriage bed
They are married, but they are acting in sin because their behavior is driven by jealousy and sinful hearts rather than out of love or a desire to follow the Lord
This is not the way the Lord wants to build their marriage or this family
Nevertheless, Leah is not barren and she will continue to bear children
That night brings her another son, Issachar
The name means hire, since Leah hired Jacob with a mandrake
Later, Leah receives a sixth son, Zebulun
After Leah produced the son Issachar, Jacob probably returned to giving Leah some of his time
And since Leah was capable of bearing children, she bore another son
His name means endowed or dowry, since these sons are gifts for Leah
Notice again that Leah has returned to thanking the Lord with the name of the last son
She seems to have lost her appetite for attacking Rachel
Later, Leah will bear other daughters, including Dinah
Women aren’t normally mentioned in Genesis, but Dinah plays an important role in the story of Jacob later
Finally, God brings His grace to Rachel, so that she might bear a child for Jacob
When God is ready to show himself to Rachel, He gives her a son
He’s waited long enough for Leah to have become pregnant at least two more times
He doesn’t want Rachel’s pregnancy to be credited to the mandrakes
Those flowers would have been long gone by the time He decided to bring Joseph
Her choice of a name is interesting and ironic
She names her son Joseph, which means He shall add, because she hoped the Lord would add another child to her
God eventually does give her a second child, but since two is the number of division, the second child will divide her from her family
She will die in childbirth
Let’s end by considering God’s wisdom in how He used the sin of these women and Jacob especially
First, notice that God’s choice of wife for Jacob was Leah who had six children by herself
Had Jacob stuck to Leah alone, there is no reason to doubt the Lord could have brought forth all twelve sons from her womb
Secondly, every other wife of Jacob will have two sons, though Rachel has yet to bear her second son
The other wives all represent division in the family of Jacob, while Leah has the honor of bearing three times as many sons
Three being the number of God
Third, Rachel will die in giving birth to her second child
Can we see the wisdom in God giving Leah to Jacob rather than Rachel?
It would appear that Rachel wasn’t able to live through 12 births
God knew that giving her sons would bring her to an end, so He graciously kept her barren for several years
But sometimes, God may eventually give us what we desire just to prove us wrong
Finally, all eleven of these sons are born within the seven years that Jacob will work for Laban to pay for Rachel
The conceptions happened in the order mentioned, but obviously many of these women were pregnant at the same time
So that by the time Jacob is ready to leave the land, he will have already acquired all but one of his sons
Nevertheless, God used Jacob’s sin and the jealousy of the women to bring the nation of Israel into existence in a rapid time, so that these sons were of similar age
Thus ensuring that the family would live and grow together, thus allowing the Lord to direct their lives in unison according to His plan
The final son is born as Jacob leaves Laban’s household
But the sin of this family, lead by the sin of the patriarch, will continue to fester in the lives of these boys leading to several crises
Including the most significant crisis in Jacob’s life in about ten chapters from now