Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongChapter 7 continues our examination of the first question the church posed to Paul
Their question must have revolved around the nature of marriage in a Christian context
On divorce and remarriage, on marriage with unbelievers and on the value of singleness
Paul is patiently teaching through these questions, helping the church understand God’s expectations for marriage in the church
Last time we studied through v.11, which established three basic truths about Christian marriage
First, Paul taught that singleness is an acceptable, perhaps even preferred lifestyle, for Christians
But it is reserved for those who have been gifted in that way
For without the gift of singleness, we will be tempted to distraction by our passions
Secondly, Paul taught each may have one husband or wife
Marriage has a one per customer limit
Thirdly, marriage requires we relinquish sole authority over our bodies
We share our bodies with our spouse
But we have only covered about 25% of the chapter, so Paul still has plenty left to say on this question of marriage
In the next section, beginning in v.12 Paul addresses the difficult situation of a believer married to an unbeliever
What should happen when one member of a marriage comes to faith while the other remains in their sins?
Paul now gives counsel to such a couple
Paul begins this section saying “to the rest…”
The rest refers to those who are not the unmarried (v.8) or a believing married couple (v.10)
By process of elimination, the rest would have to be a married believer with an unbelieving spouse
What obligations does a person have to their spouse should that spouse be an unbeliever?
Paul also prefaces these instructions by saying he gives these instructions, not the Lord
Paul doesn’t mean these instructions are optional
After all, Paul’s writings are inspired instruction, so by definition they are from the Holy Spirit
Instead, this comment is intended as a bookend to his earlier comment in v.10
In v.10, he said what I am about to say came directly from the Lord’s teaching when He taught the apostles in person
So now Paul makes clear that he has moved on to new teaching that Jesus never stated personally
Think of these two statements as the equivalent of saying “quote” and “end quote”
Nevertheless, this instruction is still inspired
Looking at his instruction, it’s fairly straightforward
If a believer has an unbelieving spouse who is willing to continue in marriage, then the believer must continue in it as well
Paul is speaking about a situation when one person in an existing marriage comes to faith
Leaving the spouse on the outside of salvation
Obviously, the arrival of faith in any marriage is going to create friction
Faith in Christ fundamentally changes our view of the world and of our eternal future
The changes created by faith are incredibly profound, leading to countless opportunities for disagreement with an unbelieving spouse
From how we handle finances, to raising the children, to our entertainment choices
To the kind of friends we keep and the places we will visit
And especially to our life’s priorities as we begin to live for Christ
All of these things can place a serious strain on the marriage, leading to a possibility that the unbelieving spouse may choose to leave
Paul says if the unbelieving spouse is content to remain married even as we endeavor to live as a Christian, then we have no grounds to divorce
This counsel is completely consistent with the one-flesh principle we learned last time
The bonds of marriage transcend faith
God established the sanctity of marriage for all humanity, not just believers
So we must honor that commitment
Paul says there are clear benefits from remaining in the marriage despite the difference in faith
When one member of the marriage is a believer, the other is “sanctified” through the relationship
The word sanctified means to be set apart for a blessing
Paul is simply pointing out that the unbeliever can be blessed through their association with a believing spouse
Likewise, the children of this marriage will be blessed by having both parents in the home
And especially by the presence of a believing parent
Most importantly, if the Lord has moved to bring faith to one member of a family, then it gives hope that He intends to extend that testimony to more members of the family
And if that is going to happen, then it stands to reason that the believing spouse will be catalyst for that purpose
If we give up and walk away from that family, we may be running away from a miracle God intends to work through us
So we stay married, first because of our commitment to our spouse, and secondly because we sanctify the family through our influence
But as we pursue an unequal marriage, we must also have a sober understanding of what we’re likely to face
Things are going to be difficult at times
The believer is going to find himself or herself forced to choose between pleasing God and pleasing the unbelieving spouse
And really, that’s no choice at all, for we should always seek to please the Lord
Unfortunately, times will come when we choose to appease our spouse rather than follow the Lord, simply to maintain peace
This is why an unequal marriage is always a difficult situation
I came across a story of a woman who experienced this very situation in her own marriage
Her name is Nancy Kennedy, and she wrote:
Her advice to a woman caught in such a marriage is powerful
Live in the now, don’t pine for a “happy-ever-after someday”
Live out your faith – let your spouse see you stumble and struggle as you live by grace alone, rather than living by a set of rigid rules
Honor your marriage; don’t talk negatively about your spouse; Enjoy your spouse as God’s gift
Pray, pray, pray and talk often and openly and freely about God
Find a support system and study the Bible with a friend or small group; Attend church as often as you are able
Never give up hope; God knows what he’s doing
As you can see, an unequal marriage is a trial, which is why Paul warns a believer elsewhere never to enter into a marriage with an unbeliever in the first place
Up to this point, we’ve been talking about a situation where a member of an existing marriage comes to faith while their spouse remains an unbeliever
It’s one thing to be faced with the challenges of an unequal marriage involuntarily, but it’s another to knowingly enter into such a situation
If we choose a spouse knowing they do not share our faith in Christ, we are acting very foolishly
We are signing up for a life of unnecessary spiritual struggle
We are shackling ourselves to someone who can never understand what we understand
They will have different values and goals
So they will act as a spiritual weight, dragging us down and holding us back in our effort to mature and please the Lord
Why would we ever want to do such a thing?
Whatever earthly joy or benefit we might find attractive in a relationship with an unbeliever will be greatly overshadowed by the eternal loss we may suffer as a result of their influence
And there is simply no turning back from such a choice
Paul says it is not cause for divorce
However, in vs.15-16 Paul gives one option to end the marriage
He says that if the unbeliever leaves the marriage, then the believer is to let that one leave
We are not under obligation to chase after that person in a futile attempt to hold the marriage together
And we can immediately understand why it’s better to avoid the chase
If we pursue the unbeliever, we’re inevitably going to feel forced to make concessions in order to hold the marriage together
Whatever made the unbeliever upset in the first place will have to be rectified if we are to rescue the relationship
And those concessions will likely to lead to even greater harm to our spiritual maturity
What if the believer objected to our time spent at church or in prayer or in Bible study?
What if he or she demanded we stop speaking about Jesus to the children?
What if he or she objects to our desire to support a ministry financially?
If they make these demands a condition for the continuation of the marriage, Paul says we are to let them walk
We are not in bondage to their demands
When Paul says we are not in bondage in such cases, he isn’t talking about the marriage vows themselves
The word bondage means slavery, and the marriage covenant is never called slavery in scripture
Paul is referring to a bondage to the demands of our unbelieving spouse
We have been called to follow Christ in freedom
So we are not expected to submit to the demands and decrees of an unbeliever, even if such a person is our spouse
In v.17 Paul raises the obvious question: how do we know if our spouse will ever become a believer?
Since we can’t be sure of such an outcome, we can’t use that hope as an excuse to submit to conditions or demands that conflict with the Lord’s instructions
We must follow the Lord, and if that obedience causes our spouse to leave, then so be it
We are enslaved to Christ, not to them
Now some in the church have taught that this statement opens the door for the believer to divorce and remarry
But take note Paul never says the believer can do either
He never says the believer is to divorce and he certainly never gives permission for the abandoned believer to remarry
He only says we are to allow the unbeliever to leave
In other words, the believer remains married to the unbeliever
But it’s better to live a life of singleness than to fight for a marriage that brings us spiritual harm
Remember, we live with eyes for eternity
So the question we ask ourselves in all situations is what course of action is best for my judgment day?
From this point, Paul now moves to teach on a general principle of Christian living
The church had asked him about marriage, concerning whether there was a requirement to stay married when one person becomes a believer
Paul has answered the question, but he wants to reinforce the point with a broader application
Not only should we continue in marriage having come to faith, but we should not seek to turn our lives upside down
The greater principle Paul wants us to understand is to remain as God has called you
God called us into faith while we were living in a particular context, and self-evidently He chose that context when calling us to be His ambassador
Paul uses several carefully chosen examples to prove his point
First, he mentions circumcision, but this is just a way of describing Jewishness vs. Gentile
So if you were a Gentile or a Jew, then remain in that state
Gentiles are not expected to become a Jew and neither are Jews required to renounce their Jewishness
And if you were called into faith while in slavery, don’t worry about it
If you can win your freedom, then it’s good to do so
And if you are free, do not return to slavery
Paul reminds us that whether you are free or enslaved to men, you remain enslaved to God in either case
These distinctions make no difference to our ability to serve Him faithfully
We are to serve and please God in either situation
The greater principle Paul is teaching is that there is no one universal condition for all Christians
The Christian faith doesn’t prescribe a certain lifestyle or walk of life, except that we seek to please the Lord in holy living
In fact, if we entertain some romantic notion about how a Christian’s life is supposed to look, we’re likely to go chasing after the wrong things
Not everyone is supposed to sell everything and become a missionary to the other side of the world
Not everyone is supposed to go to seminary
Not everyone changes careers, lifestyles and the like as a result of coming to faith
The far more common outcome of coming to know the Lord is to remain exactly where God found us, doing what we were doing, though doing it without sin
He saved us while we were attending school, working in the factory or office building
He saved us while were living in a certain place, with a certain circle of friends, in a particular state of life
So it stands to reason, He called us to Himself while in that context so we might serve Him from that context
That’s why Paul says in v.24 we are to remain in the condition the Lord found us
Literally in Greek, Paul says “as he was called, in this let him remain with God”
There is a purpose for where and how you were called into the faith
And it would be a shame if we allowed romantic notions of what it means to be a Christ follower to lead us away from our appointed mission field in pursuit of some idealized mission field
We must give careful consideration to the realities in which we come to know the Lord while at the same time being willing to follow God anywhere He calls
Obviously, few of us will remain in the same place forever
So Paul isn’t saying we can never change our circumstances
In fact, God will usually call us to something different eventually
But neither should we ignore the manner and timing and the context in which He chose to call us into faith
Reflect on it carefully as you consider how to serve Him
Consider that many a man has gone to prison for a crime without knowing the Lord
But then while in prison, the Lord brings them to faith so that they can be His representative in that prison
Later, some may receive their freedom, and so then they move on to something new
But their first assignment was to be a witness where they were
On the other hand, we are called to change who we are
How we think, how we behave, and what we value, will change continually as we grow more mature in our faith
And some of that growth may prompt us to make other changes in our walk, including how we serve the Lord
That kind of change is good, because it’s prompted by the Spirit
But don’t try to force that change by mimicking the progress of others
We each will have our own calling in service to the Lord
Finally, I think this principle also extends to a church body
When you feel called to join a particular church body, like here at Oak Hill Bible Church, then you are receiving a mission as part of that relationship
Every church body has a mission to reach its local community
We may have a heart to reach beyond that community as well, and this is appropriate
But our primary mission reflects God’s purposes in planting our church in its present location
So don’t aspire to fit the mold of another church body, whether in size or style or location or audience
We should seek to care for what God has given us in our present circumstances
We should seek to reach the neighborhoods around us, and to reach the circle of friends and family we know
Even as we seek to expand that audience everyday
Let’s seek to remain in the place God has placed us, while also seeking to become more like Christ