Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongJacob, his four wives and eleven sons and one daughter (that we know of) are living in Haran, serving Laban
Jacob has been living here 14 years now
In that time he’s paid the dowry for two wives
We remember that the extra seven years was made necessary by Laban’s dishonesty
In fact, Laban’s plan all along has been to hold on to Jacob forever
Jacob’s knowledge of shepherding has been a tremendous blessing to Laban
Before Jacob appeared on the scene, Laban had been forced to use his daughter to help raise the sheep
And we saw the operation was nothing to brag about
But now as Jacob has reached the end of his 14 years, he is anxious to return home
Besides the obvious desire to see his family, Jacob wants to return to his own inheritance
He has worked to pay off his debt with Laban, so any further work at this point will simply be building the inheritance of Laban’s sons
So Jacob is ready to leave, and he announces his intentions to Laban
Following the birth of the eleventh son, Joseph, Jacob asked Laban to send him away
Jacob tells Laban to give him his wives and children and allow Jacob to depart since his fourteen years of service have been completed
We might ask why Jacob doesn’t just leave on his own initiative
Why does Jacob need to ask Laban to let him go?
The culture of the day placed tremendous authority in the leader of a tribe or clan
Jacob has come under the authority of Laban since the time Jacob was welcomed into Laban’s house
And since Jacob was bound by his word to work for Laban to pay for his wives, only Laban could release Jacob
So Jacob is asking for Laban to honor his agreement and release Jacob according to the terms of the deal
Laban still doesn’t want Jacob to leave
As I said, Laban would prefer that Jacob never leave, so he must find some new angle to play in keeping Jacob in his household
Laban makes a counteroffer to Jacob
Laban tells Jacob that he knows his household has been blessed to have Jacob in it
In fact, Laban says that he has come to know that Jacob is a source of supernatural blessing through divination
The Hebrew word for divination is nachash, which is the word for satanic sorcery or incantations
Laban is a pagan who turns to the occult to find his spiritual direction
And the enemy has instructed Laban that Jacob is the cause of Laban’s blessing and he should remain in Laban’s household
Obviously the enemy is working to keep Jacob away from the promised land
The enemy wants to disrupt the Lord’s plan, and keeping Jacob in Haran is one way to do that
Take note of the way Satan has manipulated Laban in this situation and in the process is trying to control Jacob
Satan has told Laban that Jacob is the cause of Laban’s wealth, which is a partial truth
The full truth is that God’s promises working through Jacob are the source of Laban’s strength
Nevertheless, by showing Laban the means to greater wealth, Satan gains control of Laban, who in turns schemes against Jacob
So Laban offers to hire Jacob as a permanent employee
Laban will pay Jacob to work and he offers Jacob any wage he wants to name
This may sound like a very fair and even generous offer
Jacob could finally begin to amass his own wealth after years of simply making Laban rich
But remember, Laban is the owner of the flocks and the herds
And in any business, who gets richer? The employees or the owners?
No matter how generous the wages may be to an employee, the owner of a business is always the richer
And Jacob knows this too
Jacob isn’t interested in working for someone else when he has his own flocks and herds waiting him in his father’s house
So Jacob says to Laban, you know this isn’t a good deal…
You know I’ve served you for fourteen years and made you rich in the process, because I have the ability to multiply herds
In v.30 Jacob says Laban’s herds have “increased”
In Hebrew the word is parats, which means to break forth
In Jacob’s day, Laban’s herds have leaped forward in prosperity
And Jacob reminds Laban that the source of this blessing is the Lord Who brings success to Jacob at every turn
Here we find hopeful evidence that Jacob has been listening to the Lord and the promises
Jacob understands that the Lord has been at work to bring about these blessings
So Jacob asks Laban if he continues working for Laban’s household, who will provide for Jacob’s household?
Laban tries another tactic
Laban offers to give Jacob some of Laban’s household as Jacob’s inheritance
This is a sign of Laban’s desperation
He is basically willing to adopt Jacob as if he were a son and include him in the inheritance over Laban’s own sons
Jacob can build wealth for his family in this home rather than returning to the land of Abraham and Isaac
In hearing Laban’s offer, Jacob makes a counterproposal of his own
He first states that he will not take anything from Laban
Jacob means he is not interested in becoming party to Laban’s inheritance
Jacob still wants to return to Canaan and to his family, so he has no interest in waiting for Laban’s death and for the inheritance to be split
Plus, Jacob is following in the footsteps of his grandfather who did not wish to be enriched from the largess of pagan benefactors
Jacob knew the Lord was blessing him and would depend on the Lord
So knowing that the Lord was working with Jacob, Jacob enacted a plan to outsmart Laban
Jacob tells Laban that he is willing to continue to keep Laban’s flocks if Laban will allow Jacob the opportunity to build up a herd for himself
Jacob says he will take only the spotted and speckled lambs, the black lambs and the speckled and spotted goats
In this region, the lambs were generally white and the goats were solid black or brown
Speckled goats and lambs were few in number and black sheep were very rare
So Jacob is asking to keep a minimal number of animals from the herd as a way of obtaining a herd for himself
Jacob emphasized that this plan would also make it easy for Laban to know which animals were Jacob’s property and which were Laban’s
Otherwise, it would be nearly impossible for Laban to know whether Jacob was building his flock honestly or stealing from Laban’s herds
Jacob’s plan is built on two assumptions
First, Jacob is assuming that his knowledge of animal husbandry will allow him to multiply the herds to his advantage
Secondly, Jacob is expecting the Lord to continue blessing him in these efforts
Notice this plan has no timeline
Jacob is agreeing to work under these terms indefinitely
Both parties assume they will get the better end of the bargain
Laban assumes he will have Jacob employed forever, since it would be very hard to build a meaningful herd by only collecting the odd colored animal here and there
Jacob is assuming this plan will not last long because as his own herd grows quickly, it will become a threat to Laban’s household
So Jacob embarks on at least several more years of working for Laban, but Laban still has a few tricks up his sleeve
In v.35 we’re told that Laban pulls a fast one on Jacob
On the day this bargain is struck, Laban immediately orders that all the speckled and spotted and black animals be removed from among the main herd
These animals were assigned to the care of Laban’s sons
Then the sons traveled three-day’s journey away from the main herd and shepherded the flock there
The point of this maneuver was to make Jacob’s task as hard as humanly possible
Laban removed the “stock” that Jacob would have used to begin breeding more speckled and spotted animals
Laban assumes that Jacob will now have to work many decades to produce a sizable flock
Clearly, this is a devious trick, yet nothing in their agreement prohibited this action
So Laban was taking every advantage he could
But Jacob had a few tricks of his own
As Jacob cares for Laban’s flock of white lambs and solid colored goats, he begins to employ careful techniques for selective mating
First, Jacob takes fresh rods or sticks of poplar and almond trees
He peeled the bark back on these rods
And he placed the rods in the watering troughs where the animals drank
Then in v. 39 we’re told the flocks mated by the rods, and in the process of mating the animals brought forth striped and spotted animals
Then as the spotted and speckled lambs and goats grew older and were ready to mate, Jacob positioned the animals in a certain way
He faced the black and striped animals toward each other, but the solid animals he set apart, since they were Laban’s flock
Furthermore, when the stronger animals were in mating season, Jacob placed the rods in their water but the feeble animals he didn’t give the rods
So over time, Jacob built a flock of speckled, stripped and black animals that were very strong and healthy
And he left Laban a weak and sickly flock of solid color animals
So what’s going on here?
You can find many views in the commentaries, and most of them provoke more humor than insight
You’ll see every explanation from superstition to supernatural causes
Most draw a connection between the appearance of the animals and the appearance of the rods themselves
As if the animals’ reproductive process was changed in some way by what their eyes saw in the water
Remember our review of Evolution’s claims which we completed after we finished Chapter 2 of Genesis?
We noted that the early naturalist and evolutionist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck proposed a theory of inheritance of acquired characteristics
He said that an animal that acquires physical changes brought about by environmental factors can pass those changes along to offspring
Example: if you cut off the tail of the mouse, then the mouse’s offspring would have shorter tails
Or if you wanted taller children, you should stretch yourself every day
Later scientists disproved this theory, and our present day knowledge of genetics tells us exactly how parents’ genes pass along characteristics to children
So clearly the sight of these rods could not possibly explain how Jacob produced a flock of speckled and spotted and black animals
Nevertheless, we know precisely what Jacob was doing here, since farmers do it all the time today
Jacob was simply applying Mendelian genetics to perform selective breeding
In the DNA of these animals was all the genetic information required to produce all the color variations of the herd
A solid white sheep or solid brown goat has in its DNA recessive genes for speckled or spotted coats
In fact, you can breed a black sheep from two solid white sheep
In sheep, the color white is the dominant gene and black is the recessive gene
If you mate sheep and goats carefully, you can select for the kind of color you want
The key to your success is ensuring that you can control which animals mate with each other
If you allow the animals to mate in any way they want, then the expression of color will follow Mendelian probabilities
Simply put, you’ll end up with a lot of solid colored animals but very few of the speckled and spotted variety
On the other hand, if the animals with recessive color genes mate exclusively with each other, then you will reliably produce offspring that share the parent’s colors
So how does Jacob get these animals to mate on cue?
He can’t set a romantic table and play soft music…
As we’ll see in later chapters, Jacob can’t even get his sons to date the right women
Jacob used the sticks or rods of poplar and almond trees to control the mating
Notice in v.38 it says that the flocks mated when they came to drink
The word for mated is chamam, which is the Hebrew word get hot or to heat up
So literally, it says that when the animals drank the water with the bark in the water, they became hot
Or as we would say today, they went into heat
The female animals entered a time of fertility and attracted the attention of the male animals
Jacob must have learned that these barks contained chemicals that caused the animals to go into heat
So this was Jacob’s catalyst
Rather than waiting for the female animals to go into heat on a random basis, Jacob forced them to become fertile at certain moments
Then he carefully arranged which animals were present in that moment
Notice in vs.40-41 Jacob peels back the bark and places the rods in the water but only for certain animals
First, Jacob only placed the rods in the water when the speckled or spotted animals were drinking
Later, Jacob only placed the rods in the water for the strong offspring of these animals
Then once Jacob had the right females in heat, he turned his attention to the male animals
Notice in v.40 Jacob separated the male animals so that only the speckled and striped and black males were faced toward the fertile female animals
The rest were separated so they couldn’t mate with the female animals
The Hebrew word for face toward means to gain the attention of another
Jacob basically introduced the males of his choosing to the females of his choosing to produce ideal mates
Jacob was running an eHarmony for sheep and goats
This process had two striking outcomes
First, it would have resulted in a rapid growth in the herd
Sheep can begin to reproduce at six months old and give birth in five months
That means a lamb can become a mother before its first birthday and average better than two births a year
And they can have multiple offspring per pregnancy
So if Jacob is inducing fertility at will, then he would have been running a serious breeding operation
Despite Laban’s trick of removing the spotted and speckled animals at the outset, Jacob could have produced a sizable flock of these animals in only a few years
Secondly, by isolating the stronger animals for himself and leaving only the runts for Laban, Jacob would have quickly altered the nature of the two flocks
Laban’s flock would have quickly turned weak and unproductive
Many would have been infertile or sickly or unable to produce milk
Meanwhile, Jacob’s flock would have been awarded FFA blue ribbons
In v.43 we see that result
Jacob became exceedingly prosperous
In fact, Jacob earns so much wealth at Laban’s expense that he can afford to purchase servants, donkeys and even camels, which was a sign of immense wealth in that day
Remember, Jacob’s grandfather Abraham once left the land for Egypt
This was a journey that began with Abraham’s sin but resulted in a great blessing from God as Abraham returned enriched at the expense of the Egyptians
Here again Jacob leaves the land on the basis of a sin, but he is preparing to return a blessed and rich man