Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongThe conspiracy of Rebekah and Jacob has done its work, and Jacob has received the blessing, which means the birthright has been honored
Jacob will receive all of the father’s inheritance
Not just the double portion
Isaac foolishly assigned his entire inheritance to Jacob, thinking he was Esau
That fact might not have been clear enough from the blessing we read last week
It simply mentioned the dew of heaven and fatness on earth, etc.
But the all inclusive nature of the blessing will soon become apparent when the time comes to give Esau his portion
We’re going to find that there is nothing left
Isaac thought he was outsmarting Rebekah and Jacob and even God Himself
He reckoned he could allocate everything to his favorite son and settle the matter
Instead, he did exactly the opposite of what he wanted, which was exactly what God intended
Isaac’s attempt to outmaneuver God reminds of a classic exchange between a young boy praying to the Lord
So now it’s time to watch the other shoe drop as Esau returns
Obviously, Isaac never expected a second visitor after giving the first blessing
Obviously, he never expected the second son to appear
Which means Isaac had no intention of granting a blessing to Rebekah’s son, as Isaac called Jacob
Further proof that Isaac was intending to give Esau everything
Esau announces himself, but notice his description
He answers he is Esau, the firstborn
Esau is using that term to emphasize his supposed right to the blessing
He might have been the first child born physically, but in terms of the birthright, he was no longer the firstborn
He had sold that right
So Esau’s description in this context is a lie, in that it implies he has rights to something he sold
When Esau announces himself, Isaac trembles in fear
The word “tremble” in Hebrew is charad, which means shaking with great fear, not in anger
Isaac wasn’t furious at the deception, he was exceedingly shaken and frightened by his recognition that God had been working against Isaac’s plan
Just the recognition that he had entered into a contest of wills with the Living God brought the fear of God’s wrath and judgment to Isaac’s heart
Good King Jehoshaphat said it this way
As the reality of the moment sets in, Isaac is horrified
He has just blessed someone with his entire inheritance and patriarchal authority over the entire family
As Isaac himself acknowledges, indeed, that person will be blessed
Isaac has given away the farm and left him flatfooted
When Esau hears this story, he immediately realizes what has happened
And different than his father, Esau’s cry is bitter and sorrowful
He is suddenly sad at the prospect of having no inheritance whatsoever
In desperation, he appeals to his father to give him some kind of blessing
What he means is give me something for an inheritance
He was clearly shaken by the prospect of having nothing at all
Once again, we see evidence that Isaac’s blessing to Jacob was total and complete, leaving nothing behind
Why was Esau so upset?
Didn’t Hebrews tells us that Esau despised his birthright?
Let’s take a second look at that passage
First, notice the context of these comments by the writer to the Hebrews
The writer is warning about the possibility that someone in our midst may have come short of the grace of God
These unbelievers are a source of bitterness and trouble within the body of believers
And by their presence they defile the body of Christ
This is the context of the author’s comments concerning Esau
As we’ve already seen, Esau is an unbeliever, a godless man
And now the reader uses Esau as an example of the problem of a bitterness that causes trouble among believers
Esau is exactly that kind of person
He is the unbeliever in this family of otherwise God-fearing people
And because he has come short of the grace of God, he will now be a bitter root causing trouble in this family
And he will be the source of much trouble
We remember that he has married two ungodly women and they are a source of misery for Isaac and Rebekah
And now he will be a source of trouble in the matter of the blessing
The second thing we notice is that Esau’s sale of his birthright was proof, according to this writer, that he was a godless man
In fact, Esau despised his birthright, which explains why he sold it for only a bowl of stew
The birthright was normally just an earthly inheritance
But in Isaac’s family, it gained additional significance because it also included a spiritual promise from God
At this point in our story, Esau is clearly upset at the prospect of losing the birthright inheritance
But based on Hebrews, we conclude that Esau desired the earthly inheritance that he’s lost now
But he despised the heavenly promises in the birthright, which is why he sold it so casually
We must conclude that Esau expected to find a way around the sale when the time came
Perhaps he expected Isaac’s favor for him to win the day
In any case, Esau’s willingness to sell proved his lack of faith in God’s promises
It proved he was a godless man who had come up short of God’s grace
But now that he is faced with the full reality of what he had done, his attitude changes
This leads us to the third thing we learn from Hebrews…after Esau realized that the Lord had intervened to hold him to his bargain, he was sorrowful
Esau wanted to repent, but there was no place found for repentance
It’s important to look closely at the sentence structure in v.17 of Hebrews 12
First, Esau desired to inherit the blessing
Who did he seek the blessing from? Isaac
And then it says Esau was rejected in his pursuit for the birthright
Who rejected him? Isaac, of course
Isaac cannot bless Esau with the birthright because it’s already gone
Then the writer says Esau found no room for repentance
The writer is saying that Esau had no capacity or desire to repent of his unbelief in God’s promises
His sorrow was strictly a response to losing the material blessing
So Esau lacked a repentant heart for his despising of God’s promises
As a result of his lack of repentance, Esau could not obtain what he desired, that is an inheritance
The writer ends the verse by saying that he (Esau) sought “it” with tears
What did Esau seek? The birthright inheritance, of course
So putting it all together, the writer says that Esau was a godless man, an immoral man
He became a root of bitterness in a family of God-fearing believers
He despised the spiritual blessing that God had poured out on this family
And as a result of his unbelief, he was willing to part with the spiritual blessings of the birthright for next to nothing
Yet he still counted on receiving the material inheritance by hook or crook
When God stepped in and excluded Esau from any inheritance whatsoever, he cried tears of sorrow but not tears of repentance
Paul reminds us that not all sorrow is godly sorrow
The unbelieving world will experience great sorrow in their lives from time to time
This sorrow is the result of sin and it is an experience common to all men, believer and unbeliever
But for the unbeliever, it is the only kind of sorrow that is possible, and it ultimately leads nowhere
Therefore, Esau’s lack of repentance and lack of faith prevented him from receiving the thing he sought
Because he rejected God’s promises of eternal inheritance, he lost both the eternal and the earthly inheritance
And because Jacob was blessed with faith, he gladly received the promises of God and therefore he was to receive blessing both then and now
This pattern is still at work in the world today
The world desires to have earthly wealth and they cry tears of sorrow when they lose it
But in their desperation to obtain and hold on to something that is destined to fail and burn up, they completely ignore – and even despise – the promises found in the word of God
So in the end they will lose both the earthly and the spiritual blessings
Because they try to obtain what they cannot keep, they fail to gain what they cannot lose
The believer, on the other hand, is called to leave behind the chase for worldly things, and in the process rest in the promises of God
As a result of that refocus, the word of God promises that they will gain far more than they lost
Several verses come to mind
So what can Isaac do for his bitter and unrepentant son under the circumstances?
Isaac begins with a statement that is half truth, half lie
Isaac says your brother came deceitfully…this is true
Jacob used deception, which is a form of lying, to obtain the birthright
But that statement ignores the obvious truth
Jacob was led to be deceptive because Isaac and Esau were themselves deceptive in scheming to award the birthright unjustly
If anyone should be accused of trickery, it would be these two men
And then Isaac speaks a falsehood himself
He describes the birthright as belonging to Esau
It does not belong to Esau and hasn’t since he sold it
By using this phrase, Isaac gives birth to the false story that Jacob was a deceiver who stole the birthright
He was a deceiver, but he deceived to keep something that God had already given to him
Do you know the story of the spies and Rahab, the Harlot?
Remember that in that story Rahab uses a deception to protect the spies
Her deception was a sin, though it was used to further the purposes of God
Another example of God working through the sin of men to accomplish His good purposes
And the same here
Jacob sins – and he pays a price for his sin – but he is working in the will of God
In v.26 Esau take the accusation a step further
He notes the irony in Jacob’s name, that he was a supplanter having stepped into Esau’s place
It’s important to note that Esau acknowledges that the birthright had been sold
But then he claims it was an unfair sale
He is trying to rewrite history to position himself as the victim
Again, these are the testimonies that have led so many to think that Jacob was the offender here
But should we base our view of Jacob on the testimony of two men who were beaten at their own game of deception?
Or do we take the counsel of God’s word that tells us that Jacob was the peaceful, God-fearing man who was to be blessed by the Lord?
So Esau asks his father if there is anything left to distribute to him?
Now Isaac breaks the bad news to Esau – there is nothing left
Jacob is to be Esau’s master and all Jacob’s relatives are to be Jacob’s servants
This was an especially hard declaration, and now Isaac regrets having pronounced it
But a moment earlier he was willing to give that kind of preference to Esau
I suspect Isaac viewed Esau something like the way Israel later came to view Saul when they chose him to be king
Saul looked the part and made the people feel good about themselves, but he was not a man chosen by God
That man was David, the shepherd boy
Similarly, Esau is a man that Isaac can imagine being a powerful leader over the family, unlike the weaker and timid Jacob
So Isaac tries to place Esau in the place of prominence and cuts out Jacob entirely
Now Isaac has to break the news to Esau that there is nothing left
Jacob received the best of heaven and earth that Isaac had to offer
And Isaac adds rhetorically what can I give you? Meaning, I have nothing to give you
So we see proof that the first blessing was everything Isaac could offer
Then Esau in desperation asks if you have only one blessing? Can’t you pronounce something for my sake?
But unlike godless Esau, Isaac is God-fearing, and this experience has awoken Isaac to his sinful blindness, spiritually speaking
He realizes that this entire episode has God’s fingerprints all over it
And if God wanted Jacob to receive everything, then trembling Isaac isn’t about to try a second time to challenge God
So Isaac resists any attempt to pronounce a blessing on Esau
When Esau pushes him, Isaac does the only thing he can do at this point
Isaac confirms that Esau has been forsaken by the Lord
He declares a blessing that is essentially a series of contrary statements compared to what was given to Jacob
While Jacob receives the best of everything, Esau will be far away from Isaac’s inheritance
He will be separated both from the fertility of the Land of Israel but from the grace and mercy of Heaven
Furthermore, Esau will be a people that live by the sword, being the hunter that he is
He will serve Jacob except that Esau’s people will be in constant rebellion to Jacob’s people
Thus assuring that the two families never have affinity for one another
Historically, we see the truth of this blessing
The Edomites, who descend from Esau, were always Israel’s enemies
And any time Israel conquered the Edomites, they inevitably rose up again
Eventually, they became known as the Idumeans
The Herod dynasty were Idumeans, or Edomites
When Jerusalem was destroyed in AD66, they were wiped out along with most of the Jews
But there is also a deeper spiritual truth reflected in these blessings
We know that Jacob’s blessing is a reflection on God’s plan for Israel and all believers brought into the New Covenant
But this “blessing” on Esau is also a confirmation of God’s eternal decree at the fall in the Garden
God said that the seed of the woman would have enmity with the serpent and her seed would battle with the seed of the serpent
The seed of woman is first and foremost Christ, born of a virgin, and He battles with Satan, the serpent
But the seed also represents all those who descend from these two persons
The seed of the woman are all believers in Christ
While the seed of the serpent is a representation of all unbelievers who are sons of disobedience, Paul calls them
And God declared in the Garden that there will always be enmity between these two seeds
Here we see God ensure that separation on a national basis
It starts with these two brothers who will forever be enemies, at least at some level
And their respective families will find no common ground over the centuries, since God calls His people to be separate from the world
But then God will also use the unbelieving world to chastise the unfaithful Israel, which is how He used Edom
When Christ comes and the Kingdom is set up on earth, Edom will be an uninhabited land, according to Jeremiah and Isaiah
While Israel will be filled with the glory of the Lord and the abundance of His people
Then we will see the final and full measure of this promise come to fruition
While we wait today, remember that we are called children of the promise because we rest in what will be rather than what is today