Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongChapter 27 is an awesome display of God’s sovereignty working through the sin of men
Four actors, each absorbed in their own desires and motivations
All guilty of sin to some degree
But each moving in relationship to one another, with the sin of the father Isaac at the center of it all
And above it all, the Lord God working to bring about His desires in keeping with His promises and eternal purposes
Everyone will pay a price for their sin
Yet no one’s sin will stand in the way of God and His plan
Last week we saw the conspiracy between Rebekah and Jacob as they try to stop Isaac from giving the birthright blessing to the wrong son
But their solution is a classic example of two wrongs don’t make a right
Esau hasn’t returned to the tent yet, so the time has come for Jacob to make his move
At the moment the meal is ready and Jacob is wearing the goat skins and Esau’s clothing, Rebecca sends him into the tent to his father Isaac
As we watch this scene play out, let’s remember that Jacob is the rightful owner of this birthright
He is acting in desperation out of a need to protect what is rightly his
But Isaac’s refusal to listen to his wife or the Lord or even to honor the lawful sale leaves Jacob with few options, or so it seems
So Jacob enters the tent
Jacob initiates the conversation calling to Isaac
Isaac replies by asking which son was approaching
Isaac’s question confirms that Isaac is essentially blind at this point
He may detect light and dark but he can’t identify a person
Jacob responds with his first lie
He declares that he is Esau, the firstborn, and he has done as Isaac instructed
Jacob’s phrase reminds us of why this moment has even been made necessary
Isaac has stubbornly determined to show a preference to the firstborn son, against God’s desires
Isaac immediately shows some suspicion because Jacob couldn’t muster a convincing imitation of Esau’s voice
Plus, I think Isaac had a guilty conscience knowing he was doing the wrong thing in his conspiracy with Esau
His first question is how did you get here so quickly?
Jacob lies a second time, saying the Lord caused it to happen
This is certainly a lie, but it is also a true statement
Jacob was standing in this moment because the Lord had given Rebekah the insight to know about Isaac’s plan
Therefore, it is true to say that the Lord God had caused this to happen to Jacob
But the Lord is not causing Jacob to lie, and the sin he and Rebekah are perpetrating are not according to God’s heart
Even worse, Jacob is invoking the Lord’s name in this lie
At this point, Isaac is confused by what’s happening
As far as Isaac knew, only Esau knew to meet him here with a bowl of stew
Yet the voice of this son was Jacob
Perhaps under other circumstances Isaac would have simply concluded that his ears were playing tricks on him and never thought more about it
But this was no ordinary moment
Isaac was engaged in an underhanded sidestepping of one son in favor of another, and Isaac knew that Jacob would try to stop him
Since he hears Jacob’s voice, he’s cautious and wants more proof
He calls Jacob over and asks to touch him
Notice in v.21 Isaac calls Jacob over so he can see if this is really Esau
Isaac is stating plainly that he suspects a trick
You can’t have a better measure of Isaac’s guilty conscience than his caution in this moment
He reacts like someone who is scheming and doesn’t want someone to double-cross him
After taking hold of Jacob, Isaac concludes that the voice sounds like Jacob but the hands feel like Esau
If goat skin felt like Esau, then Esau must have been one hairy guy
In v.23, it says that after Isaac felt Jacob’s hairy hands, he blessed him
This reference to the blessing is not the moment when the blessing is pronounced
The statement is proleptic, which means a statement of what will happen before it actually takes place
Like saying “he was a dead man the moment he entered the room”
Moses is pointing out that these deceptions were working to eventually cause Isaac to pronounce the blessing
But even though Isaac is moving toward the blessing, he isn’t fully convinced as yet
Isaac asks again, are you really Esau?
Obviously, Isaac had enough reason to doubt that he felt the need to continue seeking proof
In response, we have Jacob’s third lie, when he says “I am”
At this point, Isaac decides he might as well try the stew
Isaac enjoys not only the stew but also wine
Finally, Isaac asks Jacob to come close for a kiss
Isaac’s request was actually a cover to gather more proof
He wants to smell Jacob
Once again, he smells the clothes of Esau, and declares they are like a field blessed by the Lord
This is one of my favorite verses for showing God’s sovereignty and man’s sin working side by side
First, we see Isaac’s sin in his preference for the smell of Esau
Esau is a worldly man, a man who does the exciting things Isaac never thought to do
Esau hunted rather than shepherding
Esau spent his days in the field rather than remaining in the tent community like Isaac
Isaac seemed to live vicariously through this son, and Esau excited Isaac’s flesh
Just the smell of that field gave Isaac comfort and helped seal the deception
Isaac’s carnal display may seem a bit strange to us, but if so that’s only because we live in a different time and culture
Isaac’s spirit was called to want the things of God
God calls us to turn our back on the world and set our hope on Him and His promises
While Isaac had certainly done those things, there was still a part of him that felt attracted to the world he was called to leave behind
He was called to shepherd and wander, but a part of him loved the thought of hunting game, perhaps living among other men in cities
We don’t envy the world in the same way Isaac did, but we have our own ways
We have “safe” rebellion like Isaac’s
Mostly living our Christian life with our Christian habits and Christian worldview
We understand the call to be in the world but not of the world
But the flesh we all carry hasn’t given up on the world just yet
So we find ways to indulge that flesh without jumping in with both feet
I could list a million examples, but we all know the pattern
Sometimes, we’re like Isaac glorying in the sin of another, so that we might get a taste of it from a distance without feeling too dirty ourselves
Other times we mimic the world’s sinful pattern but just moderate the dosage, so while the world engages in the x-rated sin, we settle for the R-rated or maybe PG-13 sin
Still other times, we simply redefine a sinful behavior or desire, give it a different name, and perhaps even find what seems to be Biblical support for our choice
Like the false prosperity gospel which gives some Christians a license to worship money the way the world does, but call it good instead of sin
We all know what’s driving Isaac’s behavior here
He loves Esau’s smell because it’s the smell of adventure and human strength and fleshly rebellion
And so Isaac loves the son that fills his fleshly void in an otherwise godly life
It’s a wise and mature Christian who can recognize this same pattern in their own life
Take an inventory in your own life…are you indulging in some sin because it satisfies your flesh’s desire to rebel, while still feeling safe?
The safety is itself a lie, as evidenced by Isaac’s situation
He never considered how his love for Esau’s nature was causing him to rebel against God’s will and bring near ruin to his family
What calamity will our little rebellions bring? Why find out? Let’s put them aside
I said this verse was so powerful because it combined Isaac’s sin with God’s sovereignty, and since we’ve seen Isaac’s sin clearly, where is God’s sovereignty?
Notice Isaac’s concluding statement in v.27
The smell of this son was so pleasing to Isaac, it was the smell of a field that had been blessed by the Lord
But remember Isaac is speaking to Jacob, though he doesn’t know it
And truly, Isaac’s words are correct concerning Jacob
Jacob was like a field that the Lord had blessed
Remember, Jacob is the man who will one day be called Israel
Israel is a field or a land that will be blessed
In fact, the Hebrew word for field is sadeh, which means country or territory
The smell of this son, Israel, is in fact the smell of a country, a nation that will be blessed by the Lord
This is the sovereign choice of the Lord
Jacob was the son to be blessed, as God directed
And even as Isaac operated in his sin and in his flesh, he was speaking and acting according to God’s holy and eternal decree
Isaac would bless Jacob, because Jacob was the son to be blessed
I find it helpful to remember Genesis 27:27 whenever I’m confronted with the tragedy and devastation in the world around us
There is so much sorrow and sin and evil in the world
And everyday, the enemy seems to find a new way to release his depravity among men
Yet through it all, we can rest in knowing that God’s will is never challenged by any of it
Those God has declared will be blessed will indeed be blessed
And no amount of man’s sin or the enemy’s schemes will alter that plan
Now that Jacob’s three lies and deceptions have convinced Isaac that Esau has come into his tent, the time has come to pronounce the blessing
As we look over this blessing, notice right away that it invokes the name of the Lord
This is the main feature of the blessing that tells us it brings prophetic power
Isaac was speaking according to whatever thoughts entered his mind, but those thoughts and words were under the direction of the Holy Spirit
We see that clearly, because these words were indeed prophetic
What they say about Jacob do in fact come true
First, in v.28 Jacob is promised that God will give him great blessing in heaven and on earth
He will have the dew of Heaven, that is the favor of God
And he will have the fatness of the earth, that is the best portion
And along the way, Jacob will enjoy great provision
These are all accurate statements concerning Israel at various points in history
But it is primarily a statement of Israel in the kingdom, which is the fulfillment of the Abrahamic Covenant
In v.29 we see more of the near-term/far-term prophetic elements
People are to serve Jacob and nations will bow to him, and he will master his brothers
More specifically, his siblings will bow to him
Isaac speaks all these statements with the power of God, and all these statements will come true…but they only come true for Jacob
And yet Isaac is convinced in this moment that he is speaking them to Esau
In fact, take a second look at the blessing from Isaac’s point of view
He is asking God to ensure that Esau is the most favored son, the one to gain the patriarchal authority in the family
Isaac wants God to give Esau all the things that God has already said Jacob will receive
But the way in which Isaac says these blessings, it excludes any blessing for Esau
When the time finally comes for Esau to come to the tent and reveal the deception, there is nothing left for Isaac to give him
No loophole, no wiggle room
As we end today, let’s reflect on how flesh-driven this family has been so far
We mentioned last week that the entire narrative is driven by the senses of the flesh, with not a single person appealing to God
They are all talking about God, but no one takes time to talk to God
And instead they pay attention only to their human senses
The story begins with Isaac seeking Esau to feed him his favorite meal
Then we have Rebekah’s ears hearing the exchange
Then she hatches a plan to fool her husband through his limited senses
Moving to Jacob, he listens to his mother’s voice to lie and deceive his father
Finally, Isaac’s own sense become his undoing, as they conspire against him
He can’t see, but he uses his senses of hearing, and touch, and taste and smell to make his decisions
Taken together, he is flesh driven and not listening to the Lord
In the end, the Lord gets everything His way anyway
But because he follows his flesh, Isaac suffers great loss along the way
Just another reminder that sin has consequences
Next week we finish the chapter