Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongLet’s dive back into the short chapter that gives us all we have on the long life of Isaac
In the first part of the chapter we noted that Moses is highlighting three thoughts about Isaac the man
Each point is made by retelling a particular event in the life of Isaac
These events were selected because they illustrate the point Moses believes we need to know
The first point Moses taught us was that Isaac was a man who heard and obeyed God
He remained in the land according to God’s instructions even though the famine was severe
Moses’ second point fills out the man by showing he wasn’t perfect
Moses told of the time when Isaac lied about his wife, just as Abraham had done twice before
Besides confirming that Isaac is his father’s son, this account told us that Isaac was a sinner like the rest of us
He had faults, worries, fears, temptations
He lacked trust in God at times, relying on his own devices instead of relying on God
But then we watched as God came to his aid nonetheless
God is remaining faithful to His promises despite Isaac’s sin
Just as He did with Abraham
The more things change, the more they stay the same
It’s back to the future, as we said
So now we move to the third event in Isaac’s brief story
As we begin reading today, remember these events are set in a time of drought…in a desert region no less
Isaac was told by God to remain in this land despite the drought, which Isaac has done
But the question remains, how will God provide for Isaac?
In a drought, the land will not have pasture land for the herds
So how will Isaac find food for himself, his family and his flocks?
In v.12 we’re told that he plants crops
When we discussed Esau and Jacob we noted that Esau’s choice to become a farmer and hunter was a sign he rejected shepherding
So does this mean Isaac is doing the same thing?
In the context of Chapter 26, it will quickly become apparent that the answer is no
Isaac’s isn’t planting crops as a new way of life…he’s trying to stay alive
And when the fields aren’t growing grass for the flocks, you have to take other steps
But the last thing someone should undertake during a drought is to plant new crops
But that’s exactly what Isaac does, under God’s direction
This is the Lord taking care of Isaac as He promised
Notice it says Isaac planted and reaped in the same year
This is a drought harvest, so these crops grew miraculously
And this was no ordinary harvest
Isaac reaped one hundred fold
Again, a miraculous bounty proving to Isaac and everyone who witnessed this event that God was truly keeping His promise to Isaac
In v.13 Moses uses a series of Hebrew words to emphasize the magnitude of Isaac’s wealth resulting from this harvest
He became rich, then richer, and then wealthy
He has food, and his flocks multiplied as did his entire household
In Hebrew, the progression is of rich, richer, richest
Bottom line: Isaac couldn’t be more wealthy and powerful
And this happened in a drought
Now we know for certain that Abraham didn’t need to go to Egypt to escape the famine in his day
He could have remained in the land and the Lord would have cared for him just fine
I wonder what Isaac expected when he planted that crop?
Did he expect the crop to survive at all?
Did he say to himself, “Hopefully we’ll get enough to make it through the winter”
So then God brings a windfall so amazing that it stuns everyone in Gerar
Remember this next time you stand in Isaac’s place, wondering how you’ll make it through a time of need or desperation
As Paul said…God is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us
Then in v.14 the people of Gerar became envious of Isaac because of this blessing
They knew something was up with Isaac
The only explanation for such a harvest in a time of drought was that Isaac had a powerful God on his side
In a drought, food was power, and Isaac has suddenly become very powerful in this land of Abimelech
So Abimelech responds the way every threatened sovereign would: he tries to put space between himself and the new power on the block
But since Isaac has all the power, Abimelech has to force Isaac out using subversive tactics
Abimelech commands his men to fill up all the wells that Abraham dug in the land of Gerar
Remember that these wells are the keys to life in the desert
They are hard to dig, being so deep, and if they are gone, then life can’t exist in the region, especially in a drought
Abraham dug them originally, and he entered into a covenant with Abimelech
But since Abraham has died, that covenant is no longer in effect
And the present-day Abimelech decides to play tough rather than sue for peace like the earlier Abimelech did
So by filling them up, Abimelech hopes to drive Isaac further away
Sure enough, Isaac decides to give way and put some distance between himself and the king
He travels from the city of Gerar to the valley of Gerar, which is southeast of the city in the direction of Beersheba
Beersheba is only fifteen miles away, and it’s the closest thing Abraham’s family has to a home in the land
So it makes sense for Isaac to head in that direction
Here’s our proof that Isaac hasn’t forsaken his lifestyle of wandering in the land
Although he planted a wildly successive crop, he abandoned it easily
This wasn’t his land
The land belonged to the Philistines
God promised the land to Isaac, but not this land, not now
So Isaac recognizes he’s an interloper and moves on
As Isaac moves, he must find water, so he locates the wells his father dug in past years
These wells had been filled by the Philistines after Abraham died, because the covenant had expired at Abraham’s death
But Isaac knew there would be water there so they dug them again
Sure enough, when Isaac’s servants dug, they found flowing water again
And sure enough, the discovery of water in a drought brings more unwanted attention
The Philistines in this area hear that Isaac’s men find water, and of course they want it for themselves
Digging a well was an intensive undertaking of manpower
Therefore, only the wealthiest people could manage to dig a well
This explains why the Philistines weren’t able to dig themselves, but now they want it
Isaac’s men name this well Esek, which means contention
The name memorializes the circumstances under which the well was dug
In the face of more resistance, Isaac decides that it’s better to keep moving
Once again, Isaac knows he has no claim to the land
After moving a little farther, Isaac digs again
And once again the locals demand that Isaac surrender the well, since this land wasn’t his land
This time Isaac names the well Sintah, which means adversary or hostility
The word comes from the same Hebrew root for Satan
Isaac is suggesting that these confrontations are really the result of Satan trying to drive Isaac out of the promised land
In each case, Isaac is holding firm in the promises of God, yet he is suffering in this desert and has no hope as yet to receive what the Lord has promised him
He must continue to wander hoping to eventually find somewhere he can stay
Some of the details of this story might begin to sound familiar to you
To recognize the pattern, you need to remember that Isaac is a picture of Christ at many points and here it is again
There is a time when Jesus goes into the desert in preparation to receive the inheritance the Father has prepared for Him
If Jesus is to receive that inheritance, He must remain obedient to the Father’s commands
So to prove His obedience, Jesus goes into the wilderness without food and water for over 40 days
In that time, He’s tormented and tempted by Satan
At times Satan tries to drive Jesus to disobedience
But all though the trials, Jesus remains true to the Word of God
Similarly, we have a picture of Jesus’ persistence in faith in Isaac’s responses to these quarrels
He doesn’t fight back in his own power, though he had mighty power
He remains trusting in God’s power and in God’s faithfulness to His promises
Finally, Isaac tries a third time and now the locals refrain from quarreling with him
Now Isaac can rest for a while, having a source of water that no one seems to care to challenge
This well is called Rehoboth, which means broad place or open room
Now Isaac has moved himself far enough from Abimelech to give them both room to live in peace
And with that Isaac concludes that the Lord has made room for Isaac in the land
This is the key point for Isaac: having room to dwell in this land that will one day be his but for now belongs to someone else
So Isaac rejoices at this prospect of living out his days in peace
This is the perfect picture of how all believers are to live in this life
Today, we find ourselves the recipients of covenant promises from the Lord
Those promises guarantee that one day we will have a wonderful inheritance in the world
That inheritance will come after the resurrection and Jesus‘ return
And even though today we are living on the very same planet that will host Jesus’ return and serve as our home with Him, we are not going to receive that inheritance this side of the resurrection
We are simply borrowing someone else’s land and wealth at this point
We aren’t supposed to get comfortable
We aren’t supposed to object when God asks us to leave our wells behind and move on
They don’t belong to us anyway
We’ve been promised better things
So in faith, we’ll be content for the Lord to give us room, space to live in this world in some measure of peace
Isaac’s life was blessed immensely because God made that promise to Abraham and his descendants
But the true measure of Isaac’s blessing wasn’t seen in what he received in the land in this day
The true measure will be seen in eternity
And whether God determines we should have a lot or a little in this world, what does it matter?
It’s passing…it’s not ours to keep anyway
Finally Isaac reaches Beersheba
Beersheba was the place Isaac left when the famine began
He had ventured to Gerar to find better pasture
This prompted the Lord to appear to Isaac and tell him not to leave the land
If Isaac remained in the land, the Lord would care for Isaac, and in faith Isaac obeyed
But nevertheless, Isaac remained in Gerar
But as quarrel after quarrel took place, they had the effect of pushing Isaac steadily back toward Beersheba
Could it be that the Lord was using these conflicts to move Isaac back to this area where Abraham had sojourned?
This seems to be the case, because as Isaac returns, the Lord appears to him for the second time and reaffirms His promises
These two visits form bookends to the story of Isaac
The first appearance halted Isaac’s departure from Beersheba and the second appearance commemorates Isaac’s return to Beersheba
At the appearance of the Lord, Isaac’s men dig one more well intending to stay here for the duration
The story seems to have ended, except that Abimelech returns unexpectedly
Once again, back to the future
In an earlier day, Abraham was approached by Abimelech suing for peace
And now again, this Abimelech has come to ask for a covenant with Isaac
The reasons are largely the same
Like Abraham, Isaac is sojourning in this king’s land
But Isaac has grown so powerful he actually poses a threat to the king’s authority
If Isaac had wanted to use his power, he could have potentially dethroned the king and taken control of the land
This was Abimelech’s fear, but this was not Isaac’s intent
No more than Jesus in His day would have tried to take the throne of Israel by force by conquering Rome would Isaac expect to conquer this land
Isaac was content to wait for the Lord to give it to him in a future day
But since Abimelech doesn’t know Isaac’s intentions, he asks for a covenant
This was a risky step for Abimelech, which is why he brought his army commander with him
He is hoping to intimidate Isaac to enter into this agreement
Isaac is only too happy to do so, since he has no intentions to attack the king anyway
So the two enter into a life-long agreement to live in harmony
Wells won’t be filled in any longer
Isaac won’t have to keep moving away from Gerar
In fact, on the day of the covenant, Isaac’s men discovered water in that well they were digging in Beersheba
What a good day for Isaac
He has found a peaceful existence in the land and the assurance it will continue throughout his earthly life
And he has found the water he needs to remain in this place
They named it the Hebrew word for oath, to remember the day that Abimelech made his covenant
God has kept His promises to Isaac
Isaac has received a blessing in the land even as he waits for ownership in a future day
As far as we know, Isaac never leaves the Negev again
The last place we see him is in Hebron, which is only about 20 miles north of Beersheba
So the third and final thing we learn about Isaac is he was a man who waited on the Lord, satisfied with the Lord’s promises
Can you be an “Isaac” in your walk with Christ?
Can you rest in whatever space God gives you here while you wait for an inheritance in the world to come?