Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongWe’ve been watching several generations growing up under God’s hand
Abraham was the first, and now that he’s gone the promises and blessing of God move on down the line
We know the son of God’s choosing, Isaac, has received those promises
But last week Moses had already skipped past Isaac and begun to talk about his twin boys
We’re already looking at how God is working to deliver His promises to that next generation
But wait a minute…we’ve hardly learned anything about Isaac
He’s still the holder of the promises of God and he is still the patriarch
The narrative seems to be getting ahead of itself a little
And so it was, because in Chapter 26 Moses presents us with a few key moments from the life of Isaac
Truly, this chapter gives us just about all we might know about Isaac as the patriarch
Frankly, there isn’t much here, especially compared to Abraham and Jacob
Abraham has about 13 chapters while Jacob receives at least as many
For Isaac, it comes down to a single chapter
So we have to see this chapter in a certain light
Isaac lives longer than his father Abraham, so his life was long and full
It didn’t see the same ups and downs as Abraham, nevertheless there are a few important moments
And Moses chooses to highlight three experiences in Isaac’s life to teach us three important points concerning his life
If we wanted to give Chapter 26 a title, it might be ‘back to the future’
The little we’re going to learn about Isaac follows a very familiar storyline
For example, Isaac lived in the land during a time of famine
Moses clarifies that this is not the same famine that Abraham knew
This one has come many decades later
During that earlier famine, Abraham fled to Egypt to find food
As we studied back then, this was not the step of faith God wanted
Here again, God is bringing a famine upon the land
This time, Isaac begins to move away from the famine
We were told in Chapter 25 that Isaac settled in Beer-lahai-roi
Now he moves northwest to Gerar
Gerar was the land of Abimelech, king of the people who would later become the Philistines
Notice that Isaac doesn’t move south to the Egyptian border like Abraham did in his day
Instead, he moves away from the high desert mountain ranges to the valleys near the Mediterranean Sea coast
This move makes sense since it places his flocks in a better grazing environment
But any time a famine comes to a desert land, the situation becomes desperate very quickly
So even after this move, Isaac doesn’t have enough to feed himself and his flocks
This famine gives the Lord an occasion to appear to Isaac for the first time
This is a significant moment in the story of the patriarchs
Up to this moment, only Abraham had received a vision from the Lord
All that Isaac knew concerning the Lord came from Abraham’s testimony and reports
Isaac himself had never seen or heard anything to validate Abraham’s claims concerning a covenant
We know that Isaac had already demonstrated faith in God and was expecting to receive the covenant promises
But now he receives that assurance in person
God repeats all the major elements of the promise that we’ve already seen Abraham receive
God admonishes Isaac to stay in the land; don’t go to Egypt
God will be with Isaac and bless Isaac
And Isaac will receive these lands
These lands refers to the entire land promised in the blessing given to Abraham in Genesis 15
The land from the Mediterranean Sea to the Euphrates River in Iraq
Isaac’s descendants will be innumerable and will inherit these lands as well
And through them, all the nations of the Earth will be blessed too
We noted back in Chapter 12 that the promises God made to Abraham were unconditional
God’s promises weren’t dependent on anything that Abraham did
So why does God say in v.5 that this covenant is coming to Isaac because Abraham obeyed God?
The answer is that the English text doesn’t capture the meaning properly
The Hebrew word for obey is shama, which is the word for hear
Abraham heard God and kept or guarded God’s commandments
Isaac has the benefit of these blessings because Abraham heard from God and then believed what he was told
Belief in God’s word makes everything happen
Abraham didn’t earn the blessings of the covenant; He heard God’s word and He believed it
And Abraham’s belief produced a change in his behavior
It didn’t make Abraham sinless…Moses’ account makes that clear
But his faith did grow him into a man who trusted in God and in His word
This is the normal, expected transformation that Scripture calls all believers to expect and pursue
Our faith changes us spiritually, and that change is expected to produce outward changes of behavior
John warns that someone who claims to know Jesus should show evidence of that knowledge in their life
John’s test isn’t that we lead perfect lives or even necessarily that we have a mature walk
But the central truth is in v.6
The one who says he abides in Christ ought to walk in the same manner
Ought means we should
We should expect it in ourselves and in others
But ought also gives room for the possibility that a few Christians might do otherwise
The flesh is so powerful, and it will trap some Christians in a life of disobedience
For a few, the ought means they aren’t there yet
They aren’t willing to acknowledge the power of sin repent and make the hard choices that will lead to putting sin aside and moving forward
But for the majority of Christians, the ought means we – like Abraham – will show progress in our lives
And notice that John says in v.7 that this commandment to walk in obedience to God’s word is not a new commandment
It’s an old commandment, from the beginning
And the beginning refers to the word Adam received in the garden
All mankind has been called from the beginning to walk according to the word of God
What effect did God’s word have on Isaac?
We see in v.6
Isaac remained in Gerar
While he might have been contemplating moving to Egypt, as his father had done, now he decided to stay where he was
In fact, Isaac is the only patriarch who never left the land in his entire lifetime
And he did so because the Lord had directed Isaac to do so
So the first thing Moses wanted to teach us about Isaac was he was a man who obeyed God’s word
Perhaps even more so than Abraham – and certainly more than Jacob – Isaac was content to hear the word of the Lord and do it
If Abraham was the father of faith, then perhaps Isaac was the father of obedience
Once more, it’s back to the past
Isaac is living in a foreign land, though ironically this is the land he will receive as an inheritance
This land is owned by the forerunners of the Philistines
And Isaac’s fear of the Philistines was understandable
They were a particularly brutal and pagan people
A sea people that migrated from Crete primarily in the 12th century BC, but some appeared earlier like those in Isaac’s day
Universally hated (e.g., Egyptians thought of them as pirates)
Others from Crete were often called cretins as a demeaning term
So, Isaac pulls a page from Dad’s play book and calls Rebekah his sister
The men from the region inquire about Rebekah
There is only one reason to inquire about a woman
You are interested in marrying her
Issac should have simply said she is my wife, but he feared he was vulnerable and weak and could be killed easily
So he tells the men that Rebekah is his sister
Once again, a man puts his wife at great risk to save his own neck
At least this time there is no indication that Rebekah is asked to lie with him as Sarah was told
Isaac’s opportunity to make this claim would have depended on being childless
So these events must have occurred before Jacob’s and Esau’s birth in Chapter 25
Where before Abraham and Sarah were in fact half siblings, now Isaac and Rebekah are cousins
But of course, that relationship doesn’t change the fact that both Abraham and now Isaac are lying
Rebekah is his wife
Like his father before him, Isaac is displaying a belief that the ends justify the means
We said before that any form of deception reflects a lack of trust
in the Lord
When we go against the Lord’s commands to suit our own purposes, we declare by our actions that we don’t place our trust in God’s plan
If it were God’s intention that Isaac die at the hands of the Philistines or the famine, then death would have been the best thing
Isaac’s deception is soon discovered
Abimelech, king of the Philistine people, looks out a window to see Isaac caressing Rebekah
This is probably the son of the king who met Abraham in Chapter 20
The term Abimelech is a title given to the king of the Philistines
Still, it could be the same king since we’re less than 100 years since the previous encounter and men are still living 175 years in this day
The word for caressing is actually the word for laugh, which if you remember is the root word for Isaac
So, the text actually says something like Isaac was isaac-ing with Rebecca
By the context, we get the point
Isaac was engaged in behavior with Rebekah that brothers don’t normally do with sisters
It was something that husbands do with wives
And Abimelech immediately gets the point
Isn’t it interesting that this was enough to tell Abimelech that this visitor was lying
Isaac’s behavior gave a more accurate testimony concerning the truth than did Isaac’s words
This is so ironic given we just saw how Isaac’s behavior was cause for commendation a moment earlier
He stayed in the land to obey the voice of the Lord
But now Isaac’s behavior becomes a witness against his own word
Once again the principle of 1 John 2 is proved true
What we do tells us more about our hearts than what we say
What led Abimelech to see Isaac’s behavior?
Wouldn’t we credit God with this discovery?
Back when Abraham went into Egypt, God revealed that Sarah was Abraham’s wife by bringing plagues
Later when Abraham did the same thing to Abimelech, God revealed the truth through a dream
Now God has simply given Abimelech the opportunity to see the truth in a natural moment
God is capable of revealing our sins in countless ways, but we should expect Him to do so sooner or later
Exposing our sin is the first step to ending it in our lives
Don’t expect it to remain hidden forever
If not in this life, certainly in the next life
As with Pharaoh and the earlier Abimelech, this king is livid at discovering the deception
Once again, a foreigner has stepped into the land and lied about his wife
And by that lie, Isaac brought the possibility that another man – perhaps even the king – might be guilty of adultery
Wouldn’t it be nice to live in a day and culture where people worried this much about violating marriage?
Where even the leader of a nation was threatened by the prospect of committing adultery?
In this day, this problem was serious
Remember that Isaac is a wealthy man, and his wealth poses a threat to Abimelech
So Abimelech has his own reasons to avoid a conflict
So the king admonished Isaac and declares that no one may touch Rebekah
His declaration is assurance to Isaac that he had nothing to fear in the first place
And so Moses teaches us a second important fact concerning Isaac
He wasn’t sinless, no more than his father
But God continues to bless and protect Isaac nonetheless
In fact, look at the result of Isaac’s remaining in the land as God directed
Isaac grew strong and soon was a real threat to this king, just as his father had been in the earlier generation
The people in the land become increasingly jealous of Isaac
Remember this harvest comes during the years of a famine
It’s likely that Isaac alone is seeing this increase since the famine has probably decimated the herds and crops of all those around him
It must have been a remarkable testimony for Isaac to be rich in the midst of a famine
Isaac’s life has resumed being a witness to God’s power and mercy and grace
He lived in the land, he depended upon the Lord, he stopped lying to protect himself
And so God’s presence in Isaac’s life shines through
But does His presence cause the Philistines to respond in kindness and understanding?
Not at all…the world will respond as enemies of God and God’s people