Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongToday, for the fourth time, God will appear to Abram
And the occasion for the visitation is similar to the previous three visits: God’s covenant with Abram
But today, God is ready to bring Abram the full revelation of His covenant
Including a sign, that Abram will carry in his body to show that God has made this promise to him and his family
Abram is now 99 years old
By that count, it has been 24 years since God first appeared to Abram in Ur and called him to move to Canaan
And it’s been 13 years since his son Ishmael has been born to Hagar
It turns out that Ishmael’s age comes to explain God’s timing for His fourth appearance, as we will see later in this chapter
This chapter is 27 verses long, and all but 8 verses are the Lord speaking
This is the longest speech by God in Genesis
It’s the zenith of God’s revelation to Abram
For now, let’s look at what God says to Abram as He appears this fourth time
He begins by identifying Himself as El Shaddai
This is the first time this term is used in Scripture
Eventually, we’ll see it used 48 times
In Hebrew, it comes from a root meaning strength or power
But the word shaddai originated in an Akkadian word, shaddu
The Akkadian meaning was literally “breast”
Taken together, El Shaddai means the God Who provides strength to His children
Since this appearance comes thirteen years after Abram and Sarai turned to Hagar, it seems that God has chosen this name to emphasize two things
First, God will provide strength to His children in keeping with His promises
But secondly, God seems to be chastising Abram for his misguided attempt to find strength in his own body (through Hagar)
Next, God tells Abram to walk before me and be blameless
God tells Abram “walk before me”
But in Hebrew the words are more personal
They mean “come before My face”
In God’s case, we know this isn’t meant in a literal sense since Abram could not see God’s face and live
Rather, it means present yourself before Me, as a servant presents himself before his master
Then God says be blameless
This is the same word Moses uses to describe Noah in Genesis 6:9 – a man who found favor and was blameless
In Genesis 6 we said that “favor” meant grace in Hebrew, and so blamelessness was a reflection of Noah’s righteousness before God in faith
Here as well, God tells Abram “be blameless”
We need to remember this is the first time God has spoken to Abram since he married Hagar, God’s words are powerful in their effect
In those intervening 13 years, what must Abram have wondered when his thoughts turned to his decision to marry Hagar?
Did he feel guilt? Did he wonder if God was upset? Did he worry that God’s silence over the past 13 years was a sign He was displeased?
And what must Abram have felt when he heard God declare that he continued to serve his Master
And that Master was still calling Abram blameless before Him
Not perfect, not sinless, but blameless
We serve this same Master by the terms of the same covenant
We know God’s promises to provide for us and never leave us nor forsake us
Yet still we go off and make poor decisions and leave Him behind in our actions
And we may go weeks or months or even years without a sense that God is speaking to us
And in those dark seasons, we might be led to question whether God is still with us
Still pleased with us, still willing to accept us
We wonder what He will say when He appears
Then we read these lines, and we are reminded that God is faithful to His promises
He still calls us blameless because Someone else took our blame
We are not sinless but we do not carry the blame, the judgment
From that perspective, God gives Abram a new promise
God tells Abram He will establish between God and Abram a covenant and multiply him exceedingly
At first glance we assume this is the same covenant God has made from the beginning
The one announced in Chapter 12 and confirmed in Chapter 15 with the covenant ritual
The one that promises to multiply Abram’s descendants
But this language speaks of a different covenant
First, the language is in the future tense
God says this is a covenant that will be established
Secondly, this covenant is “between Me and you”
This term implies both parties have a role in keeping the covenant
So God is promising a new covenant, one that has yet to be established a two-way covenant requiring commitments from both parties
This second covenant is related to the first covenant
One will be the basis for being counted a part of the other
At God’s appearing, Abram responds as all men would: he falls on his face
And God continued to talk with Abram explaining this is a new covenant, yet not one that replaces the first
Notice God says “as for Me”
He means “for my part, here’s what I am promising”
Then God reminds Abram that the first covenant is already with Abram
To be sure Abram understands, God repeats the entire revelation of the Abrahamic Covenant
He will be a father of a multitude of nations
Of Israel and many Gentile nations
And to testify to this one promise, God says He is changing Abram’s name
Abram means “exalted father”
And Abraham means father of a multitude
Changing names was a common feature of covenants
Two people who entered into a covenant might take parts of each other’s name and add it to their own name
We still follow this same practice today in the way a woman takes the man’s last name
It was a way of saying I am in covenant with you and we are made one by that covenant
In this case, Abram receives a part of God’s name
In the middle of Abram’s name, God inserts the breath sound in the pronunciation of His name in Hebrew
Yahweh is pronounced with a distinctive breath sound at the end
The name Abram is cut open and that breath sound is inserted in the middle: Abraham
Abram is now a man who carries a part of God’s name
God continues to tell Abraham all that He is bound to do by His word
As God has said before, “I will make you fruitful and you will produce kings and nations”
And in v.8 God repeats that He will give Abraham and his descendants the land in which Abraham has been wandering
Specifically the land that God outlined in Chapter 15, from the Euphrates to the brook of Egypt
We remember these promises as part of the Abrahamic covenant
But in v.7 we find another reference to a future covenant that will be between God, and Abraham and his descendants
A covenant that is not here yet but is coming
And one that isn’t one-way like the Abrahamic covenant
But is “between” Abraham and God, thus requiring both parties keep its terms faithfully
But we also notice that God is weaving these two covenants together almost as if they were inseparable
This is exactly right, but we need to study this next section carefully if we are to understand this relationship properly
We noticed earlier that God introduced His obligations with the phrase “As for Me…”
Now we see God telling Abraham what his obligations are
But wait…we said before Abraham had no obligations under the Abrahamic Covenant
And he doesn’t, which tells us that this must be the new covenant God is making with Abraham
And since it has terms for both parties, it is a different kind of covenant
Abraham will have a choice as to whether he participates in this covenant
First, God says that both Abraham and his descendants must participate in this covenant by agreeing to be circumcised
Trusting that everyone understands what circumcision means, I won’t give any details now
I can say that this is not the moment that circumcision was invented or established
The practice has been found in ancient cultures apart from Israel
God simply took this practice and gave it meaning for Abraham and his descendants
The practice would be required of Abraham and his descendants, and to those servants brought into the household
And the event must take place on the eighth day as an infant
We can see God’s handiwork in Creation in this direction
The body needs a particular vitamin, vitamin K, to allow for proper blood clotting
At birth, a baby has vitamin K from the mother but it takes time for the baby to produce its own K
After a few days, vitamin K production kicks in
By the eighth day, the levels of vitamin K peak at abnormally high levels in the bloodstream
After the eighth day, the levels begin to decrease to a normal level
So God had the body prepared to handle the surgery
To understand what God is doing here, let’s make some observations
First, we notice that this is a covenant that requires Abraham and his descendants to take action, to obey God’s commands
This means we’re looking at a different covenant than the Abrahamic Covenant
Secondly, the timing of this action is on the eighth day of life
Clearly, this is a cross-generational covenant
It is not a covenant with a person, but with a people
The people of the promise, the people soon to be Israel
No one enters into this covenant on their own since they do so at an age too young to participate willingly
The decision to obey or ignore this covenant is made by a prior generation on their behalf
When the older generation obeys, their children receive the benefits of the covenant
When they disobey, their children suffer
Thirdly, the consequence of failing to keep the covenant is to be cut off from his people
The term for “cut off” literally means to be destroyed or killed
So the penalty for failing to observe this covenant is to cease being part of Israel and to cease to exist
Finally we notice God says in v.10 that circumcision is the covenant but in the next verse, God says it will be a sign of the covenant
How can it be both a covenant and a sign of a covenant?
The answer is God is establishing a new covenant which acts as a sign of the earlier covenant
What do all these details tell us?
Remember since the fall in the Garden, we’ve been following the seed promise; the promise to bring a Messiah to rectify the sin of Adam
The promise has progressed from one son to another to another
Finally, it landed on Abraham, son of Terah
And in Abraham, the promise takes form
There would be a people, set in a land, which would bring forth the blessing of the promise on behalf of the entire world
All nations would be blessed through this people that come from Abraham
First it will be bestowed on one son, Isaac, and later another, Jacob
But after Jacob, the promise will be extended to 12 sons
And from those twelve to countless more
While the promise of the Messiah is carried forward through only the line of Judah, the promises for blessing and the land are extended to many descendants
But what will determine who may participate in these blessings?
As Paul taught us:
So who will be counted among those who receive the promises of the Abrahamic Covenant?
God says that the sign of that covenant will be the covenant of circumcision
And those who descend from Abraham and who obey this command of God will be counted a part of the covenant
They will receive the promises of blessing in the land and of many descendants
But if the people of Abraham cease in observing this covenant, then they are cut off from the people of Israel and from the promises to Abraham
Remember Moses’ experience in Exodus?
Moses was headed back to Egypt to represent God’s people, yet his own son had never been circumcised
His own child was excluded from the promises of the covenant
So God was prepared to kill the child until they circumcised him
God wants His covenant with Abraham to be witnessed to the nations
And He demands that Israel keep the covenant of circumcision in order to be a party to the Abrahamic Covenant
To be clear, Chapter 17 isn’t teaching that obedience was required to keep the promises of the Abrahamic Covenant
Those promises are assured on God’s faithfulness alone
But entry into that covenant depended on obedience to the covenant of circumcision
But then again the obedience was national, not personal
The fathers’ obedience determined the son’s participation in the covenant
Once a person was a party to the Abrahamic Covenant, then the blessings were assured based on God’s faithfulness to His word alone
Finally, personal salvation is not the issue here
Abraham was counted righteous based on his faith in God’s promise under the first covenant
Had he refused to take circumcision, his faith would still have made him blameless
But he would have been cut off from the earthly blessings God was holding out for him
So he is to observe this second covenant to ensure his family is included in the covenant’s blessings
More to come…