Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongWe stopped last week in the middle, in the story of two covenants
Let’s revisit the verses we read last week
God presented Abraham with a new covenant, the covenant of circumcision
And God called this new covenant a sign of God’s earlier covenant, the Abrahamic Covenant
This chapter is a tale of two covenants
And as Abraham himself was probably thinking at the time – it was the best of times, it was the worst of times
No doubt Abraham was pleased to know that his earlier missteps with Hagar and Ishmael hasn’t weakened God’s resolve to keep His promise to bless Abraham and his descendants
Nevertheless, he probably wasn’t thrilled to learn that circumcision was to be the sign of God’s resolve
Last week, we were seeking to understand the spiritual meaning of the covenant of circumcision and its relationship to the Abrahamic covenant and to saving faith
We said that the covenant of circumcision was a two-way, cross-generational covenant
Unlike the earlier Abrahamic Covenant, this new covenant depended on obedience on the part of Abraham’s descendants
Fathers must take action to participate in this covenant
If they failed to circumcise their male children as required, then they broke this covenant and also separated their family line from participation in the promises to Abraham
In effect, they ceased to be Israel
So the covenant of circumcision was a sign that the earlier covenant was in effect for this family
If a family denied the sign of the Abrahamic covenant, then they repudiated affiliation with the blessings to Abraham
Why did God want Abraham and his descendants to forever carry this sign in their bodies?
First, consider what happened in the earlier chapter – Chapter 16
Abraham and Sarah left God’s promises behind and made their own descendant through Hagar
This line of descendants will receive their own blessings, as God promised to Hagar
But they will not be parties to the Abrahamic Covenant
What will distinguish those descendants of Abraham who are in the covenant from those who are not?
Well, Chapter 17 is God’s response to Chapter 16
God now establishes a second covenant of circumcision to designate those who share in the promise from those who do not
This covenant doesn’t take priority over the earlier covenant
A person like Ishmael couldn’t force his way into the Abrahamic Covenant simple because he took the sign of circumcision
But if someone was a descendant of Abraham, they are told to also keep this covenant as a sign or reminder of the earlier covenant
To fail to keep the covenant of circumcision would not invalidate the earlier covenant in their life
But it would cut off his family from Israel and from access to the promises to Abraham
Furthermore, to the nature of the sign itself (cutting of the male body), the sign is itself a reminder of the blood covenant to Abraham and his descendants
The process of circumcision involves blood, a reminder of the blood covenant between God and Abraham
And it involves the reproductive organ, which is a reminder of the eternal nature of the promise for every generation after Abraham
In Israel, Jewishness is transferred through the male, and therefore this sign was given to male children only
A woman was included in this covenant by her father and then by her husband
But if someone in the line of Abraham should forgo the practice in their family, they bring their family’s participation in the covenant to an end
So by changing Abram’s name to Abraham and making circumcision a sign, God meant Abraham’s very life as a testimony to the nations
And this was the main point
In the first covenant, God delivered Abraham saving faith and the guarantee of eternal blessing
And it came strictly because God made a promise and He is faithful
Similarly, when God extended grace to each of us by faith, He grafted us into the promises made to Abraham
We share in a similar future and will be part of the Kingdom alongside Israel
And we glory in that future knowing that it depends solely on the faithfulness of God to His promises to Abraham
But then God instructed Abraham and his descendants to keep a second covenant to acknowledge the reality of the earlier promise
If they obey this command, then the next generation carries the promise forward as an everlasting testimony
If they disobey, they cease the testimony and they are cutoff
Likewise, we have a call to live our lives as testimony to the promises we received
Our faith has brought the expectation that we should live according to Jesus’ commands
That’s why we were told in the Great Commission to teach disciples to obey all that Jesus commanded
That is our mission of testimony having received the new covenant by faith
And if we fail in this regard, we don’t forfeit the first covenant we received by faith
But we do put at risk the opportunity to see our testimony continue in future generations
This is the essence of God’s command that we should train up a child in the way he should go and even when he is old, he will not depart from it (Prov 22:6)
When we live according to God’s commands, we don’t make our salvation more sure, but we do influence future generations
Now Abraham has been told to receive circumcision
The command was given to produce a testimony not to produce salvation
This is clear enough in the fact that the covenant involved making a mark in an infant, someone who had yet to even understand the covenant
Abraham’s obedience was the issue, and the penalty for disobedience would come to the next generation
It couldn’t invalidate his salvation by faith
What about those in later generations of Israel?
Like Abraham, all who wished to be called Israel observed the covenant of circumcision
Furthermore, each person must show faith in God’s promises to be saved personally
Some in Israel believed while others did not
And those Jewish men who failed to believe in the promises were not be saved simply because their parents circumcised the boys
And obviously, the women weren’t saved because their fathers’ were circumcised
Obedience to the sign of the covenant does not equal faith in the covenant itself
As Paul taught
Notice that Paul says the test of who is truly Jew is one of spirit, not flesh
A true Jew is the one saved by faith, resulting in the marking of the Spirit
A greater circumcision is accomplished when we believe in God’s promises, one done in the heart, Paul says
This is the work of the Spirit at the moment of faith, when we are marked forever as a child of God
The Spirit’s marking is a sign of our covenant of faith
Whether we receive physical circumcision today or not makes no difference in terms of our salvation
So then Paul asks the obvious question: what advantage was it to be included in the covenant of circumcision and counted as a descendant of Abraham?
Paul says there was great advantage
First, those who complied with the covenant of circumcision were granted the privilege as part of the nation of Israel to be entrusted with the word of God
Scripture is written by Jewish men, and it was initially delivered to Israel
If someone refused to comply with the covenant of circumcision, they excluded themselves from this awesome blessing
And if they excluded themselves from the people of God, who had the word of God, then they left behind the very thing God uses to bring faith
Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ
Then Paul asks, what if some who received circumcision didn’t believe and weren’t saved? Did that suggest the promises God gave Abraham weren’t kept?
In other words, was God obligated to ensure every circumcised member of Israel should believe and receive the promises of the Abrahamic covenant?
Paul says no
The benefits of being circumcised were simply the earthly benefits of being included in the work God performed in and through the Jewish people
But those earthly benefits didn’t replace nor guarantee the eternal blessings that come only through faith in the Abrahamic covenant
Today, as Christians we find ourselves in a similar situation
We have received the promises of the one-way covenant given us through faith in Christ
Our belief in that promise brings us salvation
And those promises don’t depend on our performance
But as a result of that covenant, there are commands Christ has given us to keep
For example, we are commanded to be baptized in water
Baptism is the step of obedience that welcomes us into the church body and allows us to enjoy the blessings of that association
If we believe in the gospel, we are saved based on God’s faithfulness
Yet if we refuse baptism, we are excluding ourself from the community of believers and the blessings that derive from it
Conversely, if someone requested water baptism without having true faith, they might gain an opportunity to share in the earthly benefits of the Body of Christ
But that affiliation can’t provide the salvation that comes by faith alone
Ultimately, they must accept the gospel and be saved if they are to be counted a child of God and receive a circumcised heart
In fact, water baptism is the outward picture of the inward circumcision accomplished by the Spirit
After God announced His new covenant to Abraham, He turned His attention to Sarai
As He did with Abraham, God changes Sarai’s name to Sarah – inserting a part of God’s name into her name
Sarai means “my princess", while Sarah means “the princess"
The meaning of the names is less important than the fact that her name changed like Abraham’s
She is the only woman in Scripture who experiences a name change because of covenant
Her experience is the proof for Jewish women that the covenant of circumcision covers them as well, either by their father and/or their husband
Sarah was receiving this name change because her husband was party to this covenant
And God reveals for the first time that it would be Sarah – not Hagar – who would give Abraham his descendants under promise
Nations and kings would come from her
Specifically, she has both Israel and Edom originate from her
And many other Gentile nations originated from the branches of Israel who were lost along the way
Obviously, this isn’t what Sarah and Abraham expected to hear
In fact, Abraham fell on his face and exclaimed in laughter, asking if he and Sarah would have a child at their ages?
At first glance, the comment seems to contradict the earlier statement that Abraham was righteous by faith in God’s power to bring a child
In reality, this statement shows how much Abraham believed
Knowing that God could bring it about, Abraham falls laughing at the thought of them having a child at such an old age
The laughter was the result of knowing that God could very well do as He promised, and the thought seemed ridiculous to Abraham
Instead, Abraham suggests that God would be satisfied in Ishmael
Abraham is essentially saying don’t go to so much trouble, just let Ishmael be the promised the child
But God quickly rejected Abraham’s suggestion, and He did so with both compassion and firmness
God was determined to bring about His promise by His own hand, and according to His own plan, through Abraham and Sarah
And the child they created in their own flesh would not stand in place of God’s work
For our work counts for nothing in God’s plan
He will only be glorified by His own work
So God assures Abraham that Sarah will have a child in one year, and his name will be Isaac
The name Isaac means “he laughs”
Obviously, the child’s name will be a reminder to Abraham of his laughing at God’s word
So we wonder, was the child’s name always to be Isaac?
God’s sovereignty ensures that Abraham’s response would match the name God was preparing to give Isaac
He also tells Abraham that the covenant would transfer to Isaac, not to Ishmael
Abraham had offered Ishmael as the child to receive the promises of the inheritance, but God said no
Nevertheless, God understands Abraham’s concern for the welfare of Ishmael
So God tells Abraham for the first time what He told Hagar earlier: Ishmael would have his own legacy
He would father 12 kings, the twelve tribes of the Arab nations
These people become the eternal enemies of Israel, and so the sin of Abraham leads to many generations of misery for Isaac’s descendants
And with this moment God concluded His appearance
Abraham is one year away from having his son Isaac
And in this moment, he complies with the covenant of circumcision
It would have been painful for him and the others
He would have been unpopular in his home for sometime
But three months later, the covenant begins its work as he fathers the child of promise with a woman who had never received a child before
Sometimes God work in our lives comes in dramatic moments as it did for Abraham here
But usually, it’s a long, slow struggle against flesh and the enemy
The way to saving faith was easy, in that God did all the work and we merely received it in faith
But the way to obedience is difficult and often painful
We have to risk being hurt, being unpopular, even having our blood spilled
We can’t imagine how God will make use of our obedience
But He is at work in and through us, both to His own glory and to our blessing
Take a step of obedience, because our walk of faith is not one of perfection, but persistence