Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongJacob has left for Haran, to find Isaac’s relatives still living in that land
He is alone and he is carrying virtually nothing of significance
As he left the land, God appeared to him promising to bring him back into the land of his fathers
God’s message was intended to give Jacob peace and confidence about this journey
But what Jacob lacked in physical baggage, he makes us for in spiritual and emotional baggage
He is still showing a stubborn tendency to trust in his own abilities rather than in God’s promises
He resorts to deception and schemes to get what he wants
But in Haran he’ll meet his match in Uncle Laban
The story of Jacob’s time in Haran lasts three chapters or so, but tells us a lot about Jacob and the story of Israel
It tells us the story of how Jacob obtains his four wives
And it show us how the people of Jacob, the people God calls Israel, originate
The opening verse of Chapter 29 says plainly that Jacob went on his journey
But the Hebrew is more descriptive
It literally reads “Jacob picked up his feet”
The phrase is similar to the English colloquialism, “a spring in his step”
It suggests Jacob was encouraged by God’s appearance in Bethel, and so Jacob leaves the land with a measure of confidence
He’s gonna need that spring in his step because the walk to Haran is 450 miles
Like walking from Austin, TX to Tulsa, OK
And in the summer time
This is roughly the same trip that Abraham’s servant took to find Isaac’s wife, Rebekah
And like the servant before him, Jacob arrives at a well
Jacob is in the land of the sons of the east
This is a reference to the branch of Abraham’s family who remained in the east rather than moving to Canaan
Of course we know that any reference to the east is a warning sign that we’re dealing with men who do not know the Lord
There is a reason why these family members remained in the east while Abraham moved west into the Promised Land
God called Abraham – and only Abraham – to enter Canaan, because Abraham alone was selected to receive God’s promises
The rest of Abraham’s family remained as they were: pagan worshippers
Jacob enters the pastures near Haran, and he comes upon a well in a field
The well was literally the local watering whole for shepherds grazing their flocks
Three shepherds had assembled their sheep at the well and were waiting to water their flocks
We’re told the well was covered by a large stone, so the shepherds couldn’t water their herds
As Jacob approached he wants to know how close he is to his goal, so he inquires about Haran
They tell him in vs.5-6 that they know Laban and in fact his daughter is approaching now
This is almost exactly like the encounter the servant had at the well in the earlier story
But there are differences
The servant prayed for God to give him clear direction and signs
And when they came, the servant thanked the Lord and gave Him glory
Here Jacob never bothers to seek the Lord’s help, either taking it for granted or overlooking it entirely
And yet God’s fingerprints are all over these circumstances
God is no less in control; the only thing that’s changed is the beneficiary’s perspective
Unlike the servant, Jacob remains unaware of the Lord working in this moment
Because he isn’t seeking to know the Lord’s will much less how he can join the Lord in the work
Jacob is a useful illustration for us in the perils of making decisions and working our plans without a solid prayer life and an attitude of seeking the Lord in all we do
God is always at work in and around us
But if we don’t check in with Him, we miss that work
It still happens one way or another, but we’re oblivious
So we can’t see the Lord’s working, adapt to it, work with it, and glorify Him for it
We need to remember that our prayers aren’t “for” God
They create opportunity for us, blessing for us
Our weekly prayer time on Tuesday nights isn’t something God needs and it’s not a chore
It’s the privilege reserved for those called the children of God
We alone have the opportunity to approach God in prayer, so we should take advantage of it
Jacob continues to move forward in life without considering God’s role in his daily life
As far as Jacob is concerned, God is back in Bethel sitting on his staircase
But no, God said He would be with Jacob wherever he went, and here he is working to bring Jacob to exactly the right place in perfect timing to meet Rachel, Laban’s daughter
As Jacob and the men watch Rachel approach, Jacob asks why they are waiting in the hot midday sun
Jacob is an experienced shepherd, and so he recognizes this is a strange situation
Shepherds sitting in the midday heat with the sheep gathered is not normal
Normally, animals were gathered in safety at night, then watered in the morning
Then they moved out into the pasture to graze in the safety of the daylight
As night approached, the herds are regathered, and usually they are watered again at night
So Jacob asks why are you still sitting here now?
The shepherds say they must wait until all the herds have gathered before they open the well and water the herd
Wells were often sealed by rocks to protect them from people or animals falling in or sand storms covering it over, or anything else that might contaminate or ruin it
Rachel’s herd is the last one of the group to gather, so she is the one everyone has been waiting for
From the sound of it, they have been waiting for the entire morning, which is not a productive day for a shepherd
So why do they have to wait for every flock to gather? Why didn’t the shepherds just move the stone, water their flock, and then let the next shepherd do the same? Why must everyone be there together?
Perhaps because it took the combined strength of all the shepherds to roll the stone?
But that can’t be the reason, because in v.10, we see Jacob alone rolled the stone away
Obviously one man can manage the task
The real reason is Rachel, who was coming with her father’s sheep
Rachel’s name is a play on words in this context, because her name means a ewe lamb
So a girl lamb is leading the sheep
This well is owned by Laban, and Rachel is his daughter we’re told
All these shepherds are probably grazing on Laban’s land
Some of them might have been employed by Laban
But in either case, they were obligated to follow Laban’s rules if they use his well
It’s likely that Rachel did not have the strength by herself to roll the stone away
So Laban probably required the men to wait for Rachel every day before watering their own flocks
This way Rachel could gain access to the water as well
But here comes Rachel strolling in at midday while the rest of the shepherds waste the day waiting for her
The entire scene paints a picture of a poorly run operation
Laban’s household is in desperate need of someone to step in and get things organized and running properly
Enter Jacob, the skilled sheepherder
He’s just the guy Laban needs to get this operation into shape
And as we’ll soon see, Laban is a good judge of talent
Jacob is also a take charge guy, which becomes obvious in vs.9-10
He immediately gets up, moves the stone and begins to water the sheep
The text doesn’t say what Jacob’s thinking was, but his actions intimated a certain mindset
He jumps up, moves the stone and waters the woman’s flocks – probably an act of chivalry for the one woman sheepherder
It also suggests he was disgusted with the other sheepherders laying around in the middle of the workday doing nothing useful
God’s handiwork just continues to amaze us
The Lord guides Jacob across 450 miles of desert in search of the family he's never met
And the Lord directs him to exactly the right well at exactly the right time
To meet exactly the right woman
And then to make sure the family respects and welcomes Jacob, God has prepared a need perfectly suited to Jacob’s strengths
When the Lord appeared to Jacob He declared He would “keep” Jacob wherever he goes
The word keep in Hebrew is shamar, which means preserve, defend, guard, take care of
God is going to ensure Jacob’s success in this time, because God is faithful to His promises
The Lord has made similar promises to believers today
To meet our needs, to never leave us nor forsake us, to be with us always, even to the end of the age
Just because the Lord promises to meet our needs doesn’t mean His provision will drop miraculously from Heaven in the form of manna
He might do that, of course, but more often He works in natural ways to meet our needs, like He is doing here with Jacob
Jacob couldn’t have asked for a better opportunity as he arrives in Haran
He finds the family with no struggle and they are prepared to receive him warmly, especially when they learn his talents
God is clearly at work to keep Jacob…but has Jacob taken note of God’s work? Not yet
There is something quite unusual in v.11
A man kissing a woman
In all the Bible, there are only 45 mentions of any form of kiss
Only two of those are of a man kissing a woman
One is here, the other is in the Song of Solomon
I don’t know what is more surprising…that there is only 1 mention of romantic kissing outside the book of Songs
Or that is there is only 1 mention of romantic kissing in the book of Songs
Given the full context of the kiss, this isn’t a romantic kiss though
Jacob’s kiss is one of joy as he greets his long lost relative
He lifted up his voice and wept
It’s important to notice the lack of any reference to God in that verse
Contrast Jacob’s response to his good fortune with that of Abraham’s servant
Jacob is thankful, but he isn’t thinking specifically enough
He lifts his voice up and cries tears of joy, but he doesn’t go the final step to acknowledge the Lord’s responsibility for these blessings
We need to guard against this same tendency
In the back of our minds, we know the Lord is at work to bless us in ways big or small
But in those moments when things go our way, do we credit Him? Do we say, whether to ourselves or others, thank the Lord?
So Jacob tells Rachel that he is the son of her father’s sister, he is Rachel’s cousin
Now when Rachel reaches her father’s home, she announces Jacob’s arrival
And the news spreads fast
Laban learns that his sister’s boy was in town, so he runs to meet Jacob
His willingness to run communicates his sincere excitement to have a distant relative honor him with this visit
Since it was such a long distance to travel, it was understood that he would be staying a while
This is the same Laban that negotiated for his sister’s marriage with Abraham’s servant
That was 97 years ago, so Laban is an old man
But men are still living nearly 200 years in this day, so Laban is only a little past middle age
Of course, the first thing that happens with a family reunion, we catch up on all the family news
At the end of v.13 it says Jacob related all these things to Laban
Meaning, Jacob told Laban about all that had transpired to bring Jacob to his doorstep
Laban’s response is to acknowledge Jacob is the son of his sister, and welcome him like a son
Once again the circumstances with Laban are perfectly set to ensure Jacob gets a warm reception…all God’s work
Jacob stays a month with Laban, we’re told
In this day, a visiting relative didn’t just spend their days lying around on the couch watching the History Channel, raiding the fridge and watching everyone else work
Everyone worked every day, regardless of where they laid their head
So Jacob would have gone to work immediately in some capacity while he stayed at Laban’s
Since we know Jacob was a shepherd, we can safely assume he went to work putting Laban’s shepherding operation in order
And as we’ll see in the coming weeks, Jacob quickly becomes a very valuable part of Laban’s operation
Jacob is a man blessed by God, so it should come as no surprise that Jacob’s contribution would bless Laban
Remember God’s promises in His covenant
God will bless others through the covenant he makes with Jacob
But Laban is a son of the east, and so he is not a man operating on godly principles
Which gives God an opportunity to use Laban’s sin as an instrument to disciple and teach Jacob
We’ll watch and learn from those lessons ourselves in the coming weeks of study