Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongTonight, we’ll study the first nine judgments that the Lord visits upon Egypt
That will be followed next time with an in-depth study of the tenth judgment
In studying the first nine judgments, we’ll use a simple pattern
We’ll review the form of each judgment
We’ll note any unique details of each judgment
We’ll consider the way in which each judgment undermined the Egyptians’ faith in their false gods
And on occasion we’ll highlight significant issues or prophetic aspects of the events
And remember the orderliness we discussed last week
The plagues run in groups of three
The first two of each group come with warnings
The first judgment is the plague of blood
Since this is the first plague in the series of three, the warning comes in the morning
God tells Moses to go before Pharaoh while he is at the water in the morning
Meeting him at the bank, announce that his stubbornness will now result in God’s judgment
Specifically, Aaron will announce that the God of the Hebrews has declared that they be let go, but since Pharaoh refused, all water will become blood
All water in Egypt will be turned into blood
All rivers, all storage containers
And vessels of wood and stone
These terms refer to bowls used in pagan religious ceremonies
So that Egypt’s religious practices are impacted as well
And blood instantly makes life in the water die off
The fish die, and men cannot drink it
Plus, blood will begin to spoil almost immediately, causing the waters to be foul and smell badly
In v.24, we read that the Egyptians were finally able to find some water to drink by digging for it
The water under the land had not been polluted
Only the surface water had been polluted
But then the magicians get into the act
The magicians are called by Pharaoh to offer a response to Moses’ act
Like they did with the snake, the magicians are able to accomplish the same outcome
The water they turn to blood was likely the new water sources that the Egyptians uncovered in their rush to find new water
Pharaoh might have expected the magicians to act against Moses’ work, so as to return the blood to water
But the best they could do was add more blood to the problem
I’m sure they appreciated the magician’s helpful work!
The magicians were working their secret arts, which means working with power Satan gave them as they worshipped the enemy
Satan has power to counterfeit God’s work, even to the point of making water turn to blood
But Satan’s power is limited in that he cannot undo the work of God
And he cannot do more than God created him to do
Just as we cannot do more than God created us to do
Therefore, Satan acts by watching God and mimicking in a false way what he sees God doing
Remember, Satan wants to be God, so it only makes sense that his method of operating is to imitate God
In the end times judgments, we’ll see Satan doing similar things
He will bring a false Christ, a false prophet and false miracles
Each will be a replica of something God has done earlier, but his imitations are corrupt and nothing but lies
Blood judgment mirrors one of the judgments in the Tribulation period
In fact, we can find parallels for the first nine judgments within the events of Tribulation
Some have a direct connection like the blood judgment
Others are implied
We’ll point out these connections with each judgment
But the main point is that this period of judgment is a foreshadowing of the Tribulation
Like we taught in an earlier week, the ten plagues eventually result in Israel set free from bondage, worshipping at the mountain of God and entering into the promised land
This earlier event set in place the pictures and representations of God at work
For the effect that the future generation of Israel who will experience the Tribulation will see the pattern and come to understand God’s purposes
Moses says this plague lasts seven days
Men can live up to seven days without fresh water
But perhaps some Egyptians died as a result of this waiting
By and large, however, the judgment was less about destroying life than it was to serve as a warning and example of what will follow
The point was to show Egypt and Israel Who was God
To that point, let’s note which Egyptian gods were mocked by this judgment
Nile River
Khnum – guardian of the Nile source
Hapi – the Spirit of the Nile
Osiris – guardian of the underworld and the Nile was his blood stream
Sepek – Crocodile god
Neith – Lapes fish protector
Hathor – Chromis fish protector
Altogether, this judgment has made Egypt question the power of their gods when the Hebrew God was able to render them useless
This lesson is also supposed to impress upon Israel the strength of their God
Don’t underestimate the impact of these judgments on Israel as well
This judgment impacted them as well, especially since the magicians counterfeited the miracle
But until this moment, the Jews had never seen their God at work
Entire generations had come and gone without knowing the power of God
In fact, only the patriarchs had seen God at work, and on occasion their enemies did as well
Furthermore, there is no written scripture
No graven images, no statuettes
The Jews have only their very existence to validate the truth of God
They are a people called by God and created from Abraham’s loins
And here they are now seeing this God at work for the first time
So these ten judgments are intended for Egypt and the world, but their most lasting impact will be on the conscience of Israel
Now we see more reason for God hardening Pharaoh’s heart
He desires for Israel to know Him in a way they have never known before
And this revelation of God will produce a lasting, permanent mark on the psyche of Israel
Never again will the nation fail to understand the God they worship
These miracles including those at the mountain and those that occur in the desert will create that lasting impression
If you want to understand how unique this work of God truly is, consider that God has only worked this way during three times in history
Beside the time of Exodus, God has performed dramatic miracles on a widespread basis only twice more
During the ministry of Elijah and Elisha
And in the time of Jesus and the Apostles
Apart from these three times, God has never resorted to a widespread use of miracles to make an impression
All three times, the work was done in preparation for a time of judgment for Israel
Here it precedes Israel’s time wandering in the desert
In Elijah and Elisha, it preceded the judgment against the ten tribes in the northern kingdom
And with Jesus and the Apostles, it preceded the current period of Israel’s hardening, the destruction of the temple and their scattering in AD 70
There is yet one final time of God working through widespread miracles on the earth
This time will come in conjunction with God’s chastisement of Israel and the world during Tribulation
Now we move to the second judgment
The second judgment is a plague of frogs
As we said in our introduction last week, the first three judgments are milder than all that follow
They create temporary discomfort
And as with all the plagues, God takes natural phenomenon and intensifies them to an uncomfortable and even deadly level
For now, these are just uncomfortable
Once again, God tells Moses to warn Pharaoh
God will smite Egypt with frogs
The word smite is simply the word for strike
From the Nile, the entire land will be invaded by Frogs
The frogs will find their way into every place and will come to everyone
Notice in v.4 God sends this plague against Pharaoh’s people but Israel isn’t mentioned
As before, Aaron stretches out the rod of Moses, and it leads to the invasion of frogs over the entire land of Egypt
Here again we see Moses working through Aaron
The first three plagues are done through the agency of Aaron
And note that the rod of Moses plays a prominent part in the story through the Exodus
As Moses is a picture of Jesus ruling over His people, then the rod of Moses is also a picture of Jesus’ rod of iron from the Psalms
But unlike Jesus, Moses makes do with a wooden rod
The frog plague has a parallel to the Tribulation, just as with blood
While there is no frog plague in Tribulation, there is a moment when demons enter the world to deceive the kings of the nations
And in Rev 16:13 the spirits are called “frogs”
The only explanation for God using that term to describe the demons would seemingly be to create the connection back to Exodus
Once again the magicians copy this miracle
This example gives us another piece of evidence to teach us the power of Satan
Here we see him creating life, at least in the sense that he was able to bring more creatures to the event
But notice again, he only counterfeits God’s work
Satan has the power to create life in the form of new frogs
But he lacked the power to simply get rid of the frogs that God already created
Which would seem the easier task? Yet Satan couldn’t do the thing Pharaoh would have wanted the most
This is our proof that Satan’s power always remains in check by God
But since we know Satan can perform miracles of this degree, we have all the more reason to stay close to Scripture and to the Spirit so that we aren’t drawn away by these powers
The gods mocked by this plague are:
This god was credited with bringing fertility to the land through the flooding of the Nile
Normally, the sound of frogs in Egypt is a welcome sign
It means the Nile is receding from the annual flood and the land has been made fertile by the flood waters and the time to plant has come
But the bothersome nature of the frogs mocks Hapi
A goddess with the head of a frog and the body of a woman
The wife of Khnum and the emblem of fertility
After the blood plague, Pharaoh simply turned and went into the palace, but after the frogs he asks Moses to intervene and seek relief
This tells us how onerous the frogs were for the Egyptians
They effect was more jarring than even having all water turned to blood
When Moses hears the Pharaoh’s request, he asks Pharaoh to name the day for the frogs to go away
Pharaoh responds with tomorrow, perhaps thinking that was the best he could do
Moses says it will be as Pharaoh spoke so that he might know that Moses is working with the one and only God
Then Moses immediately goes to God in prayer asking the Lord to give Pharaoh the relief he sought
We might have thought that God would leave the plague in place until it had the desired effect
But that’s missing the entire point of the plagues
God can compel Pharaoh at any point, with or without plagues
He could have simply placed it on Pharaoh’s heart to let them go
Just as God did to Cyrus in Persia when He released Zerubbabel and the rest of Israel
The purpose of the plagues is to demonstrate the power of God to Israel and the World
So Moses intercedes for Pharaoh
How did Moses know that God would agree?
Did Moses know in advance that his idea was consistent with God’s expectations?
Maybe God intended to let the judgment run seven days like the blood?
But God does as Moses requests
In v.13 we’re told that the Lord did according to the word of Moses
That seems like a backward sentence
What we’re seeing here is a picture of intercession
Moses picturing Christ, we see how Christ intercedes for us with the Father
When we make a request of the Father that is in keeping with the Father’s desires, he receives that request by way of a mediator
The Son, Christ, intercedes for us, and the Father does according to the Son’s intercession
This is not because Moses or even Christ has control over the Father
Rather, the Father has chosen Moses (and Christ) to represent Him
Therefore, the Father is willing to receive Moses’ request and act upon it, because it suited His purposes
But don’t miss the courage and boldness of Moses
We are likewise commanded to go boldly into prayer because we have a Lord Who is interceding
And when that prayer aligns with the heart of God, we can expect it to be met with acceptance
So the closer we walk with the Lord, the more we’ll know His will and pray in union with it
Based on that intercession, God causes the frogs to die
And with the mass death of millions of frogs, the nation began to stink with rotting flesh
As that plague passed, the Pharaoh let the misery of it fade from his mind
So he hardened his heart
So far, the Lord has no need to step in and harden on top of what Pharaoh is willing to do on his own
Now the final plague of the first series arrives, and as the pattern dictates, it comes without warning
As with all of the first three, Aaron is the actor bringing the plague to Egypt
As he strikes his staff on the earth, the dust of the ground becomes something
My English Bible says gnats, others say lice
But the Hebrew word is an enigma
Dr. Fruchtenbaum suggests it means mixture, as in a mixture of insects
That’s probably the best description we have
This plague brings a mixture of insects upon Egypt
The mixture includes insects like gnats that annoy and others like lice that infest the body
Still others may have spoiled food and others made sleep difficult
The purpose was an infestation so severe it made life miserable
When looking for a parallel in the time of Tribulation, we have to look a little harder, because there is no direct reference to insects
We know there are two witnesses who have the power to bring plagues
And the description in Revelation is this
We might assume that the plagues these men bring include a plague similar to this one
We can make that assumption simply because it refers to them turning water to blood and to strike (or smite) the earth with every plague
It doesn’t say to strike with whatever plague they want
Rather, it says they strike with every plague, as if there were a prescribed number of plagues that must be sent through these men
Taken together, the reference to blood and every plague suggests strongly that they are called to mimic the plagues of Egypt
Now for the first time, the magicians couldn’t replicate the miracle
It’s not clear why Satan can no longer counterfeit the miracle
But the mere fact that Satan hit a limit tells us that Satan has limits
Soon enough, God’s power is seen to be clearly greater than Satan’s
When they can’t replicate it, the magicians correctly declare that this plague is from the finger of God
Now we see the plagues having their desired effect among the Egyptians
The plague also had the effect of mocking the Egyptian priesthood
Egyptian priests were scrupulous about cleanliness, as was required by Egyptian practice
They shaved their entire bodies to remove all hair in an attempt to ensure no insects were living on their body
During this plague, the priesthood is mocked by their inability to keep the insects off their bodies
Regarding the gods of Egypt, this plague mocked:
Uatchit – protected Egyptians from swarming insects
Seb – protected people from lice
Nevertheless, Pharaoh’s heart was hardened and the process moves forward
The next judgment begins the next series of three, so the first plague comes with a warning in the morning
God promises now that He will send biting flies
Remember the first series produced severe annoyances
But each plague left the people largely untouched
And the effects were temporary and quickly reversible
Now the plagues get progressively worse and begin to impact people and animals in severe ways
This plague will bring swarms of biting flies to the Egyptians, but not to the people of Israel
In fact, from this point forward, the judgments are specifically directed at only the Egyptians
The earlier judgments were of a type that even Israel was impacted
But from here on the severity is too great for God’s people to be included
This pattern also mirrors the judgments of Tribulation
The Tribulation judgments comes in three sets as well, and like Exodus, the first set of judgments impacts all people, including believers on earth
When the second set of judgments begin, the Lord begins to make distinctions
The trumpet judgments are sent against those without the seal of God
Notice in v.24 that the arrival of the flies comes by the Lord alone
For this series of judgments, God acts alone to bring them to Pharaoh
The arrival of the flies made the land lay waste, we’re told
The strength of that phrase gives us an indication of how severe this plague was for Egypt
A description of the event from Keil and Delitzsch:
In response, Pharaoh is finally moved to negotiate, the first of three times he will attempt to negotiate
He hopes he can persuade Moses to accept something less than he is asking
His first proposal is to have Israel sacrifice to their God as they desired, but they must do it in the land of Egypt
Obviously, Pharaoh knows that if Israel is released to worship outside the land, they will never return
So he is looking for a way to keep the slave labor
Interestingly, Moses addresses this offer by objecting to a detail in Pharaoh’s plan
He notes that the animals Israel will sacrifice are animals Egypt either detests (like sheep) or worships (like bulls)
In either case, the sight of Israelites working with such animals in a sacrifice would so deeply offend Egyptian culture it would lead to a riot and stoning of the Jews
Remember, as slaves they could be killed with impunity by any Egyptian, so the threat was real
Still, we might have expected Moses to simply say that God wasn’t interested in a compromise
Instead, Moses proves to be a tough negotiator, able to stand up to politicians and stick to his guns
Moses would have made a great NRA president
This leads Pharaoh to offer another concession
They can go into the desert, but just don’t go too far
It’s becoming more and more obvious that Pharaoh's chief concern is the escape of the slaves
He is trying to keep the nation close at hand and prevent their departure
But because Moses began to negotiate on the terms of the deal, now he has little choice but to accept the compromise
Perhaps he assumed that if they made it in to the desert at all, that would be enough to ensure their departure
Or perhaps he knew that Pharaoh would go back on his deal
The latter seems likely because in v.29 Moses says don’t deal deceitfully with us
Moses is preparing for disappointment
So, once again Moses intercedes for Pharaoh and the flies leave
These flies were not going to stop biting until Moses prayed, so the intercession was necessary to stop the plague
As expected, however, the Pharaoh decided they had survived another plague, so why let the people go
In fact, we must imagine at this point that the on-again/off-again pattern of the plagues played into Pharaoh’s self-deception
When we experience God’s displeasure on an occasional basis, it’s tempting often to think that the worst is behind us
We let the hope that the past won’t repeat itself give us reason to go on sinning
That’s a foolish game, because God always has more staying power and more options
We can’t let God’s forbearance become our ignorant excuse to go on sinning
Finally, the gods mocked by this judgment:
Principally one: Baalzebub – lord of the flies
This is the pagan demon closely associated with Satan himself
The second plague in the second series also comes with a warning
Now God brings pestilence to the livestock of Egypt
Pestilence is any disease
Some believe this is anthrax, which is extremely deadly for animals
Now for the first time the Egyptians are going to suffer loss of personal property
But God offers some mercy to the Egyptians, at least for a time
The pestilence impacted only the livestock in the field, which would have been most of them
Those that were still left in the stables were not impacted
They become fodder for a future plague
Still, this is a massive loss of life among livestock
Except that the livestock of Israel are left untouched
Again, the distinction is useful to God in showing Himself to be the God of the Hebrews
The Pharaoh wanted to know for sure that what Moses told him was true
He sought as to whether the livestock of Israel survived
Historical records indicate that this Pharaoh was particularly given to worshipping cattle
Gispen wrote:
Speaking of the gods mocked in this judgment
Apis Bull – the sacred bull always kept out in the open
Mnevis – sacred bull of the god Ra
Hathor – goddess with a head of a cow and body of a woman
Knom – Ram-like god
This judgment mirrors the fourth seal judgment, which brings pestilence to the world
Unsurprisingly, Pharaoh doesn’t relent at all
This is one stubborn man
His nation has lost significant wealth but still he holds on
The final plague of the second series and the final plague of the night comes without warning again
God turns dust into boils on the bodies of the Egyptians
The dust is taken from the Jewish kilns
These are the ovens used to make bricks
This connection gave the Jews a chance to see God working for their revenge in the face of their harsh treatment
I wonder if during these periods of the plagues, the Egyptians started treating Israel better or worse?
Boils is exactly like one of the Tribulation judgments
These boils were on every man, including the magicians
It made the magicians look particularly foolish when they couldn’t mimic or even escape the effect of this plague
The magicians were still trying to counter Moses’ work, but this time they couldn’t stand before Pharaoh
The reason was because they were bed-ridden with the sores
Since we know that all the plagues were an intensification of existing natural phenomenon, the question arrives of what kind of sickness is this?
One theory was proposed by Keil and Delitzsch:
The gods impacted by this judgment were the Egyptian gods of healing
Sekhmet – body of a woman and the head of a lioness and had power of epidemics
Serapis – god of healing
Imhotep – god of medicine
Finally, notice that now comes the time for God to harden Pharaoh’s heart
Apparently, the boils might have been enough to bring Pharaoh around had God not stopped him from relenting
These sores must have been so painful, that the thought of continuing would have been too much
But God’s plan must continue, so Pharaoh is hardened against the prospect of allowing the Israelites to continue
Next time we finish the plagues, including moving into the tenth plague