Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongOne of the most dangerous things God can do for us in the course of our daily walk of faith is to reveal some detail of his plan for our lives
If God dares to tells us about where He wants us to go or what He plans to do with us in our future, He is taking a big risk
The reason why it’s such a risk is because a little knowledge is a dangerous thing for Christians
So often, we take that revelation and begin to run ahead of God thinking we have all we need to create our own plan
In effect, we leave God behind
When we run ahead of God, we take God out of the driver’s seat and place Him in the passenger’s seat of our life
We start trying to drive and expect God to just help us navigate
We set our own course and ask God to bless it
Rather than allow God to set the course and then we join in His work
This is where Jacob is at this point in his life
God set him outside the land for 20 years so that Jacob could experience God at work in his life
Jacob has seen the Lord and recognized His power and provision
Last week we saw Jacob giving Laban that passionate speech in which he declared that God has been at work protecting Jacob
Jacob has recognized that God is in his car, so to speak
And Jacob knows God is helping navigate the journey of Jacob’s life
But Jacob hasn’t taken the next step of spiritual maturity to recognize that God is not just riding shotgun in Jacob’s journey
God is driving the car, and Jacob needs to follow the Lord’s lead
And when Jacob tries to go his own way, through deception or trickery or scheming, then he is fighting against God rather than working with God
Chapter 32 exists in the record of Genesis precisely to show us how the Lord finally gets Jacob’s attention on this point and shows him to follow
Jacob is headed westward into Canaan from Gilead, and as he travels, God gives Jacob a vision of angels escorting him into the Promised Land
In seeing the angels Jacob declares that this location is God’s camp
The word he uses to name the place means two camps in Hebrew
Meaning that God’s camp has joined his camp
Why does God bring Jacob this vision now?
You may remember that God gave Jacob a vision of angels as he left the Promised Land
And now He provides Jacob a second vision of angels just as Jacob prepares to re-enter the land
The message would seem to be similar in both cases
Jacob left the land to uncertain circumstances and in fear of what the future held, so God reassured Jacob in the vision
Now Jacob re-enters the land under uncertain circumstances as well
He isn’t sure what he will find, especially concerning his brother who may still harbor violent intentions against Jacob
So God wants Jacob to know that God has everything under control and He will ensure Jacob’s safe passage
But how does Jacob interpret the vision?
Jacob declares that God’s camp was joining Jacob’s camp
The sense of his statement is that God was sending reinforcements
The word for camp in Hebrew is machaneh, which literally means army
God’s army is reinforcing Jacob’s army of men
We see Jacob’s backward perspective clearly evident in the next things he does
Before Jacob crosses the Jordan and enters Canaan, he thinks it prudent to notify his long lost brother of his return
This makes sense
Jacob doesn’t want to return to the land unannounced potentially leading Esau to assume it was a sneak attack
But the plan Jacob sets into motion reveals more of his thinking
Jacob instructs his servants to head southward toward Edom, the place Esau has chosen to dwell
The messengers are to inform Esau of Jacob’s return
But notice the language they are told to use
They are to refer to Jacob as Esau’s servant
They are to mention that Jacob is quite wealthy and has many possessions
Clearly, the tone of these statements is intended to appease Esau
Should Esau still harbor resentment and hatred toward his brother, perhaps he would be willing to make peace for a price
We can clearly see Jacob’s thinking here
He needs to prepare his own way to enter the land
He must defend himself or else he won’t be safe
Despite seeing the angels, Jacob is still trying to drive the car
So God begins to work to get his attention
The messengers then return to Jacob to report that Esau is coming north to meet Jacob
And by the way, Esau is bringing 400 men with him
Naturally, Jacob assumes the worst
Esau is coming with a strong force to conquer and kill Jacob
This will be payback for the deceit Jacob perpetrated on Esau 20 years earlier
In response, Jacob does something that proves he has a glass-half-empty mentality
He decides to divide his force
Dividing one’s force weakens your ability to withstand attack
It makes defeat all the more likely
And Jacob even says that his purpose in the division is to ensure someone survives Esau’s attack
Jacob is already assuming that he will lose this battle
Therefore, he wants to leave some of his family hidden away and safe so that after the defeat, there will be some of the family remaining
Jacob is terrified and he lacks any hope of surviving Esau’s attack
Didn’t God bring a vision of angels to give Jacob confidence?
And yet here’s Jacob scared and trying to plan and scheme his way out of his situation
This is Jacob: a man of faith, but weak faith
A man who acknowledges God in his life and recognizes God’s work to bless him
Yet with each new challenge Jacob reverts to trusting in himself and assuming God will come along for the ride
But finally – and perhaps for the first time – Jacob sees no solution at hand
He is facing death, he believes, and he can’t figure out a way to avoid it
The best he has is a plan to save half of his family
So what does a man of faith do when all his options are exhausted and he has no ideas and no escape from his circumstances? What is the last option of every man of God? He prays
Jacob turns his face toward God and cries out, deliver me!
Jacob makes his sincere confession of repentance
He says I am unworthy of God’s kindness (true statement)
And reminds God of His promises
And then makes his appeal: deliver me from Esau
Jacob schemed and planned and bargained to get Esau’s favor, and now that these efforts have failed, he turns to God and asks God to handle it
Couldn’t he have skipped the first part and gone directly to the prayer?
Jacob’s approach is standard practice for so many of us
Prayer is the last thing we do
It’s the response of last resort
It represents us getting out of the driver’s seat and asking God to slide over and take the wheel
Are we really so prideful and foolish so as to think that we ever had control of the wheel in the first place?
God was always driving and is always driving
Our lives are in His hands at all times
And it’s only our own self-deception that leads us to think that we are in control
Why has God allowed Jacob to know that Esau was approaching with his 400 men?
It would seem there is only one reason: to bring Jacob to this crisis, this crisis of faith
With no other choice, Jacob must turn to God and cry out for God’s grace and mercy
God’s goodness was never in doubt, nor was God’s faithfulness to His promises ever in doubt
After all, God sent His angels to Jacob as reassurance that Jacob would enter the land successfully
More over, consider that Esau is already living outside the land of Canaan
The very fact that Esau didn’t remain in the land but chose to settle outside Canaan is clear sign of God’s goodness at work
After Jacob fled, we might expect that Esau would have tried to occupy the land to deny Jacob the chance to receive his inheritance
Instead, Esau decided to leave for Edom and settle outside the land, leaving it available for Jacob
Clearly, God is more than capable of fulfilling the promises to Jacob
Nevertheless, Jacob thinks his success lies with his own efforts, and God’s army was merely a reinforcement
He got the relationship backward
So what does a man of faith do after having prayed for God to intervene and resolve his situation? Well, if you’re Jacob, you go back to scheming…
After making his appeal to the Lord, Jacob sleeps on it, and when he awakes, he has a new plan to save his skin
He takes a large quantity of his best animals (500), and then instructs his servants to create a receiving line stretching to the horizon
This is a lavish gift, representing about 2-3 years of work at least
It also shows how prosperous Jacob has become that he can let so much go so easily
The animals are grouped into like kinds and separated by some distance from one another in a line stretching away from Jacob in the direction of Esau
This created five groups, and each group represented a gift to Esau
Jacob hoped that with each gift, Esau’s anger would subside that much more
And Jacob gave each servant the same instructions to deliver to Esau
Once again, they are to use the phrase “your servant Jacob” sent us
And these animals are a present for Esau
The word for present in Hebrew is minchah, which means offering or tribute
Later in v.20 Jacob tells the servants to say to Esau that these gifts are intended to appease him
The word for appease in Hebrew is kaphar, which literally means propitiation or atonement
Jacob is putting these animals before Esau to make amends or to atone for his past sins against Esau
With his back against a wall, Jacob experiences the weight of a repentant heart and seeks to make amends for his deceits
And these animals are sent to Esau to appease or atone for his sin against Esau
Jacob does have reason to feel guilty, but he’s seeking to solve his problem in the wrong way
Jacob’s language and actions are an attempt to communicate to Esau that Jacob was willing to give the birthright back to Esau
First, he is willing to send Esau a large piece of his wealth
Secondly, he is willing to be called Esau’s servant
Remember, the birthright inheritance always included the patriarchal leadership role in the family
Everyone else in the family was considered the servant of the patriarch
So for Jacob to tell Esau that he would be Esau’s servant was tantamount to saying you can be the patriarch over me
Jacob’s only hope is to stay alive at this point, and he’s willing to sacrifice everything else he has to achieve that goal
There is to be a place for repentance in Jacob’s life, just as there is to be for every believer
The problem for Jacob is that he is repenting of the wrong thing and he is repenting to the wrong person
First, Jacob is sorry for the wrong thing
He upset Esau and took away Esau’s birthright, but Jacob has nothing to repent for
Esau sold his birthright to Jacob
Esau wasn’t a victim and had no claim to the birthright in the first place
If Esau was going to be upset about the birthright, he should have been upset at himself or at God
Jacob’s misdirected repentance is an example of seeking friendship with the world
Jacob was more interested in worldly friendship and harmony than with standing in God’s promises
Paul says because we have God’s promises, we cleanse ourselves of the world and live in fear of God
Jacob was living in fear of the world rather than in fear of God
We are certainly commanded to be at peace with all men so far as it depends on us, but we are not to seek harmony at all costs
On the contrary, some discord and conflict is inevitable, since our faith makes us enemies with the world
What Jacob should be repentant for is his dependance upon himself rather than trusting on God
The chief sin he’s committing over and over again is prideful self-reliance
If he’s going to be sorry about something, it shouldn’t be for hurting Esau’s feelings, but for putting God in the backseat
Secondly, Jacob is directing his repentance toward Esau, when he should be directing his sorrow to the Lord himself
He’s working hard to fix the wrong relationship
So often this happens in the lives of Christians
Sometimes we’re suffering hardship and trials, especially in our relationships, and we work desperately hard to repair these wounds
It’s always healthy to seek reconciliation and to make amends for hurts we cause, there is another relationship that must be repaired first
Our relationships with others can be a reflection of our relationship with the Lord
Jacob is at odds with his brother because he schemed against him
But that scheming was itself a product of Jacob’s unwillingness to depend on God, to take matters into his own hands
Likewise, if we have friendships, marriages or other family relationships that are strained, consider whether they may be a reflection of our own weaknesses in following the Lord
Let’s bring our repentant hearts to the Lord first even as we seek to reconcile with our brothers
Jacob is still trying to drive the car of his life, and with the little knowledge God has given Jacob about Esau’s arrival, Jacob is ready to drive off a cliff
God has appointed Jacob to inherit the blessings and the promises of the covenant, so Jacob can’t change that plan
Jacob is ready to give back his birthright to survive an encounter with Esau
What happened to that prayer Jacob lifted up to God?
It’s barely been 24 hours since the prayer, and already Jacob has given up all hope and is making foolish decisions
Since God isn’t going to allow Jacob to forfeit his birthright, He is ready to intervene in a dramatic way to set Jacob straight