Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongWe’re back to our study of David’s failings in 2 Samuel
The author of this book has chosen to organize the story of David’s reign into sections of good and bad rather than in a chronological order
The first section of the book focused on David’s rise to power and his triumphs as king
And the second section beginning in Chapter 9 chronicles David’s short comings and their cumulative effect on the nation
The longest example in this second section focuses on David’s failings in his family stemming from taking multiple wives
From multiple wives comes multiple sons of different mothers, which led to ancestral lust, rivalries and conflict
If that weren’t bad enough, David compounds the problem by failing to hold sons accountable for their misdeeds
And in other cases, he fails to show forgiveness and mercy
Altogether, David’s actions breed resentment and ultimately rebellion
We’re in the middle of that story, and so today we return to Chapter 14 and the turmoil of Absalom, David’s oldest living son
Absalom murdered his brother, Amnon, fled to his grandfather’s home in Geshur, and has now returned to Jerusalem after 3 years
His son expected his father’s forgiveness, but David seems unwilling to give Absalom that satisfaction as we read:
After his return, Absalom was ignored by for two years, barred from David’s presence and from the privilege of the king’s table
Even Saul’s descendant, Mephibosheth, was eating at David’s table, but David’s oldest son and presumptive heir was excluded
David is enforcing a justice on his son that is neither just in its approach nor effective in its outcome
The Law didn’t stipulate alienation as a punishment and it’s just driving a wedge between father and son
As James tells us:
Initially, David was unwilling to hold Absalom accountable according to the Law’s requirements
But neither was David willing to extend Absalom his mercy later, preferring to hold Absalom in limbo
So now Absalom takes matters into his own hands, which begins a pattern of behavior suggesting Absalom has had enough of his father’s cold shoulder
Absalom wants answers for why he’s still being banished, so he decides to call for the commander of the army, Joab
Remember, Joab was the one who convinced David to permit Absalom to return from Geshur in the first place
So Absalom logically concludes that Joab could also help Absalom move a step closer to resolving the impasse with David
So Absalom calls for Joab, but Joab ignores Absalom’s request
The text doesn’t explain why Joab didn’t want to respond to Absalom
But in 1 Kings 2:28 we learn that Joab had aligned himself behind another of David’s sons, Adonijah
We know the Lord selected Solomon to succeed David, and David and Bathsheba knew Solomon was the Lord’s choice
But it’s not clear if David told anyone else of Solomon’s future, least of all his other sons
Perhaps David kept the news to himself to protect a young Solomon from his older brothers’ murderous ambitions
But as David ages, everyone in David’s court is wondering who will succeed David to the throne
And they begin to throw their support behind one or the other of David’s sons
Ordinarily, David’s 3rd born and oldest surviving son, Absalom, would have been the logical choice to succeed his father
But the strife between Absalom and David has placed that outcome in doubt
So at some point Joab decided that Israel’s future king would more likely be David’s 4th son, Adonijah
So because Joab supports Adonijah, he has no interest in furthering a reconciliation between David and Absalom
But Absalom forces Joab’s hand by directing his servants to set fire to a portion of Joab’s fields, which were adjacent to Absalom’s fields
Once Joab hears of this, he realizes he can’t ignore Absalom risking further retaliation, so he visits the ostracized son
Absalom demands an audience with his father saying that David should either hold Absalom accountable or free him
Ironically, Absalom challenges David to find fault with him…right after Absalom committed arson against Joab’s property
Nevertheless, he has a valid point…David should either hold Absalom accountable according to the law’s requirements (i.e., death)…
Or else David should extend Absalom mercy and put an end to his exile
There is simply no basis for holding him in limbo
So Joab conveys Absalom’s demands to David, so David invites an audience with Absalom
When his son arrives, he bows before David and throws himself on David’s mercy
David in turn extends forgiveness and embraces his son, and they are reconciled
We might suppose this puts an end to their relationship troubles, but the damage was already done
If anything, David’s capitulation to his son’s demands only emboldened Absalom to pursue greater objectives
With Absalom out of the doghouse, he’s ready to embark on a public campaign to cement his position as David’s heir apparent
Absalom’s antics involve public displays of power and royal privilege
First, Absalom projects the status of king by securing a chariot for himself pulled by stallions and proceeded by fifty runners
Ever since the prophet Samuel, this had become the proper way for kings to make an entrance in Israel
When Israel demanded Samuel anoint a king over them, the prophet warned the people that kings would be a burden
Samuel’s description of how kings behave was supposed to serve as a warning to Israel to think twice about inviting kings to rule over them
Ironically, Israel took Samuel’s words as a prescription, and thereafter Israel’s kings did exactly what the prophet foretold
They ordered men to run in front of their chariot because that’s what Samuel said kings do
And Absalom is repeating that procedure here precisely so the people would see him as a king-in-waiting
Next, Absalom projects the wisdom and authority of a king by rendering judgment for the people while undermining David’s authority
The gates of cities were multi-chambered rooms set into the wall of the city where official business was conducted
Judges and magistrates “sat in the gate” to render judgment for people bringing business into the city
These men represented the king, so they were part of David’s administration
But in v.2 we’re told Absalom rose early to take a place on the road leading to the city where he could intercept men coming to the gate
As he did, he would engage in a conversation, and when he discovered a Jew, Absalom would ingratiate himself
Absalom would encourage the traveler by saying he had a valid claim
But then just as quickly Absalom would declare that David was unlikely to give the man the justice he deserved
And then Absalom would say if only someone appointed him judge, then everyone would certainly get proper justice
Absalom engages in this charade to undermine the peoples’ confidence in David and to build himself up in their eyes
In v.6 we’re told that in this way he steals away the hearts of the men of Israel, which is a reference to popular opinion
This is an orchestrated campaign to ensure that the people will demand that Absalom follow his father on the throne
And should David try to appoint a different son, Absalom can still gain the throne by force with the backing of the men of Israel
Now where is David while all this is going on? Why hasn’t David put a stop to Absalom’s antics?
First, David continues in his unwillingness to confront – much less control – his sons, which is a continuation of his poor family leadership
Once he reconciled with Absalom, David appears to have put the conflict and his son out of mind
Later in 1 Kings we hear how David refused to stop another son’s efforts to take the throne by force
Adonijah was the next son in line after Absalom, and as with Absalom, David was not willing to confront his son’s rebellion
And once again, David’s sin has dire consequences, particularly in the case of Absalom
David’s detachment will give Absalom opportunity to lay the groundwork for a coup
Secondly, David became distracted by projects that left him oblivious to what was happening on his own doorstep
During this time, David was building his palace, building a new place for the ark, and contemplating a temple for God
Like many long-lasting regimes, David’s government lost interest in making peoples’ lives better
Instead, it became self-absorbed with legacy and privilege
David’s inward focus ensured that Absalom’s suggestion that David’s rule couldn’t give justice to the people found a receptive audience
And it sowed the seeds for a rebellion against David who remained blissfully ignorant of the threat
To the point that when Absalom decides to make his move against his father, David couldn’t see it coming
In v.7 we’re told that at the end of forty years, Absalom approaches David with a request, but that length of time doesn’t make sense in this context
The contextual clues strongly suggest the time was four years not forty
It’s likely that the value was changed from four to forty as a result of a copyist’s error at some point
In fact, Josephus’ account of this same story as well as the Dead Sea Scrolls version both say four years, not forty
Still, four years is a long time for Absalom to engage in this behavior unchecked by David, and so now he’s ready to take the next step
Absalom tells David he made a vow to the Lord while living in Geshur
The vow was that should God bring him back to Jerusalem, Absalom would serve God
So Absalom asks permission to go to Hebron to worship, since the tabernacle was probably located in Hebron at this time
Knowing Absalom’s plans and motives at this point, there is absolutely no reason to believe he is telling the truth here
More likely, this is a lie intended to give him a convenient excuse to go to Hebron
The real reason Absalom wanted to travel to Hebron was to announce his reign as the new king of Israel
Why did Absalom choose Hebron as the place to announce his coup?
First, it was the place of David’s anointing, so there was symbolism in ascending to the throne at Hebron
Secondly, Hebron was a safe distance from Jerusalem, which gave Absalom space and time to organize and prepare his attack
Finally, Absalom was born in Hebron so this was his hometown, and he probably intended to make Hebron the capital again
Absalom arranged to have 200 military men accompany him to Hebron without the soldiers knowing what Absalom had planned
The idea was to force these men to side with Absalom by putting them in a no-win situation
Once they learned of Absalom’s rebellion in Hebron, it would be impossible for them to oppose Absalom without dying
So that ensured Absalom would start his civil war with a strong personal guard and the appearance of the army’s support
Next, he calls for Ahithophel the Gilonite, David’s counselor, to join him in Hebron
This man is the grandfather of Bathsheba according to 2 Samuel 11:3 and 23:34, and he willingly joins Absalom
His name means brother of folly, which isn’t a compliment, so it probably reflects his decision to align with Absalom
This shows how high in the ranks of David’s government Absalom’s conspiracy has reached
In fact, v.12 confirms the conspiracy is strong, so the question becomes how can David stop it?
Solomon is the true heir, but at this point he’s barely 14 years old
Moreover, David is older now and unlikely to wage battle himself
Given that such a high-ranking member of David’s cabinet came to Hebron suggests David is losing a grip on power
So when news reaches David, he realizes the precarious position he’s in
David hears what his son has done and that the people are in favor of Absalom’s rule, so David has no choice but to leave Jerusalem for now
David was a pragmatic man, and he knew that his son’s popularity meant that David had few allies
Moreover, he is unwilling to see war destroy the city he built, so he decides the best course of action is patience
If he took Absalom’s bait and attacked Hebron he would be unlikely to muster enough forces against Absalom
And if he stayed locked up in the city, he would appear weak before the people and would end up under house arrest
So David tells his servants they will leave the city quickly to ensure they live to fight another day
After all, in the same time it took a messenger to reach David, Absalom and his men could have traveled the same distance
So David hurries to escape the city with his loyal servants though he leaves behind ten slave wives to care for the palace
They would’t be perceived as a threat and therefore were unlikely to be harmed, David assumed
As David leaves the city to the east, he is followed by a troop of more than 600 men
The Cherethites and the Pelethites were of Philistine descent and were David’s non-Jewish bodyguards
The 600 from Gath were likely mercenary soldiers who are loyal to David because they were employed and paid well
Given that David’s own son is in rebellion to him, the only men he can trust now are non-Jews and men he pays well
The text doesn’t mention Solomon, but given his young age, we can safely assume that he was with David as well
As David reaches the last house in Jerusalem and prepares to exit, he challenges one resident of the city to stop following and stay behind
David notices one man, Ittai, a Gittite from the town of Gath, following voluntarily
The man is not a paid member of David’s guard, so David asks why this man wants to follow him?
David says you are a foreigner and exile, and he came into the city just a day earlier
He may have been the messenger who brought the news to David of Absalom’s coup
And now he is committing to wander with David’s men and placing himself at significant risk by aligning himself with David
Since he has no reason to involve himself in this Jewish fight for control of the throne, David says go home in peace
But Ittai responds saying wherever the king may be, this man will follow to do the king’s will even if it means death
So David welcomes the man into the troop and they all pass together, it says
The “passing” is out through the Kidron valley and up the Mt of Olives eastward out of the city and into the wilderness
This is a place that David knew all too well from his years fleeing from Saul
And once again it will be the place David retreats to fight a foe for control of the throne of Israel
Only this battle didn’t have to happen…David invited it in the way he (mis-)handled his sons
Finally, as David was leaving the city, the priest who was loyal to David came out with the ark hoping to leave with David
Zadok was one of two leading or high priests in that time along with Abiathar
Abiathar was a descendant of Eli, the high priest who raised Samuel in the temple
Eli was a poor father and raised evil sons who angered God by their ungodly service in the temple
So the Lord told Eli that his family would one day be removed from holding the office of high priest
And in their place the Lord would raise up a new family of priests who would obey the Lord
In a day to come, Abiathar will align himself with another of David’s sons in rebellion against the king, and for that he loses his life
In that future day, David will appoint Zadok in Abiathar’s place
And here we see the loyalty and godliness that qualified Zadok to replace Abiathar
Notice it was Zadok’s initiative that resulted in the ark being brought to David with all the priests, which was a show of support for David
Abiathar comes as well but only because he didn’t want to be the only one left out
David addresses Zadok which indicates that David recognized that Zadok was the one leading this charge
David tells Zadok that the ark and the priests must remain in the city for that is where God wants them
But God doesn’t want David in the city right now, and so David is willing to accept that judgment of God
If God wants to bring David back, then He will, and if not, then God has another king in mind for Israel
David recognizes that this episode is the Lord bringing discipline upon David
And so David is accepting the discipline as medicine he deserves but it’s not a sign that God is moving the ark or priesthood
David tells the priests to go home with the ark, and they do, and then David retreats up the Mount of Olives and weeps over it all
He is feeling exactly what the writer of Hebrews tells us we will experience in the face of discipline
David must have known that he was reaping what he sowed in his own family
But that didn’t make it any easier to endure, and yet his faith in the goodness of the Lord gave him courage to face it
David then receives more bad news and finally David makes the right response
David hears that his wife’s grandfather has joined the rebellion and is now giving Absalom counsel
This man is dangerous since he was once David’s counselor and would have known David’s military forces well
Ordinarily, this news would add to David’s woes, except for David the news becomes opportunity for him to return to his better nature
David prays to the Lord that this man’s counsel would be made foolish so that he could undermine Absalom
True to form, when David faced difficult odds, he learned to lean on the Lord and appeal to Him rather than relying on himself
David’s best side came out under pressure, and this moment seems to suggest that the Lord’s discipline is finally achieving its purpose
The Lord is going to win this battle for David, and He’s waiting for David to remember that
So David prays and worships on the mount, and then the Lord brings a moment of encouragement
A messenger named Hushai comes to David, probably to tell David of Absalom’s approach, and David sees opportunity
He tells the man not to join the flight but to stay in the city as David’s spy
Go to Absalom, David tells him, and pledge yourself to him as a servant just as he had been David’s servant
Given how many people had fled to Absalom’s side, it was a believable proposal
And in that position, the man could help undermine the counsel of Ahithophel
David tells the man that he will have the help of the priests who were also aligned with David
The priests’ sons would act as couriers to bring news to David and relay instructions
This is David’s first big break and it comes immediately after David prays to the Lord, the first time we’ve seen David praying since his son died
The thing David was most known for has slipped away for a time
And now that times are difficult again, David is back to working with the Lord in prayer and right away he sees the Lord respond
As David flees and plots his return to the city, he will receive more help from allies and we’ll study that next time
But to end tonight, I want to introduce a powerful picture in these events that connects David to Jesus
We all know that David is used in Scripture as a picture of Christ, and this scene is one of the most powerful comparisons
David’s flight from the city is a picture of Jesus’ departure from Jerusalem and from Israel after His first coming
First, let’s remember how Jesus’ first coming to Israel ended
After Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem during the last week of His life, he was first received by crowds declaring Him to be king
Hosanna in the Highest, they declared as Jesus entered the city on a donkey
But before the week was over, Jesus was rejected by Israel as Messiah and they were calling for Him to be crucified
Ultimately Jesus was led outside the city and crucified for the sins of the world
Three days later Jesus resurrects and spends times with His disciples before ascending to the right hand of the Father
This story of David’s flight from Jerusalem establishes a picture of Jesus’ first coming, at least in the broad strokes
First, we know David was welcomed into the city by Israel and declared to be their king
He was received in joy on one day, but now in a later day the people have turned against him
And so he must leave the city and his throne as an enemy of the Jewish people
He is still the rightful king, but he must leave the seat of his power because the people will not have him
This is also Jesus’ situation at the end of His first coming, rejected by Israel and prevented from ascending the throne and ruling
Jesus died and resurrected as part of the plan of redemption, but even still He didn’t stay in the city and reign
He left to await a future day when all Israel will receive Him as king, and then He will reign over them
Notice the first parallel between how David exits Jerusalem and how Jesus exited the city in His day
David leaves eastward going through the Kidron Valley and up the Mount of Olives
Similarly, this is how Jesus leaves the city for the last time
Jesus leaves Jerusalem with His disciples and goes out eastward to the Mount of Olives and ascends to Heaven from there
Then consider who supports David…apart from a few Jewish allies, David’s following is largely Gentiles
Chief among them was a man of Gath who pledged, as the Lord lives, he would devote his life to following David and doing as he commanded
And likewise, in the years after Jesus left Jerusalem, His following became largely Gentile apart from a few Jews
And those Gentiles also declare that as our Lord lives, we devote our lives to following Him anywhere and doing as He commands
And as David left, the priests thought they should follow and bring the ark with them as well
But David said his departure didn’t mean that God’s presence would be removed from the city of Israel
And in fact, the priesthood and the mercy seat of the Lord would remain behind even though God required that the king leave
Likewise, as Jesus (our King and High Priest) departed earth, He commanded that the priesthood and the mercy of God remain behind
The priesthood of the believer remains on earth, as we all serve as intercessors reconciling humanity with God
And we possess the Gospel, the proclamation of God’s mercy and forgiveness to every person who comes to Him in faith
Jesus has gone away for a time because God the Father required it, but the presence of God remains behind in the Church
Lastly, David saw opportunity to direct the affairs of his city in his absence by sending a hidden messenger to the city to serve his purposes
That messenger would work with the priests and their “sons” to do the king’s business and prepare for the king’s return to power
And likewise, we have been given a hidden Messenger, the Holy Spirit, Who works with the priests of God to serve the King
We receive word and direction from the King by way of the Spirit and we send our requests back to the King praying in the Spirit
This picture is just beginning, and we’ll see the rest of it build out in the next few lessons
But already we can stand back in awe of how God writes history in a way that tells a larger story
This reality gives added meaning to what David was facing in that day
David may have acted foolishly at times in raising his family and attending to his sons, and now he is receiving the consequences
But seeing how God uses the whole scene to paint a picture of the plan of redemption shows us how powerful God is
You know God causes all things to work together for good for those who love God, but appreciate what that means
It doesn’t just mean He can fix your messes or that He can use your mess to yield benefits later in your life
That’s true, but it’s not the half of it
God is so powerful and wise that He can design your messes so that they fulfill the plan of God and even so they can glorify Christ
David’s conflict with His sons was a giant mess, but in the midst of that pain and turmoil, God was using David to proclaim Christ
What story of glory is God proclaiming through your messes?
You may not know that answer yet, but you know He can do it, and if so, then we need to play our part well
We need to praise Him during trials, worship Him for our setbacks, and pray to Him in all circumstances so that we remain in His will
See opportunity in difficulty, learn the lessons, and trust the Lord in everything
Because God is using everything to His glory and for our good