Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongAfter our 2-week break, we return to David’s lesson of humility following his defeat of his son, Absalom, in near Mahanaim
At the start of Chapter 19, we last saw David focused on the loss of his son in the battle, weeping over Absalom and calling his name
David’s mourning for rebellious Absalom was so over-the-top, it threatened to alienate and dishonor those who fought for David
David’s men had placed their lives and fortunes on the line to defend David’s dynasty from Absalom
And so once the battle was over and David was victorious, they would have expected thanks and honor from David
Instead, David responded as if he would have preferred to lose the battle in order to save his son’s life
David’s response was both selfish and short-sighted
Had Absalom’s forces won the battle, surely Absalom wouldn’t have shown David and his army mercy
So, in a fight to the death, there’s no place for such displays, and it finally caught the attention of David’s commander, Joab
Joab enters David’s presence and boldly tells the king like it is
We looked at Joab’s speech to David at the end of our last teaching
So by way of transition today, let’s revisit the hard words Joab shared with the king
Joab tells David that his behavior had covered the faces of his own people with shame
Joab points out that when Absalom rebelled, he set in motion a series of events that inevitably meant death for someone
Had David’s forces lost, Absalom would have killed David and his entire family, along with most of David’s army
Likewise, it was only natural to expect that Absalom and his men would die in battle if they lost
In fact, Absalom even erected a monument to himself before the battle in case he should die without children
So Absalom’s actions meant that someone in David’s family was going to die…either Absalom or else the rest of David’s family
So Joab asks which would David prefer
Would he prefer that he and the rest of his family, including Solomon, have died or that Absalom should die?
David’s actions suggested he would have preferred to die
And this shamed David’s people because it suggested that David valued Absalom, a traitor, more than he valued his loyal men
Joab characterized David’s action as loving those who hated him while hating those who loved him
He was favoring a rebellious son who wouldn’t have hesitated to kill his father if he had the chance
And he was forsaking those who put their lives on the line to save him and his family and the nation
In v.6 Joab tells David he has shown that princes and servants mean nothing to him compared to Absalom
This is the moment that God held up the mirror so David could see who he had become as a father and king, and it wasn’t a pretty picture
David was self-absorbed and indulgent as a father and now it was beginning to impact his judgment as king of the nation
It’s a basic principle of biblical leadership: who we are at home in leading our family is who we will be in leading God’s people
So this now brings us to v.8, where David responds to Joab’s demands that David speak to his men and to return honor to their victory
David’s response to Joab may seem muted, but in reality David has done exactly what Joab requested
Remember, David is presently a visitor in a foreign town called Mahanaim, so he does not have a palace or court to occupy
Normally, in the days following a great victory, a king would sit on his throne at the palace to make himself available to his men
He would receive one-by-one all those who had fought on his behalf in battle, bestowing medals of valor
These receptions were a key part of the celebration, so when David hid himself in his room mourning, he denied his men this opportunity
That’s why Joab told David to get out there before his men and do his job, and here we see David complying
David has no palace in Mahanaim, so instead he goes to sit in the city gate, which was the place of ruling in ancient cities
In v.8 we’re told all the people came before the king, which means the men of the army come to receive commendations
Once more, this is a demonstration of David’s special ability to show humility and repentance in the face of rebuke or discipline
Like us, David wasn’t perfect, and he had his weaknesses and blind spots like we all do
But unlike many of us, David was quick to repent, quick to humble himself before the Lord and quick to change course
This is another example of David’s tender heart
So now having won the battle and with Absalom dead, David is free to return to the palace in Jerusalem
We pick up again at the end of v.8
After David’s victory, there was a brief time of confusion within Israel, because people worried about what came next
Remember, Absalom had received the backing of a large majority of the tribes
Absalom was physically handsome and been popular with the people for some time
So when he rose up against David, many followed after him
But after Absalom dies in battle, we’re told in v.8 that Israel (meaning those who sided with Absalom) flee to their tents
Absalom’s army abandons the fight, retreats and returns home, but now the worrying begins
When you rise up in rebellion against the king and your rebellion fails, there will usually be consequences…dire consequences
So in v.9 we’re told that all the people of Israel begin quarreling with one another in fear of what David will do next
Will he exact revenge against those who opposed him?
And if so, should the tribes continue to back him as king?
Some argue that David abdicated the throne by fleeing outside the land when Absalom entered Jerusalem, so he can’t be king
While others argue in v.10 that since Absalom is dead, who else would Israel have as king at this point besides David?
So this is a dangerous and pivotal moment for the nation…civil war has led to a crisis of leadership, and it’s unclear if David’s dynasty will survive
So now David’s strong leadership instincts return, and he decides that his tribe of Judah must lead the way in healing the nation
Ironically, some of Absalom’s strongest supporters came from David’s own tribe of Judah, probably because Absalom was also a Judahite
So now David extends an olive branch to the tribe expecting they will embrace him again as their king
David sends his priests, Zadok and Abiathar, to the elders of the tribe challenging them to be the first to receive David back
David asked rhetorically why should Judah be last (and not first)
If the other tribes were to accept David before Judah did, it would reflect poorly on David’s own blood
Moreover, David offers concessions to those who aligned with Absalom, including Amasa
Amasa was Absalom’s commander and a relative of David’s commander, Joab
David has never particularly liked Joab, and he gave Joab the job only because Joab won the contest to enter Jerusalem first
Now that Joab has killed Abaslom against David’s express wishes, David has the excuse he needed to replace Joab
So David kills two birds with one stone by offering Amasa the top job in place of Joab, but we’ll soon see this was a poor decision by David
Though Joab was not an honorable man, he was a good military leader, while Amasa was neither
This seems to be another example of David trying to hard to make friends and overlook shortcomings
David’s diplomatic moves persuade Judah, and the men come together in one heart to receive David back as king
They were probably relieved to hear that David had no interest in pursuing revenge agains them
And so as David begins his journey home, the tribe of Judah sends representatives to meet David as he crosses the Jordan
At this point I want to remind you of the prophetic picture that we see developed in these events
Previously, we saw that David’s departure from the city of Jerusalem created a picture of Jesus’ departure from Jerusalem at His First Coming
Jesus was the rightful king over Israel, but Israel rejected Jesus, and so He departed going up the Mt of Olives as did David
And in particular one man, Shimei, showed great contempt for David’s rule in the same way that crowds called for Jesus to die
And like Jesus would do in His day, David withheld judgment against those who opposed him because he knew God appointed the outcome
Shimei’s opposition to David, like Israel’s opposition to Jesus, was ordained by the Father for good purpose
In David’s day, Shimei was used by God to discipline David for his errors in judgment, and David received it as such
In Jesus’ case, the Father appointed that Jesus should be rejected by Israel and die on the cross for the sins of the world
So David’s departure from Jerusalem may be broadly compared to Jesus’ departure after His first coming, which leads to the next comparison
David’s return to the city offers additional parallels to Jesus’ second coming
The first of these parallels is already evident: the king’s return is prompted by an invitation to return by the clan of Judah
The rest of the parallels to Jesus’ second coming are revealed by a comparison to Zechariah 12, where the prophet describes the Messiah’s coming
Time does not permit a full and complete explanation of these events (see Revelation), but we can review them briefly
First, Jesus’ Second Coming takes place at the end of a seven-year period called Tribulation
Tribulation is a time of great judgments, centered on the Jewish nation, which God uses to fulfill His promises to His people
These judgments ultimately bring the nation of Israel to a point of desperation and repentance
Zechariah describes the ending moments of Tribulation, beginning with the nation of Israel under attack from a worldwide force
As the nation is facing certain destruction from an army led by the antichrist, they fear they have reached their end
But in that moment, the Lord will use Israel’s dire circumstances to prepare hearts to receive Jesus as King
God sends His Spirit upon all remaining Jews at the end of Tribulation, and the Spirit’s arrival causes all Jews to turn to Jesus in faith
They remember Him Whom they pierced and mourn that history
This is the moment of repentance that brings the nation of Israel to faith and salvation in preparation for Jesus’ return
What should be cause for celebration to the nation is at first a cause for mourning
As they recognize their forefathers were responsible for rejecting the Messiah and killing Him, they begin to fear Jesus’ revenge
And so their repentance is accompanied by fear and they hesitate to embrace Jesus even as they believe in Him
This pattern is mirrored in the events of David’s life as he prepares to return to Jerusalem
A great battle has brought the nation of Israel back to David as their king, but initially this induces the people to fear David and mourn
They see David as king, because they see there is no one else who can lay claim to the throne
At the same time, the nation worries that David will reject those who rejected him, and exact revenge
So they too hesitate to receive the king though they know they should
So then David reaches out to his people with kindness and forgiveness, which leads the tribe of Judah to act first to embrace him as king
And the same will happen for Jesus in His return to Israel after Tribulation
Just as the Lord sent His Spirit to Jerusalem and Judah first, so too did David reach out to that tribe first
But what of the other tribes…will they follow Judah’s lead in receiving David?
Well we should ask what happens to Jesus…is He received by every division of Jewish society at His Second Coming?
Zechariah says that as the Spirit is poured out in Jerusalem, the impact touches every class of Jewish society
Specifically, four representative families are mentioned, and these four represent the whole of Jewish society
David, Nathan and Levi represent king, prophet and priest; the noble class of Israel
All embrace Jesus as Messiah, and collectively they represent all tribes of Israel
But a fourth name, Shimei, is mentioned specifically and we remember that name from David’s departure
Shimei represents Jesus’ enemies, those who opposed Him and drove him out of Jerusalem at His first coming
Now these too embrace their Messiah, though they had the most to fear in His return
Because of God’s grace poured out on the entire nation, all receive Jesus and He grants forgiveness to all
And this detail is also mirrored in David’s return, as reflected in the rest of the story
As David reaches the Jordan, he is met not only by the men of Judah but by Benjamites, of the tribe of Saul
Leading them was Shimei, the man who made a scene of cursing David as David left Jerusalem
Shimei yelled false accusations against David motivated by his anger that David had taken the throne from Saul
But David accepted the man’s insults because he knew the Lord was working through the situation to discipline David for his sin
So rather than retaliate at the time, David told his men to ignore Shimei
Now Shimei has rushed out to meet David after hearing that he would be coming back to Jerusalem
Like before Shimei is accompanied by the elders of Benjamin, but this time he has many more, a total of a thousand
He also brings his chief servant Ziba and family members too
And they cross the Jordan to await David’s arrival
As David and his men approach the crossing, Shimei and his men immediately offer assistance to David and his army to cross the Jordan
They begin carrying equipment and people over the water making it easier for David to cross
It must have been a bit surreal to watch Shimei and his men working so hard to carry David’s household
These were the same men who had thrown rocks at David and cursed him earlier
Obviously, they fear for their lives and they are trying to appease the king in the hope he will overlook Shimei’s previous error
And when the time came for David to cross the river, Shimei bows before David on the east side of the river seeking pardon
He acknowledges his sin in having opposed David earlier and now he says he was first to embrace David at his return
This is paralleled by Zechariah’s description of how the nation of Israel responds to Jesus
One of those families that mourns for Jesus in Jerusalem are the Shimeites, who represent the common Jew
But it’s also a reference to this story and to Shimei’s resistance to David
Just as Shimei opposed David, so the nation of Israel opposed Jesus
Just as Shimei persecuted David at his departure, so did Israel persecute their Messiah at His coming
And just as Shimei repented and embraced David at his return, so too does even the least significant Jew embrace Jesus
This is the meaning of Paul’s statement in Romans 11 when he says
So we can summarize the comparison with a simple chart…
Moving on and similar to the last time David met Shimei, there are those around David who object to the prospect of showing forgiveness
Abishai is one of the brothers who followed David most of his career, along with his brother Joab, David’s former commander
Abishai is right, but David wants to pardon Shimei because it will help unite the country again under his leadership
Abishai asks David why he should forgive Shimei, since he cursed David and under the law deserves death
He is frequently shown giving David bad advice, including here
David tells Abishai he is an adversary because he is opposing this good purpose through his bad advice
David’s instincts are good, and when the kingdom divides after Solomon dies, Benjamin will side with Judah
That’s a reflection of the bonds forged here by David’s willingness to show mercy to Shimei and the Benjamites
So David’s return is a picture of Jesus’ return at His Second Coming, and it shows us that David’s willingness to show mercy was God’s desire
It gets him into trouble at times with his family
But it also endeared him to the people of Israel and helped forge bonds between tribes
There was another associate of David who also needed to set things right with David upon his return
You may remember in Chapter 16 that as David left town, he was met by his old servant Ziba, who David had sent to work for Mephibosheth
At that time, Ziba greeted David with a large amount of provisions, and yet he was not accompanied by Mephibosheth, which was odd
When David asked, Ziba reported that Mephibosheth had gone to Jerusalem to welcome Absalom as king
Remember, Mephibosheth was a descendant of Saul, so David took a chance by welcoming the man to eat at his table
So Ziba made it appear as if Mephibosheth was turning his back on David’s kindness
Then when Shimei came out to greet David at his return, there was Ziba again without Mephibosheth
It seems Ziba wants for himself the property that David awarded Mephibosheth and he’s scheming to gain it
But now Mephibosheth has found his own way to David without the help of his servant, Ziba
And when Mephibosheth arrives, he has let himself go…never cutting his nails or trimming his beard or even washing his clothes
He stayed this way the whole time David is gone as a sign of mourning for David in exile
And he shows himself to David in this way as proof that he had been on David’s side the whole time in contrast to Ziba’s lies
Still, when David sees the man he immediately assumes that Ziba’s story was true and challenges Mephibosheth to explain
In v.26 the lame man says Ziba tricked him the first time, riding out with a donkey without taking Mephibosheth with him
And then Ziba slandered Mephibosheth when he claimed that the man was supporting Absalom
In fact, Mephibosheth acknowledges that he would be nothing without David’s kindness
Now what would we expect David to do at this point? I think the fair response would be to hold Ziba fully accountable, but David doesn’t do that
David dismisses the entire conversation as not his problem, and applies Solomonic logic by declaring he’s dividing the estate
The solution may sound unfair to Mephibosheth, and it is, except that these two men are clearly unable to work together
So David probably decided that it was better to divide the land and the men than continue the fight
For his part, Mephibosheth says he is willing to give it all up, and whether sincere or not it shows that winning over David matters more
To be a friend of the king is worth any earthly sacrifice
As long as Mephibosheth had David’s approval and support, it didn’t matter how much he possessed
He could always count on the king to support him and his family in whatever they needed
On the other hand, if David wasn’t on his side, then Mephibosheth’s wealth couldn’t save him
That’s a very Biblical principle worth remembering…what we possess can’t take the place of a close relationship with the King
If one stands in the way of the other, make sure you get your priorities straight
Finally, our David “lovefest” ends with a man from the Transjordan region pleading his support to David as well
We first heard of Barzillai in Chapter 17, when David first arrived in Mahanaim
This man from Gilead joined others from the region in welcoming David into exile and pleading to support him as king
Now that David is returning to Jerusalem, this man accompanies David to the Jordan River and offers to cross with him
It’s a symbolic act showing he will even leave his own people behind to support David
But David suggests he come to Jerusalem too, and Barzillai objects saying he’s too old to be useful in the court
So he will return home, and in his place he appoints Chimham, who Josephus reports to be his son
So David receives a new counselor in his court from the Transjordan region
And David pledges his support to Barzillai for life
Finally, as the king crosses and enters back into the land, the leaders of the other ten tribes of Israel catch up with David and the Judahites
As the other tribal leaders see David entering back into the land, they also see that the leaders of Judah were already with David
These leaders had gone out specifically to greet David and show their support, but now they find they’re late to the party
And this makes them look bad and it undermines their claim to be on David’s side
So they quickly engage in a “who loves David more” contest with the tribe of Judah
In v.41 they tell David that the Judahites had “stolen” David away from them preventing the other tribal leaders from the opportunity
They are trying to save face with David and convince David they are no less loyal or supportive than the Judahites
It’s like someone who forgot your birthday complaining they weren’t invited to the party
The Judahites respond that David is a member of the tribe, so naturally they made the first effort to receive him
Moreover, they say they never did anything to undermine the other tribes or take advantage of that relationship
They were just doing their duty to greet their brother
Finally, the other tribes defend their right to greet David first since they were ten tribes compared to Judah and Benjamin
In fact, they claim it was their idea to bring David back first, a thoroughly unsubstantiated claim
And the writer ends the chapter saying the response the Judahites give in return was even harsher still
So we imagine the war of words escalates, each side trying to out do the other to show how they have greater right to David as king
And that ending leaves us with an almost comical reversal to the way this story started
In the beginning, David was weeping as he left Jerusalem, not a single ally except Gentile mercenary soldiers
He literally had to pay for friends at the start of this episode
Much like Jesus at His cruxifixction, virtually all of David’s friends abandoned him
God allowed David to experience this downfall as a consequence for a series of missteps in his personal and family life
And David willingly accepted the rebuke of Israel and the discipline of the Lord
And because David was willing to accept it, the Lord worked in David’s heart to teach him lessons that will mature the man
Moreover, David’s repentance and humility also gave God opportunity to restore David, and restore David He did
As David returns to Israel, he finds himself in the exact opposite situation
The whole point of this chapter is to show David’s complete support within the kingdom
Judah, Benjamin and every other tribe is now strongly behind him
His earlier detractors and even those who curse him have fallen into line and now beg forgiveness
Foreigners outside the land recognize David as king also
The tribes are even arguing hotly among themselves for who loves David more or has greater right to receive him as king
One more time, we see a connection to Jesus’ Second Coming
When Jesus returns, He will be embraced by all Israel in the land
He will also be received by those who previously cursed His name and rejected His rule
And he will also be received by other nations outside Israel
In fact, Jesus will rule over the entire world of nations from the seat of David, the Bible says
The whole world embraces Jesus as Lord at His Second Coming, and that embrace is pictured by this universal reception of David
It also reminds us that if we are humble in the face of correction, we stand to gain far more than we may lose
The discipline itself may be painful, as David’s exile and the loss of his son hurt him greatly
But the writer of Hebrews reassures us that if we receive it as God intends, we will find fruit
The moment of discipline can seem not to be joyful, because our emotional response is a lie of sorts
We feel sad so we conclude things are bad, but the writer says that it only seems not to be joyful
If you could see the benefits you’re reaping as you endure difficult moments with grace and humility, you would feel differently
You might still be sad about your circumstances, but you would be at peace with them
Moreover, you would have a sense of hope and anticipation for the fruit that will come later