Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongTonight we continue with the story of Amnon, Absalom, and Tamar
The soap opera involving these three children of David was the product of David’s failure to deal with sin quickly and decisively
And it was made possible by David’s willingness to take multiple wives to produce multiple families with rivalries and jealousies
And the effect of these decisions have ramifications for the nation of Israel that extend for years
Last week in Chapter 13 we studied Act 1 of this drama, as Amnon acted on his lust over his half sister, Tamar, and raped her
He was encouraged to do so by a cousin who was seeking to manipulate the heir to the throne to his own advantage
That cousin has now poisoned one brother against another, as Tamar’s full brother, Absalom, now seeks revenge against Amnon
And that story of revenge leads us to Act 2 of this drama…
We learned last week that Absalom was intent on avenging his sister, but we also noticed that he told Tamar immediately after the incident to stay quiet
From that comment we saw he intended to be patient as he plotted his revenge, and now we see how patient he was
He waits two years to pick the perfect opportunity, and he has finally determined how to get it done
Absalom knew that after he killed his brother, he would be a pariah in David’s family
So Absalom’s planning revolves getting Amnon away from his defenses and getting himself far enough away from David that he has time to escape
And sheep shearing time gives Absalom both, because sheep graze away from the city and are sheared where they are kept
So in v.23 we’re told Absalom has herds near a town called Baal-hazor, and shearing time has come
Sheep shearing was done several times a year, and each time was a time of great feasting
It took several days to shear all the sheep in a fold, and the workers labored all day at a shearing barn or pen
Then in the evening, the workers enjoyed a large meal and plenty of drink, and the next day it started again
At shearing time, it was common for families to join the men when possible to enjoy the festivities at night
That’s why Absalom invites his father, David, and David’s servants to attend the shearing of Absalom’s sheep
David responds saying he would just be a burden on the work and the festivities, which is a polite way of saying no thank you
Absalom continues encouraging David to go, but the king continues to say no
The sense of the text is that Absalom expected David to decline the invitation, and therefore this was merely a set up for a second ask
Absalom’s true target was Amnon, so when David refuses the invitation to join the feasting, Absalom asks that his brother go
Here again, it was not unusual for family members to attend a sheep shearing gathering but this was different
The history between these two brothers and Tamar would have made it unusual and suspicious for Absalom to invite Amnon
For that reason, Absalom knows his brother is unlikely to go if invited, and in fact, David probably would have forbidden Amnon to go
David knows Absalom hates his brother, and he knows this setting would give Absalom opportunity to take revenge
For that reason, Absalom has been waiting two years and has schemed to invite David first
The delay has lulled David and Amnon into assuming that Absalom is no longer upset or seeking revenge
And by asking David to go first, Absalom has skillfully obscured his true target, Amnon
So after David declines Absalom’s hospitality, he feels some obligation to agree to Absalom’s second request
But in v.26 Absalom asks that Amnon be allowed to go to the feast, meaning can Amnon go with the rest of the brothers?
Reading between the lines, we’re learning that David has been protecting Amnon
The rest of the brothers are invited too, but David is not allowing Amnon to be with Absalom because he fears the outcome
Even now after two years, David is suspicious when he hears Absalom’s request to allow Amnon to attend
David asks why should Amnon go to this event, and in that response we can see how David has been protecting this son
Remember, David’s failure to deal with Amnon in the first place allowed Tamar to be raped, and now he’s favoring him again
This favoritism within multiple families is pouring fuel on the fire in Absalom’s heart
Amnon committed sin against Tamar, and now Absalom is doing the same, and we can’t blame David for their choices, of course
But David did play a role in this soap opera, specifically in not disciplining Amnon’s sin when he could
And before that, David should not have taken multiple wives
And now, David should’ve listened to his instincts, but Absalom presses and David responds like a parent worn down by begging
So David agrees to allow Amnon to accompany the rest of his brothers to the shearing party about 14 miles north at Baal-hazor
And so Absalom’s plan to get David to stop protecting Amnon has worked and he will have his opportunity
Absalom’s two-year delay and David’s guilt for having declined Absalom’s invitation lead him to agree to send Amnon
And that gives Absalom the opportunity he wanted
Amnon’s plan is simple…he tells his servants to wait until late in the evening after the party has run its course and Amnon is drunk and tired
Then Absalom directs them to kill Amnon and not to be afraid to raise their hand against the king’s son
Absalom assures them that since he is giving the order, he alone will bear the guilt and consequences
And with that assurance, they do as they are told and kill Amnon
Once again, a son of David has followed in David’s footsteps
Earlier, David’s son Amnon followed David in committing an immoral sexual act with a vulnerable woman
And now a second son has followed in David’s footsteps by committing murder in the aftermath of the sexual sin
David can’t act in such ways without expecting his example to set the tone for his family, and it does
In response to the attack, the rest of David’s sons who also attended the feast, get on mules and flee the scene
Most likely they are running because they wonder if David has intentions of killing all his brothers
Everyone knows that Absalom was infuriated at Amnon over Tamar’s rape, and they suspect he’s equally upset at David
Now that he has taken Amnon’s life, the fear would have been that he wouldn’t stop there
But wishing to hurt David, Absalom would kill all of David’s sons
But that was never the plan, and so the other sons leave unharmed, but in the ensuing chaos of that night, rumors start flying
And one of those rumors makes its way back to David faster than the sons themselves
A report of this incident reaches David before the sons themselves are able to return to the palace
We wonder how that would be possible, but it’s not hard to imagine
If a servant overheard Absalom giving instructions to his servants to kill Amon, he could have run back to David then
A scared man could run the 14 miles in 2 hours and be talking to David even as the event was still taking place
And if so, that would also explain why the news David heard was so exaggerated…the messenger didn’t see how it actually turned out
He must have assumed that if Absalom intended to kill one brother, then he was going to kill all of them
And that’s how the news gets reported to David at first
And for a while, David bears a burden equal or greater to the one he bore when the Lord told him that his son of Bathsheba was going to die
Imagine the emotions that David experienced for these few hours as he contemplates the loss of all his sons
In v.31 we’re told that David lay on the ground, probably sobbing and irrational with sadness and perhaps anger
And while the text doesn’t say, laying on the ground was a common position of prayer during distress, so perhaps David is appealing to God
Was he praying to the Lord for mercy as he did for his younger son when he learned that the boy was destined to die?
Would David have even considered to pray for the lives of boys who were reportedly already dead?
In that previous moment, David’s prayer couldn’t save the son who was still alive, so we wonder did David think to pray now?
Now the cousin, Jonadab, who encouraged Amnon to rape Tamar in the first place, speaks up to correct the inaccurate report
Jonadab is the cousin to Amnon and Absalom who has been playing both sides to his advantage
As he sees David mourning the loss of his sons, he steps in to reassure the king that only Amnon has died
He also tells the king that Absalom is the guilty party having acted in revenge against his brother
But Jonadab is confident that only Amnon died, not all David’s sons
Why is Jonadab even here? Perhaps he has worked his way to becoming a member of David’s cabinet over the past two years
However he came to be there, we know he was not at the shearing party that night
So the only way he could know the truth is if he was part of the conspiracy with Absalom
As we suspected, Jonadab was working both sides, first conspiring with Amnon and then with Absalom
He manipulated Amnon into raping Tamar and now we learn he helped Absalom entrap and kill Amnon
But Jonadab is playing a third angle with David…that of comforter and wise counselor
Jonadab spoke as if he did not possess personal knowledge but was merely making an educated guess
But he did so knowing that the facts would bear out in the end, and that when they do, David will appreciate his wisdom
He gave David reason for hope and when hope turns to reality, David will be pleased with Jonadab
Turning back to David, the text never records David’s reaction to Jonadab’s news that only Amnon is gone, but we can imagine it was well received
Certainly, knowing Amnon was dead would still upset David, but at the same time, David probably felt considerable relief for his other sons
It seems if the Lord set up this moment so that David would fear the greater outcome for a time leading him to seek the Lord
And then as Jonadab spoke, David saw the Lord moving to his side
And then the confirmation comes by way of the other sons returning
Absalom had to flee after the murder of his brother, because he knows he cannot return home safely
David ignored Amnon’s rape of Tamar, but Absalom knows David won’t be able to overlook this treachery
Even if David didn’t act against Absalom, his brothers certainly would take revenge, and so the cycle would continue
So as Absalom has gone on the lam, the rest of the sons ride home to David, and a watchman sees them approaching and informs David
The news is as Jonadab reported to David and it leads to a tearful reunion
David’s family is being torn apart one seam at a time, first Amnon vs. Absalom, and now Absalom vs. his brothers and father
Every believer seeking spiritual maturity in their walk with God needs to appreciate the differences between judgment, discipline and consequences
God’s judgment is the penalty for sin, and by our faith in Christ we have received relief from that outcome forevermore
Nevertheless, the Bible says God will discipline His children to encourage us to move away from sin and into obedience
Discipline is a far cry from judgment, both in terms of purpose and form
The purpose of judgment is to bring justice against ungodliness, as a just penalty for an offense committed against God
And it comes in the form of the wrath of God, an eternity spent away from God’s presence and in torment
But the purpose of discipline is to encourage us into greater godliness, as an expression of the love of God for His children
And it comes now, in this life, and in various forms that train us, not to destroy us but to build us up
As Hebrews says
The Lord has not brought judgment upon David for any of his sins, nor will He because David was covered by the grace of God
Remember, Nathan assured David after he repented that he was forgiven by God
But because God loves David, God also measured out discipline, particularly the death of his son to discourage future sin
Moreover, discipline was made necessary because David didn’t repent on his own earlier
This wasn’t judgment…that’s an eternity in torment…it was a temporary “scourging” to promote holiness
God resorted to discipline to shepherd David’s heart as He does for all His children
And then there are consequences of sin, which are the natural result of our actions
Only believers experience the discipline of the Lord, because He only disciplines His children, but everyone experiences consequences
The consequences of our sin follow us just as they do the unbelieving world
And those consequences usually don’t stop at just one or two effects…they fan out like ripples across a pond
The consequences of David’s sin to take multiple wives including Bathsheba have piled up and continue moving outward
In addition to God’s discipline of taking the life of the child, we can count six family consequences from David’s poor choices
First, David developed an attitude of favoritism for his children and turned a blind eye to his sons’ sins, especially Amnon
That allowed Amnon to lust after and rape Tamar
This led Absalom to hate his brother Amnon leading to a division among the sons and in the family
Those events forced David to protect Amnon by keeping him apart from Absalom creating greater conflict in the family
This furthered Absalom’s resentment leading him to act in revenge killing Amnon
Now that has resulted in Absalom fleeing, depriving David of the company of his 3rd born son
This separation will have further consequences for David and the kingdom of Israel as Absalom mounts a coup attempt
And this will eventually lead to civil war in the family and in the nation, leading to a new chain of consequences, etc.
It’s hard to overstate how much harm can come from one decision, but imagine how different the story of David would be without his sin with Bathsheba
And at the same time, as we studied last week, without Bathsheba there would be no Solomon either
Which reminds us that though the consequences of sin can be great, the God who extends mercy and grace is still greater
That even as God may allow the consequences of our sin to unleash, He also gives us grace to deal with the consequences
And He can turn the whole thing to good in the end
As Wiersbe observed:
David sinned and broke a lot of things, and he’s now dealing with the consequences but God is still with him
And so the Lord will use it all to His glory in the end
But in the meantime, don’t expect that if we say a simple “I’m sorry” to God that the natural consequences will not follow
Our confession and repentance may stop the discipline of the Lord, just as we would hold back punishing a repentant child
But just as we can’t stop the consequences of our children’s sin, God usually allows the consequences of our sin to follow too
Because the Bible says if God routinely intervened to stop them, we would be seen in our disobedience to be mocking God
David can’t mock God by his refusal to address the systemic issues in his family and in his parenting, so the consequences keep coming
And so now the story transitions to the next Act
Absalom finds refuge in Geshur, which is in the Upper Galilee, present-day Golan Heights and spends three years in exile
With David’s first and second sons gone, Absalom is now the heir of the throne, at least by custom
And David is still very fond of this son, despite the fact that he killed another of David’s sons
In fact, we’re told David mourns the loss of his son everyday
Even more, David is relieved at Amon’s death, we’re told in v.39, because it solved a problem for David
First, it brought the justice to Amnon that the Law required yet David couldn’t bring himself to execute
So in that sense David was relieved that Absalom took that duty off his hands
But secondly, David no longer has to guard Amnon or referee the division between his two sons
David is clearly a father weary of dealing with rivalries and disputes, and yet they exist largely because of him
And even now, he’s not willing to cut the head off this snake
Joab is the commander of David’s army and another man that David should have dealt with long ago
But now after three years, Joab develops concern over Absalom hiding out in Geshur
God told David his heir will be Solomon, but Joab and everyone else thinks it will be Absalom
And it concerns Joab that the heir to the throne of Israel is hiding in the territory of a vassal state
Joab wants him in the palace reconciled with David, so he devises a plan to persuade David into pardoning Absalom
Joab recruits an actress from a town ten miles south to tell the king a story that is designed to mirror David’s own situation
He found her in Tekoa to ensure she was an unknown character
The goal is to get David to hear the woman’s story and issue a decree that will tie his hands concerning Absalom
Joab is a manipulator and a man who shouldn’t be trusted, but like his sons, David can’t bring himself to deal with the man
Another leadership weakness of David was leaving in power those who he shouldn’t trust
Her story mirrors David’s situation…two sons, one kills the other, and now people want justice for the death of the deceased
Absalom killed Amnon, and because the law requires that Absalom die, Absalom hasn’t returned to Israel
If he did come home and David allowed the law to prevail, he would lose yet another son
David certainly doesn’t want that, but moreover the people of Israel didn’t want to see that outcome either
Absalom was the popular son of David and the people’s choice for David’s successor
But here again, David should apply the law without favoritism, and there is no option under the law for mercy in the case of two sons
David should hold his son accountable, but Joab knows David is inclined to let his son go unpunished
And this woman is here to help nudge David in that direction
The woman spins her tale and appeals to David to help her save her last son from justice
She doesn’t want to lose her only heir, which would have meant the end of the family line
And of course, had David judged his son appropriately, then he would have lost another heir also
Except that David knew Absalom wouldn’t be the heir, so David had less reason to hold back justice
Of course, David doesn’t see the connection to his own story, so he agrees to make a decision on behalf of the latter and send word to her later
But she has come hoping to get a decision in the moment, so she presses David to act more quickly
In v.8 she tells David that in the meantime she and her father’s house bear the sin of not holding the son accountable
In other words, as long as nothing is done, she is guilty of not keeping the law and could be in jeopardy herself
So David says in v.10 he will protect her in the meantime and if anyone touches her, they will have to deal with David
Still not getting what she wants, she makes a final appeal in v.11 warning that others will take action against her son
If David doesn’t pardon him immediately, her son will be killed by vigilantes
Growing weary with the woman, David gives in and says not one hair of her son shall fall to the ground
In that way, David pardons her boy without justification merely as an act of mercy contrary to justice
That fictitious boy was intended to represent Absalom, so that David would be persuaded to do the same for his son
Ironically, Absalom’s eventual fall comes as a consequence of his hair, so David’s comments come back later to haunt him
Now with David trapped, the actress moves to the second half of Joab’s plan
The woman asks David’s permission to speak once more, and David agrees
She then asks David why he has planned to allow the heir of the throne over the people of God to suffer a loss in the same way?
She boldly suggests that David has guilt to bear for not pardoning his own son for a similar crime
If it were acceptable for the king to pardon some obscure mother’s son, why not the heir to throne she asks?
In v.14 the woman points to a biblical truth yet uses it in an unbiblical fashion
She says that our lives are short and once they are gone, we can only move on
And we know God is not in the business of taking life, meaning He is not directed at destroying humanity but rather saving it
So therefore, the quest of life should be to find God’s plan for how banished ones are restored to God
In a sense she’s describing the Gospel, which is the message that God has made a way for sinful humanity to be restored and not cast out
But she’s misusing this truth to demand justice against God’s own law
God makes a way for us to avoid the judgment for our sin, but that pattern doesn’t become a rule for every situation
The fact that God shows us mercy doesn’t mean that a judge should dismiss our speeding ticket
And the fact that God showed David mercy doesn’t mean that David should never hold anyone accountable either
And yet that logic made sense to David, because he was already self-conscious over his sin with Bathsheba
And it’s why David has thus far refused to hold his sons accountable to any degree
I doubt this is the first time David has heard this argument during the past three years of Absalom’s exile
Family members, advisors and David’s subjects have all been asking when will David pardon the heir to the throne
Certainly David has received that counsel from Joab directly
So when David hears the same words coming from the mouth of this woman, he suspects Joab
David now realizes that this woman has been telling him a lie, and so he turns to the woman and asks her to tell the truth
She agrees and David asks, did Joab put you up to this?
Sandwiched between statements of flattery, she admits to her lies and says this was Joab’s doing
At this point, David shifts his attention to Joab
Joab was probably in the room the whole time, likely to observe his hired actress do as he directed her to do
And David has figured it out but he’s trapped by his own words, so he has little choice at this point except to pardon his son
Why hadn’t David done it already? Probably because David knew that he had no cause to do so and was afraid of how it appeared
But now that David has been willing to do it for a lessor, he feels he must show mercy for his own son
Is mercy a bad thing? No, and when it comes our way we certainly like it
But mercy exists because the rule is justice, but when no one follows the rule, mercy is no longer mercy
It’s merely injustice and license to sin, which is what David has been sowing in his family
With each decision to avoid holding a son accountable, David makes his family situation worse
And in the process, he proves that mercy disconnected from justice is permissiveness
So David orders Joab to go and bring back Absalom, which means to go to Geshur and tell Absalom that he has been pardoned
Absalom can return to Israel without fear of death, but David adds that Absalom is not to return to the palace
David still has mixed emotions over Amnon and Absalom
David is issuing an official state pardon to his son, but he is not ready to forgive his son personally and restore that relationship
And as it turns out, David’s decision to restore Absalom made even less sense, because David knew Solomon was to be the king
And therefore, Absalom was a threat to that outcome, and now that Absalom has returned, there will be more conflict between them
And making things worse, Absalom has a personal following in the nation, which was a destabilizing influence
If this story is starting to sound a little like the introduction of Saul in 1 Samuel, it should because the pattern is the same
Like Saul, Absalom was a rock star in Israel, complete with the gorgeous hair
The Scriptures say there was no one in Israel more handsome, but notice it adds “so highly praised”
In other words, the Scripture is saying Absalom was regarded as the most handsome by public opinion
He was the consensus pick for Most Handsome Jewish Man, and no one saw any defect in him from head to toe
And his hair seems to be of particular fame in that it was both good looking and abundant
He even made an annual show of cutting it, and since it grew so well, the weight of the cuttings was five pounds
We can imagine squealing school girls fighting for the locks
There are two problems with this development, and both remind us of Saul
First, external beauty is never the quality God uses in determining who should be exalted
In fact, the people judge by appearance but God judges by the heart
Absalom might look the part, but his heart wasn’t suited to godly leadership
This was exactly the problem with Saul’s leadership
Secondly, and more importantly, he wasn’t the man God chose to succeed David
Solomon has already been designated as David’s replacement, though it’s unlikely few know this yet
So the people are setting themselves up for disappointment by wishing for something they can’t have
And that’s a dangerous situation…one that will force the people to split their allegiance between David and his own son
Meanwhile, Absalom has a family and a future, but David is going to hold Absalom back and his resentment will build
For two years Absalom is basically on house arrest, or at least kept outside the corridors of power
He’s the heir apparent (at least publicly) but treated as a pariah, and that leads Absalom to make his own plans
If David won’t treat Absalom as the rightful next king, then he will take the throne on his own terms
Sin has consequences, and we repeat that phrase not as a statement of the obvious but as a warning not to sin
Knowing that sin may feel good in the moment but ultimately leads us places we don’t want to go, then it’s far better not to sin
David is learning that lesson the hard way
David was reluctant to pardon a son he loved because he felt conflicted over his first son’s death and his own past
But now that he has pardoned Absalom, he’s only sowing seeds for the next conflict by not living up to the terms of the pardon
David’s internal conflict over how and when to do the right thing by his family flew in the face of an otherwise stellar life
And isn’t the case so often that our greatest failings come in how we live among, and with, our family
I suspect that if we made our goal being the best husband, wife, mother or father we could be, we would find most other sins disappearing too