Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongDavid has fled the city of Jerusalem in anticipation of his son Absalom’s invasion
David is followed by a small army of loyal (mostly Gentile) men with no real plan for holding onto power
In the wake of David’s departure, Absalom enters the city of Jerusalem declaring himself to be the new king
It was an audacious act on Absalom’s part…trying to take the throne of his father while his father was still alive
It was an act of rebellion and presumption comparable to the prodigal son demanding his inheritance before his father died
Absalom’s antics were directly related to David’s handling of his family life, and in particular his unwillingness to hold his sons accountable
Absalom was spoiled, ignored, and marginalized by his father, and now his son has decided he is ready to replace David
But David knew Solomon was God’s choice to follow David, so Absalom’s rebellion couldn’t stand
Therefore, David is escaping the city and biding his time expecting the Lord to solve the problem in His own way
And we will see David’s confidence reflected in his responses to this trial, beginning with how he exited the city
Last week we heard David telling the priests to keep the ark in the city rather than following David into exile
This was not the pattern of kings fleeing enemies…normally a king kept the symbols of his power near to him at all times
But David correctly recognized that the ark was not a symbol of his power or his reign…it represented God’s reign over Israel
So as David said, if God wants David gone, then David must accept that judgment
Likewise, if God wants to bring David back, He can, and David said in that day the ark would still be there waiting for him
David recognized God’s sovereignty in this situation, and that recognition allowed David to move with God through these circumstances
And as he does, two things happen…first, David is able to learn from the experience and receive the Lord’s discipline
David will still make mistakes, and in fact, David makes some in the course of his flight
But David will also deal more strongly with his children and those around him in his later years than he did before
Secondly, David’s willingness to follow the Lord creates a powerful picture of Jesus doing the Father’s will
David’s flight can be compared to Christ’s departure after His first coming, and that connection is intended
And I introduced that picture briefly last week as we finished Chapter 15
To summarize, there were six points of comparison between the two events
David entered Jerusalem to a joyous reception as did Christ, but later David was rejected as was Christ
When David left he was followed mostly by Gentile supporters, and after Jesus departed, His Church became largely Gentile
And when David departed the city, he left by way of the Mount of Olives, and Jesus ascended to the Father the same way
And David ordered that the ark remain in the city just as Jesus commanded that His disciples await the arrival of the Spirit
This picture continues today, and with it we find the purpose in the picture, that is why the Lord wanted us to see this connection
But first, we return to the story of David’s departure
As David passes beyond the summit of the Mount of Olives, David is met by a servant of Mephibosheth
David gave the crippled Mephibosheth all of Saul’s property, which was substantial
And David reassigned Ziba, one of David’s key servants, to care for Mephibosheth’s property
Ziba was probably not happy about the reassignment, since it meant trading a place in the palace for working in the fields
No doubt Ziba has resented the change and resented Mephibosheth’s good fortune
And now Ziba sees opportunity to play David’s circumstances to his own advantage
In v.1 we’re told that Ziba rides out on donkeys to meet David and brings with him a large provision of supplies
It’s obvious Ziba has heard the news of David’s departure and responded quickly, so David asks why Ziba has made the effort
Ziba says these supplies are to support the army as they ride out, but given the high value of the provision, David begins to wonder
He notices that Mephibosheth is not present, and that’s unusual because in times like this, men were pledging their support
David might have expected a man with as much power and wealth as Mephibosheth to make a personal appearance
After all, Mephibosheth is the only living relative of the prior king, so his loyalties would have been of great interest to others
Ziba reports that Mephibosheth has gone to Jerusalem saying he expects his father’s kingdom to be restored as a result of this infighting
This is a cleverly calculated ploy to gain control of Mephibosheth’s property
Ziba knows that by showing his loyalty to David while reporting Mephibosheth’s betrayal, David will likely reward Ziba
And that’s exactly what David does, assigning all of Mephibosheth’s estate to Ziba
Ziba’s treachery will be exposed later, but even then David won’t deal with it as he should
This moment gives us another opportunity to highlight David’s chief weakness as a leader and king: he was too trusting of bad men
Many of these bad decisions came to haunt David later, and ultimately his son Solomon had to deal with them when he came to power
Discernment is the ability to separate truth from falsehood and to recognize the difference between wisdom and foolishness
It’s both a natural ability and it can also be given by God as a spiritual gift, and it’s important in a leader
David lacked discernment at times, especially in the counsel he received and the counselors he trusted
David was forgiving to a fault at times, especially toward family or close aids like this man
Although mercy is a positive character trait, there comes a point where mercy taken too far works against the cause of godliness
Here is another example of David trusting too easily and not discerning that this man had good cause to lie
David’s pattern of lacking discernment sets up his son, Solomon, to be gifted with an excess of discernment to his own folly
The juxtaposition of David’s gullibility with Solomon’s wisdom seems to be God’s way to make a point
By ourselves, we can never possess enough mercy or wisdom or anything else to substitute for God’s provision in Christ
So David’s flight from the city was met by dishonest men attempting to take advantage of him, and by hateful men who curse him…
A short time later, still only a mile or two outside the city of Jerusalem, in a place called Bahurim, David comes upon another man
This man is called Shimei, and he is another relative of Saul
Remember, Saul was from the tribe of Benjamin, and the border of Judah and Benjamin ran through the middle of Jerusalem
So as David leaves Jerusalem, he immediately passed into the territory of Saul, which put David on unfriendly ground
So this man, Shimei, comes out of his home to see David and his men escaping from Absalom, and Shimei decides to mock David
He calls David a man of bloodshed and a worthless fellow and throws rocks at the king defiantly daring David to respond
Shimei is surrounded on both sides by a crowd of Benjamites and their leaders, indicating that Shimei spoke for all Benjamin
Then Shimei says what would have been obvious to everyone…his hatred for David resulted from David replacing Saul as king
They blamed David for Saul’s death, for Jonathan’s death and for Abner’s death
Of course, this was not the truth, and David knew it, but notice how David responds
First, David gets counsel from Abishai, one of Joab’s brothers, who recommends killing Shemei, which meant attacking the whole group
That was the style of Abishai and his family in general…they sought to resolve their troubles with force as in their conference with Abner
But David saw the situation differently…he saw the Lord at work in his circumstances to accomplish His will
And by acknowledging God in his circumstances, David had good reason to be patient and trusting of God
In fact, our response to every set of circumstances will largely depend on whether we understand and acknowledge God’s sovereignty
When we forget God sets our circumstances, then we see them as merely happenstance or bad luck
And if so, then we will act on our own to address them, which means we often work against God, and He will frustrate us
But when we correctly acknowledge God works through difficulties to get our attention, to grow us and ultimately to change us, then we learn
That’s David’s response here…he rebukes Abishai and refuses his counsel
David asks if the Lord has led Shimei to curse David this day, how can David question the Lord’s decision?
So David reasons with his men that if David wasn’t willing to fight his own son for the throne, why would he fight this nobody?
So let him curse David, because the Lord has told this man to do so
And in the Lord’s providence, it must serve some good purpose and in time the Lord may reverse David’s fortunes
Shimei was wrongly blaming David for killing Saul and Abner, but David correctly heard it as the Lord chastising him for killing Uriah
David knew this was a right and proper judgment, and so he asks his men how could he stand in judgment of God?
David was keeping God at the center of the circumstances, and in doing so, David was led to ask the right questions
David asked how can I challenge God’s judgments in these things?
And he adds, if I respond well now, perhaps God will turn this cursing back to blessing
Can we say we respond to our trials this well? By saying, “God I know you are doing this for good reason so I accept it”
Or do we run ourselves ragged trying to fix the problem?
Do we appreciate that accepting the trial and learning the lesson through it is the fastest way to bypass it?
So David continues walking as Shimei swears at him and throws stones and dust at David
This man’s violation of the law by dishonoring God’s anointed will not go unpunished forever
David eventually brings this man to task, so don’t interpret David’s mercy as a sign that Shimei isn’t wrong
David is just saying that this wasn’t the time to take matters into his own hands…he believed God intended this situation
Interestingly, these two stories reveal both David’s greatest weakness and strength back-to-back
On the one hand, David was too easily deceived by those close to him who ingratiated themselves to David
Men like Ziba pulled the wool over David’s eyes at times, and at other times David willfully turned a blind eye to their mistakes
This pattern led to cascading troubles for David, as bad actors close to the king often caused bigger problems later
On the other hand, David’s dependence on God often saved him from those very same bad actors because he allowed God to work
David readily accepted the rebukes of God as he does here with Shimei
That allowed David to recover quickly and move ahead in the plan of God
The best course of action is always to avoid sinning in the first place, but since we all sin, the next best plan is to accept God’s correction
Even as David continued to misjudge his enemies from time to time, he remained blessed by God for walking with Him
Perhaps more than anything else, this is what the Bible means when it calls David a man after God’s own heart
So David hides out in Bahurim, and his men are freshened there, thanks to the provision of Ziba, and meanwhile Absalom enters Jerusalem
And David’s little spy sets up shop in Absalom’s presence
We remember that as David was leaving Jerusalem, he encountered this man, Hushai
Hushai was a man of integrity, and as such, he supported David because he knew David was the Lord’s anointed
Hushai pledged his support to David, but David told him to stay in the city and serve as David’s spy in Absalom’s court
This put Hushai in a tough situation, because though he wanted to assist David, he was not a man to lie or deceive
So how could he fulfill his role without compromising his integrity?
His solution was to speak truth at all times but in such a way that Absalom’s prideful and arrogant heart would hear them a certain way
For example, in v.16 as Hushai comes to meet Absalom in the king’s court, Hushai declares “Long live the king!”
In Hushai’s heart, he is thinking of David as he speaks these words – but of course Absalom hears them as if about himself
This pattern continues throughout the story of Hushai
In v.17 Absalom beings to interrogate Hushai, since he knows the man was a friend of David and a counselor
He asks Hushai are you not loyal to David? Is he not your friend? Why don’t you go to be with David?
Hushai responds adamantly he will only follow the king that the Lord and the people of Israel have chosen
Here again, Hushai is speaking of David though it would sound to Absalom if he was speaking of the people’s support for him
In v.18 Hushai shows himself to be a master of the double entendre, saying should I not serve in the presence of the king’s son?
Just as Hushai served in David’s presence, now he shall serve in the presence of the king’s son, he says
Now Absalom hears the statement this way, “Just as I served David before, now I’m ready to serve you in his place.”
But what Hushai meant was, “Just as I served David when he was present, now I serve David in his absence by staying with you.”
We can clearly see how Hushai is the answer to David’s prayer request to God in 2 Samuel 15:31
After David learned his counselor, Ahithophel, betrayed him to join Absalom’s court, David asked God to undermine his counsel
And immediately Hushai appeared as an answer to David’s request
And with an ally on the inside, David can now thwart his son’s military advantage through bad counsel
And immediately Hushai begins to make an impact for David’s side
When Absalom turns to Ahithophel asking advice, Bathsheba’s grandfather advises that Absalom sleep with David’s concubines
A concubine was the word used for a slave wife…a woman who was taken as a wife but yet not a free woman
A concubine worked like any slave in the home or field, but she was also married to her owner which elevated her among slaves
But her status in the household was always below that of a free wife, and she was never treated as more than a slave
Moreover, concubines were property, which meant they were transferred as part of the estate when their master died
David had at least ten concubines in addition to his multiple free wives, which as we’ve discussed before was contrary to God’s plan
And again that decision brings problems for David, as Absalom sees opportunity to take advantage of these women
Ahithophel recommends that Absalom bed these ten concubines because of the symbolism involved
When a king died, the new king inherited the concubines, so he consummated the relationships as a symbol
Sleeping with the kings’ slave wives was a bold statement that made it clear Absalom was taking over
And to make sure that the message was communicated clearly, they pitched a tent on the roof of David’s house
And then they paraded the ten concubines one at a time into the tent in full view of everyone
I’m supposing this was done over a series of evenings, so the spectacle would have built over the days until everyone knew
Ironically, this roof is where David stood spying Bathsheba, which seems to be the Lord’s way of connecting the events
David’s infidelity with Uriah’s wife began a spiral of events that could be traced to this moment where David’s son commits adultery on David
We can’t say that God will always bring things back upon our heads in such a way
But we can say He uses everything we give Him to discipline us, to teach us and grow us
The effect of Absalom’s behavior is to solidify his claims to the throne and to put an end to any hope of a compromise
The entire city is now on notice that Absalom intends to fight David for the throne and that fight has now become nasty
So if anyone was still on the fence over who they supported, everyone knew they had to pick a side now
Because they could expect that those who lose this fight will be put to death and perhaps all who sided with them as well
Finally, the chapter ends in v.23 with a comment about Ahithophel’s authority in Absalom’s court
The writer says this man’s counsel had become equal to the word of God for Absalom and even for David when he served in David’s court
The point is that the man’s counsel was never challenged, probably because he had proven to give sound advice
But the man’s counsel wasn’t without error, of course, and in the end Absalom’s trust of Ahithophel gives Hushai an opening
Ahithophel gives more counsel to Absalom recommending a battle plan to attack David, and the plan is sound and likely to succeed
He says to attack with 12,000 men, which was far more than David possessed at that time
Attack now while David is weary and expect that such an overwhelming force will demoralize David’s support
They will flee David, and then Ahithophel can strike David personally, since few others were willing to do so
Ahithophel correctly concludes that David is the key to winning the nation…if David dies, then the nation would fall behind Absalom
And the plan pleases Absalom, because as usual Ahithophel’s advice is good and no one challenges it
Then Absalom sees an opportunity to test Hushai’s loyalty
Abishai calls Hushai into the room to answer the same question, but first they tell Hushai what Ahithophel counseled
The trap was this: if Hushai was still on David’s side, then surely he would try to talk Absalom out of the attack, since it was likely to succeed
Of course, Hushai can recognize the trap for what it is, so he searches for a way to respond that will maintain Absalom’s trust
And yet, Hushai continues to preserve his integrity and steer around deception or lies
So his strategy is to simultaneously undermine Absalom’s confidence in his attack plan while arguing for the attack to take place
In v.7 Hushai opens provocatively by saying Ahithophel’s advice was not good
He says that Absalom remembers how mighty David’s army has always been and how good a military leader David is
Therefore, he should not expect David to be resting in the open in the city
Instead, in v.9 Hushai insists that David is in a cave by now, out of sight and out of reach
And if his troops go looking for David, he will respond with a surprise attack and Absalom will lose
Then all the people will hear that those who follow Absalom were slaughtered and the tide will turn against him
Instead, Hushai counsels, Absalom ought to gather everyone who sides with him, every man from Dan to Beersheba, and he should lead them
Then they would fall upon him in a place where he can be found and of him and all who are with him, none will be left
And if David should go into a city, then Israel shall destroy the city, as if pulling it down into the valley, to defeat David
The entire story is make-believe and hyperbole designed to excite Absalom
Hushai was trying to buy David time by leading Absalom to alter his plan
Rather than attack right away, he would take time to build up a massive army from across Israel
And then he would enter into the open to attack David or perhaps he didn’t know how the battle would go
The main point was delay to give David time to prepare
And predictably, Absalom likes the advice, since it seems even more likely to win and it plays to Absalom’s ego
So Absalom gives orders to follow Hushai’s advice over Ahithophel’s advice
And in v.14 we’re told that this was in keeping with David’s prayer request that the Lord thwart Ahithophel’s counsel
So now the cloak and daggers part of the story ensues, as Hushai must now get word to David of Absalom’s plan
We remember that David told Hushai that he had allies among the priests, Zadok and Abiathar
So Hushai directs that David be informed that he not remain in the town in the open
Although Hushai counseled against an immediate attack, he couldn’t be sure that his advice would be followed
He hopes he has bought David some time, but meanwhile he wants to warn David to hide his men
So the priests take the news and relay it to their sons, Jonathan and Ahimaaz, so they can run to David
If the priests themselves left, it would be noticed, but their sons could be gone without causing much suspicion
To further avoid arousing suspicions, the two sons stayed outside the city of Jerusalem in En-Rogel
En-Rogel was a town at the juncture of the Kidron and Hinnom valleys, just outside the walls of Jerusalem to the south
A maidservant was sent to find them with the message for David, and then they would leave En-rogel undetected
Except that a young boy did see them leaving, and for some reason this led the boy to report the news back to Absalom
The priests’ sons realize they were seen, so they decide to hide in the city of Bahurim rather than risk exposing David’s location
When Absalom’s servants came looking for the priests’ sons, they can’t be found because a woman hid them in her well
The story reads similar to the spies of Jericho and Rahab, and there is a similar feel to the story
In both cases, the Lord was working through undercover methods to preserve His people
Hushai and the others with him are demonstrating an interesting principle of spiritual warfare at work: being wise as serpents and innocent as doves
The enemy is crafty like a serpent, always at work to undermine the church and God’s work through us
And the Lord tells us that as we stand against the enemy, we need to understand what warfare looks like sometimes
It’s not pretty…it involves working undercover and appreciating the need for creativity, resourcefulness and secrecy at times
The enemy has spies everywhere, people you think are on your side, yet secretly they are reporting back to Satan in one way or another
They are his eyes and ears and they can become his hands and feet
So when we work to advance the kingdom, we need to be wise in how we do it
We must not underestimate the enemy’s power or his reach or resources
I’ve heard it said that in every new church that forms, the enemy will send some of his people into that body to serve as spies and agents
These people don’t know they are serving Satan, of course
None of us see that in ourselves, especially before we come to faith in Jesus
But as Paul says, we do not war against flesh and blood, and therefore we should recognize that everyone is serving someone
So we must be wise in how we pursue ministry, expecting the enemy to disrupt us at every chance and not making that easier than necessary
Which is why Jesus says being wise as a serpent must come with innocence
We must do as Hushai does here…being resourceful in the battle without sinning
Because when we lower our standards and use the enemy’s tactics, he can turn that against us
If we sin, we give the enemy opportunity to accuse us, and that may come back to stop us
We need to remain above reproach but willing to do whatever is necessary short of sin to outmaneuver the enemy
These young men are acting as spies in a real-life war, but they are also working behind enemy lines in a battle with Satan
In this case, the young men are successful in hiding and avoid capture, and so they were able to continue to David and pass along the message
David receives the counsel, moves his men across the Jordan and into safety outside Absalom’s reach
At some point the news of David’s escape would have made its way back to Absalom’s court
And as it does, Ahithophel recognizes that this likely means Absalom’s eventual defeat
Hushai’s advice was correct: David was the superior military leader, and if Absalom tried to fight David on equal terms, he would lose
Absalom foolishly heard it as a challenge and opportunity for glory
But Ahithophel understood the folly of trying to challenge David on the battlefield, so David’s escape spelled doom for Absalom
And when Absalom lost, David would return to the city, and anyone who aligned with Absalom would die
So Ahithophel decides that he will come to his end in this way, and so he decides to take matters into his own hands
Death was coming for this man one way or another, he knew, so he preferred it at his own hand on his own terms
He had betrayed God’s anointed, yet in the end, it was he who was left without friends
After David had crossed the Jordan, Absalom eventually amassed his army and begins his pursuit
The army also crosses the Jordan and heads toward Mahanaim, where David is encamped
We will pick up the story there next time
But now it’s time to revisit our picture of Christ found in this story
We began this picture looking at how David’s departure paralleled Jesus’ departure after His death and resurrection
And now we see more parallels emerge in today’s chapter
But as we look at them, remember that the picture isn’t being built in perfect chronological order
The parallels today, in some cases, relate to earlier events in Jesus’ time on earth
The common factor in all these details is their relationship to Jesus’ first coming
So we’re not trying to find a chronological story of Jesus in the story of David
The connection is present in broad strokes, similar to the way the story of Joseph parallels Jesus in the broad strokes
And we see that clearly today, beginning with the account of Zima meeting David
As David reaches the pinnacle of the Mount of Olives, he is given a donkey so the king may ride it
Which reminds us that as Jesus entered the city on Palm Sunday, He too was met in roughly the same place by a donkey
The disciples found the donkey where Jesus told them, and they brought it to Him to ride into the city
Next, we have the meeting of David and Shimei, and this man plays a particularly powerful role in creating a picture of Christ
We’ll see much more of that picture later, but for now he serves as a representative of the people in Israel who rejected Jesus
As David walks out of the city, Shimei curses at him, throws stones and dirt and declares he is not the rightful king
And yet David does nothing to stop the man, and even declares that the cursing is from God
And likewise, as Jesus was taken to the cross, the crowd spit on Him and mocked Him and declared Jesus was not their rightful king
But in response, Jesus did not retaliate
Moreover, Scripture says that the crowd’s rejection was Jesus taking a curse from God the Father on our behalf
And David’s circumstances were made far worse by the betrayal of a close confident, Ahithophel, who gave counsel to David’s enemy
His counsel to David, in effect, was that it was expedient for the king to die for the people so that the whole nation not perish
But after that counsel came to nothing, Ahithophel decided to take his own life
And Jesus was betrayed by a close confidant, Judas, who went to Jesus’ enemies as an informant
Judas assisted the Pharisees in their battle plan against Jesus
That plan was in keeping with the High Priest who said it was good for one man to die so the whole nation would not perish
But after his advice led to an unexpected outcome, Judas took his own life
Here again, we see parallel after parallel between David’s situation and the story of Jesus, though the parallels are scattered and not in order
Nevertheless, it does beg the question of why these parallels exist
And the answer is because of where it’s leading us ultimately
The parallels to Jesus’ first coming were never intended to be the point, because you couldn’t see it in advance anyway
By the time someone could notice the parallels were evident, Christ’s first coming was over and obvious to all
The purpose in the parallels is to prepare us for the second part of the story, David’s return
And that’s where our story is headed next…