Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongSaul’s days as king are numbered
The prophet declared that Saul was no longer God’s choice as king
Although the Lord has not yet removed Saul
Nor has the Lord even removed His Spirit from Saul
But nevertheless, Saul’s reign will come to an end
Meanwhile, Saul remains in power for a time to serve a couple of purposes
First, Saul’s successor isn’t ready to assume the throne yet
David is too young and inexperienced
God wants to season this young man, ironically using Saul as David’s antagonist
Finally, the Lord wants to show the people of Israel the error of selecting a man with their flesh
So Saul gets a few decades to rule even after the Lord declares the end is coming
Then as we ended last week early in Chapter 14, we were introduced to Saul’s son, Jonathan
Jonathan was leading part of Saul’s small army…a very small army
In fact, Jonathan’s army is so small it consists of only himself and his armor bearer
Jonathan has left Saul secretly to take the fight to the Philistines
We’ll look tonight at how Jonathan wins this battle
Before that, let’s remember why the Lord is elevating Saul’s son to prominence
Normally, a king’s son would be expected to follow the king into power
But we know that the Lord will not permit Jonathan to assume the throne
Yet the Lord will give him a measure of success for a time
Jonathan becomes an instrument the Lord uses to bless the people of Israel despite their king
He will also become a means to ensuring the transfer of power from Saul to David comes with a measure of peace
We’ll look at that transition later
For now, the Lord uses Jonathan to bring about a military victory while exposing his father’s growing impatience and rash behavior
Jonathan’s decision to enter into battle by himself was an action taken in faith
He believed the Lord was willing to deliver a victory
He figured he needed to step out in faith to see what the Lord willed
Jonathan was operating in faith, but it’s not blind faith
It’s faith based in a knowledge of the Lord and his word
Jonathan knew that the Lord had declared that the Philistines were under divine judgment
He knew that in the past the Lord had delivered great victories to Israel with small armies
He knew the Lord was willing to give signs to His warriors who sought His direction
And he knew that one must act in faith if he hoped to see the Lord’s response
So Jonathan took a calculated step of faith
When we talk about acting in faith, this is what we mean
It’s not a gamble or wishful thinking
I can’t play the lottery and expect a windfall because I played with a hopeful expectation
Acting in faith means working with an understanding of God’s promises, an awareness of His revealed will and a confidence in His ability to direct our steps
Jonathan possessed all these things
When Jonathan announces his desire to attack, the armor bearer shows equal faith in agreeing to accompany Jonathan
He tells Jonathan to follow his heart, turn yourself, I am with you according to your desire
The better translation would be do what your heart is inclined to do and I am with you, my heart is as your heart
The armor bearer is also operating in faith
Jonathan may be acting in bold faith, but he doesn’t repeat his father’s mistake of acting impetuously without clear direction from the Lord
So Jonathan devises a test to learn the Lord’s will
He will make his way into the canyon and will walk into the open to expose themselves to the men on the top of the hill
If the men at the top come down to engage with Jonathan, then he and the armor bearer will conclude the Lord is not giving them victory and will flee
If the enemy beckons Jonathan to come up to them, then Jonathan will conclude the Lord is granting them victory
This sign makes some sense militarily
If you have the high ground and are confident in your strength and position, you would move down to engage the weaker enemy
But if you are fearful, you would stay in place and wait for the enemy to come to you
So Jonathan’s sign determines whether the enemy feels confident or weak
And a weak enemy was to be an indication that the Lord was preparing to defeat them
So the Philistines see Jonathan appear from out of the canyon walls
They recognize the Hebrews are preparing to attack so they call Jonathan up saying they have something to tell him
This was merely an excuse to get Jonathan close so they could attack him
But Jonathan recognizes this means the Lord is granting victory
So he goes up by himself and when he reaches the top, he begins to kill the enemy in hand-to-hand combat
And his armor bearer follows and manages to kill more soldiers himself
Between the two of them they kill about 20 men in a small field
This is an impressive victory for two men by itself
But it’s just the beginning
At that moment, the ground began to tremble
The earthquake unnerved the Philistines so that they would lose heart or interest in a battle
And instead, they would flee for their lives
Clearly the Lord is working to bring a victory for Jonathan
And it’s at about this time that men in Saul’s army notice the commotion in the Philistine garrison
And the scene that follows is an example of the fog of war
Saul has been killing time with his 600 body guards in Gilbeah, which is only about 1.5 miles away
His watchmen detect confusion in the Philistine camp
Philistine warriors are in distress
Many are fleeing the camp
The ground is shaking
When Saul learns this, he recognizes he has a chance to seize the day
But Saul’s approach to entering battle is very different than his son's
Saul’s first step was to number his forces
He orders a count of all his men so he can decide whether he has enough to enter into battle
And in the course of the count he discovers that Jonathan and his armor bearer are gone
By comparison, Jonathan wasn’t worried about numbers at all
He said that the Lord didn’t care about numbers
He could bring victory with many or with few
Secondly, Saul wants the Lord’s favor in the fight, so he calls for the ark of the Lord to be brought out for battle
My English Bible says ark, but a number of manuscripts including the Septuagint indicate Saul called for the ephod not the ark
The ephod was an elaborate robe worn by the high priest
It held the Urim and the Thummim stones used to discern God’s will
Saul calls for the priest and robe because he understands he must seek the Lord’s will before entering into the fight
The priest could ascertain the will of God by throwing the stones
But notice in v.19 that Saul notices the commotion in the camp was growing stronger as the enemy melted away after the earthquake
Saul’s dying to join the battle and win a victory while the opportunity presents itself
So he tells the priest “withdraw your hand”
In other words, Saul tells the high priest to withdraw his hand from the pouch that contained the stones
Saul doesn’t need the priest to throw the stones after all
He already knows what he wants to do…he’s going into battle
In fact, the sense of the wording is that Saul doesn’t want to hear God’s answer, lest the Lord refuse Saul his desire
Saul is determined to press forward while the victory seems certain
He’s not willing to wait on the Lord
One commentator remarked that when Saul should have been acting he was waiting, and when he should have been waiting, he was acting
By contrast, Jonathan followed his heart as his armor bearer said
Following the heart means remaining sensitive to the leading of the Spirit from moment to moment
The Lord was fully capable of speaking to Jonathan even without the stones
And Jonathan was confident he would hear from the Lord
So he acted in confidence that the Lord would direct His steps
The key difference is Jonathan wanted to do the Lord’s will
While Saul wanted to do his own will
Saul is acting out of selfishness and self-centeredness
And his heart is going to cause trouble for the people
At this point Saul leads his men into the battle but they do nothing at all
Before Saul can act, the Lord causes the Philistines to turn on one another in confusion
Neither Jonathan nor Saul needs to fight the Philistines
They are fighting each other
In fact, even those Jewish traitors that were within the Philistine camp saw the writing on the wall and turned sides
This tells us that the confusion the Lord brought only impacted the Gentiles among the Philistines
The Jews retained their senses
Finally, the Jews in Ephraim hiding in caves over fear of the Philistines emerged when they realized the Philistine garrison was being routed
They began to pursue Philistines as well
So virtually everyone in the nation, other than Saul and his men, had a hand in the victory
Even the traitors could claim some measure of the victory
But Saul and his company did nothing except join the chase
At this point, Saul’s pride and ego are becoming enflamed and are threatening to impede sound judgment
Saul noticed that he was not leading the battle or even the chase that followed
So he contrived a plan to slow down the chase and extend the battle for a time
By hampering his own people from chasing and winning the battle too fast, Saul will give the enemy a chance to recover, regroup and set up a decisive battle
And in that decisive battle, Saul intends to lead the final charge where he can claim the credit for the victory
It’s a cynical, selfish strategy that reveals this man’s deteriorating heart
And Saul’s prideful scheming has severe, unintended consequences
Saul’s men were hard-pressed we’re told
The Hebrew word for hard-pressed is the same word we find in Exodus 3 to describe the taskmaster Moses killed in self-defense
It describes someone who drives others harshly
Saul was driving his people under harsh condition
Saul had ordered his army to observe a fast until Saul himself has met the enemy in battle
There is an old saying that an army moves on its stomach, because fighters need a lot of food to maintain their effectiveness
So it’s clear to everyone that Saul’s order is counterproductive to the effectiveness of the army…but no one can understand why he wants this
The people enter into the forest pursuing the enemy
There was honey available to feed the troops, food that would sustain them in battle right when they most needed it
But because of Saul’s order, the men don’t dare eat
Eating would have meant death
Jonathan didn’t know about Saul’s order, so he gladly ate of the honey and was strengthened for the chase
But others warned him telling that Saul said the one who eats would be cursed
A curse in scripture is a death sentence
There is no recovery from a curse; once God affirms a curse, the end is sure
Jonathan says nothing about the curse that fell upon him, but he does comment on the foolishness of his father’s edict
Jonathan remarks that the honey has been good for him and it would have been good for everyone
The people were faint with hunger which wasn’t helping them fight
And as a result, they hadn’t managed to kill many of the enemy today
And if the enemy survived, then they would live to fight another day
In this moment, the Lord uses Saul’s sin to exact a revenge for his impetuousness
And as only God can, He also finds a just way to remove Saul’s son from receiving the throne
Saul’s own words bring a curse upon his son
And as a result of that curse, his son will die with him in battle, bringing an end to Saul’s dynasty
Saul’s sin had even wider consequences among God’s people
It lead the people into sin
The Israelites moved ahead with the fight despite their hunger and weakness
In one day’s time, they fight and pursue the enemy a distance of 15 miles in rough hill country
This would have been a difficult trek on a full stomach in peaceful circumstances
But they’re moving on empty stomachs under duress
But eventually, by God’s grace, the people win the battle
And as they come into the camp of the fleeing Philistines they are so hungry that they fall on the captured animals
They butcher the animals quickly and without following the rules in the Law requiring that the blood be drained first
The result is that the people have been driven into sin by Saul’s selfish and senseless restrictions
When the word is passed to Saul that the people are sinning in this manner, he intervenes
But once again, he intervenes in an entirely self-serving way
He commands the people to bring the animals to him
And then Saul would slaughter the animals for the people and distribute the meat to them personally
It’s obvious Saul is seeking to place himself in the center of the action again
The people will be giving him the animals so that he can return them
It makes him appear to be a generous king handing out the meals
To accomplish this task, Saul builds an altar on which to conduct the sacrifices
Throughout scripture we see godly men building altars to sacrifice to the Lord in thanks and worship
But Samuel wants us to understand that this is the first time that Saul has ever bothered to make such an altar
He’s making one now because it’s convenient to his selfish purpose
Not because he had a genuine desire to worship the Lord
Everything about this period of Saul’s rule has revealed a man slipping further and further from worshipping and following the Lord
Instead, he’s becoming accustomed to the role of king
And he seems determined to receive all the glory
Rather than using his position to lead Israel to worshipping the Lord
So that is the purpose of the king, just as it was the purpose of judges before
But Saul’s rash behavior hasn’t ended yet
In v.36, Saul is ready to run down the hills and attack the Philistines by night to take the rest of the spoils
He seems drunk with the prospect of capturing more booty
His motives have shifted from existential concerns of preserving God’s people to goals of personal gain
It’s becoming clear that the overriding force driving Saul is pride and selfishness
Which is appropriate, since he was chosen according to the flesh and now he’s acting according to the flesh
Before he can begin to attack, the high priest, who has accompanied Saul in the battle suggests they consult the Lord before launching another attack
In v.37 he says “let’s draw near to the Lord”
That phrase means, let’s worship the Lord for the purpose of seeking His favor in the battle
Don’t you get the feeling that the priest was saying, “Saul, haven’t you forgot something???”
At which point Saul reluctantly agrees to engage in a moment of worship
Then Saul inquired of the Lord concerning this attack
But the Lord did not answer Saul
Now Saul is stuck
Having consulted the Lord for permission to attack and having received no reply, Saul can’t order his troops to the fight
So he’s mad
And Saul looks for an explanation for the Lord’s silence, but he doesn’t think to blame himself
Instead, Saul assumes that someone has violated his order to fast
And therefore, that person must be to blame for upsetting God
We must remember that Saul’s order was not God’s order, nor was it required by God’s law
This was Saul’s rule
In v.38 Saul demands an accounting from the people concerning the “sin” that caused the Lord’s silence
This rule was issued from the king, so it would have been wrong to intentionally disobey it
But it wasn’t a sin against the Lord and His commands
And it certainly wasn’t sin to unknowingly violate the king’s rule
In fact, given that Saul’s rule prevented Israel from defeating the Philistines, we could say that his rule was counter to the Lord’s desire
So Saul sets out to uncover the wrongdoer
Saul makes another rash declaration
He swears by the name of the Lord that whoever has violated this rule will die, even if it were his own son Jonathan
Saul doesn’t realize it, but he’s speaking prophetically to confirm Jonathan’s eventual death
His foolish pride and selfish ego have placed his son in this situation
Saul speaks in these broad and absolute terms cursing people and swearing on the name of the Lord
He binds himself to severe actions without considering the implications or even having all the facts
We’re seeing more and more of the dramatic character change taking place inside this man
If he was a humble and reasonable man in the beginning, he’s now a brash tyrant lacking self control
One of the most puzzling things about the story of Saul is his dramatic descent into madness
But notice this descent isn’t a fall off a cliff
It’s a series of steps driven by the flesh, fueled by pride and ungoverned by a desire to please the Lord
Saul is the Bible’s most dramatic character study in a man of God gone wrong
He began with a tender heart and the Spirit of God
But he favored living in his flesh and chose to seek for his own desires
The Bible warns us that when we take that turn, it has the power to warp our character and distance us from God
And it has eternal consequences, as Hebrews warns
In vs.40-42 Saul asks the people to tell him who violated the rule he set, but no one wants to say anything
That’s not surprising for two reasons
First, they would be exposing the king’s son, which doesn’t seem like a wise career move
Secondly, the people were opposed to Saul’s dumb rule and sympathetic with Jonathan’s situation
They knew he ate without realizing the rule existed and he needed the energy to execute the battle
So when he doesn’t get an answer, Saul decides to throw lots to determine where to place the blame
Throwing lots means using die to receive direction from the Lord concerning a yes or no question
So Saul begins by placing himself and his son on one side, and all other soldiers on the other side and throwing the lot
Saul must have been surprised when the lot chose him and Jonathan over the people
Saul throws the lot again and it indicates Jonathan over Saul, which means Jonathan is to blame
The Lord is answering Saul according to the question posed, which was who violated the rule Saul set
The Lord is not agreeing with Saul’s perspective however
Saul created this situation by speaking rashly, and now the Lord is simply pointing out the consequences of Saul’s foolishness
So now Saul is on the spot to carry out the verdict
Saul is the one who set the terms of this situation
He decided the rule, he decided the punishment in advance and he has now demanded a public accounting of the violation
So everything that’s happened has been as a result of the king’s actions
None of this was ordered by the Lord
Therefore, the king could reverse anything he’s done
A king can make rules and change rules
And if there was ever a moment for Saul to step back from the brink of madness, confess his sin and repent, this would have been the perfect moment
He could have declared that the Lord has revealed his sin to him
That he sees the error of his ways and reverse his edict
Then Jonathan could have been spared and the people relieved to see their king hearing from God and doing His will
But Saul disappoints again
Instead, he presses the case against his own son asking Jonathan to confess his crime
Jonathan explains that he ate a little honey
And then he says I must die
It’s not clear from the text if Jonathan is speaking sincerely or with sarcasm
He could be announcing his willingness to die in order to obey the king
That would be in keeping with Jonathan’s upright character
Or he could be speaking sarcastically to highlight the ridiculousness of his father’s actions
Finally, Saul’s pride pushes him to once again invoke the name of the Lord in declaring that Jonathan must surely die
Notice in v.44 Saul declares that the Lord must kill Saul if Jonathan doesn’t die
Interestingly, it will happen that Saul and Jonathan will die in the same battle
It seems the Lord held Saul to his rash vows taking both his life and Jonathan’s life according to Saul’s words
But for now, Jonathan receives a reprieve, made possible by the people, who refuse to carry out the penalty against Jonathan
The people declare to the king that Jonathan was responsible for the victory
Therefore, it was ridiculous to think that he would be killed for eating a little honey
The madness of the king has become apparent to everyone
Yet by challenging Saul’s decision, they plant a seed of paranoia in Saul’s heart which will grow to consume him over time
Saul’s great downfall was failing to submit to the Lord’s authority as he ruled Israel
Instead, he did what was right in his own eyes
In a sense, Saul was an extension of the time of Judges, in the sense that he acted independently of God
His dynasty was cut off because he failed to serve the Lord
In his place God will raise up a man after God’s own heart
Which means David was a man determined to serve God even though he sinned as well
Since the Lord didn’t give Saul permission to battle the Philistines, Saul disengages from the battle
Essentially, the Philistine garrison was removed from the hill country of Ephraim but the cities remained on the coast
Nevertheless, Saul and his armies continued to battle Israel’s enemies on all sides
And he would inflict great damage on his enemies thus keeping Israel defended
But notice Saul isn’t vanquishing these enemies…he is merely a caretaker