Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongIt’s time to finish the third part of the story of David’s testing
Chapters 24-26 tell the story of how David’s weakness was revealed and corrected by the Lord
In Chapter 24, David employed tactics more in keeping with Saul’s heart than for a man after god’s own heart
So in Chapter 25, the Lord gave David a vivid demonstration of how trusting the Lord is done, using a remarkable heroine
Now in Chapter 26 David gets to retake the test a second time
Specifically, the Lord will now place David in a situation similar to the one he encountered in Chapter 24 with Saul chasing him
But this time David will have learned the proper way to address Saul’s sin
And in the process, David grows closer to the man God desires him to be as he prepares to lead Israel following Saul’s reign
But first, we need to conclude our story of David and Abigail with a little romantic twist that serves as a foreboding of things to come
We read v.38 last time noting how the Lord defended David’s honor concerning Nabal by taking Nabal’s life after ten days
The number ten represents testimony
It indicates David’s willingness to trust the Lord for his defense became a testimony of his faithfulness
And in response the Lord took Nabal’s life to emphasize Nabal opposed God, not just David
Nabal’s end is a reminder to us that the Lord may at times end a person’s life as a specific response to sin
Obviously, Nabal was going to die someday somehow
But the Lord chose to end his life in a specific way to make a point
And as our Creator, this is God’s prerogative
If our lives don’t glorify the Lord, then He may use our death to glorify Himself
You notice in v.39 that when David heard the news of Nabal’s sudden death, he got the point
David knew the Lord had done that work on David’s behalf
And in that moment David learned his lesson
He considered what might have happened had he carried out his mission against Nabal
But because he was patient and waited on the Lord, he got to see the other path and realized it was much better
That should be the goal of our own walk with Christ
When we face a moment of decision for how to respond to our circumstances, we always have the fleshly option and a godly option
When you take the fleshly option, you’ll never know what might have happened if you had followed Christ instead
How would He have come to your defense or aid?
What miracle did you miss? What lesson didn’t you learn?
But when you take the road of obedience, you will get to see the Lord working to reward your obedience
That should be the goal of your life in obedience to the Lord
You should be jealous for the opportunity to see the Lord working in your defense or to provide or to heal, etc.
Resist the temptation to take matters into your own hands, to jump the gun rather than waiting for the Lord to act
Don’t miss out on the lessons the Lord wants to teach His children
David then turns his attention back to Abigail and sends his men to her with a proposal for marriage
When Abigail hears the proposal, she is overjoyed and probably relieved
Being a widow wasn’t an easy life in that day
Nabal’s property was probably inherited by one of his sons, not his wife
And so Abigail’s prospects were uncertain
Abigail accepts the offer, though it’s unclear if she truly had a choice in the matter
But if she did have a choice, then she should have refused to marry David
Because though Abigail was eligible to marry David, since Nabal had died
David was not eligible to marry
As Samuel points out in his foreboding footnote to the story in vs.43-44, David was already married
In fact, David had married twice already
He was married to Saul’s daughter, Michal
But in light of his continuing conflict with Saul, Saul has taken his daughter away from David
And he gave Michal to another man
Saul probably did this to move David farther away from the throne, since David would no longer be a son-in-law of the king
But David had already married a second woman before this point
After Michal, David married Ahinoam of Jezreel
Perhaps David married this woman because he lost Michal
But now that he has her, he shouldn’t be looking for more wives
In fact, later David will reclaim Michal despite being married to Ahinoam and Abigail
And when he does, she will become a snare to him in opposing the will of the Lord
So we can see Samuel including this bit about David’s wives to emphasize that David still has challenges in following the Lord
David learned one lesson in avoiding the sin of killing Nabal but he still has sin
In particular, David is prone to one sin above others: lust
David’s love for women will follow him all his days
And later as king it will lead to a severe penalty from God
But for the time being, all is looking up for David
He has come through the lessons of Chapter 25 well
Now all that remains is to pass the test he failed in Chapter 24
I mentioned earlier that the test God constructed in Chapter 24 would be repeated in Chapter 26, and now we see how that test will come
Once again Saul is chasing David and David must resist Saul without sinning
But there are differences between the two situations
And a key difference is David is on the offensive
In Chapter 24, David was on the defensive, constantly reacting to Saul’s moves
This placed him in a position of fear and uncertainty, from which the temptation to act in his own defense was greatest
In this chapter David dictates the events
And instead of being an aggressor, David is his defender while accusing others of doing Saul wrong
It begins in a similar way, though, with Saul hearing that David is in a particular place, in this case on the hill of Hachilah in the wilderness of Ziph
Once again, we see the reference to 3,000 men, reminding us that this chapter is linked with the previous two
As Saul sets out, David’s watchmen know that Saul is setting out with his army
David sends out spies to confirm Saul was coming for him
This is the first indication that David is working with a confidence and strength he lacked earlier
Then David goes to Saul’s encampment
Again, this is a reversal of the previous story
In the previous story, Saul found David’s encampment
Now David is chasing down Saul
And as David and his men arrive at night, they find Saul and his army asleep with apparently no one awake guarding the king
Lying next to Saul is Abner, the commander of the army
Presumably, Abner was the man assigned to protect Saul
But he’s fallen asleep on duty
Once again, David goes on the offensive
He determines to go down into the camp and sneak among the men
David’s not hiding in a cave
He’s out in the open risking his life
But doing it for a noble purpose, which is to convince the king of his loyalty above all other men Saul trusts
So he asks for a volunteer to accompany him into the camp
David asks a Hittite named Ahimelech
And he asks Abishai, who was David’s nephew by David’s sister Zeruiah
Abishai agrees to go, indicating his bravery
That bravery must have run in the family, because Abishai’s brother, Joab, later becomes David’s commander of the army
And so David and Abishai take the brave step of creeping down the hill into the camp of Saul
They find the camp asleep with Saul next to his weapon
Saul had stuck his spear into the ground not far from his head for quick access should he have need of it
Quick thinking Abishai sizes up the situation and decides this is the perfect moment to put an end to the conflict
This is exactly the same kind of moment we saw in Chapter 24 in the cave
And like the cave, David knows better than to allow his men to kill Saul, the king
David warns his friend that the one who strikes down God’s anointed will certainly be guilty before God
David said as much the first time in the cave
But notice what has changed from the last time
David also tells his men that Saul will see the Lord’s discipline just as David has
If the Lord was willing to discipline the future anointed king
Then how much more will the Lord discipline the present anointed king?
David doesn’t know how Saul will come to his end, but after watching the Lord deal with Nabal, David knows it will happen
This is the fruit of David’s testing
He has gone into essentially the same situation
But this time, he’s thinking about the Lord and the Lord’s power to defend him
It’s not merely David’s actions that are different
It’s his heart and mind concerning the Lord’s role in these matters
When you face trials and experience the spiritual growth the Lord intended, you will see the fruit most clearly in how you think of God
Where before you thought only of yourself and your circumstances
In the future, you begin to consider the Lord’s purposes in what happens around you
And you see the world with eyes for eternity, from God’s vantage point as it were
Like David, you realize that things aren’t as they seem
What may seem like good fortune is actually a test of your heart
An option that looks like the perfect opportunity to solve your problems is actually a trap leading you into bigger problems
And what seems like a foolish alternative may actually be the obedience the Lord is demanding
Learning to see the world with godly eyes informed by the love and truth of the Lord is the ultimate reward of trials and the spiritual growth trials bring
So David ends with the conclusion that he could never raise his hand (again) against the Lord’s anointed
Where before David objected only to killing the king, now he objects to any show of insubordination or disrespect
So if David is not intent on dishonoring Saul, what can he do to make an impression upon Saul?
David shifts his target away from Saul and toward one of Saul’s most trusted aides
David orders Abishai to take Saul’s spear and Saul’s personal canteen of water and they departed the area
Samuel explains David’s ability to move so easily within the camp without waking anyone
The Lord had brought a deep sleep upon the men in the camp to aid David in the task
Where before David’s course of action brought the conviction of the Spirit, now it brings the Lord’s assistance and approval
The lesson is obvious to everyone
As we hear the Lord and walk in His counsel, He gives us the strength, wisdom and even supernatural assistance to serve Him
But for the one who takes matters into his own hands, the results will disappoint
Moreover, we will know the conviction of the Spirit as we recognize we are working outside the Lord’s counsel
Experience one often enough and you’ll begin to yearn for the other
What did taking Saul’s equipment accomplish? We soon find out
David reaches a safe distance, with a large gap between them, so that once Saul wakes, he won’t be in a position to pursue David
And then David calls out to the people to wake them
And he directs his call to Abner the king’s captain
He dares Abner to respond
Of course, Abner isn’t sure who is calling him by name in this wilderness
So he answers reluctantly
And then David lowers the boom
He asks are you not a man?
And is there anyone in Israel like you?
His point is that Abner is an important, powerful man with an important job to protect the king
And yet he failed in that job
David says one of the people came to destroy the king, referring to Abishai’s offer to kill the king
Literally, if it hadn’t been for David, Saul would have been dead
And Abner would have failed to protect the king’s life as expected
David isn’t being dramatic here…he’s speaking in literal terms
David is making a point to Saul that he has placed his trust in the wrong men
Paranoid Saul was obviously willing to place his trust in Abner to protect his life
Meanwhile, Saul believes that David is intending to take his life
And so David is not trying to embarrass the king or threaten his rule
The point of the exercise was to embarrass Abner
But in the process, David hoped Saul would recognize that he should be trusted over even Saul’s closest confidents
David presses his case a little farther by pointing out that Saul’s men should be put to death for allowing their king to be so vulnerable
Once again, David’s words are literally true
This was the usual penalty for failing a king in this way
But Saul will not carry out such a penalty, and I expect David knew that
So David is merely making a point that if Saul wished to pursue his adversaries, he should pursue these men, not David
Finally, David offers proof of his accusations by producing the things he took from the camp
In the last episode, David held up the piece of hem of Saul’s robe, which had the effect of embarrassing the king
It communicated that David was willing to do Saul harm but held back
Though David claimed the hem was proof he wouldn’t hurt the king, it was actually a symbol of the opposite
This time David holds up even more threatening items, but his point is clearly different
He’s indicting Abner, not threatening Saul
And then just as before, David and Saul exchange words from a distance
Like before, Saul calls David his “son”
That term is even more disingenuous this time, since Saul has taken away David’s wife
It was David’s marriage to Saul’s daughter that made David a son of Saul
But Saul ended that relationship
Nevertheless, he continues to call David son
In response, David asks the king why he’s pursuing David, and what offense has David committed
Of course, there is no answer to that question
Saul has no offense in mind
He’s simply acting out of jealousy, paranoia, fear and pride
Next, David speaks wisdom to Saul
He begins by acknowledging that the Lord is the One acting behind the scenes in this conflict
He tells Saul if the Lord is stirring up Saul, then let David and Saul make an offering to appease the Lord’s anger
But if men have led Saul to think badly of David, then David says they are cursed since they act against the Lord’s anointed
Either way, he argues that Saul has no reason to fear David
Finally, David appeals to Saul for mercy, asking that his blood not be allowed to be spilled away from the presence of the Lord
David is referring to dying as a fugitive away from the tabernacle
It’s a subtle way of asking that he be allowed to die at home as an old man, which implies peace between David and Saul
And he ends with a repetition of the statement that he is but a flea compared to Saul
Saul responds in much the same way as before, acknowledging that David is a better man
This time, Saul goes a step further and promises to stop seeking for David’s life
But David doesn’t believe he will ever be safe around Saul
The two men go their own way, though David knows better than to put himself in a position where Saul can attack again
At least David has blunted Saul’s attack in this case as he did before
When you compare David’s words here to what he said previously, you can immediately detect the difference in David’s attitude and heart
For example, listen again to David in his first encounter with Saul
Can you detect the marked difference in David’s tone?
In the first encounter, David speaks in arrogance while issuing veiled threats against the king
He shows off the hem of the robe and then has the audacity to claim he has no rebellion in his heart
He claims Saul was lying in wait for David yet it was David who crept up on an unsuspecting Saul
And the tone of David’s speech is very different as well
He asks that the Lord avenges David upon Saul
And preaches a proverb to Saul about wickedness, which implies that David viewed Saul as acting wickedly
In everything he’s saying, David is actually portraying the opposite
The impression we’re left with is that of arrogance, pride and defiance
But when we look at David’s words to Saul now, the tone has changed completely and the words are much softer
He makes no accusations against Saul, he issues no threats
Instead, David makes a heartfelt appeal for Saul’s mercy
And he looks to other causes for Saul’s anger, whether the Lord or Saul’s men
When he speaks of the Lord, David doesn’t ask for revenge but rather for recompense
Rather than wanting the Lord to punish Saul for his unrighteous behavior, David asks the Lord to reward his righteous behavior
Finally, notice David’s appeal is not to Saul
In v.24 David makes his appeal to the Lord for protection
The overall tone is positive toward Saul, respectful, and directed at his trust and dependence upon the Lord
In short, David’s heart and mind are focused on his relationship with the Lord, not his relationship with Saul
David’s approach is a good example of Ephesians 6
By taking time to observe carefully the differences in David’s commentary, we can see the growth in him
What at first sounds like an identical speech is actually a world apart from David’s earlier moment
David knows that Saul is acting irrationally, and yet David no longer holds it against Saul
David is resting in the Lord to defend him
David’s experience reminds us that repentance can be hard to see in others if we aren’t paying attention to subtle cues in a person’s words and attitude
For every dramatic “Paul on the road to Damascus” repentance moment we encounter in life, there will be many more subtle “David speaking with Saul” repentance examples
Our friends, family members or even our own heart often respond to the conviction of the Spirit in subtle ways, especially in the beginning of our walk
Our word choices may change, our attitudes begin to shift even if our behaviors don’t move in radical ways
Eventually, these smaller steps begin to add up to larger more obvious changes
Have you ever run into an old high school friend many years later and noticed they were much different than you remembered them to be?
Perhaps they looked different, sounded different
They expressed different political views, they were engaged in entirely new hobbies
From that experience you can see how small changes over time can add up to a big difference in the end
This is how sanctification works in all of us
So we need to be prepared to recognize and encourage those around us who are making strides by recognizing the work of the Spirit in them
Don’t wait for the full change to take hold before recognizing their progress
Acknowledge good changes as you see it, though do it in a positive way of course
We don’t need to tell people, “You aren’t nearly as mean and selfish as you used to be.”
Find the right way to acknowledge their efforts
Encouragement can put the sanctification progress into overdrive
Each small step of obedience in a person’s life becomes a bridge to the next moment
As over time as a person’s heart is softened and their will yields to the Holy Spirit
But remember that progress can be slow, so we have to be looking for it
It may just be a withholding of critique where before critique was commonplace
Or refrain from gossip or are quicker to forgive
We may miss these steps if we are too busy remembering the past or unwilling to consider that real change is possible
And sometimes we can miss our own progress for the same reason, which may discourage us in our walk or give room for the enemy to make accusations
Remember how similar David’s two speeches were and consider how subtle your own progress may be from week to week
Then remind yourself that progress takes time
Don’t allow that fact to become license for further sin
But at the same time, don’t overlook that small changes are still evidence of the Spirit at work
Both in yourself and in others