Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongOver the past few lessons, we’ve studied David’s testing
He offended the Lord by sinning against the Lord’s anointed
So the Lord gave David a lesson in humility and what a servant’s heart looks like
And David learned that lesson
And when the time came to show what he learned, David passed the test
He defended Saul and appealed to the Lord for his own protection
Though in the process, David showed his weakness for women by taking another wife in Abigail
So since David has passed his test, it’s time for the Lord to move David into the position God has prepared for him
It’s time for David to become king
But first, the Lord must orchestrate Saul’s departure
So in the last section of this book, Chapters 27-31, we follow how Saul’s reign comes to an end
But we also see that David’s heart still has doubts and weaknesses
So the Lord will orchestrate circumstances to correct and strengthen David
Even as He moves to bring David into power
And to illustrate that point, the story begins with David returning to hide among the Philistines
David decides that he must once again flee from Jewish territory and hide among Israel’s enemies in Philistia
He knows that Saul cannot move freely in the territory of the Philistines
So he goes with his 600 men to Achish, the leader of the Philistine city of Gath
David and his men take their families, who have been with them in their flight
Why would the Philistines open their doors to David at all?
The simple answer is that the enemy of my enemy is my friend
Anything that weakened Saul was to the advantage of the Philistines
David was the best military leader Saul had, so they were only too glad to take David away from Saul
Just as when a sports team tries to recruit a top player away from a rival team
Secondly, the Philistines plan to enlist David in battles against Israel
Once David fights for the Philistines, the Jews will never take him back
So this is a calculated move to weaken the monarchy in Israel
Perhaps the more important question for us is was David right to escape to the Philistine city?
Was this move something God inspired for David’s benefit?
We can answer the question by observing some details carefully
And then by remembering the purpose in David’s flight
First, looking at the details, we see things that indicate David was not acting with the Lord’s approval
First, in v.1 were told David “said to himself”
This phrase is very specific and stands in contrast to previous moments
In the past when David faced difficult decisions, we’ve noted how David was faithful to go to the Lord in prayer seeking guidance
David’s tendency to pray was in marked contrast with Saul’s tendency to seek no one’s counsel or even worse
But this time David seeks no one’s counsel except his own
In fact, there is no mention of God in this entire chapter
David seems to be acting entirely without consideration for the Lord’s will
Furthermore, David’s reasoning for this flight is that he won’t live unless he finds sanctuary in Gath
And yet David has received assurances from multiple sources that he will in fact be king
From Samuel to Jonathan to Saul himself David has heard that one day he will be king
And yet he’s convinced that the Lord might allow Saul to kill him before that day comes
Clearly this is a lack of confidence on David’s part
And then there’s the comment at the end in v.3 that David was traveling with his multiple wives
Samuel is implying that David is paying the price of assuming the burden of these women
He’s so concerned for their welfare that he compromises his walk
As a family man, he choses to live safely among Israel’s enemies than fulfill his calling to contend with Saul
Finally, and most importantly, David’s stepping away from the fight God wants him to experience
David’s trial in fleeing Saul was something the Lord purposed for David’s good
David is being pursued by Saul so that he might be strengthened and matured for service as king
God is using these circumstances for David’s benefit, but David is tired and tied down
So he opts for an escape from persecution
Yet that persecution is exactly what the Lord wanted David to experience
So all information points to David acting in disobedience in his flight to Gath
He has not sought the Lord’s counsel
He is running for the wrong reasons
And he has forgotten that the difficulty of his circumstances are intended for good in God’s purposes
So by fleeing, David is escaping the training he needs
Thankfully, our mistakes can’t ruin God’s plans
One way or another, the Lord gets His way
By our disobedience, we may alter the playbook of our life
But not the outcome
So David’s escape becomes opportunity for the Lord to simply work in a different way to achieve His goal
The Lord will work through the Philistines to continue David’s training
And at the same time, the Lord will use these circumstances for a second good purpose
He will work through the Philistines to bring Saul’s rule to an end
And David will play a central role in that process
David’s plan works to stop Saul’s attack
Saul couldn’t prosecute his attack against David without taking on the entire Philistine army
And he’s clearly unwilling to do that
So David is safe for now
And it appears that David intends to remain in Philistine territory until Saul dies
But this is a tricky plan
The Philistines aren’t going to allow David to hide out just so he can return to rule Israel when it’s convenient
David must convince them he is defecting from Israel
He’s brought his men and their families, so it appears he’s coming to stay
But eventually, the Philistines will insist on a sign of loyalty from David
But David is anticipating this too
So he has a plan
David’s plan begins with proposing to become a vassal of King Achish
David, quite deceptively, refers to himself as the servant of Achish
And then he proposes that he go rule over one of the cities of the Philistines
The king likes where this is going, so he gives David the city of Ziklag
So David took control of that city
The location of Ziklag was perfectly suited to the rest of David’s plan
It was in the extreme south of the Philistines territory at the edge of the hill country
The Philistine kings lived miles north, so David and his men could come and go and conduct themselves without being observed
This was the opportunity David wanted
For sixteen months David lives in this town, and as the writer says kings of Judah never relinquished control of this town once David gained it
And immediately David begins to lead military excursions against the common enemies of the Philistines and Israel
The people were the descendants of the Canaanites living in the southern desert that separated Israel from Egypt
David was attacking the same people groups that Joshua told Israel to defeat when they first entered the land
Because Israel disobeyed, they remained even until David’s day
So David does exactly as the Lord had commanded Israel
He utterly destroys the inhabitants of the land so that the land could become Israel’s
He leaves no one alive, which was the Lord’s command
Notice in v.8 that these people included the descendants of Amalek
And Amalek and his descendants have been under a curse from God, though Israel failed to carry it out
David achieves these impressive victories with only 600 misfits
By now though, they are hardened soldiers
Nevertheless, his success only proves that Israel could have accomplished the same in earlier days
The people stop trying
The Lord didn’t stop awarding victories
David’s raids are serving the purpose of clearing land for David’s future kingdom
But they also become an opportunity for David to convince the Philistines that he is on their side
David and King Achish meet again back in Gath
Josephus says that David brought spoils from the victories to Achish as a tribute
And of course Achish asks David where he was raiding to obtain the spoils
David responds that he was raiding in the Negev of Judah and surrounding areas
Technically, David is telling the truth, since the region where he battled is part of the Negev desert
But he deceives Achish by indicating that the target of his raid were members of Judah living in that area
In reality, David attacked only the Canaanites in the region
And David knew what he intended to do in the end, which is why he utterly destroyed all the inhabitants
David wanted to destroy the evidence
There would be no one left alive to contradict his version of the events
David’s actions certainly achieve a measure of benefit for Israel but nevertheless he was wrong to enter the Philistines’ territories
And every indication we have tells us that David was wrong to set about all that he is doing among the Philistines
David seems to be back to his old tricks of deception to get what he wants
He stepped into the Philistine territory without consulting the Lord
He has devised a plan of his own making thinking he was securing a victory for Israel
In the end he was substituting one set of dangers for another and sinning in the process
Later in Chapter 30 we will see the full effect of his sin in this situation
The Lord will teach David yet another lesson about taking matters into his own hands
As a result, David will grow another step in dependence on the Lord
Meanwhile, David’s deception is working with King Achish
Achish is convinced that David has been fighting Jews in the south
And as a result, David has made himself a pariah, and so he must forever remain with the Philistines
But Chapter 27 is merely set up for what’s coming in the next several chapters as we work toward the end of Saul’s reign
After about 16 months, the time had come for the Philistines to mount their latest attack against the nation of Israel
So the army is assembling by the tens of thousands and David and his men are called to join as well
When King Achish sees David, he determines that David’s men will March near the rear with King Achish
They will be his personal bodyguards
When the king tells David of the idea, David responds in a cryptic manner
He says “You know what I can do”
Achish’s ears heard that as a promise that David could kill his own brethren
Once again, it’s deception by omission
David knows how the king will hear him, though David means it in an entirely different way
Meanwhile, back in Gilgal Saul is panicking at the prospect of a massive Philistine invasion
We can tell how distressed Saul was because he seeks the Lord’s counsel, something we haven’t seen him do much if at all
At this point we’re reminded that Samuel was gone and that Saul had previously removed all the mediums and spiritists in the land of Israel
Samuel was the prophet of Israel during Saul’s reign
With Samuel gone Saul has no reliable source to consult for God’s word
Of course, he didn’t spend much time listening when he had the chance
Secondly, in one of his better moments Saul obeyed the Law when he acted to remove all mediums and spiritists in the land of Israel
Both groups are closely related in power and function
A medium is one who claims to communicate with the dead
A spiritist is a person who communicates with evil spirits
In both cases, they are tapping into demonic power
Therefore, the Law given to Israel prohibits God’s people from accessing such individuals
These people were to be put to death in Israel, according to the Law
And at some point Saul had done this very thing
But now Saul begins to regret it
Saul appeals to the Lord for wisdom on how to defeat the Philistines, but the Lord is observing radio silence
When Saul had the opportunity to hear the Lord’s counsel through Samuel he didn’t listen
So now the Lord refuses to listen to Saul
Saul received no dreams from the Lord
And the prophets of the day had no answer for Saul
Saul even went to his replacement high priest asking for a reading from the Urim and Thummim stones found in the ephod
Since we know David took the true high priest and ephod with him, then we know Saul can’t have the true stones of God
Therefore, he must have had a new set made, which the Lord did not honor with an answer
This detail tells us that the stones must have behaved in a supernatural way
They couldn’t have operated in a natural way like ordinary dice
Otherwise, Saul could have made a counterfeit and posed a question and received an “answer” though a false one
But the text says Saul got no answer from his Urim stone
So there must have been some way to know that the Lord was speaking in the result
So Saul resorts to asking his servants if they could direct him to a medium anywhere in the land
We’ve just heard that Saul removed the medium and spiritists of the land, yet he was hoping he missed one somewhere
So his servants direct him to a woman in En-dor
En-dor is located on the Hill of Moreh in the Jezreel valley
As it turns out, this town sits on the opposite side of the mountain where the Philistine army is gathering
So Saul goes to visit this woman seeking divine wisdom on how to fight the approaching Philistine army
Saul prepares to see this woman by disguising himself in other clothes
Saul had previously destroyed all such people, but now he was hypocritically seeking this woman’s help
If she recognized him as king, she would never have agreed to perform her magic for him
So Saul is now forced to disguise himself and travel by night to obtain what he wants
The nighttime scene also serves to reinforce the evil in Saul’s actions
Despite his efforts to conceal his identity, the woman remains suspicious of the men and asks for reassurances
So Saul goes the next step of entering into a covenant with this woman
He vows that she will never receive punishment for this act
This goes hand in hand with Saul’s previous actions
He wants to be seen as someone who upholds the Law but he is willing to go against the Law whenever it suits him
Saul’s request of the woman is to “bring up Samuel”
As we said earlier, a medium was a person who claimed to have the power to bring up the dead so loved ones could communicate
In reality, a medium never conjured up dead people
The spirits of the dead are held by God and cannot be brought up except by that same power
Instead, mediums were always communicating with evil spirits who impersonated a dead person
The evil spirits were willing to play this charade because it accomplished their purpose in trapping people in the occult
By what they communicated, the evil spirit could influence the thoughts of people to suit their destructive purposes
Obviously, knowing how these occult practices work reinforces the truth of God’s word when it warns us to stay far away from such things
Presumably, many mediums were equally fooled by these experiences thinking they actually possessed the power to raise the dead
Or in other cases, perhaps the medium was in on the trick
Maybe some understood that they were just toying with the spirit world and not speaking with the actual dead person
But either way, so long as their clients were fooled, the mediums were successful in business
So Saul asks for the medium to bring up Samuel, because Saul wants to hear a word from Samuel concerning the coming battle
Saul knows that Samuel has been a reliable source of intel
Ironically, when Samuel lived, Saul didn’t take advantage of Samuel’s knowledge
And other times he flat out disobeyed the word of the Lord
But now that he is worried about his own skin, Saul is determined to know what God has to say
And of course the greatest irony is that Saul would consider doing so through a clearly ungodly method
Why would Saul suppose the Lord would honor him with a new word when Saul is acting so contrary to God’s existing word?
This shows the warped thinking of a man who has descended so far into his sin nature
He is so ruled by his sinful flesh that he can construct such contradictory logic and believe it will work
So then the medium begins her act for Saul
In an instant, a vision of Samuel appears catching the woman completely by surprise
She alone sees Samuel and it shocks her
In the process, it seems that the vision of Samuel names Saul in the room
Which leads the woman to turn to her client in anger knowing she was tricked
The woman’s response to this vision confirms for us that this was not the normal experience for her
In the past, she had communicated with evil spirits which must have followed a certain pattern she knew well
But clearly this experience is proceeding in a very unexpected manner
She is so scared that Saul has to calm her down
Furthermore, notice that the text never indicates that the woman “called up” Samuel
It seems Saul named Samuel’s name first
And then at that same moment a vision of Samuel appeared to the woman, catching her by surprise
She hadn’t even the chance to begin her incantations
So then what is happening here with Samuel?
The Lord brought the woman a vision of Samuel
The medium didn’t call Samuel up from the dead
She didn’t possess the power to do so
We can see by her response that she wasn’t in control of what was happening
The Lord brought her a vision of Samuel to teach Saul a lesson
I keep saying a “vision” of Samuel because I believe that’s what the woman experienced
I don’t believe Samuel’s spirit was actually withdrawn from Sheol and brought into this room
Rather, I think the woman’s experience was comparable to the experiences that Isaiah had or that the Apostle John had in Revelation
In those cases, the men saw something, but their vision didn’t require they were physically transported
For example, John saw the world destroyed while standing in Heaven, but we know it didn’t actually happen in John’s day
Likewise, the woman saw and heard from Samuel
But her experience was a vision provided by the Lord
As Saul sees the medium’s fear, he asks her to describe what she sees
She describes a “divine” being coming out of the earth
The Hebrew word for divine is elohim, which refers to God
This is further proof that the woman is seeing something very different than in past times
This spirit seems like God to her, not like the demons she normally speaks to
And then as Saul presses for more detail, she describes Samuel’s appearance, and Saul knows it’s him
And in another act of hypocritical piety, Saul bows to the ground
Obviously, Saul never gave Samuel any such consideration while he was alive, so we know his gesture is completely self-serving
More importantly, it was inappropriate in any case, because we don’t direct our worship to men
Saul’s heart is a hot mess at this point
Then through this vision, the Lord gives Saul a judgment for his time of rebellion and sin
Samuel asks Saul why he summoned him
Saul answers that he is afraid of the Philistines and that he can’t get God to answer him, so he wants Samuel’s advice
It’s significant that Saul doesn’t ask Samuel why the Lord has stopped responding
That would be the more important question
Saul may be afraid of what the Philistines will do to his body
But what he should be worried about is what the Lord will do to his soul
Samuel responds by giving Saul sobering news about the Lord’s plans
First, the Lord speaks through the vision of Samuel to give Saul the answer to the question he never asked
That the Lord’s silence is a result of the withdrawal of the Spirit
And the Lord has become Saul’s adversary rather than a source of blessing
Samuel’s point to Saul is why should he expect a prophet to tell him anything if the Lord was not inclined to speak?
The prophet simply says what the Lord tells him to say, so that if the Lord is silent, so will the prophets be silent
This is the central issues in Saul’s life, but it’s the thing he never gives any attention
He has set himself against the Lord and against the Lord’s word
As a result, Saul was only going to know silence and frustration at each turn
There was no way for Saul to go around this barrier apart from repentance
And once Saul crossed the line, the Lord withdrew His Spirit and Saul’s authority to act as His representative
As Samuel reminds Saul, the kingdom has been taken from him…it’s only a matter of time before the end comes
In fact, Samuel reveals that day is coming sooner than Saul expects
This massing of Philistines will be the instrument the Lord will use to put an end to Saul’s dynasty
Not only will Saul die tomorrow in battle but so will his son Jonathan
Jonathan was to die as well so that the house of Saul would come to an end as the Lord promised
Samuel’s statement in v.19 raises several interesting points
First, the fact that Saul and Jonathan die at the same time reflect the truth that bad things happen to both bad and good people
The Lord is choosing to end Saul’s life on this day as a result of his sin
But his godly son, a friend of David, will die too, also because of Saul’s sin
This is not a punishment against Jonathan
Jonathan is a victim of his father’s sin
Nevertheless, the Lord is not unjust to take Jonathan’s life too
First, the Lord was going to take Jonathan’s earthly life one day, one way or another
So you can’t judge God for the timing nor manner of Jonathan’s death
Furthermore, sin has consequences for us and others, and these are the consequences of Saul’s sin
Jonathan cannot live on to interfere with David’s rise to power
Then v.19 also provides us with the conclusive proof we’ve been seeking concerning the disposition of Saul’s heart
So often we’ve puzzled at Saul’s decisions, and in particular we’ve wondered at his ungodliness
Could Saul truly be a saint and do the things he did?
And I’ve taught along the way that Saul’s life is an archetype for the carnal believer
And now we have our proof
Samuel tells Saul that at the end of the next day, Saul and Jonathan will both be where Samuel is
Notice Samuel says both the disobedient Saul and the obedient Jonathan will join the prophet Samuel
So whatever you think of Saul, you must think the same of the other two and vice versa
Had Saul been destined to occupy a different place, I doubt Samuel would have phrased his response this way
By connecting both both Saul and Jonathan to Samuel, the implication is they share the same eternal fate
Finally, v.19 confirms the coming defeat of the army of Israel in the battle
This will not mean the end of the nation, certainly
But it does show that the people’s fate is closely connected to the fate of their king
Saul’s disobedience has produced consequences for the nation as a whole
Next week we’ll pick up here with the rest of the story