Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongWhen we last met, we left Abraham and the Lord standing together on a hillside overlooking the Arabah valley below the Dead Sea
Some 25 miles to the southeast lie the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah
These cities were among the most sinful, the most depraved of any places ever known on earth
So evil were these towns that the Lord decided to make examples of them
Moments earlier the Lord dispatched the two angels who had accompanied Him to Abraham’s tent, into the cities
In Abraham’s presence, the Lord instructed the angels to investigate reports of the great wickedness in Sodom and Gomorrah
And if these reports were true, the Lord would take action against the cities
This was the plan the Lord announced before Abraham, but we noted in our last lesson that the Lord was already certain of the sin in the cities
Therefore His angels were not visiting the cities merely to confirm the reports
They were traveling with another purpose entirely, one which becomes evident later in our story
And likewise, the Lord’s comments in Abraham’s hearing revealed His true intentions
The Lord wanted to show Abraham what would happen next and why it must happen
So the Lord could teach Abraham important lessons he must understand if he is to raise a nation according to God’s desires
Moreover, the Lord wants to give Abraham the opportunity to join in the Lord’s work through prayer
We’ll begin reading today in v.22, just as the Lord and Abraham are left alone to contemplate the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah
As this scene begins, we find the Lord standing alone with Abraham
And it’s clear that the Lord has remained here in Abraham’s presence to allow opportunity for this conversation
The Lord has determined to show Abraham what He will do in Sodom
And now comes the conversation the Lord intended to have with Abraham
But the Lord waits for Abraham to begin the conversation
The Lord has revealed Himself to Abraham and He has revealed His plans
And now it falls to Abraham to respond and join the work
What choices did Abraham have?
Abraham could have chosen to stand silently, effectively remaining on the sidelines, while God’s work went forward
But we know God wants Abraham to get involved, hence the Lord’s decision to reveal His plans as He did
How could Abraham respond?
The Lord has revealed His plans in such a way that only one response is possible
The Lord announced that He was prepared to bring judgment against the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah if the angels found their depravity to be true
Abraham knows of the depravity of these cities
After all, if the news of their depravity has reached to Heaven, then certainly the news traveled a few miles away to Abraham
He knows that these cities will be found guilty as charged when the angels visit
And he makes the correct and obvious conclusion: the cities would be destroyed by God’s wrath
Earlier, these cities had come under attack by a powerful ruling authority
The kings of the north came to judge the cities for their rebellion against the kings’ authority
The cities were laid waste, and everyone in the city was taken away
Even Abraham’s own relative Lot and Lot’s family had been caught up in the calamity
But Abraham intervened to save the city
Not to save the king and people of Sodom, for they deserved the judgment from the kings
Rather, Abraham intervened – with God supporting him – to rescue Lot, who was unfairly included in the judgment
Now here again, the city is about to face judgment, but this time from the ultimate authority
There is no force or king greater than the Lord
So if Abraham is to rescue his nephew again, he can’t assemble his men for battle
Instead, Abraham will have to appeal to the Lord Himself
And in doing so, Abraham once again becomes the man intervening for the sake of Lot and his family
So as Abraham contemplates the Lord’s wrath upon a depraved and unrepentant city, he worries about the fate of Lot and in v.2 he drew near to the Lord
This is essentially prayer, a petition placed before the Lord
Whether the Lord is seated in Heaven or standing next to us, it makes no difference
We draw near to Him when we petition Him, placing our requests before Him
Abraham begins to speak with the Lord in the form of questions
He asks the Lord if He will indeed (or also) sweep away the righteous with the wicked?
The city of Sodom is undoubtedly filled with unrighteous
And they are deserving of God’s judgment
In this case, the judgment is earthly…the destruction of the city and the loss of their earthly lives
But then that will lead to their eternal judgment in a future day
Nevertheless, the sweeping manner of destruction will stand as an example of how God responds to rebellion
Knowing God’s actions will create a perception among men, Abraham seizes on an opportunity to rescue Lot once again
He asks the Lord to consider the example He will create if He appears to treat wickedness and righteousness in the same way?
What will people say if the righteous are swept away in the same judgment with the wicked?
Even though the righteous enter into a glorious eternity after death, nevertheless the world will perceive the Lord to have been unjust
Abraham appeals to God’s perfect character and name
He asks if the Lord would risk His reputation by treating both the righteous and the unrighteous alike?
Notice in v.25 Abraham says, shouldn’t the Judge of the earth be seen as One Who deals justly?
Abraham is praying or petitioning the Lord in exactly the right way here
Abraham’s appeal to the Lord is based on an expectation that the Lord will act in ways consistent with His character and nature
This the foundation of effective prayer
We are told in Scripture to seek for His will, not our will
The model Jesus gave us begins by calling to mind the holiness of God’s “name”, which means His nature and very being
Then Jesus says we should call for the Father’s kingdom and His purpose to be done, not our will
James echoes these expectations
If we petition the Lord with wrong, worldly motives, we should expect Him to refuse our requests
Because His desire is to see us following Him and His plan
Moses made the right choice when he prayed to the Lord in the desert
The Lord gave Moses the opportunity to become the father of a new nation
While this possibility might have appealed to Moses’ pride, it wouldn’t have been consistent with the Lord’s glory
So Moses appealed to the Lord’s character and to His reputation among the nations, and the Lord responded
And when we pray for the Lord’s will and His glory and His name to be magnified, then we are praying in the right way
Abraham’s specific prayer request was that if 50 righteous exist in the city, would the Lord wipe the city away?
We can see the wheels turning in Abraham’s mind, can’t we?
He wants to save Lot and his family
But for some reason, Abraham is afraid to ask for this specific result
He doesn’t say, please save Lot’s righteous family
Instead, Abraham asks for the entire city to be saved if 50 righteous live in the city
Of course, we can take the Lord at His word
Had Abraham stopped here and 50 were found, the city would not have been destroyed
This is exactly the work that the Lord wanted to see from His servant Abraham
A prayer that petitions the Lord to move in ways that are consistent with His character
And by this petition, Abraham begins to align himself with that work of God, exhibiting the Lord’s purposes in his own desires
But remember our story of the father and the young son working on an old car in the garage?
The father wants his son to work with him, but he also expects the son will be clumsy and unfamiliar with the process
So when the son grabs the wrong tool or tightens the nut when he should have loosened it, the father just smiles and waits for his son to discover his mistake
And so the Lord waits as well, as Abraham discovers his error
What if there aren’t 50 righteous people in Sodom?
Knowing the depravity of the city, it’s entirely likely that the city may have fewer than 50 people who follow the Lord
If so, Abraham will fail to save Lot as he hoped
So Abraham wonders if he can get the Lord to agree to a change in terms
And thus begins the most remarkable example of bargaining with God in the entire Bible
Abraham draws near the Lord for a second time
I find it interesting that the Lord was still standing and listening throughout this exchange
He invited Abraham into this exchange and encouraged it by His presence and patience
It’s clear that Abraham felt once he had set the pattern for his petition that he was bound to it
He asked God to spare the entire city if a certain number of righteous could be found in the city
And so as Abraham felt the need to improve his odds for Lot’s sake, he moves in increments from 50 to 45 to 40 to 30 to 20 to 10
The readers know what Abraham is truly seeking: to save Lot
And we’re as struck by Abraham’s persistence and boldness as we are by his obtuseness
Why didn’t he just ask that the righteous in Lot’s family be spared?
Perhaps it was because Abraham wasn’t sure how much righteousness existed in Lot’s family?
In fact, what does it say about righteous Lot that Abraham felt the need to bargain down so low?
Lot has been living in the city for nearly a quarter of a century
We know him to be a representative of the living God, an ambassador for the Lord living among the reprobate
Surely, Lot has managed to rescue a few along the way?
He has his wife and children and their future husbands
And what about friends, business associates, neighbors?
Abraham seemed to understand that Lot hadn’t been very persuasive
He only felt comfortable when he reached 10
Watching Abraham bargain in this way, we learn several valuable lessons concerning prayer and witnessing
First, when we pray we are to pray specifically
John told us to pray specifically in His will
And as Jesus said, the Father knows what we need before we ask
So ask specifically, in the Father’s will, and in accordance with His character
Abraham wanted Lot and his family saved
But he asked for the city to be spared, which really wasn’t what Abraham wanted
And he asked for this to happen only if a certain number of righteous were present in the city
His request talked around the real point and forced him into a negotiation when one wasn’t needed
Yet still we marvel at the patience of the Lord
He entertained all of Abraham’s requests without showing the least bit of displeasure
If anything, the Lord was pleased to see His servant working so hard to appeal to the Lord
This gives us our second lesson: pray boldly
Abraham approached the Lord without fear, expecting to see his boldness rewarded, not rebuked
He appealed to God’s character but wasn’t afraid to ask and ask again
But even Abraham fell short eventually
Abraham stopped at 10, probably because he assumed it was good enough
Could he have gone farther?
Abraham stopped asking before the Lord stopped agreeing
When you pray, be bold
Name your request plainly
Be sure it’s inline with God’s character and nature and purposes
And don’t give up on God…be persistent
Finally, we learn something about Lot
He was a righteous man, but he lived a sorry life of faith
He has consistently chosen the world over living a life for the Lord
When he separated from Abraham, he was attracted by the well-watered valley of Sodom
He traded the testimony of living in tents for the worldly security of the city of Sodom
And he has been caught up in the troubles that come upon the world
Many believers over the centuries have followed in Lot’s footsteps
Most make no excuses for their choices
They prefer to earn the world’s approval and gain a name for themselves here
Rather than earning the Lord’s approval and earning eternal riches through their earthly sacrifices
But others believer think themselves wiser than Lot
They choose to unite themselves with the world, but as missionaries of sorts
A marriage to an unbeliever, a business partnership with an unbeliever, fellowship with a unbiblical church community, a friendship with a worldly and unbelieving friend
And they tell themselves that they can be the influence to bring faith and godliness
If this is truly God’s call, then they can expect to go in His power and see the fruit He has intended
But if God is not giving this specific call, then beware
Lot probably told himself similar lies
He probably told himself he could do more for the Lord if he lived in the city
He could witness to the Lord while living among the people of Sodom
But he was simply making excuses for his own desires
The reality is quite different
The Bible makes clear that we do our best work for God when we stand apart from the world
Jesus told us to be salt and light in the world but He asked, what good is salt if it has lost its saltiness?
Yes, we are to reach out to the world to bring them the Good News
But we are most effective in bringing that message when it comes from a source as distinctive as the message itself
We cannot expect the world to take much interest in our message when the messenger lives a life no different than their own
Some might argue that we must identify with the ones we are trying to reach, and that is very true
But we may only identify in ways that don’t compromise our identity in Christ
We can learn their languages, eat their foods, live in their towns
But we cannot be mistaken for one of them, especially as it relates to following the Lord and His word
Lot lived in Sodom for 25 years but, as we’ll soon see, he couldn’t convert his whole family much less the city
And because he chose to identify more closely with the city rather than with his Lord, he will pay a dear price when the Lord’s angels come calling
Lot learned the lessons we all should remember: we can’t make the world holy by our association
But it can make us worldly
As Paul taught: