Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongAs we move into Chapter 19, and since I’ve been away, we should probably take a moment to remember what we’ve covered recently
In Chapter 18, God is teaching Abraham to understand better God’s character and nature
He wants Abraham to be prepared to raise a people who would know and follow the Lord God
What’s He teaching Abraham?
God is a God of both mercy and justice, lovingkindness and wrath, grace and judgment
God will hold the unrighteous under penalty for their sin
And He will grant mercy to His children by faith and rescue them from the coming judgment
And what better way to teach those lessons than to allow Abraham to see God at work in all those ways in the neighboring cesspools of Sodom and Gomorrah
For inside those cities Abraham knew there were both sinners and saints
Men who perverted God’s creation and at least one man who stood opposed to sin
And so God announces – in Abraham’s presence – that He will judge the city
And the rest of that encounter fell to Abraham to respond
And Abraham did respond, praying that the Lord would spare the entire city should a handful (10 people) of righteous be found in the city
The Lord agreed, but the request was really the wrong one for Abraham’s sake
He wanted to save Lot and his family, but he didn’t ask specifically for that outcome
But we understand that God will turn all things to good, so we await to see what God will do with Abraham’s request
As Chapter 19 opens, you might have noticed similarities to Chapter 18 in the way this chapter begins
For example, as Chapter 18 opened we found Abraham sitting in the doorway of his tent
The tent of Abraham has become a symbol in our study of Abraham’s trust in and reliance upon God’s promises
Hebrews tells us that Abraham steadfastly remained a nomad living in tents
This was his way of testifying to the culture that he was willing to wait for his reward in a heavenly future
Lot, on the other hand, is sitting in the gate of the city
The gate of a city was a multi-chambered room built within the entrance of the city wall
People who came from outside to conduct business with the city would be allowed into the city gate to meet with magistrates or other officials
So to “sit in the gate” meant to officiate as a city judge or other leader
Lot wasn’t living a testimony of resting in the Lord; he was living a life that embraced the world
Notice the next parallel in the way Lot greets the angels
He rose from his place in the city and bowed down to meet them
Did Lot recognize them as angels? Probably not at first, like Abraham before him
It was likely unusual for men to visit Sodom given its reputation for sexual perversion
Any man venturing into this city was asking for serious trouble
So Lot was probably trying to coax the men into accompanying him to safety
Perhaps this was Lot’s reason for greeting them with such haste
Perhaps he was intent on rescuing any person who entered the city unaware of the danger
In fact, that could explain Lot’s interest in sitting in the gate
Perhaps he was serving in this role precisely to intercept potential victims and warn them or rescue them
Lot for his part may have been given this prominent position after his uncle Abraham had saved the city
So Lot extends an offer to the angels that they would stay with him and eat
Abraham extended a different offer, but he did so for different reasons
In Abraham’s case, he wanted the honor and blessing to host a visitor
And after Abraham realized he was hosting the Lord and angels, he was undoubtedly grateful to have been visited
Lot extends his invitation to preserve the visitors’ honor
The difference in these two accounts leaves us with the impression that energy and blessing are flowing in opposite directions
For Abraham, his pious obedient life had lead to a peaceful rest in his tent, ready to receive the Lord and receive His blessing
But Lot is sitting in the city, working in the world, and anxious to give something of blessing to the Lord’s messengers
Which person would you rather be?
The answer is obvious, isn’t it?
When Abraham made his offer, the Lord agreed
But when Lot made his offer, the angels initially answered no
This causes Lot to urge them even more strongly to stay with him
Finally, they agreed
Again, Lot has to expend greater energy
Throughout this story, take note of how hard Lot must work to obtain the things that come easily to Abraham
Finally, notice that here Lot serves unleavened bread to his guests
Unleavened bread resembles a cracker, since it doesn’t have yeast and isn’t given time to rise
But in Chapter 18, Sarah is told to make bread cakes, including kneading the bread
This indicates a bread that rises into a cake, which requires many hours of preparation
Lot is under the stress and pressure to move the meal along quickly for fear that their evening will be interrupted
Abraham was calm and Lot was in a hurry
The contrast is so remarkable, especially since we know both men were men of faith
Both knew the Lord and trusted in His promises by faith, and yet each lived such different lives
The evening was late, and it was nearing time for sleep when Lot’s house was surrounded
The men of the city were at Lot’s house seeking the visitors
Clearly, Sodom didn’t get visitors very often, and when it did the news spread quickly
Within a few hours, the men of the city had organized and come to the house to accost the guests
The degree of depravity is truly stunning
Even today we rarely if ever see this kind of universal depravity
Truly this town had reached the depth of human sin
It’s particularly sad to see that the group included both the young and the old men
Not even age had brought wisdom to this city
From outside Lot’s home they call to him demanding to see the visitors
And they say they want to have relations, which means they intend to gang rape these men
This is something we only expect to see in a prison
Now we see more clearly why Lot was so concerned for these men and was working so hard to keep them and feed them quickly
How did Lot arrive at this kind of life?
He entered into a bargain with the world
In return for allowing him to live among them and enjoy their worldly successes and comforts, Lot traded his peace of mind and the quiet life of a man of faith
Paul commands believers to make it our ambition to lead a quiet life (1 Thess. 4:11)
And while Lot’s experience is certainly an extreme example, it’s an accurate representation of the challenges believers face when they marry themselves to the world
And to be specific, Lot made choice after to choice to live like the unbeliever rather than to live in ways that typified God’s people
He adopted their lifestyle, he placed himself in harm’s way
And all the while Abraham made opposite choices
Coming to a story like Lot and seeing the contrast between Lot and Abraham compels us to consider our own life choices
Every day we face choice after choice to either conform to God’s word or conform to the world
Some occasions we choose for one and other times we choose for the other
Have you noticed that as you chase the world, life gets more hectic, more stressful, more challenging?
Obviously, following God can bring its own challenges and trials
Obedience isn’t a guarantee of an easy life
Nevertheless, Scripture promises that the trials that come with faithful obedience will only serve to grow us and strengthen us, leaving us lacking nothing
The troubles that worldly living produces, on the other hand, will wear us down, take our energy and choke off our spiritual maturity
Abraham is strong, steady, speaking with God and listening to His counsel
The Lord is inviting Abraham to know Him better and join in His work
And the Lord is bringing blessing to Abraham even when Abraham takes a misstep here and there
Lot on the other hand is frazzled, fearful, stressed and tired from the never-ending effort to compensate for the sin of those he has surrounded himself with
The Lord isn’t spending time with Lot, as is evident by the need to send these messengers on a fact finding tour
And when the Lord does visit Lot, it’s a rescue mission in which Lot is called to leave the world behind
Now we reach the most disturbing part of Lot’s story (at least so far)
Lot is determined to save his guests from the humiliation – to say nothing of the violence – of this mob’s attack
It’s not hard to understand Lot’s desire to protect his guests
But in the ancient east, it was supremely important for a host to care for the wellbeing of his guests
Lot understood this requirement all too well
He is determined to preserve his social responsibility and personal dignity
So he tries to go outside to reason with the unruly crowd
There are some important details in this passage
First, Lot calls these men his brothers
This is a revealing term
Lot has come to identify with these men as his brothers in some sense
Clearly, Lot isn’t related to this men, so we know he didn’t mean the term in the sense of physical brother
In Genesis 13:8 Abraham had said he and Lot were brothers, in the sense that they were kin and should show love and regard for one another
But now Lot calls these evil men of Sodom “brothers”
Not even Jesus was willing to call his earthly family His brothers
But then in what way did he mean it?
Were these his friends?
Look at their response to his rebuke
They quickly distanced themselves from him
They called him an alien
While Lot wanted to call them brothers, they reminded him he wasn’t one of them
Then they pushed him forcefully to go past him into the house
Obviously, they weren’t his brothers in any way
It’s becoming clear that Lot has forgotten which family is truly his family, the one where he should find his identity
But they were never fooled
Don’t ever forget that as much as we might want to identify with friends in the unbelieving world, they will never accept us unless we leave behind everything that identifies us with our faith
The moment we start again to act according to our spiritual values they will disown us in an instant
Our spiritual outlook will bring conviction and cause friction
Ironically, we are the ones who are fooled, thinking we can find common ground
Comically, Lot asks the crowd not to act wickedly
What possibility does this statement have of persuading the crowd?
If simply asking wicked people not to act wickedly worked, we wouldn’t need jails
If this worked, why didn’t he ask them a long time ago?
Obviously, it doesn’t work and it didn’t work here
Lot is unwilling to acknowledge that the people he has chosen to identify with are not his family and not his friends and do not share his values
And then finally, we see the depths to which Lot is willing to share in the depravity of this city
Unbelievably, Lot offers the crowd his two virgin daughters instead of the men
As the father of an unmarried teenage daughter, I find Lot’s statement incomprehensible
What was Lot thinking?
The first and obvious answer is that he viewed this option as the lessor of two evils, but that’s still a pretty poor answer
How would he explain this decision to his daughters?
Most likely, Lot has weighed the two possible courses of action in terms of how it impacted his personal reputation
If he allows the guests to be raped, his reputation as a host will be ruined which would be a profound embarrassment
Notice his reference to the men having come “under my roof”
If his daughters were assaulted, on the other hand, he and his family would be perceived as victims of a crime
His daughters would have been disgraced, unlikely to ever find a husband and probably injured or pregnant
But at least Lot would have preserved his social honor
And it would be better for Lot to allow his daughters to become victims than to suffer social disgrace himself
Whatever Lot was thinking, this offer speaks volumes about the state of the man’s spirit and the corruption evident in his walk with the Lord
Lot was saved by God’s grace, according to the word of God, but he was a sorry excuse of a follower of God
Lot is an example of what happens to men saved by grace but captivated by the world
I’m sure the first day Lot arrived in Sodom he wouldn’t have offered his daughters to a strange crowd of men
We have to wonder how he avoided such an assault himself?
What kind of bargains did he have to make to stay safe from the homosexual rapists?
Given he was willing to offer his children, what wouldn’t he have done to remain at peace in this city?
Over the 25 years he’s been in this town, the constant barrage of sin has worn him down, and now he’s become the kind of man willing to trade his daughters for strangers
Let Lot’s long slow fall be a reminder for all of us
Bargaining with the world is like sleeping with the enemy
You have crawled into bed with something that wants to extinguish the light within you and crush your spirit
And you have to learn to sleep with one eye open, watching for the attacks
And as you grow weary in the fight, you begin to lose ground like Lot did
The longer we play the game, the more tired we get, and eventually the world wins
Give yourself over to Hollywood, and they hypnotize you
Sell your soul to the mall or the office or the golf course and they will also take your peace of mind and your spiritual energy
Like the seed that grows up around thorns that choke it off (Luke 8)
If we associate ourselves with vice and vulgarity and crudeness and promiscuity and paganism and occultism and brutality and materialism, just watch what it does to our spiritual condition over time
Maybe the first year or two things go swell
But come back in 25 years, and maybe you too will be willing to sell your family to preserve your pride and chase away the demons in your life
Why even go there?
Reflect on Abraham and his life instead
He wasn’t perfect, but he stayed in his tent of dependence on the Lord
He rested in the Lord
The Lord’s provision was always enough
The Lord’s voice was all the praise he required
The Lord’s visit was a lifetime of honor
And his peace came from looking to eternity for his fulfillment