Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongBefore rejoining Lot as he stands between the hostile crowds and the visiting angels in his house, we need to find our “pony” in this story
Let’s begin by remembering Abraham’s prayer for his nephew
Abraham asked the Lord to spare the city if ten righteous were found
The Lord agreed, but we’re left wondering what will happen to Lot and his family
At first it seems likely that there would be at least ten in the entire city who knew the Lord
Lot and his family are at least four, perhaps as many as six if his daughters have taken husbands
But will there be ten?
And if ten aren’t found, will God hold Abraham to the original bargain thereby destroying Lot with the city?
If so, what kind of lesson will God be teaching Abraham about God’s character?
Secondly, there’s the question of the power of prayer to influence God in the course of these events
Sodom and Gomorrah are certainly deserving judgment and the Lord is already determined to judge them for their sin
But when God agreed to honor Abraham’s request, He seemed to leave the outcome of the cities in doubt
How does Abraham’s prayer work side by side with God’s sovereignty?
Is Abraham determining the outcome of Sodom and Gomorrah or is it God?
Finally, we should remember that this account of Lot and Abraham offers a stunning picture of God’s plan for a future judgment
As we observed in earlier chapters, Abraham can be seen to represent Hebrews while his believing nephew Lot can represent the Gentile believer
Lot is blessed by his association with Abraham, as we will see
We ended in v.9 last week as Lot confronted the crowd of men only to have them call him an alien
Then they threatened to accost him
In fact, the tone of their statements would seem to suggest that he has so far avoided their mistreatment
But tonight they intend to abuse Lot
His time in this depraved city has run out
So the angels (Moses is still calling them men) open the door, reach out and drag Lot back in, shutting the door after him
Finally in v.11 the supernatural power of these angels is revealed in the text
They strike the crowd with blindness
The word for blindness is a unique Hebrew term used only in relationship to an angelic power
It literally means to cause confusion, probably a dazed mental state, combined with a lack of vision
Notice the men were still determined to find a way into the house, even though they were blinded supernaturally
You might think that just the sudden occurrence of the blindness would have been enough by itself to stop the attack
Can we doubt how utterly depraved these men had become?
At this point in the account, the story takes a sharp turn
The angels clearly begin to focus on destroying the city as judgment for its wickedness
They haven’t taken a census or examined every person
Yet they are ready to begin the destruction
In fact, they state plainly that the Lord sent them to destroy the city
We could read this statement to suggest that the judgment was always to be the result for the city
So it wasn’t necessary to seek for ten righteous
The angels seem to know that there is no point
They tell Lot to get his family ready to leave the city before the destruction
We know he has at least two daughters and a wife
But the daughters are betrothed to be married
Their future spouses are called sons-in-law since they were betrothed
So Lot was preparing to allow his daughters marry into the men of this city, despite what we all witnessed happening
What kind of future awaited this family in Sodom?
Lot’s decision to live in this city has done so much damage already, and it would have only been worse
Why do the angels make this request of Lot?
In fact, why is Lot being given any warning at all?
It’s clear that there aren’t ten righteous in this city, so we know the Lord will go forward with His plan to destroy the city
We’re watching the Lord at work through His angels to bring grace to His children
And He’s working through the angels as His ministers to the elect
Now we see why the angels were involved at all
We wondered back in Chapter 18 why the Lord was engaged in this fact-finding trip which we knew wasn’t necessary
God already knew the condition of the city and He knew the city’s final outcome would be destruction, as it should be
We also knew that it was part of God’s plan to teach Abraham about Himself
And it was an opportunity for God to invite Abraham into God’s work through prayer
So God appears with His angels, already determined to bring judgment to Sodom and Gomorrah
And the Lord purposely reveals His plan to Abraham
Abraham recognized the events unfolding around him, recognized the urgency to get involved, and prayed for the Lord to spare Lot
But Abraham used imperfect words, praying for the city to be saved rather than asking for Lot to be saved
Makes no difference, because the Lord knows His heart
And as Jesus Himself told us concerning our prayers:
And these angels are now standing in Sodom even though they had no real reason to visit in the form of men
And as we’ll come to understand in the next passage, their true function is to minister to the righteous in the city
Lot’s received the warning from the angels, and he was surely convinced as to their angelic identities having just witnessed the blindness of the crowd
So he takes their warning seriously and proceeds to call upon his family members
His wife and daughters are still living in his home, since the weddings haven’t taken place yet
But his sons-in-law are living in their own homes
So Lot calls upon each of them during the night
When Lot delivers the truth, the sons-in-law assume he’s joking
How sad is this situation for Lot?
Remember back in Chapter 18, we considered what it said about Lot’s testimony that his uncle Abraham needed to bargain God down to ten righteous
We noted that Lot has been living in this city for nearly 25 years as a representative of the living God
As a man who knows the living God and trusts in His promises, we would have expected Lot to have been a more powerful influence in that city
Peter tells us that Lot was concerned by what he saw there
Nevertheless, Lot was unable to bring revival to the city
But the the situation turns out to be even worse than Abraham thought
Lot hasn’t even been able to influence his future sons-in-law into following the Lord
What’s more, Lot’s own authority in matters of God and God’s word is so weak that when he brings an urgent warning late at night, the men laugh it off
What a sad commentary on Lot’s testimony in this city
As we said last week, to play with fire is to be burned
And while this world will tolerate us living among it, the price we pay for getting too attached is severe
While we have good reason to fault Lot for his choices and the weakness of his testimony, we need to be careful
We can’t assign him the blame for the unbelief of those around him
The state of a person’s heart toward God is not something we control
We can’t even set our own heart upon God and His word until and unless the Lord permits us to hear and follow
So clearly Lot wasn’t responsible for the unbelief of his sons-in-law
Yet we can’t deny what we see God doing everyday around us
He delights to use our witness and our persistence in presenting the truth in love to persuade hardened hearts to receive the truth
We can’t pretend that our efforts are unimportant or irrelevant in the cause of building the Kingdom
Nor can we take credit when our message finds a receptive heart
Having failed to persuade his sons-in-law, Lot returns to his home in the pre-dawn hours of the morning
Lot is conflicted about what to do next
He believes that judgment is coming as promised and he wants to bring his entire family with him
But with his sons-in-law refusing to believe his warning, Lot is paralyzed
He seems willing to risk his own destruction and the destruction of his family for no particular reason
Then the angels urged Lot once more to leave the city before judgment came
In fact, the angels tell Lot that the judgment is so imminent, they must leave now or they will be caught up in it
The effort taken by these angels to reach Lot tells us clearly that this was, in fact, the mission they were sent to accomplish
They angels didn’t need to parade through the city as mortal men in order to make an evaluation
Their real mission was to save Lot, which was precisely what Abraham wanted, yet never asked for specifically
Now we see them working hard as those ministering spirits (as Hebrews calls them) trying to help this righteous man to make the right decision
Remarkably, we’re told Lot hesitated
Hesitated? What in the world would cause a man to hesitate in light of what he knows is coming?
If God sent you an angel – and you knew it was an angel – and the angel told you to escape a certain death…
Would you hesitate?
What if the command to leave was so urgent that it necessitated leaving behind everything?
That’s the condition that’s been placed before Lot here
He’s lived in this city for 25 years
What if I gave you that command right now?
Get up from where you’re sitting, don’t grab a thing, and begin walking out of town leaving everything behind
Could you do it?
Jesus addressed this very issue on several occasions in the Gospels
First, Jesus taught that a willingness to leave the world behind was a legitimate test of faith
This ruler left Jesus sad – he hesitated – because he wasn’t willing to believe that the riches of heaven are worth trading everything in this life
When Jesus then remarked that the allure of riches is a powerful barrier to faith, the disciples ask how anyone could be saved?
They recognized that everyone shares this same sin no matter how much we possess
We all want what we have and then some
Jesus said only by God’s power is it possible to save a man, but that those who follow Christ will gain much more than they lose
We know Lot has always had an eye for the finer things
He sought for the rich valley and later for life in the city
As a city leader, Lot must have amassed considerable wealth
Now he’s so attached to all he has that he’s ready to die for it
Praise the Lord that He will remain faithful to His promises to us even as we are faithless to Him Who has saved us
Peter reminds us of this truth in recounting the story of Lot
The Lord rescued Lot while destroying the cities as examples
And in v.9 Peter says that this story is proof that the Lord knows how to find a way to rescue the godly while keeping the unrighteous under punishment
But take note of what the Lord is ready to do for us
Peter says the Lord rescues us from temptation
Lot is hesitating because he is tempted
He has been tempted by the world and he is tempted to stay one minute longer, hoping to find some other solution
Some compromise that allows him to keep everything while avoiding the judgment that is coming
But that bargain isn’t possible
It’s never been possible except in Lot’s mind
But now is the moment of truth
The angels see that Lot will not save himself, so they are forced to take action
They take each of Lot’s family by the hand and bring him outside the city
The angels save Lot from the city, removing him from the temptation that held him in place
And this was their mission: to save the righteous in the city
And that was Abraham’s request though he didn’t ask for it
Abraham wanted the Lord to relent in His judgment over Sodom and Gomorrah in order to save Lot and his family
But there weren’t ten righteous, so the city will be destroyed – yet Lot will be saved
The angels were sent to save Lot and his family, because God already knew how many would be saved and He planned a way to do it
In fact, the angels each had two hands (since they appeared as men)
And there were exactly four people who needed to be removed from the city
Two angels means four hands: just the number God needed to save those He intended to save
So when Abraham prayed to the Lord, did he accomplish anything?
He didn’t change the Lord’s plan to destroy the city
Though the Lord did agree to consider that plan if ten were found
On the other hand, the Lord did grant Abraham his desire
Even though Abraham didn’t ask for it
Think about the wisdom and power of God to work through prayer
He knows what we want, is always already prepared to do the right thing, never changes His mind, yet allows us to see our prayers answered
And the whole time the purpose in our praying stays the same: to train us up in the character and nature and ways of the Lord