Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongIt’s time for Paul to wrap up his teaching on resurrection
He’s rebuked those in Corinth who would suggest resurrection isn’t possible
He’s explained its importance to the Gospel
He’s reminded them of Christ’s own resurrection
He’s explained the centrality of resurrection to Jesus’ mission of reversing Adam’s mistake
And he’s shown the church that their cherished Christian rituals point to the reality of resurrection
So all that’s left is for Paul to explain to the church the manner of their coming resurrection
Because at the heart of the church’s doubts was a lack of appreciation for how the Lord can accomplish something so incredible
How can it be possible for a dead body that’s been decomposing in the grave for centuries to return to a living vessel?
The seeming impossibility of it all was probably the main reason the church succumbed to this false teaching
Let’s see how Paul answers these objections
In v.35 Paul refers to a person asking how the dead will be raised and what kind of body they will have?
It’s important to understand the tone of the question as Paul repeats it
This was a question being asked by those in Corinth who didn’t believe in resurrection
The question itself was intended to mock the very idea of resurrection
Put another way, the questioner was asking, “How could it even be possible for God to raise a dead body? Imagine the condition of such a body!”
The question pointed to the decaying process of dead bodies and to the destructive nature of death itself to discredit the idea of resurrection
How can a body that’s decomposed be brought to life?
Or what if that body is totally burned up?
Or what if the body is crushed by a rock or eaten by an animal?
Can you imagine the condition of such a resurrected body? Therefore, resurrection must be a ridiculous idea
Paul repeats the question here so he can answer this objection
Notice his response begins with a strong statement: he calls those who harbor such thinking “fools”
At first glance we might wonder if it was proper for Paul to issue such a strong rebuke
Elsewhere Jesus said that the one who calls another a fool has sinned
But the context in this case makes clear Paul was not sinning in his use of this strong rebuke
The meaning of the word fool in scripture is a person who discounts or excludes the power of God
As Psalms says:
In Matthew 5:22 Jesus gave an example of someone who uses the term fool in a hateful manner to slander a brother
But here Paul is using the term in its technical sense, as a description of this person’s sinful mindset
Truly, the Corinthian church was discounting and ignoring the power of God when they claimed resurrection was impossible
They argued a believer wouldn’t receive a new body, and in the process they were dismissing God’s ability to do things beyond what we can imagine
So Paul wasn’t uttering a hateful insult, as Jesus described
He was correctly labeling the mistaken thinking of the Corinthians
Then in the second half of v.36, Paul moves to answering this foolish objection by reminding them of God’s power to do the very thing they have been denying
Paul draws a comparison to another kind of resurrection involving seeds and plants
It’s tempting to call this example metaphoric, but it’s far more than metaphor
Paul’s example of seeds yielding new life is a type of resurrection that transcends mere illustration
Paul is pointing out the miraculous power of God to turn one physical form into another, something that’s evident in the everyday cycle of life on earth
Looking at Paul’s example, God designed the reproduction of plants to depend on the implanting of seeds into the earth
Paul picks up on that pattern to teach that nothing new comes to life until it is first buried in the ground
But Paul says, take note that the thing that we bury bears no resemblance physically to the plant that appears later
In fact, you can’t predict the appearance of a plant by looking at its seed
God has chosen to assign a certain “body” or physical appearance to each plant as He wished
And that body originates from an earlier body – a seed – that is completely unlike itself
God makes this transformation happen around us everyday, and we take it for granted without giving it a second thought
Yet the critics of resurrection overlooked this daily miraculous transformation, even as they claimed God can’t grant us new bodies after our present body is buried
Furthermore, once the new plant arrives, the seed that produced it is gone
It’s not as though the old seed remains in the ground
The seed is literally transformed into the new body of the plant
And that new plant body is not only different from the seed in appearance, but it’s much larger
Which means the material for the plant comes from somewhere beyond the materials present in the original seed
All these elements in Paul’s example demonstrate God can use one thing to create something wholly new and different without being dependent on the structure, appearance or condition of the original material
Next Paul broadens his examples beyond seeds and plants to address the vastness of God’s creative powers
Paul reminds us that God’s palette for creating physical bodies is vast and limitless
Consider the universe of “bodies” we can observe to exist
The bodies of men are different than that of animals, birds, fish etc.
The celestial bodies of the universe vary tremendously in physical construction from the sun to the moon and rest of the stars in the sky
They differ in size, brightness etc.
If God can make a universe so diverse in appearance, why would we have reason to doubt His ability to construct a new body for us?
Therefore, when the time comes for the Lord to assign each of us our resurrected body, He won’t be constrained by the condition or appearance of our first body
He isn’t required to reassemble our new body from the same molecules in our original body
Instead, Paul says God will construct a body suitable for eternal life in a heavenly realm, which requires He use all new material
Just as our first body was suited for physical birth and a physical life on earth, so our eternal bodies must be designed to share an eternal life with Christ
Since our earth has been cursed because of sin, our new bodies cannot share any material in common with the present world
We must be created all new, in the likeness of Christ, if we are to live eternally
Therefore, we will enter into our new bodies by the power of God rather than by a physical birth
While our first body was made from the material of our parents’ bodies, our new body must be made in the likeness of Christ’s body
Just as our new spirit was born again in the likeness of Christ’s Spirit
The material for our new body will have a new, eternal source
Something beyond the present cursed creation
Because our new body has a new purpose, it will have a new construction
In our new existence, Paul says we will be imperishable
The Greek word for perishable means corrupt or killed
Our first body was constructed from materials that were already corrupted
Adam’s sin placed all mankind in a state of corruption, of sin
His body and spirit became damaged goods, and therefore our first body was damaged goods too
But the new body we will receive at the resurrection will find its source in Christ, so that He will construct for us a new, perfect body
And it will be an imperishable body
The word imperishable means incorruptible
It cannot be corrupted
We will be held in a state of sinlessness by the power of Christ
Paul reiterates the example of the seed to emphasize the contrast between old and new
The first body is sown (buried) in dishonor
The dishonor of our present body is our weakness in sin
Our present bodies are corrupt and our physical death is proof of that corruption
But after that death and planting in the ground, we come to our state of glory
We can see the death process as a process of bringing new life, a life of glory
Likewise, a seed is small and weak compared to the strength of the plant that emerges
So will our new body be strong in the face of temptation to sin
We will never again experience the weakness of sin
We will enjoy Christ’s power in us to obey in perfection
While our original body was natural, living according to the desires of the flesh
Our new body will be spiritual, driven to serve and please the living God
Our thoughts and desires will be according to His nature, rather than according to a sinful nature
And if we have experiences an earthly, sinful existence, then we can be sure we will also experience the heavenly, eternal life that follows
Just as the seed experienced an existence of one kind, so will that seed know a new existence as a plant living a new life
Seeing Paul’s example fit so perfectly in describing resurrection should give us pause to wonder if God prepared the seed in Creation just to support this illustration
Did the Lord give us seeds leading to plants so that we might better grasp His power to resurrect our dead bodies?
It seems so
Which reminds us how much care God has given to ensuring His children are well-prepared for our coming resurrection
Today we bear the image of the earth
We are made of dirt, as was Adam
We are sinful as was Adam
And our bodies are cursed to die, as is the entire earth
But by our faith in Jesus Christ, we have reason to look forward to a new resurrected and heavenly life
We will be made of an eternal material
We will be perfect as Christ is perfect
And we will escape the curse of death as Christ Himself conquered death
And now Paul reveals one of the most powerful mysteries of the New Testament age: the manner of our resurrection
First, Paul repeats that the bodies of this world are simply unable to enter into a heavenly realm
Our sinful natures bar us from entry into heaven
So that even though we have been saved by grace, our salvation cannot undo the sinful nature of our present bodies
Our bodies must be replaced so that we are prepared for the eternal life
And then in v.51 Paul begins to explain the manner of that replacement, unveiling a mystery to the church
The word mystery in the New Testament has a very specific meaning
The word doesn’t mean something mysterious or confounding
It means a truth concerning God’s plan which was hidden from our understanding until an appointed time it is to be revealed
Paul was given the honor of revealing a total of 8 mysteries to the church
Here we see him revealing one of those 8 hidden truths: the manner of the resurrection
To begin, Paul says we will not all sleep, but we will all be changed (often a phrase posted on church nursery walls)
Sleep is Paul’s euphemism for physical death
The physical death of the body has long been described in polite, kind terms
Today, we speak of passing away, expiring, going home etc.
In Paul’s day, the popular euphemism was “to sleep” because the death of a body resembles someone sleeping
Paul says we will not all die
The “we” is a reference to the church saints (the believers in the church)
Not all church saints will experience a physical death
Most will obviously, and so far everyone has
But Paul tells us that God plans to allow some Christians to escape the death experience
Nevertheless, we all must be changed, Paul says
The Greek word for changed can also carry the meaning of being exchanged
We must all give up our current body for the eternal body, as Paul has explained already
For most Christians, that change involves first the death of the body followed by a receiving of a new body at some later point
But for some Christians, the new body will come by way of an exchange without the death of the first body
This exchange happens incredibly fast, virtually instantaneously
In v.52 Paul says this exchange will come in a moment
The Greek word for moment is atomos
It means an indivisible moment of time
We took our English word atom from this Greek word to describe an indivisible particle
Paul adds that it will be in the twinkling of an eye, which is that brief flash of light reflected by a person’s eye
So the moment we exchange our old body for our new body involves practically no time passing…it’s instantaneous
Next, Paul says it happens at the last trumpet
The reference to a last trumpet is a statement that any practicing Jew in Israel would immediately recognize
It’s a reference to the Jewish feast of Trumpets or Rosh Hashanah
It is the first of the Fall feast on the Jewish calendar
The feast begins with a series of trumpet blasts and ends with one long, great blast called the tekiah gedolah
Paul’s reference to this trumpet indicates that the Feast of Trumpets is fulfilled by the resurrection of the Church
Some have concluded that the trumpet mentioned here is a reference to the trumpet judgments in the first half of tribulation, but this possibility is precluded by the timing of the books of the canon
When Paul wrote this letter, the book of Revelation had yet to be written
So the Corinthian church (and likely Paul himself) had no knowledge of the coming trumpet judgments of tribulation
Yet Paul says “the trumpet” as if he expected his audience in Corinth to know about this specific trumpet
The only trumpet known to Paul and the church in his day would have been the last trumpet blown at Rosh Hashanah
As the trumpet associated with Rosh Hashanah blows, the resurrection will begin
First, Paul says those Christians who have already died by the time this moment arrives will be the first to receive their new eternal bodies
Until this moment, these Christians have been without a physical body since the day their bodies died
They have existed as spirits only, present in the heavenly realm with the Lord waiting for this day
At the commencement of the resurrection, the Lord rewards their waiting by assigning them new bodies before anyone else
They are raised, that is resurrected, into imperishable bodies, just as Paul has described earlier
Next, those who are alive will undergo the exchange of old bodies for new bodies
This process is explained in a little more detail in another of Paul’s letters written years later to a church in Asia Minor
Once again, Paul reassures the church that those who have already died in faith will not be left out of the resurrection
In fact, they will be the first to be raised, meeting the Lord in the air
And then we who remain (alive) are then caught up to meet Christ in the air to join the others in our new incorruptible bodies
Why does the Lord orchestrate the manner of our resurrection in such a unique process, one that permits some believers to bypass physical death?
There are two reasons as I see it…first, it’s about numbers
Paul says that the church is a temporary fixture intended to bring Israel to jealousy
We get what Israel could have had, and we exist for a time to illustrate the Lord’s kindness to a stubborn and disobedient Israel
But then Paul says once the Gentile church reaches its appointed number, the church has met its purpose and must end
When the fullness (or complete number) of Gentiles has been reached, the church will be removed from the scene
The sudden resurrection of the church is designed to bring that conclusion precisely at an appointed number
The Lord doesn’t wait for the last Christian to die naturally
He simply brings the end in a moment according to His timing
Which is the second reason for a sudden departure of the church
It creates a sense of urgency and unpredictability to the event
If God waited until all Christians had died, then we would have no reason to be watching for the Lord’s return much less to be ready for that moment
We would all simply just be waiting for our deaths, which drives far less urgency than it should
Instead, the Lord warned us that His return for the Church is an ever-present possibility, one we must be ready for at any time
Our removal will be a surprise so that we have good reason to be attentive to the Lord’s commands while we wait
Take nothing for granted; use every day to please Him
Finally, Paul wraps up his lesson on resurrection with a praise to the Lord for His plan to put an end to our mortality
God’s plan of redemption in Christ promises that His death and resurrection has won the victory over our enemy Death
But that victory won’t be evident to us personally until our own death has been conquered
And the resurrection is the moment when death is swallowed up forever
Imagine death forever removed from your thinking
Imagine a day when your mortality and the mortality of others around you is completely removed from your mind and your experience, never to trouble you again
Paul says the sting of death is sin
The Greek for sting means a stinger, the sharp point of attack
So the instrument of death’s attack is our sin
Our sin is the “stinger” that set death into our flesh
And the power of that stinger comes because of God’s Law
The power of the Law is in its ability to condemn men for their sin
But the Lord granted us victory by meeting the requirement of the Law and also paying the penalty it required for sin…He won our victory over death
Thanks be to God for winning this victory for us!