Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongToday we study the 16th and final chapter of Paul’s letter
With it comes Paul’s answers to the final two questions he was asked through Chloe’s delegation
The first question concerns the proper manner for giving for the needs of the saints
The second question concerns the possible return of Apollos to Corinth
Lastly, Paul wraps up the letter with some words of encouragement to the church and instructions on obeying leaders
The correction of the letter is behind us at this point
All that remains is instruction on these points as Paul brings his letter to a close
Paul opens the chapter with the familiar “now concerning” phrase, which indicates we are moving away from the prior topic of resurrection and into a new topic
The next question the church asked Paul to address was the proper manner for the collection of the saints
Paul’s answer gives us the opportunity to examine the biblical expectation for how we are to support the body of Christ financially
One of the reasons I am dedicated to preaching and teaching in a verse-by-verse style rather than in a topical style is the freedom it gives me to address sensitive topics
As we move through books of the Bible teaching the whole counsel of God, inevitably we will come across a topic that we don’t want to hear
Topics that cause us to become defensive or even angry
When a topical teacher raises one of these issues on some Sunday, we’re tempted by our flesh to accuse the preacher of having an agenda
Rather than crediting the Holy Spirit with drawing our attention to a problem in our thinking or behavior, we tell ourselves that the pastor was just picking a fight for selfish reasons
And on the basis of that thinking, we find our excuse to dismiss whatever instructions the teacher offers from scripture
The opening topic of Chapter 16 is a good example of one of these sensitive topics
Some of us may have been conditioned through past experiences to react negatively to any discussion of giving
We may assume the pastor wants more money for himself
Or for his ambitious grandiose building plans
So we brace ourselves for the guilt trip that we know must be coming
And as a result we close our ears and hearts to the conviction of the Holy Spirit
On the other hand, when you and I have been studying a book of the Bible verse-by-verse, everything changes
Both the audience and the teacher are constrained by the text of scripture
We must address whatever topics we find on each page
Verse-by-verse teaching ensures that ears and hearts remain open, since at least they can’t impugn the motives of the teacher
Whatever else you might say, you can’t say I chose this topic for personal reasons
The Holy Spirit chose it, and so we should all be listening closely
The church in Corinth was unclear on the expectations for Christian giving, so they ask Paul to clarify the practice
Paul’s answer will surprise many Christians, both for what he says and for what he doesn’t say
Paul says in v.1 that he is giving the church in Corinth the same instructions he gave to the church in Galatia
This comment is important because it shows us that Paul was teaching a consistent approach to giving throughout the New Testament church
These are not unique instructions for just one church or situation
This is Paul’s prescribed manner for giving for all churches, including ours today
Then in v.2 Paul gives us the manner for giving
Before we look at his instructions, let’s take a moment to reflect on how little Paul says on this topic
To my knowledge, this is the only verse in all of the New Testament letters that specifically addresses the manner of giving in the church
One verse only
To be sure, Jesus speaks extensively about money in the Gospels
He talks about the need to be generous, selfless and unattached to our money
He speaks of storing up treasure in Heaven and not merely on earth
He speaks of being a good steward and caring for the needs of others
But when we ask what are the rules for how to fulfill these expectations with our giving, we find only this one verse
Now consider how much preaching takes place on this topic
Something’s wrong when preachers are far more fixated on Christian giving than the Bible is
Also, take note that a certain word is missing from Paul’s directions
That word is tithe or tithing
Tithe is a word that means one tenth
The common teaching in the church today is that Israel was required to give one tenth of their income to God
Therefore, today Christians are required to give one tenth of their income to the church
In reality, neither idea is biblically correct
The word tithe first appears in the Bible in Genesis 14
It describes Abraham’s contribution to Melchizedek from the war spoils he obtained defending Lot
Abraham gave one tenth as a thanks to God
Later in the covenant given to Israel, the Lord incorporated the concept of tithing into the Law
But Israel was required to give far more than one tenth to the Lord
In reality, the Law contains three separate tithing requirements for Israel
In Numbers 18, Israel was required to give a tithe to support the priests
In Deuteronomy 12 the nation was required to give an additional tithe to support the three feasts of Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles
And in Deuteronomy 14 the nation was required to give a third tithe for the poor
Taken together, these tithing requirements amounted to upwards of 30% of a Jew’s income
So if someone is to argue that Christians should repeat the pattern of Israel, then be careful what you wish for
Because we’re signing up to a commitment well beyond just ten percent
We’re signing up for 30%
Of course, the Christian is not bound by the Law of Moses
That law was given to Israel as part of their Old Covenant
Paul tells us in numerous places that if we are under the grace of the New Covenant, then we are not under the Law of Moses
Therefore, the tithing requirements of the Old Covenant are not the standard for our giving today
In fact, we can’t tithe as required under the Law, because the institutions designated by the Lord to receive Israel’s tithes don’t exist any longer
The Jewish priesthood does not exist today
And the temple is not operating
So without these institutions in existence, it is literally impossible to tithe according to the Law
This is why Paul never uses the word tithe in any of his letters
In fact, the concept of tithing is completely missing from the New Testament
The Bible never commands a Christian to tithe
So if you have ever heard a Bible teacher or preacher tell you that we have an obligation to “tithe” that is to give 10% to the church, then you have not heard the truth according to scripture
Because tithing in Israel meant 30%, not 10%
Secondly, tithing was a prescription for Israel only, and it’s never repeated to the New Testament Christian
So with that background, we’re now in a position to consider Paul’s instructions with an open mind for what the Christian should do to demonstrate a generous heart
First, Paul asks the church to put aside money in savings on the first of every week
The mention of the first of the week is a measure of regularity and consistency
I don’t believe Paul is intending to prescribe the exact interval or day of the week for our setting aside
I believe his point is that we are to be diligent and committed to setting aside some of our income on a regular basis in order to give it away
Notice again that Paul never designates an amount
He doesn’t say how much we set aside because the New Testament believer has liberty in this area of life
We set aside whatever amount the Lord places on our heart
If you feel led to set aside 10%, then so be it
If you feel led to give more or less, than do so
Whatever you do, you must be convinced in your own heart that it is what the Lord is asking from you
But notice in the next part of v.2 Paul says we should set aside as we prosper
In other words, as our income rises and falls, so should our setting aside
In good months and good years, we are expected to become more generous
And in lean times, we are expected to adjust our saving accordingly
This only makes sense of course, but while it’s often easy to adjust downward, don’t forget to adjust back upward when business picks up
Next, Paul says that no collection was to be made when Paul arrived in Corinth
When Paul arrived in any city, like Corinth, he always asked the church to make a contribution for the needs of the next church on Paul’s itinerary
Notice in vs.3-4 Paul mentioned his intention to take a contribution from Corinth to the believers in Jerusalem when he departs
When Paul left the church in Macedonia to travel to Corinth for the first time, the believers in Macedonia gave a contribution to Paul to fund his work in Corinth
Paul reminded this church of their generosity in his next letter
The church in Macedonia was poor while the people in Corinth were wealthy
Nevertheless the believers in Macedonia wanted to support Paul’s work in the Gospel
Later in 2 Corinthians, Paul turns the tables on the church in Corinth asking them to support the poor believers in Macedonia
But Paul didn’t want these collections taken merely on the occasion of his visits
He didn’t want his arrival to be the cause for the church’s giving behavior
He wanted the Church’s giving behavior to be consistent, not based on circumstances
More importantly, Paul’s ministry was funded by those who had benefited from God’s work in a previous day
Paul never burdened those he was serving at the time
Verse By Verse Ministry International follows this same pattern
We never ask for funds from those we serve as we serve them
Instead, we depend on the generosity of those who have been blessed by our work in the past and want to ensure others may be blessed in the future
That was Paul’s pattern
Lastly, notice where our giving is to go: into our own savings
The believer is called to save up privately for the needs of the saints
We set aside a portion of our income into a fund designated for the needs of the saints
Then as needs are brought to our attention, we have a ready resource from which to fund our giving
There is no requirement in scripture that our giving go automatically to a single institution or body
There is no expectation in scripture that churches have bank accounts with large balances that we sustain
We don’t depend on the church to hand out funds on our behalf
We should take an active part in that distribution
On the other hand, remember the three reasons the Lord told Israel to tithe
They were called to support the needs of the priests and temple
To care for those who dedicated themselves to ministering to the nation in corporate worship
They were called to support the feast celebrations in Israel
To support the corporate activities of the body
And they were called to support the poor in Israel
To care for the needs of those who lacked what we have received from the Lord in abundance
These three reasons have parallels in the Christian experience
Like Israel, we set aside funds to support the needs of those who minister to us
We fund the operation of the church and the programs that provide us spiritual benefit
And we come to the aid of those in the church who have needs
Of course, this system depends on our self-discipline and willingness to obey the Spirit
We must have the self discipline to store up regularly
We must be willing to obey the Spirit’s prompting for how much to store
We must have the integrity not to rob from the fund recognizing it has become God’s money
And we must have the generosity to distribute the funds as the Lord leads without hesitation
Like every experience in our Christian life, liberty gives us an opportunity to walk in the Spirit and in freedom
But the benefits of liberty depend on spiritual maturity
Liberty in the hands of an undisciplined, immature Christian leads to license to sin
And in the end, the one who suffers the most will be that Christian himself who abuses his liberty
When we walk in obedience, we will be blessed
Next, Paul describes his travel plans with the church
Paul wrote this letter while he was working with Timothy in Ephesus, and as he wrote he planned to travel north to Macedonia before returning to Corinth
He mentions these plans probably because his supporters in the city were looking forward to his return and wondered when it would happen
We know from 2 Corinthians, Paul changed his plans and went directly to Corinth from Ephesus
He did spend a winter with them as he promised, but it was a year later than he expected
He says he wanted to spend time with them, probably because he has seen the need to deal with so many apparent problems
His reference to Pentecost means he wrote this in Spring, but it also suggests that Paul’s religious year was still driven primarily by the Jewish feasts
In v.9, Paul speaks of a great opportunity in Ephesus which requires he spend more time in that city
He describes the opportunity as an open door, which is a favorite metaphor meaning opportunity for people to know the Gospel
And yet that occasion is accompanied by many adversaries
This is a very different attitude than we may encounter in the logic of the church today
Today, when we encounter many adversaries or opposition, we often declare the door of opportunity is closed
Strong resistance is interpreted as a reason to pause or re-evaluate our plans
But the true measure of opportunity in ministry is the amount of fruit available, not the ease with which we harvest it
Paul was determined to stay in Ephesus because he saw great opportunity with Timothy
And the great resistance he faced was all the more reason for Paul to remain and fight for the Gospel
Speaking of Timothy, Paul tells the church he will send Timothy in his place, and they must receive him as they received Paul
He asks them not to despise Timothy
That’s quite the endorsement of Timothy
Paul is simply speaking honestly knowing the Greek culture placed an emphasis on strength and age, neither of which Timothy possessed
Timothy was young and prone to stomach problems
He wasn’t going to strike a powerful image in Corinth, but Paul sent him anyway because he knew the Lord was working in Timothy in a great way
Perhaps this was Paul’s strategy
Perhaps Paul intentionally sent someone in his place, who the Corinthians would not be tempted to idolize as they had Paul and Apollos
This is another perspective Verse By Verse Ministry International tries to emulate
To the extent possible, we want to diminish my profile and the profile of other teachers to guard against encouraging a celebrity mindset among those who hear our teaching
You can see that celebrity mindset in the Corinthian church, to a degree, when they ask Paul the final question of the letter in v.12
While some wanted to know when Paul was returning, others wanted to know when Apollos was returning
Remembering that the letter began with the Paul vs. Apollos argument, here we see those factions still seeking for their respective hero
Paul answers their question, saying that he encouraged Apollos to come back, but Apollos had no interest in returning at this time
Paul’s strong statement seems designed to reassure Apollos’ followers that Paul was not to blame for Apollos’ reluctance to return
We don’t know Apollos’ reasons nor do we know if he ever did return
But I suspect that Apollos was staying away to avoid feeding the unhealthy desires of his “followers” in that city
Apollos didn’t want followers any more than Paul did
Both men wanted the church to follow Christ alone
Then to finish the letter, Paul gives a few instructions and greetings to the church
I really like Paul’s direct commands in vs.13-14
Given all that’s been said in this letter
All the critique, admonishment, correction…
Still Paul wants to make sure the church is stirred to walk with the Spirit in confidence, not defeated or discouraged
He tells them to be alert
To maintain eyes for eternity
To recognize the urgency of the times, the needs to remain soberly mindful of their coming judgment
To stand firm in the faith
To have courage and assurance in what they believe and in WHO they believe
To act like men, which is to say to be mature in their thinking concerning spiritual things
Paul does not mean think like men, not like women
He means think like men, not like children
The Greeks admired wisdom, so Paul says let’s aim for spiritual wisdom
To be strong
The Greeks admired physical strength
But Paul says let’s aim for spiritual strength
A strength built upon spiritual wisdom
Most of all, act in love
The love God showed to us in the face of Christ must become the source for our love to others
Self-sacrificial, selfless, intended to unite not divide
Paul’s last instruction involves how the church would receive other leaders in the church who might visit them from time to time
Specifically, Paul mentions Stephanas and two other men who come to Corinth
This delegation may have accompanied Paul’s letter of reply to Corinth
Paul sent along these instructions so that as the letter was read, these men have been seen to receive Paul’s endorsement
These men had proven themselves to Paul, so Paul tells the church to acknowledge these men
He wants them to acknowledge their authority
Moreover, he wants them to subject themselves to their authority as they minister to the church
Paul’s instruction reaffirms that men may be assigned authority in the church and that authority follows them into other congregations
That’s why we say once an elder, always an elder
But that authority extends from their character and their work ethic, to be committed to devotion to ministry
Then Paul ends the letter with greetings, intended to unify the church and encourage them to think as a single body geographically distributed across the globe
Paul mentioned Aquila and Priscilla, the couple that came from Rome to join Paul in ministering in Corinth before leaving with Paul for Ephesus
Their home in Corinth had become a house church
Now it’s clear they were using their house in Ephesus as another church
Their model is the ideal model for the church in any day
A couple ministering together, devoting their lives to ministry
Using their resources for the glory of God
Setting up shop wherever the Lord sends them
Then Paul extends a general greeting and kiss from all the brethren in Ephesus
Paul ends his letter taking the pen from the scribe who wrote on his behalf
This one line written in his own hand validated his authorship
In the next line, Paul gives a final strong warning to the church
That should anyone fail to show love for Christ, then this person is revealing themselves to be accursed
They are not a believer, and therefore we must see them as infiltrators in the church
Paul finishes the thought with maranatha, which is Aramaic for Oh Lord come
Paul writes it here in Aramaic, a language largely unknown in Greek society
This tells us that the word had become a Christian expression like Hallelujah is today
Paul ends the letter in a manner similar to the way he started
He extends grace to the church, just as he began by saying grace to you
No single word better expresses all that Paul taught or all that Christ has done for the church
Grace is favor shown without cause or merit
The church was called to live according to the grace the Lord extended to them
Showing each other favor without cause or merit
In doing so, they are showing the love of Christ, as Paul ends
The love of Christ be with us all