
Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongNote from audio: teaching from the old website under the name Stephen Armstrong has all been migrated to versebyverseministry.org
Last week I presented a teaching on the sovereignty of God over our finances
I promised you that it would be merely the first of two parts on this subject
And that this week I would move more in the direction of health, which I will
I also said I would address more specifically the issue of the teachers who are peddling so many false and unbiblical perspectives on both these topics
And as always, I will try to capture some aspect of what the Bible has to say on God’s sovereignty in this area by relying on a passage of scripture that illustrates these truths
And as usual, I want to repeat my disclaimer concerning my treatment of this topic – I don’t intend to teach everything the Bible has to say concerning the sovereignty of God and money or health
Since this is a Part 2 of sorts, I need to briefly revisit where we left off in last week’s teaching. In fact, I want to pick up at the end of the parable we read last week, in Luke 16
Jesus had just given a short parable about a poor manager soon to be fired, who shrewdly finds a way to make good use of money he was about to lose anyway
He turned this money into favor among the men who did business with him so that some might be willing to help him once he lost his job
Christ compliments the man not on his poor management, but for knowing how to make the most of the passing wealth of this world
Then Christ makes the stunning comparison to believers, teaching us to use the fleeting wealth of this world to make eternal friends
In other words, just like the manager who turned his worthless unpaid bills into true gain, Christians should use the worthless wealth of this world to build up treasure in heaven
And if we truly recognized the perishable nature of this world’s wealth, we would never hesitate to use it for the gain of eternal riches
Consider Christ’s words at the end of that parable
Remember the words of Christ in Matthew….
As I ended last week, I challenged you to consider what it would take for you to live a life that truly reflected Jesus’ teaching in this parable
What would it take for all of us to give no regard for our earthly wealth, instead focusing our attention on eternal riches
In a word, trust – trust in God to provide for your needs here while you spend your time and resources seeking His kingdom and His righteousness
What would our church and our world look like if all Christians were taught this and followed it – we would look as radical as Christ Himself looked
And maybe we would have as great an impact as He had
Now, at various times through this lesson both last week and this week, I referred to our giving of our resources (wealth) and our effort (service)
So I think it’s time I transitioned to the second part of this topic – God’s sovereignty over issues of health and the body
Spiritually speaking, how should we view our bodies and our health then?
How does our health and our desire that our body function properly relate to God’s sovereignty? And how is it connected to the issue of wealth?
Well, as always, we need to begin by establishing the basic principles established in God’s Word
God gives life, to every man and woman
Moreover, He establishes the length of that life
Since our days are determined, the number of our months is with God
God has determined the number of our days in this world
Some might read this and unknowingly confuse two related Biblical principles by assuming that this is speaking merely of God’s foreknowledge
In fact, it’s referring to God’s Sovereignty, specifically His providence
Job makes clear we’re not just talking about God’s knowing the future and thereby knowing the length of a man’s days
God says He has set or appointed man’s limits – in other words, He has determined, decided the limit of our days
Moreover, He says He will not allow us to pass that limit
I believe the more you consider this statement, the more radical it will become in your life
How much time do you spend concerning yourself about how long you will live?
Given what we just read, how successful do you think you will be?
If the world and lately even the church are obsessed by concerns over wealth, then I think it’s fair to say they are paranoid over the prospect of declining health and death
Consider the vast amounts of money and effort spent by the world to avoid death? To forestall it?
But even the unbelieving world knows they can’t truly avoid death, so they do the next best thing:
They pretend they’re avoiding it
They work to look as if they were avoiding it – plastic surgery, cosmetics, etc.
All of it done to give the impressions of eternal youth if not eternal life – all the while in a decaying body
There’s a reason why cheats and con artists are commonly called snake oil salesman
Because the most common and most successful way to cheat people out of their money has typically come from those selling miracle cures – snake oil it was called – to a world desperate to cheat death
And what really drives the world to behave this way? To focus so much on preserving health and lengthening life?
In a word: fear
Fear of pain, fear of dependency, fear of rejection, fear of death and ultimately, fear of judgment
For though most unbelievers couldn’t articulate it or perhaps even recognize it, they are living a life driven by fear – a fear that comes from sin and the separation it creates from God
And of course, they should fear – for
Now the truly sad part to all this is how much the church has become to look like the world – just as it has in the area of wealth
As believers, we have no business sharing in the world’s fear
Christ took on flesh and blood and suffered through the death process, and when He was raised up, the Father demonstrated His power over death – a power He grants to those who trust in His Son’s sacrifice
And by doing so, He rendered Satan powerless over Christians
How is Satan powerless over us? Because we no longer have reason to fear death. Because we know death brings better things, not worse things
As long as someone has reason to fear death, they will be consumed by the fear of death and through that fear, Satan has control over them, a slavery Hebrews calls it
This is the fear that drives the unbelieving world and causes them to participate unknowingly in the schemes of the evil one
Their fear of death and all the insecurities it produces – insecurities over money, health, love and power – drive the unbelieving world to commit all manner of sin
But the writer of Hebrews says Christians have no business sharing in that fear
We are freed from that kind of slavery
Simply put, we have no business fearing death nor even the natural decay of this body – for we should look forward to its replacing
So when we act as the world does, fearing death and following the same schemes as if to avoid death, we are assuming the position of a slave again – not in reality but in appearance
It’s also on the basis of fear that so many false teachers have succeeded in gaining an audience
I want to take a brief moment to address the issue of these teachers before moving to tonight’s passage
These teachers know that their audiences fear not having enough money and they fear the approach of death
So these teachers tailor their messages to appeal to the ears of the world
These teachers are tickling ears – which means they are saying things we like to hear – things that appeal to our sinful fearful nature – and they avoid messages that offend or disturb us
They tell us that God wants to make us rich and take away all illness
That God must grant us our wishes if we ask Him using the right words or while we hold the right thoughts
Interestingly, they often avoid preaching the hard message of the gospel because it may offend…just as Christ said it would
Perhaps this insight will help explain their motives:
After he was released from prison, a very repentant Jim Bakker told this account of how his ministry came to focus on false teaching concerning prosperity:
That last line sent chills up my spine…consider how many churches now are willing to jump on board the latest teaching fad sweeping the country – effectively relinquishing their pulpits over to pre‐fabricated sermon series designed to sell books more than glorify God and edify believers – it’s truly frightening
While some of these teachers are truly evil men, unbelievers preying on the Body of Christ
But what’s worse, many honest and well‐meaning pastors and teachers have been impressed by the success of these false teachers and are beginning to imitate them and mimic many of their teachings
This is a dangerous trend, because it means not only do God’s sheep have the wolves to be concerned about, but now even their shepherds themselves have begun to go astray and lead their flocks to dead ground rather than good pasture
Shame on all the church if we allow this decent into apostasy to go unchecked – I pray we will have the courage to be like Hezekiah, who removed the high places and broke down the sacred pillars and cut down the Asherah.
Now I know some of you are probably exercising great patience with me right now
Because you know there is another side to this story of God’s sovereignty in health to be found in scripture, and you would be right
And this discussion will lead us into our passage tonight
Scripture does give clear instructions concerning the need to respect our bodies and to do so with reverence
There are many well‐known verses:
Similar things are said in 1 Corinthians 3 and 2 Corinthians 6
So, obviously the condition of our bodies is not meaningless to God
He wants our bodies to be respected and honoring to God
At times we know He desires to heal us so that He may receive glory for his compassion and mercy
But so often our theology in this area glosses over the details and simply runs to the conclusion that keeping our bodies healthy is one of the spiritual precepts from God, and we often cite passages like the ones I quoted to prove the point
But did you pay close attention to those passages?
Did they talk about seeking physical health, preserving physical strength or protecting the beauty of the body?
Did they persuade us to strive for a long life ?
Did they talk about what we should eat?
Did they talk about health at all really?
If you listened carefully, you noticed they all spoke about refraining from sinning with our bodies
Paul instructs us to flee immorality, especially immorality committed with the body – sins that involve physical acts of immorality
God’s Holy Spirit indwells us and therefore, He owns our body
By using our body for immoral purposes, we essentially bring the Holy Spirit with us into our sin, making Him an unwilling witness to our depravity
So our instruction from Paul is to honor the Holy Spirit’s presence in our bodies by fleeing immorality and using our bodies to glorify God
Paul taught essentially the same thing in Romans, emphasizing the importance to not allow sin to reign in the body
But here’s the truth about what you’ll find in the Bible regarding how we treat our bodies
Apart from sin issues like gluttony, immorality or eating food sacrificed to idols, the scriptures say almost nothing about how we treat our bodies strictly for the purpose of health
Some may be tempted to raise the issue of the dietary laws given in the Mosaic Covenant
But of course we know as Christians, we are not bound by that law – nor does anyone I know try to keep it
In truth, the dietary law was like the rest of the law – a schoolmaster to drive us to Christ by demonstrating our unrighteousness
So, we’re left chiefly with one view in scripture: we should not focus on the earthly body, but set our mind on eternal things knowing God is sovereign.
He has set the length of our life
He expects us to use our body to glorify Him
In many of his teachings, Paul compares our bodies to the temple of God…so what was the purpose of the temple?
To worship and glorify God
Are you using your body to bring glory to God?
We know we are to devote all we can in our finances to the kingdom, not storing treasure in heaven…
So if I were to take the Biblical perspective of bodily health, and do the same – devote my body to serving God with as just much commitment and energy as I commit my finances, what would that look like?
And that brings us to our passage tonight, which we’ll cover in two parts beginning in 2 Corinthians 4:5‐12
Paul had a vitally important ministry in the early church
In fact, there probably isn’t a man after Christ who could be considered as important to the church as Paul
And Paul knew how important his ministry would be – Jesus gave him that insight and understanding
So if ever there were a man who could claim that preserving the health of his body was the most important thing he could do to advance the kingdom of God, it would have been Paul
Can’t you hear Paul’s words now…
“Therefore, it is with sorrow that I must remain here in Ephesus rather than embark on such a long and difficult journey to greet the brothers in Macedonia, for I must preserve my strength so that I might minister to the saints for as many years as I am able.”
Wouldn’t that make sense to our modern view of preserving the health of the body?
Or the other popular view on health would have Paul saying:
“I have this thorn in my side, but I have cast it out in the name of Jesus and because I had enough faith, God will heal me of this affliction, because He desires that all His children are free of distress.”
The truth is Paul lived a miserable life
In fact, 4 out of 5 doctors say if you do the things Paul did, you’re probably suicidal
If there was a way to put his body in harm’s way, to subject it to misery, to wear it down, to undermine its health, Paul did it
He was stoned, he was beaten, he was jailed under the worst of circumstances
Our passage today begins with a sobering reminder of what true devotion to a calling requires of us
Paul says that though he was filled with the Light of the Holy Spirit as are all Christians, it was placed inside earthen vessels
Lamps were often made of crude clay pots that were translucent…
He compares the human body to such vessels
The only reason those vessels have any value at all is because of what’s inside them – the light and life of Christ
If you were to find one of these vessels lying around without oil, with no way to light it, you would cast it aside – it would be worthless
And in fact, it’s God’s purpose that the container for His light be weak and unimpressive, so that the light can be seen all the more clearly for what it is – the power of God
Look at what Paul says in 8‐11
Our earthly body is constantly suffering for the sake of our ministry: afflicted, perplexed, persecuted, struck down
But these afflictions cannot defeat us totally – because that’s not their purpose
Instead, their purpose is something altogether different and surprising
We who live in Christ, Paul says, are being delivered over to these afflictions so that Christ’s strength in us may be shown – so that God will receive glory
Who exactly is delivering us? Is the enemy delivering us to these circumstances? Does he have such control and does he want to glorify Christ?
No, the grammar of the Greek makes clear that the one who delivers us is the same one who is working to glorify Christ
It is the Holy Spirit Himself – God in other words
God subjects us to these afflictions, but not for the purpose of destroying us – merely to ensure our weakness is always evident – and Christ’s strength is always visible
The most convicting part of Paul’s message comes in verse 12
He says death works in us, so life works in you
It’s a paradox, and in the Greek it was a commonly understood rhetorical technique – a comparison drawn by contrast
Paul says that the more faithful he and others like him are to to obey God’s will and minister to the Corinthian church, the more they suffered physically
Yet the more they did that, the more the Corinthian church prospered spiritually in witnessing the apostles’ faithfulness
Do you understand what Paul is saying to us here?
If it’s not clear, hold on as we read the second part of this passage together
Paul doesn’t regret the abuse his body is taking for the sake of the Corinthian church, even as much trouble as he’s caused them
He says all that he’s done was for their sake and for the glory of God
And the fact that his body is falling apart doesn’t matter one bit to Paul – because he knows who’s in charge
And he knows that it’s part of God’s plan that he suffer in the work of the ministry
He knows that experiencing trauma to his body was necessary and part of God’s plan because of how it diminished Paul’s apparent strength and glorified God
And why is that necessary? Because he doesn’t want to convert people into believers in Paul, he wants to convert people into believers in Jesus Christ
If Paul were to have lived his life emphasizing his physical health, he would have been doing exactly the same thing as the man who stored up his material wealth on earth
Both would be storing their treasure on earth instead of heaven
Think about that when you avoid opportunities to minister because of the discomfort it might cause or the physical stress it might produce
Or when you can’t find time for ministry or serving in the Body because your calendar is too full with activities that grow your pocketbook or shrink your waistline – you’re storing up treasure in heaven
Consider the rest of Paul’s words in v 17…
The affliction is light and momentary but the rewards are eternal and weighty
And we are willing to do such a thing because we see our circumstances with eyes for eternity – not fixated on things of this world, the temporal things of life
Then he says that just like our earthly money, the body we have here – this tent he calls it – is temporary and not worth holding onto
It will be torn down and God will replace it with something eternal – something every believer should be yearning for and focused on
And God even gave us a down payment – a pledge of that future new body in the form of the Holy Spirit
But before we get that new body, there will be a test
And at the test, called the Judgment Seat of Christ, we will be shown for what we did in this world with what He gave us
With the resources He gave us and with the opportunities to serve with our bodies in glory to Him
And what will Christ say to you? Why not answer that question right now for yourself?
Which prosperity gospel are you living by right now?
The one that believes that we must seek wealth, pray for wealth, strive for wealth and store up our wealth so that in this world we can feel rich and satisfied?
The prosperity gospel that says we have to protect our health, worry over our health, demand God’s healing and preservation of our life to the last possible moment so that our strength may be made known in the eyes of the world
The prosperity gospel taught in so many deceived churches around the world that places all the emphasis on our selfish desires and on our fleeting life in this world
Or are you prepared to believe and to live out the true, biblical view of prosperity and health?
The one that trusts God to keeps His word in providing for your needs
The one that teaches contentment regardless of what God chooses to provide
The one that understands that the willingness to spend the wealth of unrighteousness on the kingdom is our test of our trustworthiness with eternal riches
The one that does not seek to protect our health and strength to our own glory, but is willing to sacrifice it for the sake of the kingdom and the glory of God
The one that sees this world with eyes for eternity, the one that understands the sovereignty of God
What are you prepared to believe?
And what are you prepared to do with what you believe?