Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongWe’ve reached the final major section of Matthew’s Gospel, a section that takes us through the final week of Jesus’ earthly life and the days after His death
In this section we’ll study Jesus’ entry into the city, the Last Supper, Jesus’ trial and crucifixion, His resurrection and His post appearances
On the calendar, these events take place over a very short period of time, barely 6 days according to Matthew’s account
But the retelling of these events requires almost a third of Matthew’s Gospel
So obviously, they are very important and worthy of careful consideration
And even before we begin that study, we have a brief moment at the end of Chapter 20 to cover, which bridges us into the final section
As you remember, Jesus had been in Perea on the eastern side of the Jordan river
But then Jesus crosses the Jordan back to the western side and now He’s headed up to Jerusalem for the last time
And the road up from the Jordan River valley runs by the ancient town of Jericho before reaching Jerusalem soon after
Jericho is set in a mountain range that runs parallel to the Jordon river on the west side of the valley
The road first passed through the ancient Jericho of the Old Testament times which Joshua and the Israelites invaded
The OT Jericho was in ruins by Jesus’ day, so about a mile away stood a new settlement of Jericho built by Herod the Great
That city was built around Herod’s summer palace, where Herod later died
Today there is also a third Jericho, a modern Arab Jericho which extends toward the Jordan river
So in Matthew’s account, Jesus has passed by the old Jericho and was now entering Herod’s Jericho where He encounters two blind men
The other Gospel writers only mention one of these men, who Mark names as Bartimaeus
But by Matthew we learn there were actually two men involved, so perhaps Bartimaeus was the more insistent or more vocal
The men hear that the Messiah was approaching, so they begin to cry out loudly for Jesus to have mercy on them
They say Lord, Son of David, which is a term that refers to the Messiah’s role as King sitting on the throne of David in the Kingdom
In effect, they are declaring Jesus to be the King over Israel
Which leads some in the crowds to become uncomfortable with their cries
Matthew says in v.31 that some in the crowd were telling them sternly to be quiet, meaning they were being rebuked
Luke reports that these people were in the front of the crowd:
Remember, this scene is taking place near Jericho, home to one of King Herod’s four palaces
So men loudly proclaiming Jesus is rightful heir to the throne of Israel is a statement of insurrection to the Romans
So no doubt the crowd was nervous about that, but for the same reason, we can see their statement as a clear demonstration of faith
These men knew where they were and how dangerous their speech might be, yet they persisted as Jesus approached
They keep yelling out for Jesus in a desperate hope for mercy
Being blind is never easy, but in ancient times it was an especially terrible fate
The blind were unable to work for the most part, and as a result Jewish society viewed them as worthless and a burden
And to make matters worse, the Pharisees taught that blindness was a judgment from God
So Jewish society felt justified in withholding their pity leaving blind people with literally no source of support
As a result, the blind were limited to begging for subsistence, and without the ability to see, they were vulnerable to anyone and anything
They might be cheated or abused by strangers if not ignored altogether
And they were susceptible to animal attacks and to exposure to the elements
So we understand their persistence and desperation, because for them healing could be the difference between life and death
But we also understand that after Jesus was rejected in Chapter 12, He no longer heals crowds indiscriminately
Back in Chapter 12 we found another time when people were asking is Jesus the Son of David?
And at that time the Pharisees said no, Jesus was Satan, and the crowds agreed with their assessment
That led Jesus to reject this generation of Israel and withdraw the offer of the Kingdom
Since that time Jesus only heals those who first demonstrate faith in Him and usually only in a private moment
So certainly these men have demonstrated faith by their persistent cries and so Jesus will attend to them
When Jesus reaches them, He stops and calls for them to come to Him for a private audience
Mark describes the moment this way:
The same crowd that earlier had been trying to silence the men now encourage the men to stand up and answer Jesus’ call
So Bartimaeus stands up, and as he does, he casts aside his cloak
This is a very interesting and telling gesture because a cloak was an indispensable part of ancient attire
For the common man, a cloak was one of the most important possessions he owned
A cloak protected a person against cold and rain, it was a shield against the harsh sun and a tent during sandstorms
It was his blanket at night and in desperate times, it might be sold for a night in a shelter and a meal
So a cloak was not cast aside casually, and that was especially true for a blind man
When a blind man casts anything in the midst of a crowd, he would not expect to find it again
Because the moment that cloak left his hands, someone in that crowd would have picked it up and made it his own
A blind man is helpless to stop theft, since he couldn’t identify his property, let alone the thief
So a blind man always holds on to what he owns tightly
But not Bartimaeus…he casts aside his cloak when Jesus called for him
And this suggests Bartimaeus was expecting to be healed and with his eyesight restored, he knew he would find his property
It’s the mark of someone who had absolute confidence and faith in Jesus’ power to heal
So in v.32 Jesus asks the man what do you want from Me, since all they had asked was for mercy
So the men specify they want their eyes opened, and moved by compassion Jesus grants them their sight
And they then become disciples of Jesus, following Him to Jerusalem
In Mark’s Gospel we see the connection between faith and Jesus’ healing even more clearly
The connection between faith and healing during the latter part of Jesus’ ministry is clearly evident, but we must be careful in what we do with this truth
It’s true that faith is a prerequisite for receiving the blessings of a relationship with Jesus
As the writer of Hebrews says
Without faith it is impossible to please God, and our faith includes an expectation that we will be rewarded
And at times that reward may include a temporary physical healing of one kind or another
I say temporary because eventually we all die…no healing lasts forever
And that’s where this truth can be distorted and manipulated until it’s made into a lie
Generally speaking, faith is a prerequisite for pleasing God and receiving reward or blessing
But just because we have faith doesn’t mean we will always receive what we want, especially in the area of healing
As I just said, we all die eventually, so eventually our requests to be healed will be answered no
And that’s a good thing, because the death of this body makes possible the receiving of the next body, which is much better
So be wary of any teaching that suggests that God will always heal you
Saying that God will always heal us when we have faith is the equivalent of trying to push on a rope
A rope only works in one direction…it’s only useful for pulling, not for pushing
Similarly, faith is necessary for pleasing God and receiving reward, but that relationship only works in one direction
We can’t turn that formula around on God by declaring that reward always comes for those who have faith
Faith is necessary to receive blessings like healing, but it is not sufficient…God’s will must also be inclined to grant us healing
And self-evidently, God’s will is not always for us to be healed
Returning to our text, Matthew includes this moment on the road to Jericho because it foreshadows what’s about to happen as Jesus enters Jerusalem
In a few days, Jesus will be met by hundreds if not thousands alongside the road leading from Bethany into Jerusalem
As they greet Jesus, they will declare Hosanna to the Son of David, Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord
They will celebrate the arrival of their King, Who they assume is preparing to rule over their nation
But Jesus isn’t coming to rule, and so as He did with these blind men, Jesus does not acknowledge their call for Him to be King
He will only respond to those who come to Him in faith
The nation of Israel as a whole will not receive their kingdom in this day
And Jesus will soon die for their sins…we will study that moment now, beginning with the next section
Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem comes from the east, and the east side of the city is marked by a series of mountain ranges and valleys
On the top of the two ranges to the east stand two small villages called Bethany and Bethphage
Bethphage stood directly the east side of Jerusalem on top of the Mt. of Olives
At this point, Jesus stops walking and directs two disciples to enter Bethphage looking for a donkey
In fact, Jesus gives the men explicit instructions on where to find a donkey and her colt, and to bring both the mother and the foal to Him
And if someone asks what they are doing, Jesus says just tell them the Lord has need of it and they will immediately allow it
This is the only time in Matthew’s Gospel where Jesus refers to Himself as Lord (Yahweh), which is the proper name of God
Mark says this happened just as Jesus predicted, when a crowd did object to the disciples trying to take the animals
Yet the crowd relented when the disciples gave the response Jesus commanded
And so they brought the two animals back to Jesus
As strange as all this sounds to us, it wasn’t altogether unusual for someone to borrow a donkey or for a dignitary to ride a donkey
Just as we have rent-a-car services today, it was common to have rent-a-mule services for travelers in that day
Mules and donkeys were a common form of transportation in that day, especially near a large city like Jerusalem
And a donkey was not associated with poverty or degradation
They were an appropriate way for a dignitary to enter Zion
Horses were extremely rare in common day life and almost exclusively used for war
Mules and donkeys, on the other hand, were associated with peace
So kings and princes would commonly ride mules and donkeys in peace time instead of horses so as not to send the wrong signal
You may remember that Solomon rode a mule to his inauguration in 1 Kings 1
Luke tells us that this foal had never been sat upon, so Jesus was getting a rent-a-mule with zero miles on it and it had that new-mule smell
In Jesus’ day, an animal reserved for royal use could not be used for common purposes
So by requiring an animal that had not been used for any common purpose, Jesus was indicating He was royalty
Obviously, the Father has made this provision available for His Son which means God was working well ahead of time to bring it about
Consider all the things that had to happen at just the right time to make this possible
The Lord first had to bring the coal to birth at the right time and place
Then He had to ensure someone tied it up at the right place and time
And then He had to prepare the hearts of the people to accept the disciples’ explanation
This is such a simple and obvious display of God’s sovereignty
We like to say God didn’t make us robots, but that doesn’t mean He doesn’t control our actions
Everything happened according to God’s will, and yet the people involved made personal choices according to their own desires
Yet behind the scenes the Lord moved hearts and heads to achieve a specific outcome…and the Lord does this all the time
His sovereignty over all details on earth is what gives us confidence to place our faith in His word
Including in His promises that He will provide for us according to our needs
You may have heard Christians saying God owns the cattle on a thousand hills, which is a verse taken from Psalm 50
And when we say this, we mean it literally as an encouragement that God has the means to provide us anything we need
Everything in the Universe belongs to God, so He can put it to work in any way He wishes
In this case, someone owned those animals, yet they were God’s property, so He made the decision to give these animals to Jesus
And time and time again, the Lord makes provision for Jesus in this way
Jesus lived during His entire ministry owning nothing in human terms…Jesus Himself said He had no place to lay His head
Yet because God owns everything ultimately, when Jesus needed something, He received it just in time
We’re going to see this happen again when the time comes for Jesus and the disciples to share a Passover meal
Furthermore, nothing we own is truly ours, because it remains God’s property even as He allows us to possess it for a time
Think of your possessions like a book you borrow from the library
We have checked it out, and we possess it for a time and enjoy it while we have it, but eventually it goes back to the library
And after it does, someone else is going to check it out and enjoy it
So while it may have felt like our property for a time, we knew it wasn’t forever
We should approach our possessions with that same understanding…our needs are met by God and what we possess belongs to God
So when we truly need something, we should have confidence to know the Lord will provide it in the nick of time through some means
I’m not saying those means will be supernatural…they are most often natural
But they will often come in surprising ways, and usually just when we need them most
Which means we must have patience to wait if we are going to see the provision the Lord has planned for us
And when we do receive things through whatever means, hold on to them loosely knowing they are only passing through your hands
They remain the Lord’s possessions, and just as He gave them to you for a time, they still remain the Lord’s property
And one day He will ask you to pass them on to someone else, whether while you are alive or after you die
It’s better for you to release them while you’re alive while you may still gain the credit for generosity than to hold on to them
If we live with this outlook, two good things will happen
First, we will waste much less time worrying about possessions
We all spend way too much time and energy focused on gaining and maintaining possessions that we lose in the end
Secondly, if we wait for God to provide what we need to serve Him, our faith will grow tremendously
Because nothing builds your faith faster than recognizing how little you need and how much you depend upon God for it
I had a missionary friend once tell me that Christians in developed countries miss the blessing of dependence on God
A missionary is typically very aware of their dependence because they lack for most things and live off donations, etc.
It’s living as close to Jesus’ lifestyle as we can get today, and it forces us to recognize God provides everything
Similarly, when we lose a job and feel the insecurity of no paycheck for a time, we’re reminded of our dependence on God
So expect the Lord to provide according to your need (not your wants)…and don’t hold on to what He gives you too tightly
But now to the bigger question….why did Jesus need to ride a donkey now after having walked everywhere for the entirety of His ministry?
Matthew gives us that answer in vs.4-5 quoted from Zechariah 9
In Zechariah 9:9 Israel was told that their Messiah would arrive in a humble fashion, riding on a colt, a juvenile donkey
The first coming of the Messiah was a ministry of humility, in keeping with His plan to make Himself a sacrifice for our sin
So in keeping with that humble mission, He enters Jerusalem in a particularly humble fashion that fulfills the Scriptures
And as we begin the final week of Jesus’ earthly life, we’re going to see a lot of Scripture fulfilled
And we’re going to correct a lot of misconceptions and false traditions about the events of this week
In particular, the timeline of the events that follow offers us an opportunity to do both
We will study this moment in greater detail in weeks to come, but for now we can see how the timeline offers fulfillment of one Old Testament prophecy
Jesus is about to enter the city of Jerusalem through the east gate, on a Sunday, the first day of the week
Mark says Jesus arrives at the temple late in the day so He quickly leaves to spend the evening outside the city in Bethany
Following Sunday night, Jesus will return to the Temple each of the next three days prior to Passover
Over these days, Jesus will teach in the temple grounds and be interrogated by various religious leaders trying to discredit Him
Those four days Jesus spends in the temple from Sunday through Wednesday are a fulfillment of Scripture
Specifically, Jesus is fulfilling a commandment associated with the Passover feast described in Exodus
In Exodus the Lord gave Israel the Passover observance, where He told them to select a lamb on the tenth of Nisan
The lamb was selected on the tenth of Nisan, and it was kept in the house of the family for four days until the fourteenth
During these days the family would continually inspect the lamb looking for any spot that might disqualify it
Then at twilight on the 14th, the spotless animal was sacrificed and consumed that night…nothing was to remain at morning
We know from John’s Gospel that Jesus was our spotless Passover Lamb sacrificed for the sins of the world so He too must be inspected for four days
The tenth of Nisan fell on a Sunday the particular week Jesus’ died
So Jesus arrives in Jerusalem on that day, and He immediately proceeds to the house of God for four days of inspection
Starting Sunday and continuing for part of each of the next three days, Jesus is inspected by the religious leaders
This process of inspection will show once again that Jesus is qualified to be our sinless, spotless Lamb
So this entry into Jerusalem is not an opportunity for Jesus to reign or rule over Israel…He is entering to fulfill the Passover
Therefore, each detail in the account reflects the requirements of that feast
And even the timing of the events will mirror the Passover so that even as Israel celebrate the feast Jesus is at work fulfilling it
We will study the events in detail, the timeline in detail, the movement of Jesus in and out and around the city in detail
We will trace it all so that we can see the sovereignty and wisdom of God at work to bring all these events to the appointed end
By the way, in the middle of it all we have the single most important discourse that Jesus gives on the subject of end times
Be sure to be a part of this study