
Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongLast week’s teaching began a discussion of how the Lord assigns us rewards in the Kingdom
We learned that every believer will receive a share of Christ’s inheritance, referring to the eternal treasure of the Kingdom
That treasure may be land, homes, other possessions…wealth that we will use and enjoy for eternity
Every believer receives a share of that inheritance
But we also learned that we can earn a greater share based on how we use our time, talent and treasure here to serve Jesus
When Jesus evaluates our work at the Judgment seat of Christ, He will take into account our opportunities
He understands that each of us had a different starting point in life of service to Him
Some of us become Christians sooner, some live longer, some receive greater gifts & more resources, some have higher callings
So our reward will be based on what we did with the opportunities we received
Those with more opportunity are called to greater service while those who received less opportunity will naturally serve less
But the point is to run the race that God sets before you as well as you can and until you reach the end
Now, if you’re like me, you think about this concept every day
You consider whether you’ve organized your life and your use of your time, talent and treasure to optimize your reward
And if so, that’s good, because that’s the reason Jesus placed this truth in the Bible for us to know
He wants to motivate us to live with eyes for eternity, knowing there is a far greater life waiting for us in the Kingdom
And He incentivizes us to do what’s necessary now to make the most of the time He’s given us
From there, Matthew returns briefly to a recurring theme from earlier chapters: Jesus’ prediction of His death in Jerusalem
Nevertheless, we haven’t left the topic of reward behind entirely, as you will see as we move forward in the chapter today
Let’s remember where Jesus is at this point…earlier He traveled south from Capernaum eventually reaching an area east of the Jordan river
He stopped in Perea, a territory controlled by Herod Antipas, and while he was there, He taught on marriage and on serving children
Then He addressed the rewards of the Kingdom, and now Jesus is on the move again toward Jerusalem
This will be Jesus’ final journey to Jerusalem, because His final Passover is quickly approaching
And it’s for that reason Jesus has been repeatedly telling His disciples what will happen when they reach Jerusalem
And now for the third time, Jesus gives His most detailed explanation yet
Jesus says when He reaches Jerusalem, He will be taken into custody by the religious leaders
He will be tried, convicted, sentenced to death, tortured by Gentiles (meaning the Romans)
And then He will die and finally resurrect after three days in the grave
Jesus has said essentially the same thing twice before, but here He spells it out plainly and in complete detail
Still, like the two earlier times, the disciples didn’t understand what Jesus was saying
The problem was they didn’t realize their generation of Israel had already lost the opportunity to receive the Kingdom
They couldn’t appreciate that the kingdom wasn’t going to appear in their lifetimes
They were expecting the exact opposite…they expected the Kingdom to appear any day
And all the recent teaching on the Kingdom, including Jesus’ recent teaching on Kingdom rewards, had only increased their anticipation
And now He’s moving steadily toward Jerusalem and there’s a growing anticipation that something was going to happen
So in their minds, Jesus was only a few days or weeks away from setting up the Kingdom
They’re like children excited as the end of the school year approached and summer vacation was right around the corner
And as we’ll see later, crowds will gather to welcome Him as King when He enters the city, laying palm branches before Him
But Jesus continues to remind the apostles that the Kingdom isn’t coming right now, at least not in the way they expected
Jesus is going to Jerusalem to die, not to rule
And He’s explains this to them here in so much detail so they will understand that this plan was Plan A for God
Genesis 3:15 foretold the death of the Messiah, as did other prophecies in Isaiah and the Psalms and elsewhere
So Jesus was entering Jerusalem willingly to die on a cross as had been planned from the beginning
But once more, Jesus’ words do not make sense to these men
How is it that they could hear these things and not at least understand them enough to ask follow up questions?
In fact they are so ignorant that even after Jesus’ death they do not put the puzzle together
They are devastated after the cross, and they believe their movement has failed and they are lost
But at that time, the Holy Spirit will bring Jesus’ words back to mind
And as they consider what they heard in that earlier day, it will all begin to make sense to them
And this was exactly what the Lord wanted
If we look at Luke’s account of this same moment, we read this:
Luke tells us that as Jesus spoke these words to the men, the meaning of Jesus’ statement was hidden from them
Specifically, the Lord chose not to overcome their ignorance in that moment but to leave them in the dark
He could have brought them understanding in that moment, but this wasn’t the right time
So why tell them something yet not allow them to understand it in the moment?
Because any understanding of these thing at that time would have been useless to them and even counterproductive
If they had understood what was about to happen, they probably wouldn’t have gone with Jesus into the city
They might have even tried to stop Jesus or to stop Judas when he leaves to betray Christ
Jesus wanted them to be there with Him so they could experience all that happened without interfering in it
But then He alerts them to these things in advance so that later He can bring that knowledge back to their minds
And in that moment of recall, they can finally make sense of God’s plans
Luke describes the moment when the Lord finally lowers the scales from their eyes and allows them to understand
Only after the Lord open their minds to understand the Scriptures could they understand what He had been telling them
Meanwhile, they remain in the dark, and perhaps the best proof of that ignorance is found in the next scene in Matthew’s Gospel
Two of Jesus’ apostles were James and John, and their father was a man named Zebedee
This James is not to be confused with James, the half-brother of Jesus, who also wrote the eponymous New Testament epistle
And John, of course, is the apostle who wrote the Gospel of John and the three epistles of John and the book of Revelation
Their mother is present with them at this time, and we know from the Gospels that their mother was Salome
Salome was related to Mary, which means James and John were cousins of Jesus, humanly speaking
So Salome bows before Jesus and requests He command that her two sons sit on either side of Jesus in the Kingdom
In this context, to sit on the left and right refers specifically to positions of authority in the government
A ruler traditionally assumed a seated position when holding court
And the ruler’s most trusted advisors would stand very close, one on either side so the ruler could seek their counsel quickly
The most honored position was to the right hand and the second most trusted position is to the left
So this woman is asking that her sons be awarded the highest positions in Christ’s government in the Kingdom
Now it would be easy to criticize Salome’s brazen effort to advance her sons’ religious careers
There is a stereotype of Jewish mothers in that regard, pushing their sons to accomplish great things
There was a Jewish mother pushing her twin boys in a baby carriage one day when she encountered a friend on her walk
The friend asked her what were the names of the two babies
And the mother replied, this is Solomon the lawyer, and this is Eli the doctor
But every parent can identify with the desire to see their children succeed, and typically we do anything we can to help them
So Salome should not be blamed in this situation
Salome is a devoted disciple of Jesus herself, accompanying Jesus in His travels, just as we see here
Later, Salome will be one of a handful of women who remain with Jesus throughout His entire ordeal on the cross
And she accompanies the two Marys who bring spices back to the tomb and discover it empty
So we can’t question her sacrifice and devotion to Jesus…and moreover, we can’t blame her for initiating this request either
Because we learn from Mark’s account that the sons themselves were the ones who actually initiated this request
It was their idea to ask Jesus for this honor, but they had their mother put the question to Jesus to hide their arrogance
Now where did they get the idea they should ask for this honor? Because Jesus just taught them that the Kingdom will feature two kinds of rewards
We learned lat week about the material rewards of the inheritance, but Jesus also mentioned receiving positions in Christ’s government
He told them that His government in the Kingdom will have positions that His disciples may occupy
This is the second half of the reward system that will exist in the Kingdom
Apparently, when these men heard about this reward, James and John thought they saw an opportunity to climb the ladder
They figured that if they asked Jesus for this privilege before their peers thought to do so, they might get a step up on them
And as they put this question before Jesus, can you imagine the looks on the faces of the other disciples?
Well, we don’t have to work very hard to imagine the scene, because Matthew tells us exactly how they responded
In v.24 we’re told the other disciples were indignant
Indignation is anger at what is perceived as unfair treatment
So these disciples were angry at the idea that their two friends would throw them under the chariot
I must imagine that the one most indignant at that time would have been Peter, who Jesus had already said would be the Rock
So the other guys resented their power play and saw it for what it was: a shameless attempt to take honor for themselves
So no doubt they were watching to see what Jesus would say in response
And in response, Jesus first teaches them what the true criteria will be for assigning the reward of authority in the Kingdom (and it’s not who asks first)
In v.22 Jesus tells them they do not know what they are asking
Jesus is saying two things
First, these men did not understand what criteria will be used to assign positions of honor in the Kingdom
Because if they had understood the criteria for receiving authority they never would have been asking this question
Their request and the heart behind it, actually disqualified them from such a reward
Secondly, if they had understood the criteria for receiving honor in the Kingdom, they probably wouldn’t be seeking for the top positions
Which is why in v.22 Jesus goes on to ask them if they were able to drink the cup that Jesus was about to drink?
Of course Jesus was referring to His death on the cross, which was the moment Jesus received the wrath of God in our place
The Bible speaks of God’s wrath as something that is stored up, held in cups or bowls to be poured out at an appointed time
So drinking the cup refers to receiving God’s wrath for sin, and this is a very difficult thing to do
In fact, Jesus Himself asks the Father to remove that cup from Him when He prays to the Father the night before He dies
After Jesus asks these men can you receive this same cup, they quickly – and ignorantly – answer yes
Now this wasn’t a trick question, because just a moment earlier Jesus explained in detail what He would soon experience
He was now asking them if they were prepared to do the same, and they say they are, so Jesus confirms it will be the case
They would share in His cup, meaning these men would know persecutions and suffering just as Jesus did
In James’ case, he was the first of the apostles to die for the faith
While John was the longest living apostle, which meant he suffered in a different way by enduring persecution the longest
But even though they would know persecution, nevertheless Jesus says in v.23 that He could not promise them those high positions
Jesus says that decision is reserved for the Father alone, Who has prepared places of honor for specific people in the Kingdom
So why did Jesus tell them they would share in His sufferings if He couldn’t guarantee them the reward they requested?
Because the criteria for receiving honor is not whether we experiencing suffering but whether we have a heart to accept it
And right now these men were missing that heart…but in time their sufferings would show whether they had gained it
This is the criteria for assigning the reward of honor in the Kingdom government…do we have a heart like Jesus to do as Jesus did?
In the case of material rewards, we obtain greater reward by giving Jesus greater service and sacrifice now
But for the reward of greater honor, we will receive a greater place in the government by being more like Jesus now
Or said another way, our material reward will be determined by what we do for Christ
But our position of authority in the Kingdom will be determined by who we become in Christ
And Jesus sums up what it means to become like Christ by pointing the disciples to His example
In explaining how to qualify for honor, Jesus starts with a negative example to serve as a contrast
The world sees honor and authority in the opposite way that leads to Kingdom honor
The rulers of Gentiles see positions of authority as opportunity to lord over their subjects
To lord over someone means to take full advantage of your authority and power to serve yourself at the expense of those under you
The rich and powerful of our society all think this way
And in fact the main appeal of power is its ability to allow us to do what we want and to have what we want
And it’s the way Roman Caesars and virtually all leaders of that day operated, the great men of the Gentiles, as Jesus calls them
But lording wasn’t limited to Caesars…it was also the way of the Pharisees and other religious leaders of Jesus’ day
They lorded over the people of Israel too, using their power and influence to enrich themselves at the expense of the people
It’s what we see today among religious elites and powerful false religious institutions
And it’s also the way the world sees honor, and sadly it was the way Jesus’ disciples were also thinking
But Jesus says that is not the way to receive authority and honor in the Kingdom, nor is it the way honor is found today in the Church
Let’s ask ourselves who among us do we honor? Who in the church do we hold up as a great person in our midst?
What kind of person deserves to have everyone else take note of them as they enter a room?
Who should receive our admiring glances and our words of praise? Who should draw a crowd and an invitation to lunch?
Who should we model ourselves after and who we admire the most?
The elders? The pastor? The wealthiest among us? The most attractive among us? The smartest among us?
No, Jesus says, but rather the one who is the greatest servant in this body, the one who seeks to serve others before his or herself
It’s the one who wants you to be lifted up, the person who makes sure you have the best seat and the best parking space
The person who notices you need a comforting word or a quiet prayer
The person who say they will clean up so you can go home early, the person who offers to do that chore so you can relax
Do we even know who that person is in this body?
The greatest among us is the one who acts the most like Jesus in this regard
Specifically, in v.27 Jesus says we honor the one who has made his or her goal serving others
And they do so not for the sake of receiving attention or even reward but simply because that’s what Jesus did for them
And the ultimate example of Jesus serving others was His willingness to drink that cup of wrath, to lay His life down for us
Jesus says in v.28 that Jesus did not come to earth to be served, and yet that is exactly what He could have expected
For if there was ever anyone Who could rightly deserve to lord over us, it would be Jesus, the Lord of lords and King of kings
But Jesus chose humility and obedience over power and privilege
He came to ransom His life for others, which is the ultimate form of service, the ultimate slavery, to lay your life down for another
Paul says we should do nothing out of selfishness or conceit, which means thinking ourselves and our desires more important than others in the body
And don’t look out for your interests merely or only, but also consider the interests of others in what you do, how you act, what you say
And the standard or mark we should strive to meet is the example set by Christ
He existed in the form of God, and you can’t get more powerful, more honored, more important than that
Jesus was literally at the top of the ladder, the highest point in the Universe’s Organizational chart
But He set all that aside, leaving the right hand of the Father, giving up His equality with God for a time, being made in the likeness of man
Then He moves further, humbling Himself to accept an incredibly painful death He didn’t deserve to suffer
So Jesus moved from a place of supreme and unequalled honor to the lowest place a human being can occupy
He became a slave of everyone and everything to reconcile us to the Father
To the question, “What would Jesus do?” there is only one answer: become a slave
And what was the result of that humility? Paul says that as a result of what Jesus did in becoming our slave, so to speak, He was exalted
He was given the highest name, meaning He will be granted the most supreme position of honor among all God’s Creation
No one will possess more power in the Kingdom, no one will possess more fame, no one will possess more wealth
Every single living being who has ever lived will recognize His authority and honor Him for Who He is in a day to come
That’s the formula, that’s our model…the one who is most humble now will be most exalted later
And humility isn’t merely an act of sacrifice…it’s a heart that wants to see others raised up and works to make that possible
When we truly see ourselves as a servant, we are truly content to see others honored now
Because we know we will receive our honor in the Kingdom like Christ
In the words of John the Baptist: I must decrease so that He may increase
And why did the Father choose this criteria for awarding positions of honor in the Kingdom?
Because it advances the goal of the Kingdom program: it glorifies the Lord as we serve others in His name
Those who serve others in humility are also those who gain the most spiritual maturity, who are the most sanctified
And those who are the most sanctified, exhibit the most godliness in their lives and reflect the most glory upon Christ
We’re called to be humble and to be a servant like Christ, to become a vessel of honor, sanctified and useful to the Master
And in the meantime, they will also be the ones who do the most good works now working to sanctify others in the body of Christ
And when you serve others by teaching or praying or feeding or healing others, you are also helping them obey Christ better
You strengthen them for service, and you set a good example, which may inspire them to do the same
So it makes sense that the criteria for receiving honor in the Kingdom should be based on who is the most Christ-like now
Those who pursue spiritual maturity and purity are those who prove themselves best prepared to rule with Jesus
And those who demonstrate they have a heart like Jesus will be those best qualified to represent Him in the Kingdom
And conversely, when we act like the world and like these two brothers, we tear down the work of Christ in the hearts of other people
Remember how the other disciples felt when they saw this power grab taking place…they were indignant
That’s how other believers feel when they see us trying to make ourselves more important or more privileged than they are
Especially if we are attempting to make more of ourselves than is truly deserved
We are undermining our own sanctification, and we are inspiring discord, jealousy and divisions within the body
Jesus says recognition and honor in this church must always be based on who serves the most in humility
And if we seek to lord over others or to elevate ourselves at the expense of others should be corrected in love
The standard for seeking honor is exactly the same as for seeking wealth: make sacrifices now to receive your reward in the Kingdom
We use our resources now to serve Jesus sacrificially trusting that we will be rewarded with greater things in the Kingdom to come
And we seek to serve others now, without claims to privilege and honor, knowing that service now will lead to honor in the Kingdom