Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongYou all received the gift of a 2 week break from my teaching, with a business meeting thrown in as a bonus, so I trust you’re ready to pick up where we left off in our series on the Sovereignty of God
I know at least a few friends of mine who don’t normally attend this church happened by last week expecting to see me teaching
I think they got about half way through the business meeting before they realized I wasn’t on the program for that evening
In the end, though, it was a good visit – they were added to the membership rolls, placed on a committee and signed up to bring a casserole at the next fellowship event
Tonight is the fifth installment in our series called Thy Will Be Done
In our first week we addressed how easily we can make the mistake of reducing Jesus into just a Genie, even as his mother Mary seemed to do at one point early in Jesus’ ministry – which is why I called that introductory lesson, God or Genie?
In the second week we spent time in Genesis learning the purpose of prayer – of why we pray to a God who never changes His mind as scripture tells us
In weeks three and four we studied wealth and health issues in scripture
In all four teachings, I endeavored to select key passages of scripture that embody the fundamentals of each issue – that best capture what the Bible has to say on the topic
Tonight I’m going to continue that pattern
Which leads me to make one small correction to the schedule
Next week is world events
So the topic for tonight is God’s Sovereignty in evangelism, the making of the saints and growing of the church
And tonight’s lesson is called The Fields Are White
As Christians we often speak about Jesus’ final instructions to the apostles given in the final verses of Gospel of Matthew
We commonly call those verses the Great Commission
And if you asked a Christian what the great commission actually is, I suspect you would get a variety of answers
For example, some might say it means to preach the gospel to all the nations – good answer
Some might say it’s Jesus’ command to Christians to share their faith with their friends and neighbors – another good answer
Some might say the Great Commission is to baptize people in the name of Father, Son and the Holy Spirit – also true
You might even get some who say the Great Commission is what you earn from making a big sale
Well for the record, here’s what Jesus said:
Let’s consider those words carefully for just a moment
All authority has been given to Christ on heaven and earth
Now we know that the Father gave Jesus that authority, for there is no other name given in heaven or on earth by which men may be saved
Then Jesus says “Go therefore…”
Because He has all authority, we can be confident in going as He commands
We can be assured that we will not go in vain
We can know that our obedience to his command to go will be followed by some measure of success – to include success that doesn’t bear fruit until years after we have come and gone
Paul instructed the Corinthian church on this principle when he said
Nor does it go to the one who may come along later and water what was planted (the one who through love and encouragement nurtures the growth of new life in a believer)
Both these people are merely workers in God’s field – hired help
But God made the growth possible
God produced the new life in the believer
God receives all the credit for the creation of the building
Jesus echoes that sentiment in the heart of the great commission
In verse 19 He says “make disciples of all the nations”
Disciples (math-e‐te-uo) – a pupil, a student, someone who grows through instruction
And then Jesus says how we do that
First we baptize new believers – baptism serves several purposes, but in this context it simply serves as an essential early test of sincerity
When someone claims acceptance of the gospel, they declare their sinfulness and that they believe Jesus is their Messiah
But yet they cannot bring themselves to participate in even the simplest public display of commitment – a baptism
It draws into question the sincerity of their confession
Secondly, we are told to teach them to obey all Jesus commanded His disciples
Which is where we get our notion of discipleship – of bringing up new believers in the fundamental teachings of the faith according to Christ
So, let’s review
In the Great Commission Jesus told us to make disciples of the nations, and making disciples is:
baptizing new believers
and teaching them to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ
Does something seem to be missing to you?
Where did the new believers come from?
Doesn’t the great commission include converting unbelievers to believers – isn’t that part of our responsibility?
Well, not exactly. First, it’s true that God has purposed to work through men to bring the Good News to others
In fact, the word evangelist in Greek means "one who brings good tidings”
And we know that through His appointed evangelists – His workers in the field, men like Paul and Apollos – God will bring new life, new growth to a lost and dying world
So in that sense, yes, the great commission includes faithful men and women bringing the Gospel to unbelievers, so that they may be converted
But it’s still notable that in His words to the apostles, Jesus made no reference to our responsibility for producing new faith
Rather Jesus placed our emphasis squarely on receiving that new spiritual life, confirming it and then maturing it
You could compare our commission to the role of a doctor assisting with the birth of a new child
The doctor wasn’t responsible for forming the child in the mother’s womb
The doctor didn’t make the cells divide, form the structures of the body, start the heart beating
No, God did those things
The doctor simply stood at the end of the assembly line and received the new life as it was born
Then he washed it
And then he handed the new life over to caretakers who begin to instruct it and bring it up in the ways of the Lord
This is essence of the Great Commission
Remember the words of Christ in Matthew when he spoke to Peter
Flesh and blood didn’t teach Peter that Jesus was the Messiah – only God can reveal that truth through His Holy Spirit
We would do well to remember that the birth of new life – whether the birth of a physical life or the birth of new spiritual life – is the work of God through His Holy Spirit
So what does an evangelist bring to the process then?
Well Paul answered that question in one short verse:
The Word pierces the heart (Hebrews 4:12)
it is the Sword of the Spirit we’re told in (Ephesians 6:17)
Now…God’s word may reach an unbeliever from the pages of the Bible or it may come from the mouth of an evangelist, but in either case the Word of Christ itself is the tool of the Holy Spirit for faith
When an unbeliever says they came to faith reading their Bible, who do we credit? God and His Word of course
But have you noticed that those same words, the Gospel from scripture come through the spoken words of an evangelist, we sometimes are prone to credit the evangelist?
But the Word of God is just as much responsible for that new faith brought by the Holy Spirit through the words of the evangelist as through the words on the pages of the Bible itself
So, the simple way to explain the point of tonight’s lesson: God is sovereign in evangelism – over the birth of new life
Remember the example I used a few weeks back of the father working on his car with his son
The father does all the real work and he invites the son to join him so that the son may benefit from working along side the father
Because the son in involved, the work is harder, slower and more error prone as a result, but the Father is willing to put up with lower efficiency because the work benefits the son
And the Father loves the son so much, He doesn’t want to work without him by his side – even if He could do it better without him
It’s the same in God’s work of spreading the good news through us
We’ve been invited to participate with the Father, but if we’re not careful, we can begin to claim some measure of credit for any success we experience
But God did all the heavy lifting
Sadly, many churches seem to have lost sight of the sovereignty of God in evangelism
Many churches have produced entire generations of Christians that believe that everything depends on them personally
Some have even been taught if they do not share the gospel message with someone, they have somehow participated in sealing that person’s fate in eternity
That somehow they share responsibility for that person’s condemnation
If there is anyone who may feel that way tonight, please allow me to ease your burden
Just as no one deserves credit for another man’s salvation, no one can be guilty of another man’s sin and just condemnation
Secondly, God is not dependent on any one man’s obedience in order to bring the Good News to another
Remember Saul on the road to persecute Christians in Damascus – God was able to bring Him to the knowledge of Christ without the aid of another man
Yet God still found a man, Ananias, who would follow through in obedience and disciple Saul into Paul
However, if you are prone to ignoring the great commission, don’t take too much comfort by what I just said
Because there are personal consequences for each us when we neglect our responsibility to obey that commission
Remember in the 1 Corinthians passage earlier, Paul made mention of rewards for the workers in God’s field
It’s His field and He will not let his crop suffer due to the mistakes of a poor worker
And those obedient workers will receive the wages that could have been yours
You know, as workers in God’s field, there is another kind of mistake we can make – one that isn’t taught very often – one that’s different than being lazy – and one that can have even more dire consequences for the church
This will lead us into tonight’s passage – turn to Acts 8
In Acts Chapter 7 we see Stephen being stoned
Chapter 8 begins with Saul agreeing to the death of the early evangelist
You probably remember the story of how Stephen became an evangelist – he signed up to wait on tables
He was one of seven men selected to resolve a dispute over feeding widows
One of the men was Stephen and another was a man named Philip
And the story of Stephen and Philip are closely connected in more than one way
After Stephen is stoned to death for his testimony, wide scale persecution breaks out in Jerusalem as a result of his death
And this persecution had the result of scattering many of the leaders within the young church to areas outside Jerusalem, as verse 4 explains
This is a good example of how God can turn bad circumstances to good, because this scattering had the effect of spreading the Gospel and growing the church even faster
One of these new leaders is Philip, who travels to a city named Samaria, a place that Jews rarely traveled, since Samaritans and Jews generally despised one another
And that’s where we being our passage tonight, in verse 5
In this city of Samaria, Philip begins his ministry in earnest
Before Christ departed the disciples, He is quoted by Mark at the end of his gospel as telling the apostles that they will have unique spiritual powers to aid them in spreading the gospel message in the early church
Among those powers are the ability to cast out demons, lay hands on the sick and heal them
Here we see Philip doing just that
What makes Philip’s story so interesting is a man named Simon, the magician
Simon has been practicing magic in Samaria for some time
The text says he was there formerly – prouparcho means existing beforehand
Now the story makes clear that Simon has real power – demonic power – the black arts
His abilities astonished the people of Samaria
And Simon gained great advantage from his power
He used it to claim that he was someone great and gain the peoples’ respect
They even claimed he had the Great Power of God – something that sounds suspiciously like a counterfeit version of the Holy Spirit
Equally important, I can assure you that Simon would have found ways to turn his abilities into profit
He probably performed for money or offered to cast out demons for money, or whatever came to mind
Then one day Philip walks into town, and with him comes the true Power of God – the Holy Spirit
Philip begins to perform the miracles Jesus said he would in Jesus’ name
And naturally, he amazes the city – and this a city already used to amazing spectacles
Many believe and many are baptized
Now how do you expect Simon to react to this display?
Well, the scripture says that Simon was amazed as well – and he believed and was himself baptized
But it also says that he continued on with Philip – the Greek word proskartereo literally means to never leave his side – so Simon was intently interested observing the continuing miracles Philip is doing
And I guess if we stopped here, we would have an interesting and encouraging story – an evangelist in his natural habitat
But of course the story doesn’t end, so let’s read on:
While the persecution had scattered many within the church like Philip, the apostles had steadfastly remained in Jerusalem
But as word began to reach them of how Gentiles – even Samarians – were responding to the Gospel…well, this prompted them to see events for themselves
And the scripture says something a bit puzzling here – the believers in Samaria had not yet received the Holy Spirit
Though this is not the normal experience for the church today, it did happen in many cases in the early church as recorded in Acts
And if you think about it, this difference makes perfect sense
The gift to every believer of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit is a unique characteristic of the church, available only since Pentecost
So when this sealing first came to be – both at Pentecost itself and in the years shortly following – God decided to make the indwelling of the Spirit a demonstrable experience
Something tangible and visible
Something undeniable, so that the early church would have clear evidence that the Father was keeping Jesus’ promise to send His spirit to all believers to teach them all things
Once that fact had been established, the Father ceased giving such immediate visible signs of the arrival of the Holy Spirit
Because He doesn’t want belief in Him and allegiance to Him to be based merely on what we see, but rather on faith – the things which are unseen
So the Apostles lay hands on men and women, and they receive the Holy Spirit
From the text, it’s clear that this process of bestowing the Holy Spirit was visible and impressive
No doubt the people who received the Holy Spirit were exceedingly thankful and they certainly gave praise to God and to the apostles for the gift
And then there’s Simon…Simon, Simon, Simon
Simon can’t stand it any longer
First there was Philip
Philip rides into town, and steals the show, takes the crowd away
One day business is hopping for Simon, and the next day a competitor with a better act shows up and ruins everything
Simon has to take his hat off to Philip
You know there’s really only one thing a con artist respects and that’s a better con artist – at least that’s what Simon assumes
Philip is cut from the same cloth as Simon, except that he’s much, much better
Well if you can’t beat ‘em, you might as well join ‘em
He’s declared himself to be a disciple of Philip, and he’s followed Philip constantly trying to learn the secrets of these impressive powers
Finally, after Simon watches the Apostles bestowing the Holy Spirit by laying on hands, he can’t stand it any longer – he offers money for their powers
Now maybe you’re a bit uncomfortable about my characterization of Simon as someone who merely faked his confession of faith
After all the scripture says plainly that Simon believed and was baptized
Certainly that should settle the issue – Philip must be a believer, no?
Well, first are we saying that false confessions never happen?
I hope not, because the truth is they absolutely do happen
That’s the reason why Peter and John both make strong points in their letters about the need for us to be discerning around others who claim to share our faith – to look for fruit
Well, if Chap 8 of Acts had ended at the conclusion of our first passage – at about verse 13, then we would have no argument
But it didn’t
And thankfully because it continues, we don’t have to guess about Simon
We don’t have to rely on our intuition and on guess work while looking back two thousand years of time
Instead, we can rely on the eye witness statements of the apostles themselves who met Simon, talked to Simon and discerned his heart
Consider what Peter says to Simon
First he says may your silver perish with you – in the Greek Peter literally says “Go to Hell with your money.”
And when the Apostle Peter tells you to go to Hell, he means it literally
Then he says you have no part or portion in this matter
Part = meris = no share
Portion = kleros = inheritance
Matter = logos = word (as in John 1:1)
In other words, you have no share, no inheritance in the word you’ve heard
Then he says Simon’s heart is not right before God – read literally in the Greek, Simon has a heart that is not been set straight before God
Then Peter tells him to repent before God and pray for forgiveness – but notice Peter adds that if possible, it may be forgiven him
For a believer, there is never doubt concerning God’s forgiveness
Had Simon been a believer, he would have already been forgiven for that sin and every other sin he could possibly commit
Yet here the apostles say there is doubt as to whether God will forgive his sin
Finally, the nail in Simon’s coffin…Peter says he sees that Simon is in the gall of bitterness and bondage of iniquity
Interestingly, Peter begins that statement with the word horao, which means perceives – Peter has perceived something about Simon, something that can’t necessarily be seen
First, Peter notices that Simon is in the gall of bitterness
This is a colloquial phrase common in scripture, and it always means an intense envy of a person – bordering on hatred
Simon envies these powerful men so much he can’t stand it
Secondly, Simon is still in the bondage of iniquity – he is a slave to sin, rather than a slave to Christ – he is an unbeliever Peter has discerned
And in response to Peter’s statement, what does Simon say?
He says why don’t you pray for me instead? The unbeliever’s brush off
What’s scripture teaching us here? Well, it’s an example of that second problem I said can happen in evangelism
When we lose sight of the real meaning of the great commission and shift our focus to making believers rather than discipling new believers, we risk filling our churches with Simons
To be sure, we’ll probably also gain our fair share of true believers too
But have you noticed how few churches make true discipleship the emphasis of their evangelism effort?
In fact, most churches have evangelism separate from discipleship – but evangelism is all about baptizing and discipling
As I travel from church to church, and watch the mega churches on television or read the books on the bookstore shelves, it’s apparent that too many churches have become content to fill seats with people rather than filling hearts with the Word of God
For example, I wonder what percentage of new believers are actually baptized in most churches today
And how many of those are ever taken aside and personally discipled to grow in the knowledge and grace of Jesus Christ
For example, by participation regularly in solid Bible study programs
Listen to what George Barna said:
And I submit to you that one of the reasons this situation exists is because the Church has largely ignored the Biblical teaching of God’s sovereignty in evangelism
We’ve replaced reliance on the Holy Spirit to produce new faith with a reliance on new methodologies and slick church growth tactics
We’ve jettisoned our solemn responsibility to confirm new faith and disciple it, and replaced it with superficial weekly experiences that merely fill a square on our calendar
And even though your congregation may not be part of the problem, as part of the body of Christ, I believe we all share in the blame
Now I would like to end tonight on a positive note, and thankfully the rest of Chapter 8 gives me the opportunity to do so
Because after Philip leaves Samaria, he has a new experience
Philip hears from the Holy Spirit and here’s what happens:
It’s so important to note that this second account appears within the same chapter as the account of Simon
Because it stands in stark contrast to the events in Samaria
Where one experience turned on miraculous signs and wonders, the other relied on the Word of God
Where one experience had to wait for the Holy Spirit to appear to confirm faith, the second experience had the Holy Spirit involved even before it began
The Spirit calls Philip to go out into the field
Philip responds and the worker enters his field, for the fields are white for the harvest
The Spirit prepares the ground, the heart of a man to receive the seed – the Word of God
The Spirit directs Philip to that man, where the sowing begins
As the man endeavors to understand the Word, he falls short and needs someone to explain its meaning
So the Holy Spirit prompts Philip to join him, so he may explain the truth and faith begins to grow
And new faith prompts obedience, so the man seeks baptism and Philip complies
And once the worker has completed his assigned task, the Master moves him to new ground, leaving others to nurture the new believer who rejoices
What a beautiful scene and what a simple picture of how God does the work and yet we are invited to join Him
If you are ready to obey the great commission, then model your ministry after the second half of Acts 8
Listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit
Watch for signs of a heart prepared by the Holy Spirit, of someone who has ears to hear
Bring the Gospel by way of the Word of God
Emphasize the importance of baptism as a confirmation of new faith
And entrust that new believer in the care of those who will disciple him or her in the meat of the Word and the Love of other believers