Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongTonight we reach the final ring in Paul’s structured view of sanctification
This ring represents our final priority of sanctifying effort: our righteousness within society
Obviously, every society is made up of believers and unbelievers
And we know these two groups have been addressed in earlier rings
So we might assume this teaching will be redundant
But this ring addresses unique institutions and customs of society
Regrettably, a Christian worldview can lead to living within society in ways that are counterproductive to righteousness
For example, a Christian learns in scripture that our country is not of this world and that our citizenship is found in Heaven
And then we might misconstrue these truths as license to disobey authority on earth in the meantime
Or we may think that since we have overcome the world and have a different eternal future than the rest of society, that we are not under obligation to respect society’s rules
These views are wrong and unhelpful to the Church’s mission
So Paul explains the proper view of our relationships with these institutions
Paul opens discussion on the fourth and final ring of sanctification saying Christians are to be in subjection to governing authorities
Paul’s statement is clear and unequivocal
Notice Paul says every person, meaning God intends and expects all humanity to live under a government – including Christians
Government has a proper role in society and in the life of every believer
The value of government is easy to understand
People living together in society are restrained in their behaviors and guided in their choices by the judgment of a few
How those decision-makers are chosen and how their rule is regulated, if at all, is an obvious concern
But regardless of these details, government holds potential to bring both great benefits and unparalleled risks for society
In an ideal situation, sensible rulers will ensure peaceful and just coexistence for everyone
In the worst cases, government becomes an instrument for evil hearts to oppress society on a mass scale
In practice, most governments fall somewhere in between these two extremes
But because governments hold so much power over us, the topic of obedience to government, especially ungodly governments, prompts strong reactions among Christians
When we agree with the governing authorities’ decisions, we support the policies and obey them enthusiastically
But when we object to their decisions, we tend to act in opposite ways
The world does the same too of course
For example, following the election of Donald Trump, many on the left objected to his presidency by declaring, “He’s not my president”
But for a Christian, the temptation to reject governing authorities is especially high when they stand opposed to our biblical worldview
In the worst cases, Christians may take our personal objections as license to act contrary to the law
While there are times when acting in disobedience to the law is appropriate, these situations are rare
And scripture guides these situations using the structure of Paul’s bull’s-eye, which we will look at more closely in a moment
But first, notice where Paul begins his discussion – he doesn’t start with exceptions but with the rule: obey the government
Our Christian duty requires we seek every opportunity to obey, rather than seeking for exceptions that permit us to disobey
We ought to maintain the same attitude toward obeying laws that we expect our children to maintain toward our rules
We expect our children to do everything they can to obey the spirit of our rules, even when there may be times that doing so is difficult
We realize there will be exceptions on occasion when our rules must be bent or broken for a greater good
But in general, we want our children to have hearts that seek to obey rather than looking for ways to get around our rules
Likewise, Paul’s opening statement anticipates that a Christian’s heart is directed toward obedience as a rule, not toward seeking exceptions
We only disobey when law comes into conflict with the demands of righteousness in areas of greater priority
At the end of v.1 Paul defends his order saying that obeying government is tantamount to obeying God Himself
Paul says there is no authority (on earth) except those that have been established by God Himself
In other words, no one gets elected into an office except that God Himself selected that leader
This is one of the strongest statements of God’s sovereignty in all the New Testament
It’s on par with Jospeh’s words from Genesis, when he declared that his unlikely rise to power in Egypt was a result of God’s hand
As He did with Joseph, the Lord sovereignly decides who enters into power today
The Lord raises up new governments and nations and He destroys the same
That’s true regardless of the form a government takes, whether a democracy, monarchy, or totalitarian regime
And it’s true regardless of how righteous that government turns out to be
Therefore, righteousness within society requires that we respect our rulers knowing they are God-appointed
We don’t have to vote for them
We certainly don’t have to love them
But we must respect their authority knowing they were appointed by God for some eternally good purpose
Therefore, to oppose governing authorities in unlawful ways is sin against God’s authority, Paul says
In v.2 Paul says that any person, Christian or otherwise, who resists authority is opposing the ordinance (or decision) of God
We are fighting against God’s judgment, which I hope everyone recognizes is both foolish and useless
God will get His way regardless of whether we support or oppose it
So the only thing our opposition to government will achieve is our own condemnation, Paul says in v.2
Paul is referring to condemnation that comes to us on earth, not an eternal condemnation of our soul
He’s making the obvious point that the Christian who makes a habit of rebelling against governing authorities will suffer the penalty of law
To quote the great philosopher, Eric Clapton, “I fought the law and the law won”
So if you violate the law, even if it’s in the name of righteousness, you should expect the authorities to respond
The law will condemn you justly
And when it does, you will be experiencing the judgment of God acting through government
Paul reminds us in v.3 that rulers (or government) exist for the good of all society, which is why God brought government into existence
Government originated immediately after the flood of Noah
As Noah exited the Ark, the Lord granted man the right to rule over other men and enforce law
He even permitted men to enact harsh punishment for law breakers, including taking life
God brought about this change because the world was entering a new period of history
God had just promised that He would never repeat the judgment of a flood to address mankind’s sin
Yet sin would continue and so would its negative effects
Therefore as mankind repopulated and refilled the earth, God needed a new way of responding to the sin of the human heart
Beginning with Noah’s family, men would now have the right to rule over others and punish evil
God was prepared to work through human government to regulate man’s sin and prevent the unrestrained evil that led to the flood
Therefore, Paul says we are obliged to respect this institution recognizing God’s good purpose in ordaining it
So Paul says that if we obey government, we should expect to have praise from society and vice versa
Obviously, vs.3-4 are a general truth
Usually if we obey government, good things result
Just as usually when we disobey government, we are working contrary to righteousness and we should expect its wrath
In that way, God works through government giving us incentive to restrain our own evil desires so that all society benefits
About now, we will begin to ask questions about exceptions, especially immoral governments that don’t operate according to these principles
For example, if we lived in Nazi Germany would we obey the government of Hitler?
Or if we lived in North Korea today, would we obey the dictator running that country?
Aren’t we free to disobey the government when it does evil?
First, if we assume that a “bad” government gives us just cause to ignore its authority, consider where this leads
Who decides when a government is too evil to obey?
Wouldn’t everyone set their own limit according to their own desires?
In fact, what government could be good enough to justify our obedience?
Imagine a world where everyone was free to disobey when it suited them based on their own assessment of good and bad
It would be a world where everyone thought they knew better than their rulers what was right
Wouldn’t we end up in the same trouble that Israel suffered from during the time of Judges?
There would be no rule at all, and therefore there could be no governor on sin
It’s not news to acknowledge that government is imperfect and often unrighteous, but it’s still better than the alternative
The absence of government is always worse than a bad government
Sin left unchecked always leads to far worse injustice than those created by government
If you think corrupt government causes evil, look at what happens in places where government breaks down entirely
For example, Nazi Germany caused great evil, but its evil deeds would pale in comparison to a world with no government
And as bad as North Korea’s dictator is (and he’s cruel beyond description), people would suffer even more if there was no government
Because even the deeds of the worst despot can’t compare to the unrestrained sin of millions of people doing what’s right in their own eyes
Government will never be perfect, but in that respect it’s no different than any other dispensation God gave men prior to Christ
Following the sin of Adam and Woman, God has given the world a series of measures or dispensations of His grace to combat sin
God gave us the dispensations of human conscience, the rule of patriarchs, human government and even God’s own Law given to Israel
Each dispensation served a role in God’s economy, and God required that men respected each for what it was intended to accomplish
Yet each dispensation ultimately failed in its own way to completely address the problem of sin
None had the power to reign in man’s rebellion much less to put an end to it altogether
Each dispensation failure only served to demonstrate the necessity for our new spiritual birth in Christ
Because only the dispensation of God’s grace in the Person of Christ has the power to solve our sin problem once and for all
And even then only after we shed this sinful body and enter our Heavenly eternal state
In a day to come, in the Kingdom, we will experience a truly perfect dispensation of grace
In that day, we will have a perfect conscience
We will have a perfect patriarch leading our family in Christ
We will have a perfect government and perfect ruler with a perfect law
And we will experience sin ruled in perfect justice
In the meantime, we have human government with all its flaws
God raises up imperfect rulers to accomplish His will
And we submit to these rulers because we have complete faith in God
We trust that God can achieve His good and perfect will using even complete idiots and despots
So scripture requires that we maintain a heart inclined to obey government, not one seeking to find excuse for disobedience
So that even in the worst cases like Nazi Germany, we seek for ways to live in harmony with the government
Knowing that in doing so, we are respecting God’s judgment and His plans
Remember, God used Hitler’s atrocities to establish the conditions under which the nation of Israel could re-emerge in the world after nearly 2,000 years of exile
Though many Christians felt justified in opposing his rule, history teaches that God worked through the man for eternal good
Remember scripture tells us that before the Kingdom of God appears, Israel must first be regathered in her land
So our entry into the Kingdom depended on God finding a way to bring Israel back into Palestine…and God used Hitler to make that happen
So when do we have liberty to disobey the governing authorities?
The answer is to follow Paul’s priority scheme in his bull’s-eye
If governing authorities demand we do something that violates inner rings, we must disobey government
For example, if the government prohibits sharing the word of God, we must decline to obey as the apostles themselves did
Peter and John refused to obey their governing authorities when ordered not to speak the name of Jesus or teach about Him
Clearly, this is a priority in both the second and third rings
We must teach Jesus to our brothers and sisters
And we must speak His name to the world of unbelievers
And so these men disobeyed government
But even then, they were still inclined to obey government in the sense that they submitted to the penalty that came for violating the law
When they disobeyed the command to be silent, they were prepared to to suffer the consequences
Later in Acts 5 they are re-arrested for speaking in public about Jesus, and they willingly go into prison
At a point, they appear before the Jewish authorities and say this:
These apostles give us the perfect example of the tension between obeying government and maintaining obedience to God
At all times, we seek to obey God
Obeying government is obeying God…until it isn’t
And when obeying government is contrary to obeying God, then we disobey government in order to obey God
But then just as quickly, we return to obeying the government by accepting the consequences for our earlier disobedience
In other words, we willingly submit to the government’s punishment for disobeying
We do this understanding that our circumstances are a result of the will of God at work in our lives
If we end up in prison as a result, then this is God’s will
So we go willingly knowing He has some good purpose in us ministering from inside prison
Ironically, the Jewish authorities that persecuted Peter and John recognized this truth too
After arresting Peter and John the second time, a prominent Pharisee, Gamaliel, the man who taught Paul said this:
We ought to adopt the same perspective when it comes to opposing government
If the orders of government runs contrary to God’s desire, the government will not prevail in the end
And if it is part of God’s plan, then we cannot stop it
So in general, we only disobey government when it runs contrary to commands found in earlier rings of Paul’s bull’s-eye
And even then, we willingly submit to the consequences of disobedience
We don’t commit further crime by avoiding prosecution
On the other hand, we are not prohibited from opposing government in lawful ways
You can vote the bums out of office, engage in lawful protests, lobby your congressman, etc.
And if a rebellion breaks out or a coup removes your current leaders, you make a choice of where to place your allegiance
This very thing happened during the Civil War in the United States
Christians must decide what is the lawful government deserving their allegiance and then submit to it accordingly
These are personal decisions of conscience, so do as you feel you should – but always with an attitude of submission
As Paul says at the end of v.5, we obey government to avoid its wrath and to keep a good conscience
Living this way advances the mission of the church, while ignoring Paul’s commands hurts our mission
If believers commonly break the law on religious grounds, our opportunity to win souls for Christ will be severely compromised
There is nothing righteous in disobeying the government on issues of property rights or prayer in schools, etc.
Or disobeying court orders so we may preserve public displays of the Ten Commandments on the front lawn of public buildings
These actions may seem righteous to us because they are connected to religious observances, but in reality they are sin
Moreover, when we take these stands, we offend law-abiding citizens thus giving them little reason to respect or admire Christ
We’re just using the Church as cover to get our own way politically rather than submitting to God’s will
The Lord doesn’t need a stone replica of the Ten Commandments to remind Him or the world what is righteous
And He isn’t depending on us establishing prayer in public school to ensure He can reach the hearts of children
So the Lord isn’t benefiting when His people rebel against meaningless rules of governments that only serve to make a spectacle of our disobedience
The only time lawbreaking works to the advantage of the Gospel is when we are persecuted for our faithful obedience to God
Persecution always has the effect of strengthening the church
The early martyrs brought great respect to the church when they were unfairly treated for simply following their faith quietly
But even then, the martyrs didn’t revolt against Caesar
Christians submitted to the edicts of Rome, enduring painful deaths by wild animals or fire
They accepted these things as God’s decree, and He used the martyrs to bring more people moved by their piety to the faith
Contrast that with those today who gain notoriety for opposing the government over meaningless disputes
Paul moves forward now on this theme of living in a Christ-pleasing and mission-advancing way by elaborating on some specific situations
Historically, the most challenging aspect of our obedience to government is in the area of money; specifically paying taxes
Paul sets the issue to rest quickly saying we must pay taxes
This should come as no surprise, since it’s like any other law
When in doubt, refer to Rule #1: obey the government
Historically, the pious have often drawn the line in obeying government with their money
This should tell us something about the hearts of many so-called religious people
They love money more than obeying God
Even in Jesus’ day we see the tension in the Gospels
The Jewish religious authorities frequently objected to paying taxes to the Roman government
They objected on the basis that they were supporting an evil government, or so they claimed
When they put this dilemma to Jesus, He acknowledged that government has different priorities than serving God
When asked about paying taxes, Jesus famously said render to Caesar what is due Caesar
But then He added render to God what is God’s
Jesus’ point was that governments do what governments do, namely take people’s money to fund their desires
This is to be expected and we don’t serve the purpose of righteousness by opposing this course
Instead, if we want to further righteousness, we should focus on giving our obedience to God
Including obeying His command that we respect the government authorities He places over us
Which means we pay taxes
So ironically, refusing to pay the government taxes isn’t pleasing God, it’s sinning against God
And this is true even when the government uses our money for unholy purposes
Remember, those authorities are from God, and He holds each person accountable for what they do
You are not accountable for what governing authorities do with your tax dollars
You are simply accountable to God for your obedience to the government
For the same reason, Paul says those who work for the government in collecting taxes must be respected as servants of God
In Paul’s day, tax collectors were usually singled out for being unrighteous and agents of evil
This perception was partly earned, since tax collectors were often unscrupulous extortionists
They made their income from the extra money they could extract from those under their charge
Nevertheless, Paul asks us to consider these people to be servants of God
Have you ever considered that the IRS is a servant of God?
As in Paul’s day, most of us probably assumed the IRS was working for the other side
But Paul says we need show these people – and all government servants – in a better light
If God has raised up the government and is using it for His purposes, then those who operate within it are His servants
That’s a helpful thing to remember when you’re fuming while standing in that slow-moving line at the DMV
Or when you’re getting the run-around over the phone by the Social Security Administration
Treat these people with respect, Paul says
Because they have devoted themselves to serving God even if they don’t know it
And even if they aren’t doing it particularly well for your sake
In fact, Paul says take this attitude of respect with you everywhere you go in society
Render to each person what is due to them, he says in v.7
To render means to pay what is owed
We’re not talking about showing them a favor or courtesy
Paul’s asking us to do what is expected and justly required whether by law, custom or honor-bound
So pay your tax dollars to the government as required by law
Give the policeman the respect they deserve as required by honor
Stand up and put your hand on your heart when you hear the national anthem as required by custom
Replace your neighbor’s tool if you borrow it and break it
Pay your laborer a fair wage
Give the customary tip for good service
Keep your word
None of these things are “extras” or favors…they are simply giving someone what they are due
In doing these things, you preserve opportunity for the Gospel
You don’t wish to cause offense or cast shame on the name of Christ
As Christians, we never want to be known for doing less than what unbelievers commonly do for one another
Paul takes this idea of rendering one step further in v.8, asking us to owe nothing to anyone except love
The way this command is rendered in my English (NASB) Bible isn’t helpful because it obscures Paul’s meaning
The better rendition is found in the NIV:
Paul asks us not to leave our debts unpaid
So make sure that if you borrow you repay
The Bible isn’t prohibiting borrowing altogether, but it is prohibiting failing to repay debt
Even in circumstances when legal avenues exist for walking away from debt, we should endeavor to do better
But in the case of love, Paul says we should always strive to place others in “debt”
So while we deal fairly on areas of money, custom, law, etc., we don’t take that transactional attitude when showing love to others
So if a policeman doesn’t return our respect with consideration, we don’t hold it against him…we let the debt of love remain unpaid
Or if our neighbor breaks our tool but doesn’t replace it, we forgive that debt in love
We show love to others with no expectation of being repaid, which is exactly what Christ did to His enemies
Paul says when we live this way, we’re truly living the second command Christ told us to live by –
We are loving our neighbors as we love ourselves
And ultimately, this is the point of the Lord having His church living in and around the unbelieving world
We are to think, say and act the way Jesus did, showing righteousness to the world through these interactions
In v.9 Paul quotes from the Law, specifically the Ten Commandments, to illustrate His point
He lists those commandments that deal specifically with our relationships with other people
And then Paul says these laws (and any other of the same kind) are the essence of loving your neighbor
This teaching is strikingly similar to Jesus’ words to the rich young ruler in Luke 18
Paul’s point is also similar…true righteousness will be reflected in our treatment of the world
The overriding priority for demonstrating righteousness in society is showing love to others and thereby fulfilling the law
We work to put people in debt to us by showing them love, yet without an expectation that we receive anything in return
Love does no wrong to a neighbor, Paul says in v.10
So the summary of the fourth ring is three-fold
First, we respect and obey government as an instrument of God for the sake of righteousness
We respect the institution and those who serve within it
We only disobey government when government demands we disobey God
Secondly, we respect society’s customs by showing honor to those who are due honor
Respect the conventions of your society
Maintain a respectful attitude
Fulfill your obligations
Finally, show love to everyone by doing for them what you would have done for yourself
Practice this love expecting nothing in return
And so doing, protect Christ’s reputation and honor among all people
With that Paul ends the chapter and the bull’s-eye with a final argument that’s part exhortation and part warning
Paul begins with a warning of sorts
He says we ought to live in these ways, referring to the entire bull’s-eye, knowing that it’s already the hour for us to awaken from sleep
Sleep refers to death
And awakening refers to our resurrection, the moment we receive our new eternal body
This is a cryptic reference to Christ’s return for His Bride, an event known as the rapture
Paul’s reminding us of the imminent nature of Christ’s return for the church
And of the judgment that follows immediately thereafter
Paul describes it this way in his letter to Thessalonica
Notice Paul uses the term “sleep” to refer to the death of believers awaiting the rapture
These souls are not truly sleeping, for they reside fully conscious with Christ even now
In a future moment, they return with Christ to receive new bodies
And we who are alive will join them in that moment in the clouds, Paul says
Paul says that hour is already here, in the sense that the return of Christ for the church is an ever-present possibility
We don’t know when it will happen, and since it doesn’t depend on anything, it can happen at any moment
In fact, we can’t say it won’t happen in the next hour
So in a sense, the hour is always upon us, ready to happen at any moment
Paul reminds us of the imminence of the rapture at the end of v.11 saying our salvation is nearer to us now than when we believed
He’s saying that even though we don’t know when we will see Christ, every day our rapture is one day closer than before
In this context, salvation refers not to the moment of saving faith
Rather, it refers to the moment we receive eternal life in the form of an eternal body – again the resurrection
Using a different metaphor in v.12, Paul says the night period of history is almost gone and the day period of the Kingdom is almost here
Jesus uses a similar metaphor to refer to the period between His first and second comings
Jesus is the Light of the world, so while He was on earth, the world was experiencing a period of “light”
It was witness to the light of the glory of God
And when Jesus departed, the world returned to a period of dark, when the glory of God was absent for a time
In a day to come, Jesus returns to set up His Kingdom
When this happens, the world will see His light again
So in that sense, the night is soon to give way to the light of Christ’s return
Knowing these things, how ought we to live in the meantime?
What kind of student do you become when you hear that a pop quiz is coming soon?
What kind of child do you become when your parents phone to tell you they are on their way home?
What kind of employee are you when the boss is looking over your shoulder?
The point Paul’s making is one we can all identify with if we understand it
Paul is saying that Christ’s return is imminent and so is His judgment of His Church
And therefore we ought be concerned with who we’ve become and how we’re living for Christ
Paul says we ought to lay aside the deeds of darkness, of the sinful fallen world
And in their place, we should put on the armor of light
That’s a reference to the full armor of God, which Paul gives us in Ephesians 6
It’s a reference to living in the Spirit, taking full advantage of all the spiritual strength Christ gives us through the disciplines of the faith
Making your sanctification your life’s priority, readying yourself for your Lord’s return and His review of your service to His name
And if you’re still distracted by deeds of the flesh, living like the unbelieving world, then now’s the time to put that aside
It’s time to get serious, to be prepared for Christ
In v.13 Paul gives a few examples of the sorts of things that typify living in the darkness of the world and which contradict living for Christ
Carousing is a Bible word for partying
Partying is the modern term for debauchery or other forms of out-of-control self-indulgence
It’s wasting time by satisfying the flesh
It’s a contradiction with our purpose in living for Christ
It’s not preparing us for Christ’s return, and should He return while we’re in the middle of this activity, it will be to our shame
Closely associated with carousing or partying is drunkenness, which is self explanatory
Any addiction holds the potential to derail our lives and set us up for a bad result come judgment day
We’re giving our already powerful flesh even greater control over our spirit
And in that way, we’re putting our sanctification at great risk
The next two items are also grouped for obvious reasons
Promiscuity and sensuality are more ways to enflame the desires of the flesh, which serves to interfere with our spiritual progress
Promiscuity is literally the Greek word for “bed”, as in the place of marital relations
It refers to someone given over to seeking sexual satisfaction by whatever means necessary
Sensuality is lewd behavior in any form
Today, these two words would be comparable to fornication (i.e., sleeping around) and pornography
Once again, when we allow ourselves to become captivated by sexual desires, we’re returning to a slavery Christ has freed us from
We’re becoming mired in something that wastes our time, corrupts our witness and destroys our testimony
When Christ returns, we’ll regret that time spent in such fruitless pursuits
Finally, Paul lists strife and jealousy
The problem is the same – distractions that impede our sanctification
Strife is settling scores, getting even, winning arguments
It’s a contentiousness that cares more about our power and respect among people rather than before God
And jealousy in any form is covetousness: desiring for things others have that we wish we had
Today this is usually seen in unrestrained materialism or career pursuits
Yet another way we can get distracted from serving Christ and pursuing our sanctification
Instead, Paul says do two things
First, put on the Lord Jesus, living in His commands and by His spirit
Learn what He taught, live as He commanded, seek to please Him
Secondly, make no provision for the flesh and its lusts
This means taking whatever steps you need to take to prevent the flesh from gaining the upper hand in your life
As Jesus said, if you right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off (not literally)
That is, take measures to guard yourself from your own flesh’s lusts
It’s worth doing because what we stand to gain in return is so great
We stand to gain our sanctification
And with greater sanctification comes opportunity for greater reward
That’s what this whole bull’s-eye is about…a strategy to succeed against our own flesh for the purpose of pleasing Christ
The degree to which we implement this plan is the degree to which we will succeed in our eternal goals
The Spirit living in us does the hard work of convicting us and training us concerning what is right
We only need to yield to Him by giving the flesh no provision
Follow this prescription and await your reward, for the hour is upon us all