Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongWelcome to our third installment in our series on God’s Sovereignty, entitled Thy Will Be Done.
If you were able to attend the first lessons, you know we covered some challenging material
We opened with an introduction on how so much current day preaching and teaching reduces God to little more than a genie
Last week we studied God’s purpose in prayer – how it is that God cannot be changed by our prayers and yet He desires that we pray
If you missed either of those weeks, I encourage you to listen to the sermons for free from our website: www.versebyverseministry.org
Since those two weeks were probably a little challenging, I thought I would go easy on you all this week
I decided to cover a light topic, one with no controversy
We’ll talk about God’s sovereignty over our wealth and finances
And no, I’m not going to talk about tithing – it’s certainly an unpopular topic
So I know how unpopular this topic can be
But I’m not here to talk about what you give to the church – but what you expect to receive
Our topic this week is called simply “The Love of Money”
Is it just me, or has the church – the church universal – become completely obsessed and distracted with money and wealth?
How many messages from the pulpit these days deal in part or even exclusively with wealth and prosperity?
How many church billboards advertise Sunday messages or entire series on wealth or finances? I’m grateful that didn’t happen here.
Not surprisingly, the bigger and more prominent the ministry, the more it seems to focus on money topics
Consequently, how many Christians today see their faith exclusively within the context of a discussion of wealth – or to the use the Christianese – in terms of blessings?
The answer is most of them – especially in the larger churches
And what do Christians sitting under this teaching learn? For starters, ask them to describe what a blessing from God looks like? Give examples.
Sadly, most of these Christians would define blessings in terms of wealth or health
And while wealth and health can be blessings, did Christ come to earth merely to reassure us that we can expect wealth and health?
Should our primary concern in this life be on our prosperity? That’s what many churches – even some here in San Antonio – are now teaching
Does God desire to make us financially prosperous – is that what He means when He promises to bless us?
In fact, is wealth truly a blessing? Is prosperity even something to be desired? Spiritually speaking, are we in a better place if we have riches or a worse place?
And can we do things or say things that will guarantee God will give us everything we desire financially?
As I’ve said throughout this series, my intention is not to cover every aspect of what the Bible says about wealth and financial prosperity – that would take a month of Wednesdays
Instead, my focus is on God’s sovereignty and how a sovereign God works through His creation and through his children in the various aspects of life including finances
And keeping with that focus I intend to address over the next two weeks the key issues I just mentioned
God’s sovereignty over finances, His purposes in giving wealth, the role of our desires and the impact of finances on our walk as Christians
Next week will continue this discussion with a focus on health
And as always, we’re going to examine these topics through God’s word – relying on scripture to be our guide by examining passages of scripture
Scripture understood in context and properly interpreted without false motives, as so often can be the case in this area
Before we examine tonight’s passage, we need to take stock of where the church stands today on this issue
In short, it’s obsessed with wealth and health – largely because of false teaching that is going unchecked in pulpits around the country
It’s become so bad, I’m convinced that Christ could come to earth today and walk around preaching the good news and doing miracles, but unless he drove a Hummer limo, wore Rolex watches and pastored a 20,000 seat church, we would question his credentials as the Son of God.
And it’s not just in the US
But the church’s fascination with money and its obsession with material blessing is not hard to understand – and of course it’s not even new
Even when Christ walked the earth, wealth was a central concern for His listeners
Christ spent more time addressing money when He taught than He did virtually any other subject
I’m sure you’re familiar with many of the things Christ taught on the subject as recorded in the gospels
Funny, but you don’t hear the prosperity Gospel folks quoting that one very often…
Christ says don’t worry about wealth and prosperity, for that’s what the unbelievers do – Gentiles, He calls them
You see, both issues of wealth and health come back to a matter of trust – do you place your trust in yourself or in God?
Unbelievers have no one else to trust except themselves
If they were honest, most Christians today probably would have to say both
They trust God and they trust themselves – a kind of partnership
After all, doesn’t the Bible say that God helps those who help themselves?
No, the opposite is true
You can’t say you trust in God but live your life relying on yourself
That’s like being a little pregnant – this is an all or nothing thing
God is a jealous God – jealous for your allegiance to Him and dependence on Him
Listen to what He told the Israelites as they prepared to enter the promise land
This could be the anthem of the modern church – especially in America
The power and the strength of my hand made me this wealth
Our culture exalts the self‐made man – we preach self‐reliance
Reliance on anyone or anything else is wrong
Self‐reliance is a part of having good self‐esteem
Remember we said self‐esteem is a fancy word for pride
We need less self‐esteem – we need more Christ esteem
Just as dependent when you have a job as when you don’t
One of the clearest indications we have that we have entered the last days, the time before Tribulation and before the return Christ for His church, comes from the letter addressed to the seventh church in Chapter 3 of the Book of Revelation
That letter was addressed to a church that existed in the day of the Apostle John, a church in the city of Laodicea
But the nature of that church – the last of seven churches addressed by Christ in the book – is also a prophetic picture of how the universal church overall would appear in the last days
A church too preoccupied with its own wealth and self‐reliance to know how desperately needy it truly was – the church is blinded by its wealth
It’s the church today
Understanding the biblical perspective of prosperity is truly a matter of understanding God’s sovereignty
Remember, God owns everything in the world
It’s already His
Tithing is like prayer – it’s not for God’s benefit (He can go without your tithe)
It’s for our benefit
Secondly, since God owns everything, He will determine how much of His wealth He allots to each person on earth
So He is in control over all wealth and He awards it according to His own pleasure – not according to our desire
And as Christ taught that the Father knows what you need
And since the Father promises to take care of our earthly needs, we are free to focus ourselves on the work of His kingdom and on righteousness
Seeking His kingdom means seeking to support other believers by using our spiritual gifts – and to bring along those who would become believers
Seeking righteousness means concentrating on your own development as a Christian – your walk of sanctification
And if you do these things, all the things you need will be added to you – in other words, deny self while serving God and the church
So if we were to heed the words of Christ, what should we as Christians expect in terms of prosperity? What should we seek from God?
The simple answer – and the overwhelming Biblical answer is – contentment
We are to find contentment in whatever God has chosen to grant us – since we know it is in His control and according to His will
We know that His will is best and His will is what we should desire
Paul said it best in 1 Timothy:
Paul mentions the ones who teach a different gospel, and regarding the men and women today who are peddling these unbiblical doctrines of wealth and prosperity, there much more I would like to say…
But I will wait until part two of this lesson next week to address them
Meanwhile, I’d like to use the rest of our evening to explain one of the least appreciated yet most important Biblical truths concerning God’s promised blessings to his children
Call it the true prosperity teaching from Scripture, if you like
It’s the proper view of wealth – one that trusts in God and glorifies Him rather than our selfish desires
Now most of us will agree that there are, in fact, promises given in scripture of blessing for obedient believers – and it’s true there are many such promises
And although on occasion the scriptures talk about earthly blessings…
Like the blessing of children, or a good wife, or a good harvest etc.
More attention is given in scripture to a different kind of blessing – one that’s very different than the one taught by the false teachers
Christ Himself alludes to this blessing in Matthew 6 when He says:
What is this treasure in heaven and how do we store it up? Christ gave us an idea when he told a parable in Luke 16
This parable has often been described as the most difficult parable to interpret in the Gospels
If that’s true, I think I understand why that’s so
It describes a concept so foreign to our culture and our nature – so different from what we’re told everywhere we turn today
Well at first reading, we’re immediately struck by the parable’s paradoxical message – by what appear to be several internal contradictions
The master is ready to fire his manager for mismanagement
But then the master praises the manager for being shrewd after he appears to cheat the master out of even more money
This manager looks like a genuinely detestable character who embezzles from his boss at every opportunity
Yet in the end, Jesus seems to praise his behavior
And what exactly is unrighteous wealth anyway?
Well, let’s sort this out
As is usually the case, a little background is necessary
In Jewish culture (as in our culture today) wealthy businessmen often employed managers to handle their business affairs
These managers would attend to every detail of the master’s business, including purchasing and selling goods and extending credit to customers
But under Jewish law, specifically Deuteronomy 23:19, it was unlawful to charge a usury interest
So it became a custom in Jewish society for a manager such as this one to overcharge a customer by adding his own fee directly to the bill for the goods or services
So when the bill was repaid, the manager took his share off the top and gave the rest that was due to his master
It was not uncommon for a manager to charge a 100% fee on top of the bill owed the master
Now the second thing to understand as we study this parable is the comparison Christ is making
In verse 16:8, Jesus makes the comparison between the sons of this age (in other words, unbelievers) and the sons of light (believers) by using the term “in relation to their own kind”
In other words, he’s making a comparison between how unbelievers deal with other unbelievers vs. how believers deal with other believers
So looking at the deals, we find a manager who has not been reliable in his position of authority, and the master tells him he is ready to fire him
But notably he doesn’t fire him yet – technically the manager is still on the payroll
Before releasing him, the master tells the manager to give an accounting of his management – the master wants to look over the books and see how bad things are
Now the manager sees his chance to help himself
He knows that his firing is imminent – he’s about to leave this comfortable world he has grown accustomed to
And he doesn’t know what he will find on the outside or how he will be received
But he devises a shrewd scheme
He realizes that all the debts that are currently owed to his master include a portion that belongs to him – his fee added to each debt
Since he knows he’s going to be fired before those customers repay their debt, he stands to lose all that money
So why not at least gain some advantage out of his loss
He runs to each of his master’s debtors and while he still has the master’s authority, he reduces their debts by the amount of his fee
Since only the manager’s fee was deducted from each bill, the master’s original debt is still going to be paid – the master has not lost a cent
Meanwhile, the manager builds goodwill among these clients in the hope they will look favorably upon him when he is unemployed and looking for help
The Master praises the manager because this is such a smart move
It’s a win‐win‐win
The manager gains the favor of the clients, the clients save money, and the master’s business benefits from the positive reaction of the clients to the discounts
Though Jesus doesn’t say, perhaps this move is enough to save the manager’s career
So Jesus isn’t praising his previously poor management style, but rather He simply praises the manager’s shrewdness in knowing how to use money for the greatest gain in his world
But here’s where it can get even more confusing…Jesus says that the sons of light don’t know how to do this as well
That we should use the wealth of unrighteousness to make friends for the sake of eternity
The problem we have with this parable is that we don’t understand the difference between the wealth of unrighteousness and the wealth of righteousness
You might have assumed that the wealth of unrighteousness meant wealth gained through dishonest means – but you’d be wrong
The wealth of unrighteousness is all money – it’s the money of this world – the treasure of earth
The money that the sons of this age seek after
The money that perishes along with everything else in this world when it burns up
The money that people store up here rather than in storing a treasure in heaven
It’s called unrighteous because it is the money the unrighteous world values, the money that the unbelieving world puts its trust in
Now you can put all this together and understand why Jesus compliments the sons of this age and criticizes the believers
Jesus says we should learn from how the unrighteous use their wealth
Like the manager, unbelievers are willing to influence people and win friends and gain all the benefits that their money can give them in this world
For unbelievers, the money of this world is all they have to depend upon and trust in – it is their treasure
And they make the most of what their money will buy them in this world, until their time is up
But the sons of light are criticized for not dealing with one another as shrewdly as unbelievers deal with each other
And here’s the secret: because we live as if we were sons of this world – as if we had no future in eternity either – as if the money we have right now is our treasure in heaven
But it’s not – the money God has given you right now is the wealth of unrighteousness – it will burn up when this world ends
But what if I told you there was a way to turn it into treasure in heaven
That you could deposit it in your bank in heaven so that when you leave this world and enter eternity, you would have it there waiting for you
And it will never perish there
It can’t be stolen
It can’t wear out
It’s actually very easy – spend it on the work of the kingdom now
And I’m not talking about tithing – at least not exclusively
Look at what Jesus says in the parable
Verse 9 – make friends with your earthly money, but which friends is He talking about?
What kind of friend can be there to welcome you into an eternal dwelling? Only another believer
Use the money of unrighteousness now, but spend it on believers, the sons of light
Unlike the favors that the unrighteous earned with their money – favors that perish when this world ends – the rewards you earn, the eternal friends you win for Christ, bring eternal benefits
Whether you’re helping fund outreach ministries that establish new believers
Or supporting the Body of Christ by funding Christian organizations
Or providing financial aid to the widow or poor or sick living down the street
Or just placing an extra check in the offering plate, or whatever God lays on your heart
When you use unrighteous wealth to gain eternal benefits, you are that shrewd manager – but one working for an eternal master – one who will remember your good management
Look at what Jesus says at the end of the parable
Of the unrighteous wealth that God has given you here…
Wealth that has no true value
Wealth that will all burn up anyway
Wealth that you can’t take with you
Wealth that will be completely forgotten in eternity
If you aren’t willing to spend that wealth now for His glory and for the benefit of His kingdom – if you would trust in it and store it up even though you know it won’t be with you in eternity
Then Jesus asks what kind of true riches do you expect to have in eternity? Why should God trust you with eternal riches?
You want a prosperity message from scripture? Brother and sisters – that’s the true prosperity gospel
God gives you what He determines, and then He watches what you do with it
If you horde it, focus on it, worry over it and spend your whole life trying to get more, save more, earn more and glorify yourself with it – then you better enjoy it while you can
Because in eternity you’ll have very little to bother over
But if you live contentedly with whatever God has given you, determined to put every penny you can to work for the glory of God and for his kingdom, winning friends who will greet you in eternity – then you will certainly see eternal treasure