Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongWe’re at the end of the heart of the letter
This middle section of the letter – Chapters 7-10 – form the writer’s central argument
And let’s be honest, it’s a long, challenging section of pure Christian doctrine
It’s the doctrine of the New Covenant: the sufficiency of Christ in all respects
His better Priesthood,
And the better tabernacle where He lives to make intercession
And a better sacrifice, by which, we are sanctified
These are weighty concepts, and there aren’t many Christians who are willing to make the trip through so much doctrine and theology
Yet, it’s the pinnacle of Christian maturity to be able to understand why we can rest in Christ
The Bible is very that we are to seek for spiritual maturity – not to be content with being babes in Christ
When the enemy is attacking, or false teachers are trying to fool us into forfeiting our hope in Christ, it’s our knowledge of doctrine that will preserve our joy and confidence
The work to understand doctrine is certainly hard, but to the Christian who sets his mind on the work, the reward will be that much greater
Anyone can learn the Sunday school stories of our faith, but the real prize awaits those who can explain the foundational doctrines of our faith
Just as this writer is explaining why we need not seek for new sacrifices in our relationship with God
The one-time death of Christ on the cross is enough
So now, the writer sums up his teaching on the sufficiency of Christ’s sacrifice
And following his summary, we reach the fourth warning of the letter
The summary begins with v.10, which is a powerful refutation against any argument that works of any kind are required for our salvation
The writer says that by the perfect obedient will of Christ, we have been sanctified
Jesus obeyed the Father’s will perfectly...Jesus never sinned
So His perfection earned the right to be saved
And then, that perfection was applied to sanctify us
The word “sanctify” means to be set apart as holy, made acceptable to God
And then, notice that all-important phrase at the end: once for all
The sacrifice of a perfect man in our place was done once and suffices for all
You can’t improve on perfection
You can pay more than 100%
Here’s the logic you need to remember
If the sacrifice of a sinless man is enough to satisfy the Father’s wrath, then there is no value in additional sacrifices
But if we say Christ’s perfection was not enough to satisfy the Father, then we, being imperfect, have no hope to satisfy God whatsoever
Therefore, we can have confidence to rest entirely on the sacrifice of Christ for the sake of our sin
One last time, the writer uses a comparison to the Old Testament Covenant to reinforce his point
He says consider the way priests were required to serve God in the earthly tabernacle
They stood in the tabernacle, working to make sacrifices all day long
They stood, because their work never ceased
There were no chairs in the tabernacle, so priests never sat
Their work was perpetual, because those sacrifices didn’t put an end to sin
But by the same token, if the New Testament sacrifice was only made once, then it tells us that the Lord was pleased by that sacrifice for all time
When Christ died in our place, He was welcomed back into the Heavenly realm by the Father
And the Father permitted His Son to sit at His right hand
Sitting down signifies that His work of redemption is complete
Again, if the Father wasn’t pleased by that one-time sacrifice, He wouldn’t have allowed our High Priest to seat Himself
But the scriptures testify that Christ is finished in His work and is merely waiting for the Father to put all enemies under His feet
Take special note of v.14, which is the climax of the writer’s point
By one offering, the Father has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified
Let’s read the verse backward
“Those who are being sanctified” refers to a group of people across history
Being sanctified is a present participle, which means it’s a continuous action extending into the future
It means being set apart for holiness, being chosen by God to become sinless and perfect like He is
So the Father has a group of humanity He is bringing sanctification, holiness
It’s stated as a present participle, because He’s in the process of making this group perfect, even now
And that perfection will last for all time
It’s a permanent, eternal sanctification
Finally, it was made possible by one offering, that is Christ
There is no other means by which you and I are being brought into perfection
Not by our own works, not by another’s sacrifice or works
Not by our participation in religious ritual
But only by the sacrifice of Christ
And once again, the plan of salvation was something announced in advance, by the prophets, even as the Old Covenant was still operating in Israel
The writer is quoting from Jeremiah 31 again in vs.16-17
The prophet said a New Covenant would come to Israel, and ultimately, to all the nations
And when the Lord gave that promise, He said this New Covenant would not be like the Old Covenant
How would it be different?
It was different because by this Covenant, the Lord would not remember sins
He would forget the sins of His people, all those who enter into the Covenant
And of course, if the New Covenant provides for a permanent forgiveness of sins, then we wouldn’t expect to make any more sacrifices
As the writer says in v.18
The fact that the New Covenant does not specify sacrifices is further evidence that we have been forgiven of our sins
With that, the writer has ended his teaching on the doctrines of the New Covenant, so now he’s ready to bring an exhortation based on that teaching
His exhortation comes in the form of three “let us” invitations
The first is found in vs.19-22
This first exhortation is to worship Christ in confidence, that this is what pleases God
Worshipping Jesus brings you into the Holy of Holies
By the blood that Christ carried into that place, you are welcome to approach the Father
By Jesus’ flesh sacrificed in our place, you have a way to move beyond the veil
And with your High Priest seated at the Father’s right hand, you have a representative winning favor for you
So you may be standing in a little building in SW Austin or in another church or in your bedroom...
But when you direct your heart toward God in thanks and adoration, you are spiritually entering the Holiest place in all the Creation
You are literally standing before the Father and He is hearing you
And He is pleased with you, forgetting your sin and welcoming you into His presence
Because the sacrifice of Christ has assured you that audience
Knowing all this, let us draw near to Christ
The phrase in Greek was commonly used to call a congregation to worship
The writer says that because of all that we see promised in the scriptures, we have every reason to engage in sincere and confident worship of Christ
All the prophecy lines up, all the facts are there
So let’s not have doubts, let’s not toy with thoughts of other ways to Heaven
Let’s not give room for false teaching to confuse our understanding
Moreover, in v.22, he says our own experience tells us that these things are the truth
We experienced the baptism of the Holy Spirit so that our conscience has been made clean
Unlike the Old Covenant, which never granted a clean conscience to the worshipper
We know the feeling of having been made acceptable to God
Finally, we made our profession of faith through a water baptism (the end of v.22)
We took a stand with Christ
So then, the writer says let’s hold fast our confession
Now we reach the concern that led this writer to explain so much doctrine over the last three and a half chapters
He is concerned that some in this church are wavering in their confession
These are Christians who entered into the covenant by faith, but now they’re wavering, doubting whether the New Covenant was truly sufficient to save them
As they wavered, some were choosing to return to the Old Covenant and to practicing sacrifices in the temple
The cause of their wavering was a lack of understanding of the doctrines of the New Covenant
Remember how the writer began the section in Chapter 6?
He said this group was not progressing in their knowledge, so they were still babes in Christ
They had need again for an explanation of basic doctrines of the faith
And now, we see just how serious that lack of understanding had become for their walk
They were in danger of retreating from a proper worship of Christ altogether
Don’t miss this connection: if we fail to pursue spiritual maturity, we are bound to fall back into one trap or another of the enemy
We may fall prey to false worship in one form or another
We may become convinced that works are required
We may stray so far that we are caught in a false religious system of some kind, as these believers were
Knowing doctrine is our defense
This leads the writer to the final exhortation:
This fight for the truth and against the schemes of the enemy isn’t one we wage alone
The writer says we must consider ways to stimulate one another to love and good deeds
The power of a strong Christian community is to encourage us when we’re hurting and discouraged and at our weakest
A healthy community of believers will prompt us to grow and challenge us to set aside our sin
And it becomes a reminder that we have found the truth and there is nothing we’re missing
Notice in v.25, the writer says some were forsaking the gathering, or assembling, together
He means that some believers in the Diaspora had given up on the Christian gathering altogether
More than likely, these had returned to worshipping at the temple under the Old Covenant, as they used to do prior to coming to faith in Christ
Why did they return to an old system?
Because they failed to mature in their understanding of the New Covenant and the sufficiency of Christ
Because they fell out of the routine of assembling with other believers
And so muscle memory kicked in, and they fell back on what they knew
The Lord has provided to us the regular assembly of believers as a means of encouraging us to grow and remain strong in our walk of faith
So we are expected to take advantage of that opportunity for our own benefit
What is the benefit?
As the writer says, it’s because that day is drawing near
The day he’s talking about is the day when the Lord claims us and brings us to our Heavenly home
When that day comes, we will receive our eternal judgment and assignment of reward
We want every believer to have the best judgment he or she can have
And so we stimulate one another to remain confident, engaged and committed so that we might receive the best reward possible
But, we know not all believers will heed this advice
Some believers will be enticed into false worship or simply into abandoning any observance of any kind
Either because they become lazy of hearing
Or because they become entrapped by a false religion of human works and ritual
Or because they’re enticed by materialism, careerism, personal wealth or destructive addictions
All these dangers risk diminishing our witness and eternal reward
Because of that reality, next week, we will study the fourth warning, beginning in v.26
If we continue not to draw near, not to remain confident
Not to stimulate one another to love and good deeds
What will be the consequence?
The writer spells that out
This should leave us a bit sober, and result in more obedience to the Lord