Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongLast week we studied what I proposed was Jesus’ most powerful lesson on the nature of ministry in the Kingdom Program
Jesus miraculously fed five thousand men plus women and children through the hands of His disciples while on a hillside of the Galilee
And by the way He did it, Jesus was teaching the disciples a number of lessons about serving God
Jesus taught them they must be prepared to serve people in need, not holding their needs against them
They must return to Jesus for their spiritual supply, abiding in Him both direction and sustainment in the course of their work
He showed them that miracles would come to pass in the by-and-by of their work, yet miracles wouldn’t overshadow their labors
On the contrary, their ordinary labor would typically be the only thing the people saw
Yet behind the scenes, the Lord would be at work producing unseen miracles by the hands of His disciples
So that in the end, the work would get done and everyone would be blessed, and the Lord receives the glory
That opening lesson forms the foundation for all that Jesus will teach His disciples on the Kingdom Program
And of course, we should assume the disciples understood and internalized that lesson, right?
Well, not so fast…because as we see in today’s passage from Matthew, they actually missed it entirely
In fact, they didn’t just fail to understand Jesus’ lesson, they came to resent it
As the miracle ends, Jesus tells His disciples to get back into their boat and cross the sea to Capernaum
As I explained last time, the miracle of the five thousand happens in a mostly uninhabited region on the NE corner of the lake
It was near a small fishing village called Bethsaida
The miracle took place as nightfall was approaching, and now that the feeding has concluded, it’s become dark
And at that point, Matthew says Jesus instructs His disciples to return to Capernaum by boat without Him
Jesus’ order was a little strange, first because generally speaking people didn’t travel at night
And traveling across the Galilee at night was not the norm, and there doesn’t seem to be any compelling reason to leave now
And secondly, Jesus doesn’t travel with these men, but this is the only boat they have
And once more the other Gospels are immensely helpful in giving us the context we need to understand what Jesus is doing here
First, we go to John’s account, where we read the following
John tells us that at some point during the feeding, the crowd realized that a miracle had just taken place in their midst
I assume they didn’t know that Jesus started with just five loaves and two fish
But even so, it wouldn’t require a genius to notice that thousands of people had just been fed on a desolate mountainside
And Jesus wasn’t sitting next to a warehouse of food
So eventually the murmurs begin and before it’s over, the people are calling Jesus the promised Prophet, the one Moses said would come
As we learned last week, this was a re-enactment of the Exodus story with Jesus playing the part of Charlton Heston
Jesus set out with His disciples to cross a body of water leading a large group of Jews into a desolate place
When they arrived, they cried out for food, so Jesus fed them miraculously with bread from heaven
The crowd recognized that picture so they conclude Jesus is the prophet Moses promised would come one day in Deuteronomy
Moses said the Lord would raise up another prophet like Moses one day
And the people now see Jesus as that promised prophet
But based on the bad teaching of the Pharisees, the people expected the Prophet to conquer Israel’s political enemies
So they think Jesus has come to set them free from Roman tyranny just as Moses set Israel free from Egyptian slavery
So the people are ready for revolution
John says they were preparing to take Jesus to Jerusalem and install Him as their king
We know the time for Jesus to become King had passed, so of course Jesus can’t allow that to happen
So He retreats further up the mountainside to prevent the crowds acting
And then Matthew says in v.22 that Jesus sends the crowds away as He retreats to pray
So if Jesus planned to send the crowds away, why does Jesus send His disciples away too?
And why send them away at night, alone without Jesus?
And doesn’t Jesus know it’s not good to go out in the water on a full stomach?
This mystery deepens even further when we consult a map of the scene
Capernaum is located only a short distance from Bethsaida, as the crow flies, directly across the northern tip of the lake
Last week we learned that as Jesus and the disciples set out by boat to reach Bethsaida, the crowds were able to follow on foot
In fact, the crowds arrived in Bethsaida more or less at the same time that Jesus arrived
When we look at a map, we can see why that was possible
The two locations are very close together, easily within walking distance
And in fact, the distance is so short that a boat sailing that route would never be more than a short distance off shore
Understanding the geography makes us wonder why did Jesus take the effort to sail at all?
And the answer is obvious…Jesus chose to travel by water as part of the lesson He wanted to teach these men
We know Jesus crossed the water on the way to Bethsaida to draw a connection to Moses crossing the Red Sea in Exodus
And now He’s sending His disciples back by water – alone and at night –because He wants to teach them another lesson
No, actually Jesus is going to teach them the same lesson again, because the disciples didn’t learn it the first time
To understand what I mean, let’s remember what that lesson was all about
Back in v.15 the disciples told Jesus that the hungry crowds were a problem, so Jesus should send them away
And I told you that the disciples’ thinking was upside down
They had a Pharisaic perspective on how to do ministry
Ministry was a position of honor, so they expected to have a place above the people
And they perceived the people themselves as a burden
But Paul taught we are called to bestow greater honor on those who are spiritually weaker within our body
Instead of resenting those who come with needs, we should honor them with our spiritual service
Their weaknesses give purpose to our spiritual gifts, because if someone in the body needed us, how could we do ministry?
That was the lesson Jesus wanted to teach these men…that ministry is by definition an act of selfless service
Ministry isn’t some reality TV show you win by popularity
And ministers aren’t rock stars among the people, primping and posing on stage to impress and receive an ovation
We don’t roll up in our luxury cars and ride our private elevators to the penthouse suite while people kiss our rings
That’s lording over people and when God’s people forget this truth and let the flesh take control, pride kicks in and ruins ministry
We have an excellent example of this problem recorded in the letter Paul wrote to the church in Corinth
That church body fell into the trap of lording
They thought ministry meant receiving honor and privilege rather than bestowing honor on others
So at one point in his letter, Paul begins to mocks the Corinthians’ self-importance by reminding them how the apostles conducted ministry
Paul asked the Corinthians, who regards you as superior? What did you have that you didn’t receive?
What a great line…the church was so prideful because they thought they knew so much about Christ
They took pride in all their knowledge and (ironically) their supposed spiritual maturity
Yet nothing they had came by itself…it was all delivered by someone
Someone taught them the truth, exhorted and corrected them to follow the truth, and modeled the truth
Whatever the Corinthians had in terms of spiritual maturity, they must have received it from someone who had it before they did
And those “someones” were none other than the apostles
Men like Paul and Barnabas and Peter visited the city at various times and imparted spiritual knowledge to the Church
How honored were those believers to be ministered to by such great men?
Yet Paul says that church saw itself as distinguished and worthy of honor even as those who taught them were being martyred
So Paul asks the church to consider how distinguished were their teachers?
Did Paul roll up in a Mercedes chariot?
Did Barnabas demand the Caesar Suite in the Corinthian Hyatt?
Did Peter require the people to carry him on their shoulders and lavish him with comfort and splendor?
No…Paul says the apostles were the least among all men
They were fools for Christ, without honor, exhibited as spectacles before men and angels
At times they went hungry and thirsty, were poorly clothed, roughly treated, homeless, and made to toil with their hands
When they were reviled by those they tried to serve, they blessed them in response
When they were persecuted, they endured it without resistance
When they were slandered, they sought to reconcile
In short they became as the scum of the earth, refuse of the world
And why? Because that’s the job of ministry…to serve the weak, the immature, the unlovable
Because that’s exactly what Jesus did for us first
That was the lesson Jesus was trying to teach the disciples on that mountainside
Jesus made those men feed five thousand people to make a point that ministry is serving others, not ourselves
And after such a vivid demonstration, surely the apostles got the message right?
Well, this may surprise you, but no, they didn’t learn the lesson
In fact, the entire experience turned them even more against the people
So as they say, there’s an easy way to learn a lesson and a hard way…and the disciples are about to learn it the hard way
Matthew gives us a rather brief description of the disciples’ experience in the boat
He says they were already a long distance from the land when this incident took place
Having seen the maps, we know they couldn’t have been that far from the land
That means Matthew was speaking from the perspective of the men inside the boat…they felt they had rowed 3-4 miles
They assumed they were blown off course, a long way from the shore because of the darkness and the weather
Mark tells us that the disciples were straining at the oars against a wind that was opposing them in the journey
In fact, they are going so slow, that it’s now the fourth watch of the night, which is between 3-6 AM
Normally, these guys should have made that journey in less than a couple of hours of rowing
But because of a head wind, they’ve been rowing for 6 hours or more and they still haven’t reached Capernaum
Furthermore, the Sea of Galilee is hundreds of feet below sea level, which makes the air heavy and hazy
Even in broad daylight, it can be hard to see across the lake though it’s only a few miles wide
So at night it can be like sailing in fog, and these guys are hopelessly lost and worn out and worried by the storm
And then out of that foggy darkness comes Jesus walking on the stormy water
Jesus couldn’t have made a more dramatic entrance, and it has the desired effect on the disciples
At first they don’t know it’s Jesus but think it’s a ghost in the fog
They assume it must be a ghost because they know flesh can’t walk on water, and this just frightens them all the more
But then as Jesus gets closer they recognize Him, yet that doesn’t comfort them
Mark says they are terrified at the sight of Jesus walking on the water
But Mark says something else that’s critically important to understanding Jesus’ purpose in this experience
Mark says the men were straining at the oars, and the wind was against them and it was late…and then Jesus comes into view
But Jesus wasn’t walking toward the boat…He was walking by the boat
What was He trying to accomplish by walking past them?
Jesus has set these guys up…He’s put them on the water at night, together, in a tough situation
They’ve been working on their own, getting nowhere fast
Then, just when they needed someone to help them, Jesus appears
And they are afraid of Him because His supernatural power is overwhelming and unexpected
Then they notice Jesus isn’t looking at them…He’s walking by as if they weren’t even there
They realize Jesus isn’t going to stop or help them
So the men cry out to Jesus partly out of fear and partly out of desperation
They’re in trouble, and they need help…if only Jesus would take pity on them in their time of need
But what a burden they are!
Jesus doesn’t have time for their problems…He’s cruising above the waves on His way to Capernaum
So they cry out to Jesus in fear, Matthew says
And in response to their fear, Jesus turns aside and comes to their aid
It’s obvious from the circumstances and the geography that Jesus has placed them in this storm to teach them a lesson
And that lesson is closely connected to the prior lesson
In fact, this is the same lesson, only it’s being taught in a different way because they didn’t get the point the first time
How do I know this? Because Mark tells us so
Mark’s footnote to the whole episode is the key detail to explain why this incident happened
In v.52 Mark says “for”, meaning as a result of or because
In other words, Jesus brought about these events because the disciples had not gained insight from the incident of the loaves
And why didn’t they get the message? Because Mark says they had hard hearts
A hardened heart means a stubborn refusal to repent from sin, to learn a lesson and choose a different path
Originally, they wanted those crowds to leave and feed themselves
Then Jesus demanded the disciples feed the crowd, and Jesus provided the food
But those guys were still upset that they had to be waiters for 5,000+ people on that mountainside
They trekked up and down that hillside for a couple of hours, feeling unappreciated
Perhaps they thought such work was beneath them, or perhaps they resented the way Jesus made them beg for leftovers
Jesus wanted them to understand that true ministry is about service not status
It was supposed to show them that greatness in ministry, that is true honor, is found by serving others not being served
But they didn’t get the message; instead, they got their feelings hurt
So after the feeding, I think Jesus thought to Himself…”OK boys, you can learn this the easy way or the hard way…let’s try the hard way…get in the boat”
And so Jesus puts those privileged “ministers” in a difficult position of their own, where their needs will become the issue
He traps them on the water, in a small boat, by themselves, at night, weary and lost and scared
They are as lost sheep bleating for a shepherd to rescue them
They have now become the burden
Then to increase the pressure, Jesus stirs up the waves, gives them a headwind, puts them in a little fog…
And then He starts walking toward them, on the water no less, displaying His power and authority
The point should be obvious…Jesus is the One with power and privilege; He’s the One worthy of honor
They need Jesus! Jesus doesn’t need them…Jesus doesn’t even need a boat!
So now that the sandal is on the other foot, and suddenly these guys are the ones who need the help, Who do they cry out for?
Naturally, they cry out to Jesus expecting Him to rescue them
John tells us that when Jesus turned aside to help them, they were “willing” to receive Jesus into the boat…I bet they were!
They had hard hearts toward others in need, but when it was their turn to need ministry, they gladly received Jesus’ help
That’s why Jesus intended to pass by…He wanted to remind them of two things
First, He wanted them to appreciate how it feels when a shepherd shows no concern for the flock
When a minister displays an unloving, hard-hearted attitude toward a flock in need, it’s the opposite of ministry
It’s incompatible with serving Jesus in the Kingdom Program
Now obviously, Jesus did have concern for them…Jesus was merely pretending to have no concern to make His point
Secondly, Jesus wanted them to remember that everyone has needs, especially Christ’s ministers
We all sin so we all need Christ’s forgiveness, and each other’s forgiveness
We all have weakness, so we all need Christ to give us spiritual strength, and usually it comes through others in the body
And we all benefit from an opportunity to serve in our spiritual gift, and Jesus will put people in need around us for that reason
In fact, Jesus will create trials in people’s lives specifically to make opportunity for ministry to happen, as He did in this situation
And speaking of which, there was one disciple in particular that needed to appreciate this lesson, perhaps more than the rest
Anyone who has listened to my teaching for any length of time will know that Peter is my favorite apostle, and in some ways he’s my hero
I think I’m a lot like Peter…and in a good way
Peter was famous for being the apostle known for his shoot first, ask questions later style of ministry
And among Peter’s many notable moments in the Gospels, this is one of my favorites
But it’s also one of the most perplexing to me, I struggle to understand what was going on in Peter’s head at this point
Peter sees Jesus on the water and he hears Jesus say take courage, it is I
In Greek, Jesus actually said “I am” which is the calling card of God
Now Peter and the rest of the disciples recognize Jesus, but still Peter is worried that this is a trick
Remember, they thought they are seeing a ghost
So to verify that they are witnessing the real flesh and blood Jesus and not a ghost, Peter contrives this test
He tells Jesus to command him to walk to Jesus on the water
What were the other disciples thinking at this point? “Oh, that’s a good idea Peter…you should try that.”
And I can understand why Peter thinks this is a good idea
He’s assuming that if he couldn’t walk on water, then it would reveal the apparition to be only a ghost and not really Jesus
And I’m sure Peter wasn’t planning on leaping into the water…I’m sure he planned to test the water carefully with his toes
If his foot sank in the water, he wouldn’t step out further and the fraud would be exposed…something like that
So the point here is to make sure it’s truly Jesus before allowing this person to enter the boat
But Peter hadn’t really thought out where this was going because as soon as he steps on the water and begins moving to Jesus, he freaks out
Peter sees the wind, meaning he sees the rough seas and probably more importantly, he sees that he’s no longer in a boat
And I think in his mind he’s saying to himself “now what?”
It’s like the dog that chases the car…if he ever catches it, then what will he do with it?
Then we get to the most fascinating part of this account…Peter begins slowly to sink into the water
And Jesus rescues Peter by reaching out a hand, chastises him for having little faith and brings Peter back into the boat
Now if we don’t read this carefully, we would assume that Peter’s rising and falling was in proportion to Peter’s faith
As if Peter’s ability to walk on water was a direct reflection of the degree of Peter’s faith in Jesus
Certainly, it’s easy to draw that conclusion, but if we do, it’s only because we didn’t think about it deeply enough
First, how much faith did Peter have in this situation before he stepped into the water?
I would say zero faith given that he felt the need to test Jesus’ identity
So Peter’s faith isn’t what put him on the water in the first place…ironically it was his doubt in Jesus that put him on the water
Then ask yourself this question…when Peter began to sink, was he any less walking on water than when he was completely above the water?
When the water was above his ankles or knees or thighs, what was supporting the rest of him?
Walking on water is a binary state…either you are or you aren’t
Or in Yoda’s words… do or do not, there is no try
Peter was walking on water the whole time he was out of the boat, so what changed and why?
Well, remember Peter was the one who proposed this extravehicular excursion
Had Peter said nothing, Jesus would have simply entered the boat and the lesson would have ended there
In fact, the other Gospel writers say only that…only Matthew mentions this experience with Peter on the water
But nonetheless, Jesus chose to incorporate this moment into the larger lesson He was teaching the disciples about abiding in Him
Remember, back on the mountainside Jesus made the disciples feed the crowd by distributing baskets of food to small groups
That method required that the disciples march back up that hill over and over again to renew their supply from Jesus
If you were in that crowd that day, you couldn’t help but get the point…the guys feeding us depend on Jesus supplying them
But the disciples missed that point, so now they are in a boat needing Jesus
But Peter says to himself, if you are truly Jesus, then command me to do what you do
And as he steps on the water, Peter receives the proof he desired…now he knows Jesus is real
And he starts to walk on water, and once he gains that ability, he begins to operate as if he’s on his own again, forgetting who His supply is
Peter sees the water whipping up and probably says to himself, now what? Where am I going? What am I doing out here?
Just as if a disciple failed to return to Jesus with his empty basket, he was no longer in business…he became useless
So are we going to fail if we think that we can serve others apart from Jesus serving us
So Jesus knows Peter’s heart, and so He allows Peter to begin to sink, just a little, just enough to get worried
This is where we sometimes get this story wrong…we see Peter’s position in the water as if it were a thermometer of his faith
As Peter’s faith waned, so his power to walk on water waned too
But that doesn’t make sense, because if faith was required to stand on water, he never would have stood in the first place
And if his faith was a requirement for walking on water, he would have plunged all the way down instantly
In reality, Jesus let Peter drop slowly so he could experience the lesson Jesus was trying to give the whole boat of men
Which is that just as My flock will always be in need of your care, so you will always be in need of Me
But if you abide in Me you can perform great works in My name
As Jesus says in John 15:
So here’s what we have learned in observing these men and Jesus
Ministry is about being a pipe, a channel of blessing, in which we deliver spiritual supply from Jesus to others
Ministry centers on service to others in need, and at times we are the one to serve and other times we are the one in need
We gain honor when we render service and when we receive service
And today we learn there is an easy way to learn this lesson and a hard way
The easy way to learn about ministry is to engage in the work, serving others as Christ calls us to serve
And as we do, we learn important lessons like humility, self-sacrifice, persistence, patience…most of all dependence on Jesus
But the Lord loves us so much that if we fail to learn this lesson the easy way, He will go the extra mile with us to ensure we learn it the hard way
He will put us in a place of need, a trial or difficulty, where we cry out to Jesus and someone comes to our aid
And maybe we receive that help, but then we tell Jesus “Thanks for the kick start but I got it from here…”
And then He lets us sink a little to remind us there is never a time “we got it from here”