Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongOur scene is moving away from the Jewish side of the Galilee to a new region, a place Jesus hasn’t visited as yet
In fact, our story today involves two different journeys, to two out-of-the-way places, so Jesus can teach a new lesson to His disciples
Both of these places are important to correcting another misconception these men had about Kingdom Program ministry
And yet this lesson also raises old issues that Jesus’ disciples have yet to appreciate
And if they’ve had trouble embracing the previous lessons, this new one is going to be even harder to accept
The lesson that prompts Jesus’ journeys today may be the most difficult Kingdom Program truth for a Jew to accept
Last week, Jesus challenged His disciples to ignore the Pharisees because they were imposters
And we know that would have been difficult to accept, because the Pharisees were greatly esteemed and feared by Jewish culture
But now Jesus will show these men that they must rethink one of their strongest and most dearly held beliefs
They held to a uniquely Jewish bias that was incompatible with ministry in the Kingdom Program
And because this thinking was so entrenched, Jesus must bring the men face-to-face with their prejudice
Into locations that were out of the way and rarely visited by Jews…
Our previous scene took place near Gennesaret along the western side of the Sea of Galilee
But now Jesus withdraws, Matthew says, into a far northern, Gentile area of Judea
You remember I told you that sometimes Jesus would retreat into Gentile areas to escape the Jewish crowds
Previously, Jesus traveled to the eastern side of the lake which was dominated by Gentiles
But this time Jesus travels northwest by the coast and into a region of the Phoenicians
Matthew says Jesus went to the district of Tyre and Sidon
Tyre and Sidon were ancient Phoenician cities along the Mediterranean Sea (present-day Lebanon)
This region was best known as the home of Jezebel, the evil wife of King Ahab
By Jesus’ day, Rome had made Phoenicia a part of their Syrian province so the territory was accessible to Judeans
But historically this region was an enemy of Israel, because the land was part of the grant God gave to Israel
The Jewish tribes assigned this region never conquered it as God directed, and so the Phoenicians remained a thorn in Israel’s side
Mark tells us Jesus traveled here so He could be alone with the twelve
Jesus enters a house in the region of Tyre hoping to keep a low profile for a while
And you would think Jesus could enjoy some peace and anonymity there, but it wasn’t meant to be
Even in this remote area, Jesus’ fame preceded Him
Mark says He could not escape notice, and soon Gentiles flock to Him seeking to be healed
And one particular woman among the crowd catches Jesus’ attention
Matthew says a Canaanite woman from the region came out crying to Jesus to heal her demon-possessed daughter
Matthew refers to this mother as a “Canaanite” but not in a specific sense
Canaanites descended from Ham’s grandson, Cain, who settled in this region following the flood
The line of Ham was cursed by God in Genesis 9, and as a result these people were marked out for destruction
In the providence of God, the Jewish people were appointed to fulfill the curse by dispossessing the Canaanite people from the land
But Israel failed to obey the command Joshua gave them
So now centuries later, descendants of the Canaanites, like this woman, still occupied the land
And because of that history, the Jewish people loathed the Canaanites and Gentiles in general
In fact, the Jews called Canaanites and other Gentiles “dogs” as an insult
To a Jew, dogs were savage, brutal, unthinking creatures that tore their prey apart and lived in filth
Which is proof that the dogs of the Bible were all poodles!
This particular Gentile woman comes to Jesus seeking healing for her daughter who was possessed by a particularly cruel demon
Now, in earlier lessons we discussed demon possession in some detail, and so I won’t repeat that here
But it’s worth noting how in Jesus’ day demon possession was a generally accepted and legitimate diagnosis
Today our world views such a conclusion as superstition and myth, having no place in an age of science and reason
But that’s not how the Bible presents demon possession…the Bible presents it as a common reality of the human experience
In virtually every case where a person points to demon possession as the cause of their condition, Scripture backs them
In fact, there is only one example in all the New Testament where someone’s claims of demon possession is shown to be false:
When the Pharisees lied in claiming that Jesus was demon possessed
This pattern suggests that demon possession is a more present reality than many would consider or accept today
So this woman comes begging Jesus to free her daughter, but notice Jesus didn’t answer her a word, Matthew says
Jesus is waiting to see whether this woman is seeking healing as a way to demonstrate faith
Because following His rejection, Jesus only heals people who demonstrate faith first, generally speaking
And it doesn’t require faith in Jesus to cry out for healing…everyone was doing it
Many people pray to Jesus for things they want…and they also pray to Buddha, Mother Earth, Allah, their dead ancestors, etc.
These are equal opportunity worshippers…because in the end they don’t care which deity gives them what they want
They only care about having their need met, and that’s the chief conceit of false religion…it’s a worship of self
False religion masquerades as an act of devotion to a god, when in actuality it’s a pursuit of selfish interests
So Jesus ignores this woman for a time waiting to see if she demonstrates true faith in Him as Messiah…and in the process He also tests the disciples
First, notice she calls Jesus the son of David in v.22, which is one of the titles of the Messiah
It’s a reference to the prophecies of the Old Testament that tell us the Messiah would be a descendant of David, as Jesus was
That was insightful on her part as a Gentile, suggesting the woman had received insight from the Spirit
Secondly, notice how persistent she is…the woman continues to beg Jesus for healing despite Him ignoring her
Ignoring someone for a time was one of Jesus’ favorite ways to identify a true believer within a crowd
Only if the person persisted in their pleading would Jesus finally relent and engage with them
While that is a terrible parenting technique, it’s an excellent way to identify true believers
Because those simply wishing for some deity to give them what they want will only give so much time and energy to that pursuit
Sooner or later, they tire and assume the deity isn’t there or doesn’t care, so they move on to other options or simply give up
They return to old patterns, which elsewhere Jesus compares to a dog returning to its vomit or a pig to the mud
True believers in Jesus will behave differently…we persist in crying out to Jesus
Elsewhere in Luke’s Gospel Jesus tells a parable of a widow who receives justice because she persists in appealing to a judge
By that parable, Jesus teaches that the mark of the elect, of believers, is persistence in our appealing to God
We never give up on God and start looking for some other deity to solve our problem
The pattern of truth faith is never relenting, never abandoning, always seeking for Jesus
That doesn’t mean we pray when we should or as much as we should or that we don’t have moments of doubt
That doesn’t mean we get our answer immediately or even that we get the one we wanted in the end
The point is we keep coming back to Jesus despite our laziness and doubts
Because we know in our hearts that He hears us and has compassion for us
And because we know there is no other God to hear us anyway…so where else would we go?
So Jesus lets her begging go on for a time to test the woman’s faith, and while this is going on, her persistence becomes a test for the disciples
They become annoyed with the woman’s shouting at Jesus, so they ask Jesus to send her away
Wasn’t it just a short time ago that these guys got into trouble with Jesus for sending the needy away?
Let me remind you of that moment…it was when they saw the hungry crowd near Bethsaida
Send the crowd away…send her away…if these guys had their way, ministry would be so easy…no one would ever bother you
The miracle of the feeding of the 5,000 exposed the disciples’ selfish perspective, and we hoped it taught them to think differently
Instead we learned from Mark that the disciples hearts were just hardened, which led Jesus to put them in a boat at night alone
But now we see that the storm on the sea didn’t teach them either, so here we go again
The disciples didn’t hear the woman’s cries as an opportunity for ministry…they saw her as an inconvenience and bother
This woman was like a lost sheep bleating for its shepherd, and so their reaction said more about them than it did about her
To a shepherd’s heart, the sound of a sheep bleating in need isn’t annoying…it’s the sound of purpose, of a mission to be fulfilled
Be aware of shepherds who think that a sheep in need is an interruption to ministry rather than the point of ministry
Jesus rightly ignores His disciples’ advice and does the exact opposite of what they suggest…rather than sending her away, Jesus begins to engage with her
The woman’s persistence led to an opportunity to show Jesus her faith, and so Jesus begins to test her
And to understand how this conversation is a test, I want you to imagine one of those cheesy spy movies with two secret agents
The agents must rendezvous at a prearranged location, but first they test each other to be sure they have found the right person
First one will say a special phrase, then the other agent must respond with a matching phrase
That’s what Jesus is doing here with this woman, at least in a sense
He makes a provocative statement to test her understanding of the Messiah
And then He waits to see how she responds
Jesus begins saying that the Messiah was only sent to the lost sheep of Israel…which is true
The Messiah was born a Jew and sent to Israel in fulfillment of God’s covenant with the Jewish people
The Gospel eventually goes to Gentiles also, but Jesus never presented Himself as King to Gentiles during His time on earth
The offer of the Kingdom went exclusively to Jews in Jesus’ day and only later through the apostles did it reach beyond Israel
So Jesus’ statement is true, but it’s also a test to see if the woman had received divine insight
True faith is rooted in God’s word, and the testimony of the Scriptures was that the Messiah was promised to Israel
Someone following Jesus for selfish reasons would be offended by His statement thinking He’s saying they were unworthy
But someone who understood the Scriptures would acknowledge the truth of the statement
The woman’s initial response is unclear, though she is certainly not offended
In v.25 Matthew says she comes and bows down before Him and pleads with Jesus to help her
There’s that persistence again, which suggests faith, though it could be nothing more than desperation on her part
So Jesus tests her further
In v.26 He says that it wouldn’t be right to give dogs the food meant for the children
Jesus turns up the pressure even more…He uses a play on words that only a person of true faith would understand correctly
Jesus uses an idiom that says you don’t give the children’s food to the dogs, meaning you don’t favor a pet over a child
What Jesus meant was that everything in God’s program must happen according to His plan, in a certain order, and according to certain priorities
And in the plan of salvation, the Lord appointed that the Jewish people would have a place of prominence
In John 4 Jesus says to the woman at the well that salvation is of the Jews
Which means that everything we know about God and Christ comes through the Jewish people
Paul says it this way:
The Jewish people were the first adopted as sons of God, and they received the glory of the covenants and the Law and temple
They received the promise of Christ and they gave birth to the Christ in the flesh, so truly salvation is of the Jews
So Jesus tests this woman by saying that the healing He offered was intended only for the sons of God, the child in His idiom, and not for the unbeliever
But Jesus provocatively chose a dog to represent the unbeliever so He could play on the animosity between Jews and Gentiles
If this woman was an unbeliever, she wouldn’t have understood the analogy Jesus was making about a Jewish Messiah
Instead, she would have heard the word “dog” and assumed Jesus was insulting her
Once again, the test was whether she became offended and gave up
Instead, she responds like a secret agent giving Jesus the second half of the coded pass phrase
She says even the dogs get crumbs from the master’s table
First, the woman acknowledges the Scripture’s teaching of a Jewish Messiah sent to Israel
She wasn’t offended at the notion, she simply understood it to be true
When the Lord is offering you forgiveness for your sins, you can criticize Him for the way He chose to bring you His grace
But then she embraces Jesus’ reference to dogs by using it in the conventional sense to describe herself and all Gentiles
She reminds Jesus that the plan of salvation always anticipated that the Gentiles would receive God’s grace too
The crumbs of the table refers to the leftovers, the excess of God’s love
She was saying to Jesus that she wasn’t asking for what belonged to Israel, she was asking for what belonged to Gentiles
That God so loved the world – not just Israel – that He sent His only begotten Son…
And when God promised to bring a savior through Abraham, He also promised to bless all nations by that same Savior
The woman proves her faith to Jesus, and so He acknowledges her faith in v.28 and heals her daughter from a distance
Mark reports that when the woman went home she found her daughter free of the demon
Notice even the miracle happened quietly, privately, because Jesus wasn’t trying to gain attention from the crowds any longer
I wonder how the disciples felt about this moment? Do you think they celebrated this Gentile woman’s faith in Jesus?
Do we suppose they regretted trying to send her away? We don’t need to guess, because the next scene reveals their hearts
If you feel a little déjà vu coming on, it’s understandable
Because just a chapter ago we saw something almost identical happen
So before we look at the events here, let’s answer the obvious question – Why is this happening again?
And in fact, let’s be clear that this is a second occurrence of the same miracle
It’s a different location, different crowd but the same basic storyline
And the answer is that with God, when you don’t learn your lesson the first time, you get to repeat the class
In the first occurrence in Bethsaida, Jesus tried to show His disciples how Kingdom Program ministry worked
People who are burdened with problems are not to be sent away…they are to be cared for and ministered to
But since they didn’t learn that lesson, Jesus now repeats the lesson, though there is a significant difference this time
Matthew doesn’t tell us the location this time, but Mark does
Jesus left the region of Tyre and went to Decapolis
The Decapolis was the name given to a region of ten Greek cities, mostly east of the Jordan river
These cites were almost entirely Gentile, so Jesus has left one Gentile region for another
And that means that the crowd here are Gentiles, not Jews as we saw before
Now if in the first case the disciples objected to caring for a large crowd of hungry Jews, I can assure you they were even less interested in caring for hungry Gentiles
The Jew’s bias against Gentiles ran very deep in Jewish culture
Jews were taught from birth that God only favored Jews and that all Gentiles were lost and unloved by God
So Jews felt justified in looking down on Gentiles and treating them with contempt
After all, if God had contempt for Gentiles, they thought, then it must have been a righteous perspective to take
So here we have a mountainside filled with crippled, lame, blind, mute and desperate Gentiles somewhere in the Decapolis
If one Gentile woman shouting was enough to disturb them, how do you think they felt about this scene?
It must have made the disciples’ skin crawl
But this crowd is exactly the type of gathering that these men would one day preside over as the leaders of the church
So then the miracle proceeds exactly as the previous one, beginning with Jesus healing the crowd
Remember our exception to the rule when it comes to healing? Sometimes Jesus will heal the masses out of compassion
And when an exception is taking place, Matthew alerts us by telling us that Jesus felt compassion
Look in v.32 Jesus says He feels compassion for the crowd below
And then He asks His disciples to feed the crowd again, because they had been there for 3 days and nights without food
So by that point, the crowd can’t leave to find food…they were too weak to travel
And once again, the disciples make the same mistake of seeking to know the “how” before answering Jesus’ call to serve
They say, where will we find food?
You might have thought that at about this point one of them would have noticed the pattern
“Hey guys, I think I’ve seen this movie before.”
And especially when they took inventory of the available food
When someone said we have seven loaves and some fish…surely they noticed the connection?
But once again, Jesus had to direct their steps, and once again they act as waiters for a crowd of many thousand
And once again, they receive their supply from the leftovers, putting the disciples at the end of the priority list in ministry
Obviously, these guys didn’t internalize the earlier lesson about service in ministry, but more importantly they haven’t yet figured out the love of God
They didn’t recognize that love bears all things and endures all things
It is kind, patient, does not seek its own
And in this case, the love of God extends beyond the Jewish people to any who call upon the name of Jesus
We can sum up the meaning of Jesus’ two journeys with His disciples by two points:
First, Jesus came to Israel but He also came for the world, and the Church must maintain that focus
And when I say world, I don’t mean simply geographically…I’m meaning ethnically
The Jews of Jesus’ day weren’t opposed to ministering across the globe…the problem was they would only minister to other Jews
But Jesus wanted His disciples to embrace faith wherever it presented itself
A Gentile woman crying out for relief had equal right to be heard as a Jewish mother crying for her child
And prejudice and bias is part of the pride and sin of the human heart, and we all bear it to a degree
Our Christian witness demands we set aside prejudice in all its forms to see every human being as a potential child of God
The disciples held that woman’s background against her, as evidenced in Matthew’s description of her as a Canaanite woman
They felt that the curse she knew as a descendent of Canaan meant she was undeserving of their mercy
But they failed to consider that all of us live under a curse, the curse God pronounced in the Garden for sin
And if He redeemed you by His grace, He can redeem anyone
In fact, did you notice the change in the number of the crowd?
In the first miracle, the number was 5,000, and 5 is the number in the Bible for grace
Christ was teaching His disciples what acting in grace looked like
But this time the number is 4,000, and the number 4 in the Bible stands for the world, the whole earth
Which was intended to teach the disciples that their ministry isn’t just to Jews…it’s to the whole world
Secondly, when the Lord wants to teach us something, we would do well to learn the lesson the first time, because otherwise we have to repeat it
As you’ve heard me say, there’s an easy way and a hard way to follow Christ
The easy way to learn lessons is to live with eyes wide open
We appreciate that everything we experience and everything that happens to us is a lesson sent to us from God for our benefit
And we also recognize that the best lessons in life can only be learned through trial and difficulty
In fact I like to say that if you’re experiencing a particularly bad trial, it’s a sign that the Lord has an especially important lesson He wants to teach
Consider the woman…had she never experienced her daughter being cruelly demon possessed, would she have met the Messiah?
And the same is true for us in our trials whatever they are
But if we live with our eyes down, on this world, then we may have to repeat lessons over and over again
Like the disciples who fed a second crowd of 4,000 so they could learn the lesson of sacrifice and service again
The Lord will use patterns in our life to get our attention and reinforce the point He’s making
So if you find yourself repeating the same trials over and over again, ask yourself, what is the lesson you’re not learning?
Our goal in this life isn’t merely surviving trials or even avoiding trials
This life is passing…the next life is the one we should be preparing for
So our goal in this life is to learn as much as we can, and thereby to please Christ as much as we can
So we can be as ready as possible for the Kingdom life to come