Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongA man once said:
That’s a noble statement, and it’s nothing surprising, since I’m sure we all agree with it
But what IS surprising is who said it: Richard Nixon
Whatever your politics, it’s easy to see the irony
Nixon championed the truth, until the truth came into conflict with his re-election campaign
And we do the same thing in our own ways…
Like Nixon, we all say we want to know and live by the truth but in reality we all have our own preferred view of truth
And when our preferred view comes into conflict with reality, our commitment to finding, speaking and living the truth falters
Both Jesus’ enemies and His disciples faced that challenge
And in today’s passage that opens Matthew 16, we find illustrations of both
As we always do, let’s start by revisiting our setting
At the end of Chapter 15, Jesus was in the Decapolis; the region of ten Greek cities on the eastern (or Gentile side) of the Sea of Galilee
He had healed and miraculously fed a large crowd of Gentiles
Through that experience, Jesus was trying to train His disciples on the true nature of shepherding during the Kingdom Program
That miracle, and the ones that preceded it, had exposed how far Jesus’ disciples had to go to learn that lesson
They kept asking Jesus to send the needy away rather than appreciating that they are the point of ministry
Their ignorance, especially at the beginning of their training, is often a source of humor in the Gospels, and we’ll see some of that today
But the story of the disciples’ bumbling is also a source of conviction and encouragement for us
On the one hand, it’s convicting to see that even those who walked closely with Jesus can still struggle at following Him well
That reminds us that we too have a long way to go in learning to be Jesus to the world
On the other hand, it’s encouraging to see how Jesus eventually elevated those men to lead the church in His absence
They may have begun their work confused and absorbed in petty, selfish concerns, but in the end they grew to be godly examples
So if they could begin their walk with Jesus so poorly yet finish so well, then there is hope for all of us by the grace of God
But let’s move on, as Jesus returns by boat with His disciples, sailing to the western shore of the Galilee, where our story resumes today
Leaving Chapter 15, Matthew tells us that Jesus came to a region of Magadan, but Mark says Jesus went to the district of Dalmanutha
Well, Magadan is the ancient name of Migdal (also known as Magdala), and Dalmanutha was the name for Magadan’s harbor
This place is perhaps best known as the home of Mary Magdalene
It’s located directly across the Sea of Galilee from the Decapolis
And as Jesus and the disciples land there, once again they are met by a delegation of the Pharisees
The Pharisees normally stayed in Jerusalem, which was a three-day walk south from here
They had traveled up to the Galilee earlier to confront Jesus over His claims to be Messiah
Then when Jesus traveled to the Diaspora with His disciples, these men stayed behind not wishing to enter Gentile territory
Yet when Jesus returned to Jewish soil a few days later, there they were, still in the Galilee, waiting for Him
That shows us how determined the Pharisees were to disrupt and discredit Jesus’ ministry
They aren’t there because they admired Jesus or because they had a sincere interest in knowing more about His ministry
They simply wanted to tear Him down
They were hypocrites…they were the opposite of who they pretended be in front of the crowds
And we can see that plainly in this passage
They again ask Jesus to perform another miraculous sign to prove His claims to be Messiah
But notice Matthew says they were testing Jesus by their question
By “test” Matthew means they were looking for a way to discredit Jesus in front of the crowd, if they could
And the test was to ask specifically for a sign from Heaven, as Matthew says in v.1
Pharisees knew that the devil and his agents could perform miraculous signs on earth, in the physical realm
The devil can counterfeit a physical healing or the manipulation of physical material like water or food
But they said that only God could perform a sign from Heaven
The problem is, what constitutes a sign from Heaven vs. one of earth?
Virtually any miracle that we could see here on earth would be, by definition, an earthly sign
So it was an ambiguous distinction that they could manipulate to suit their purposes
And in this case, it was how the Pharisees intended to trap Jesus
They ask Jesus for a sign from Heaven knowing that any sign Jesus performed could be called a “sign of the earth”
And in that way they could accuse Jesus of doing miracles by the power of Satan as they did before in Chapter 12
Now to the crowds, this careful investigation looked as if the Pharisees were simply doing their due diligence
In reality they were hypocrites working to discredit Jesus and diminish His authority and influence
Jesus knew their hearts, so in v.2 He doesn’t address their request directly, but instead He points out their hypocrisy and ignorance
He makes a comparison between reading weather signs and understanding the meaning of Jesus’ miracles
Men could look at and read the signs in the sky and make conclusions about the coming weather
If they saw a red sky at night, they would know the weather would be fair while a red sky in the morning meant a storm
You may have heard the old adage, “Red sky and night, sailor’s delight; red sky at morn, sailor be warned.”
But reading weather signs by looking at the clouds isn’t easy…it takes skill and experience
Even today a modern weatherman is often wrong
In fact, it’s the only job where being wrong 50% of the time is considered a good record
So if these men could discern the weather with such ambiguous signs, then they should have recognized their Messiah by His obvious signs
As Jesus asks in v.3, how can they discern the signs of the sky, yet not know the signs of the times?
Signs of the times simply refers to the miracles Jesus performed in their day
Those signs marked the first coming of the Messiah
Yet in the face of such overwhelming proof, the Pharisees continued to maintain that they needed more signs from Jesus
They were both hypocrites and ignorant
First, these men were hypocrites, because they weren’t sincerely seeking to know whether Jesus was the Messiah
They had false motives…they were pretending to be seriously considering the possibility that Jesus was the Messiah
In reality, Jesus simply wasn’t the kind of Messiah they imagined or desired
They expected the Messiah to look just like one of them…a super Pharisee, not a poor manual laborer from the Galilee
After they got one look at Jesus, they were committed to refuting and denying His signs, not understanding them
The irony is they tried to judge whether Jesus was truly the Messiah, when in reality they didn’t possess the ability to recognize the Messiah
That’s why Jesus chose the example of predicting weather as His illustration
These men were smart and they were learned, but all their smarts and learning were centered on the natural world
When it came to spiritual truth, they knew nothing of God, which was particularly ironic considering their profession
They knew their Mishnah backwards and forwards, and they memorized the Scriptures
But they couldn’t recognize the Messiah when He came for them
So it was ironic they asked Jesus for a sign from Heaven, when the only kind of signs they could understand were signs of earth
Our world is literally filled with people like the Pharisees, people who are incredibly smart and accomplished in the ways of this world
Yet at the same time, they are ignorant of spiritual truth, of the truth of what lies beyond this world
Truth about God’s realm, about heaven, hell, judgment and of the eternity that stretches out beyond the grave…
The understanding of those things lies beyond their comprehension, if they even give them a thought at all
And this is true even for “religious” people, because being religious isn’t the same thing as understanding spiritual truth
Consider the Pharisees again…they were the most religiously observant members of Jewish society you could find
Yet they were completely missing Jesus
Meanwhile, untrained, uneducated crowds recognized Jesus as Messiah
How was that possible? It’s possible because no one discovers the truth about God…not by their own intellect or education
We come to know the truth about God only because the Lord chooses to reveal Himself to us in a moment
As Jesus performed signs, some understood and others didn’t
Some were receiving the revelation of God and others weren’t
That’s still the case today…the Lord reveals Himself through the testimony found in the word of God
But without the Spirit teaching us what Scripture means, we can’t understand it, Paul told us
Understanding the meaning of spiritual truth requires that God make it known to us
And this isn’t just true of unbelievers like the Pharisees, it’s also true of believers like the disciples themselves
Later in v.15 of this chapter, Jesus will ask the disciples who they say He is, and Peter will say You are the Christ, the Messiah
Naturally, we assume Peter came to that understanding by reasoning it out having seen the signs and heard the teaching
Certainly that’s what Peter assumed
But as we will learn next week, that’s not how it actually happened
Jesus tells Peter that His faith wasn’t the result of human intellect or reasoning but was the result of the Father revealing it to him
That’s how everyone receives spiritual truth, and self-evidently the Pharisees had not received such a revelation
Which is why they continued to seek for signs
That’s why the church is called to go out seeking for the lost, declaring the Gospel for the ears that will hear
We can’t argue a closed heart to open, nor can we bring spiritual insight to the blind
Only God can do those things…but hallelujah that God does do those things!
We are God’s messengers whenever we share the truth of Jesus
But whether a heart receives our message or not depends on whether the Lord is at work revealing Himself to that person
Without the revelation of the Spirit, the word of God will be nonsense to them…they can’t understand it, Paul says
So in place of the word, they will seek for signs, and the enemy is more than happy to give them signs to distract them
Notice in v.4 Jesus refused the Pharisees’ request for more signs repeating what He said in Chapter 12, that there would be no more signs
Only one final sign would be given, the sign of Jonah, which is Jesus’ term for His resurrection after three days in the grave
The time for convincing Israel that Jesus was their Messiah ended back in Chapter 12, so He wasn’t playing their game
That’s the danger of unbelievers seeking for signs…they perpetuate the myth that we find God and that the search is never ending
The Bible says that God has revealed Himself to us in His Son Jesus, so we do not need to search on our own
And even if we tried, we couldn’t go to Heaven to find the truth nor will spiritual truth be found in searching the natural world
As Paul says in Romans:
The word of faith, our confession in Christ, brings us to God, yet that confession itself isn’t something we go searching for
God brings it to us, it’s near to us Paul says, ultimately His divine revelation of Jesus as Messiah enters our heart and leaves our mouth
So for an unbeliever, seeking for signs is not a means to the truth, it’s a dangerous distraction…and the same can happen to the believer too
And Matthew shows us the danger of signs for the believer in the second half of the story today
In v.5 we’re told that they set sail again, and Mark tells us they landed in Bethsaidsa, the place where Jesus fed the five thousand earlier
And that detail makes the conversation that followed all the more ironic
As they set sail, the disciples realize they hadn’t packed enough food for the trip
Mark tells us that they had only one loaf of bread for the group
I can imagine the conversation and finger-pointing that took place in the boat…
Now while the disciples are fretting over lunch, Jesus tries to turn their minds back to more important matters
He says beware the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees
And Mark records that Jesus also said the leaven of Herod
Leaven in the Bible is a picture of sin in any form, but Jesus makes it more specific in this case
The sin of the Pharisees was seeking the Kingdom by self-righteousness, legalism in the form of Pharisaic Judaism
They pursued external piety absent inward godliness
So they opposed Jesus because He rejected the rules of the Mishnah and threatened to tear down Pharisaic Judaism
The sin of the Sadducees was seeking the Kingdom in worldliness, in wealth and power
The Sadducees exploited their role as overseers of the temple to enrich themselves
They turned religion into a money-making enterprise and they worshipped the wealth it gave them
So they opposed Jesus because He said it was wrong to make the temple into a place of business and a den of thieves
And the sin of the Herodians was in seeking the Kingdom through the government and social order of the Roman Empire
Herodians supported Roman rule and sought to bring the Kingdom to the earth through the institutions of government
So they opposed Jesus because of His claims to being Israel’s Messiah, the King coming to offer a new Kingdom
So Jesus tells His disciples to beware of those negative, sinful influences in their own ministry
In other words, don’t fall for the temptation to substitute easier, earthly goals for the higher spiritual goals of the Kingdom Program
Don’t substitute self-righteous legalism for the grace of the New Covenant
You didn’t find righteousness by doing good works and you can’t make yourself more righteousness now by inventing new rules
And don’t try to obtain your Kingdom reward in this world by pursuing earthly pleasures
If you trade pursuit of God for pursuit of wealth, you’re trading eternal riches for things destined to burn up
It’s a fool’s bargain and it’s a distraction
And don’t put your trust in government or any institution of this world hoping to obtain things that will only be found in the next world
Social justice, equality, and the like are noble goals and worthy of our support and involvement…
But not if that support comes at the expense of investing our time, talent and treasure in building the Kingdom to come
So Jesus says beware the leaven of these groups, but the disciples hear something completely different
In v.7 Matthew says the men assume that Jesus was making some oblique reference to their error in not bringing bread
Here’s what they thought…they knew they didn’t have bread, so that meant they would have to buy bread from someone
And they thought Jesus was pointing out their mistake when He warned them not to buy bread from Pharisees and Sadducees
So they probably started arguing over whose fault it was
Jesus hears this argument and reacts in disgust over their ignorance
In v.8 He says they are men of little faith
In the past couple of weeks or so, they have witnessed Jesus provide bread for thousands of people on two separate occasions
And yet here they are worried about where their next meal was going to come from
It’s a display of little faith, and the irony is they are doing much the same thing that the Pharisees had just done
Those miracles were intended to be a message for these men…among other things it showed that the Lord they serve will be their provider
But they missed the sign because their hearts were hard, they were resistant to receiving spiritual truth
They apparently gave little thought to the spiritual significance of what happened in each case
So that now when their food supplies run low, they are caught thinking of earthly things
Jesus points out their foolishness in vs.9-11…didn’t they notice how the two miraculous feedings ended?
They had baskets left over following each event
In the case of the five thousand, there were twelve baskets left over, one for each man
And the number 12 represents God ruling through human government
So He was saying I will work through your hands and care for you in the process
And in the case of the four thousand, there were seven baskets remaining
Obviously, the twelve shared the bread from those seven baskets
And seven is the number of perfection or completion (like 100%), indicating God’s perfect plan
Were those results purely random? What are the odds that after feeding thousands of people, the leftovers numbered exactly 12 and 7?
Does that sound like a coincidence to you? Or does it sound like God’s calling card, something to remind us that He’s in charge?
The answer is easy, and it should have been easy for the disciples too
Which is why Jesus says in v.11 that they should have known Jesus wasn’t worried about physical bread
That was the least of His concerns, and it should have been the least of their concerns too
The disciples were suffering from the same problem as the Pharisees, though in an opposite sense
The Pharisees couldn’t make sense of the signs Jesus performed because they lacked divine insight to understand them
So instead, they kept looking for signs to fill that gap
And signs and wonders can’t substitute for spiritual insight…they are merely a distraction
The disciples couldn’t understand Jesus’ teaching because they weren’t accustomed to using the spiritual insight made available to them
Back in Mark 8:18 Jesus told them they had eyes but did not see, they had ears but did not hear…
In other words, by their faith in Jesus, they had received divine insight to know spiritual truth, but they weren’t using it
God had given them spiritual eyes and ears, so to speak, and yet they were still thinking in worldly ways
So when Jesus says beware leaven, He’s speaking of the great spiritual battle every believer faces against sin
It’s a continual struggle to avoid temptations of self-righteousness, greed and the pride of life in this world
But rather than hear it in those terms, they think He’s upset at not having bread for the trip
Yet all they needed to do was remember the events of the previous two weeks to know that couldn’t be Jesus’ concern
So if the Pharisees were too interested in Jesus’ signs, the disciples weren’t giving Jesus’ signs enough thought
They took His miracles for granted, it seems, and in the process they missed the meaning of them
And that too is a danger for all of us
Just like we can repeat the mistake of the Pharisees by seeking for too many signs, we can also ignore the ones we do receive
Do you remember the story of Elijah in 1 Kings 19? Let me remind you of it briefly, because it’s an excellent illustration of this problem
The prophet is upset at God for failing to bring a great revival in Israel through Elijah’s ministry
So the prophet demands an audience before God at Mt. Horeb, the mountain where God met Moses
During that audience, God chastises Elijah for abandoning his post in Israel
And to teach Elijah a lesson about how God works, the Lord gives the prophet a demonstration
He placed Elijah in a cleft of the rock so Elijah could witness the glory of God passing by as Moses did
But first, God causes earthquakes, fire and great wind to appear before Elijah, but the Lord was not present in these moments
Then the Lord brings a soft breeze and the text says His presence was found in that breeze
God’s point to Elijah was that He didn’t usually work through great signs and miracles
Neither in the course of world events nor in our own lives
Only rarely does God part a Red Sea or call fire down from Heaven
Instead, the Lord usually works in quiet, almost undetected moments, like a soft breeze we barely notice
In the hearts of people around us, in the subtle ways He directs our steps throughout the day
Most of all, through simple lesson from His word that changes our outlook and causes us to live differently
If we’re paying attention closely, if we train ourselves to think spiritually, we can follow and serve Him now
But if we’re seeking God in big displays of power like Elijah, then we’re going to miss the work of God happening all around us
If our eyes are on this world…thinking about our next meal, our next business deal, our next purchase, or our next conquest…
Then we won’t recognize spiritual truth when it crosses our path
We can’t follow Jesus like Pharisees, demanding sign after sign from God without understanding what they mean
And all the while, the word of God is right here ready to reveal spiritual truth to us
Neither can we think like the disciples in that boat missing spiritual truth because we’re preoccupied solving problems of this world…problems that Jesus has already solved for us
Live in the light of the counsel of God’s word, train yourself to see and hear spiritual truth, and don’t let the world pull you off the goal
Serve Jesus with eyes for eternity, not dependent on signs, but resting in His work and His truth